(2013/01) Jan 2013


MIL asked me out for dinner but went to a foodcourt which has no stores open and a beverage store closing. Asked her to go other places, she insisted that she can just order hot milo ?!

& the moment MIL saw us, she held #1 and pull her away from me. Then #1 keep turning her head and calling for mummy. She walked so fast I couldn't even catch up with her and she didn't even want to release #1 till we reached that empty foodcourt.

The most interesting thing was she took the cheesecake that she said to give to #1 and ate it with her sis....... gave #1 bread and then after seeing her eating bread, asked if she wanted cheesecake. When #1 shaked her head, both of them finish the whole cheese cake ( breaktalk ) even without asking me do I want to eat it. I was totally invisble and ignored.

#1 saw I didn't eat share her bread with me.. Imagine #1 & me eating 1 mini croissant each for dinner.

Then till 9pm + then they said they were hungry and went to macdonald. By then I was totally not even felt like eating, so I share kid's meal with #1. Then she said why I didn't let #1 eat the whole meal( #1 dun like burger & nuggets). & even insisted she share her corn with #1 and put 2 pieces of margarine in that corn. I stopped her as #1 dun like margarine and she said why I dun give & I got scolded.

So when I went home, had a big melt down and then HB raised his ban when he heard what happ.

At least from now till next year dunno when, I dun hv to see her!!

LM, Fullhouse.. haha.. I thot I m the only odd one who dun like visitors during confinement.. Lol! Not that I dun appreciate that they come over to concern abt us, but its just that "if u come my hse visit me, how can I be in the room sleep or rest without entertaining u? " right? Funny mah.. My hb's 姑姑s and 阿姨s will pop by to visit. And they can stay for hours. They kept telling me u go to rest, but how to rest? They talking so loud. Learnt my lesson from #1 too.. Hopefully this time round no one comes over cos it's CNY period! Lol! Agreed that shld wait until full month then come, so that we can get more peaceful rest mah..

Snowger, last time round, becos one of the days my mum had to go home to pray god, so my mil volunteered to come and takeover during my confinement. My mum actually can dun go back, cos my dad can pray. but mil insisted saying its ok, she can come over.. Guess what? She brought the eldest niece over, and stayed for the night. Niece kept jumping excitedly beside baby until we told her baby sleeping dun disturb. Then she go on tv, play with tv.. Argh! She almost pressed the button on the SCV remote to play with the SCV paid games! I oso feel if mil around No peace since she will definitely bring along her grandkids! Haiz!
Oh, one incident during her stay, she was helping us to clean our house, I know that's kind of her, but I left my bag with my wallet on the ironing board in the study room, dunno how she packed. A few days later when I was searching high and low for my wallet, I found my whole bag in a bag of clothes which I left in a corner. One of the place which we will never thot of lor! Somemore since my bag was open, she dunno my wallet inside meh? Made me searched for it for a few days.

LM, actually my mum also said all veggies cooling, so she only cooked kailan for me everyday until I told her my fren eating broccoli, then broccoli was added into my menu. So that's y my hb kept complaining I always ate the same dish every day lor... Precisely y my mil is in the picture now.. Haiz!
ginger still not that bad, unless baby got jaundice and is bfding. like my case, i told my mum not to put too much ginger cos my #1 had slight jaundice when he was discharged. But for my mil, she used alcohol in her every dish! She steamed fish put rice wine so much that after steaming, I ate and I was drunk that I had to go and sleep immediately! Cos I can't hold my liquor mah, my whole face red lor, then she know I m drunk, but she insisted steam oredi no alcohol. I think amount too much, steam too short time, that's y alcohol still there.. Lucky hb around, he believed that I m drunk cos I seldom like that..
@ snowger,Yup the nurse did said is based on first come first serve but nvm la...just pre-booked first =) hopefully will still have the room that i want on my delivery day =)
Fullhouse, for all the grilling meat stuff in oven, do the oil splatter while grilling? I dare not try due to not sure on cleaning part. So my antique oven so far is only for cookies & cakes only.

Sylvia, your mil don't know pregnant you need to eat? Is she all along so insensitive?
Wow Sylvia
Why on earth were you out with her wo your hb? Your first time? She's strange, she eats dinner very very late? I empathize, coz my in laws eat dinner at around 9pm too. If my children are with them , theyll get fed at 6pm then a supper at 9pm lol...

Once in a while I'm fine, but I'll go crazy if my children were taken care of by them; lights off at 8pm latest at home.

Most meats don't splatter unless you are grilling pork rinds :D... Ovens are easy to clean. Just use baking soda mxed with water to wipe or oven cleaner to wipe. I don't do it after e ery meal lah... (I know some womanwill wince at this)., but I use it a few times a week so clean once a week will do heee
Early in morning maid piss me off, these few days have been going to market every morning to buy things becos she keep forgetting things.. Things that runs out earlier, she shld consolidate a list for me, yet everyday tell me one item... I knew those item she could have told me earlier... I can ask hubby to buy one shot... I question her," do u expect me to go mkt everyday with my big tummy becos u forget ....?" She replied "yes !" Almost fainted..
Fullhouse, nickole,
Haha I'm actually toying with the idea of not mass informing pple about my delivery until like 2 weeks later! Just parents, pil, very very close friends who won't come and squat at my place... So at least ill have some peace and quiet until bfding is established, any jaundice issues are cleared up, no more engorgement etc. even at the hospital I don't want to entertain pple when I've just spent half a day pushing a human out from below. =p
Dunno if my plan can succeed.

Yup I realise that. This morning I've been alone with my daughter and she's less cranky so I'm less irritable too. It really helped me not scream at her.

#1 had jaundice and was readmitted after 1 week for 'suntanning'. At the time I wasn't very sure of things but I did think I shd cut back on ginger. However mil still insisted on putting lots of ginger in everything and I was pumping milk. She also put the rice wine in all the meats, which made evrything very sweet. Not looking forward to the alcoholic one month.

Btw, what is the list of veges that are not cooling? I better find out so I can suggest to my confinement lady. TIA!
Morning mummies!!

So many posts to read coz wasnt online yest..

Ovens: guess will get built in ones when i get my house.. Gd point fm nickole on the eye level thingy.. Thanks!! Will take note.

MILs: well, wonder y they r so like tat.. They were once DILs too.. Maybe change wif age? Hopefully next time when i old wont like tat can liao.. Bt reli sympatise wif sylvia.. Lucky for me, my in laws dont go out 1.. And i mean reli no go out. They onli leave the house for work or for marketing. All meals eaten at hm, including wkends. I tink they very rich lor.. Coz no eat out 1 mah.. Even cny oso no eat out. Bt weird 1 la.. Like last cny we ate reunion lunch wif my in laws, and normally will eat steamboat than all sit together cook the food n eat rite? MIL is cook all the ingredients in the kitchen and then take out the whole pot of soup wif the ingredients inside put in living rm and say, u all eat 1st.. This considered reunion meh? Like normal day leh, oso never eat together.. Bt who cares.. They wan like tat than we juz eat lor. Lucky she oso bochup.. Like i preggy she oso never say or ask anything.. Doubt she even know when i due. Previously tot of confinement half a mth at in law house coz #1 cc nearer there, bt am sooooo glad end up decided whole mth confinement at mum place. Coz she everything oso bochup, doubt she will help take care of bb or #1 or wash clothes or anything. Mayb tats the reason y my mum insisted i stay her house instead.. At least i'll get all the help i need fm my mum..

Confinement food: mum did use ginger during #1 confinement and bb jaundice kept fluctuating.. So told her to either don put or reduce amt, she onli reduce coz say ginger can rid wind.. My ger jaundice onli recovered after 2mths. As for wine, she put abit onli. I did read tat for wine, if bf, can eat, bt either u pump or bf b4 eating, if nt than u eat already wait at least 2-3hrs b4 bf, to wait for alcohol to 'disappear'..

Was telling hubby need create a list for him 'things to bring from in law place to my mum place' coz we staying at in law place. He still can ask me bout hospital bag.. Nt so ignorant after all!! Bt well, will pack it next wk after gynae visit.. Will be 36wks then. Have told bb nt to come out too early.. If nt cannot c fireworks.. Haha!!
fullhouse, my BIL is divorced so his kiddos are squatting with my in laws permanently. My MIL is a housewife and my FIL is in the sales line. My MIL had plans for my FIL to babysit the 2 kids while she "moves" to my place as a full time CL (day and night). But my FIL can't be rejecting sales calls/etc for the whole month right? So I suspect when he is busy or needs to run around, the "whole kampung" will be squatting at my place!!! I do pity the kids la cos after the parents divorced, they usually will see me and hb in a different light - like my niece used to tell me "How I wish I can stay with you all". Cos at least the family is "complete".
Oh yah.. Oso about pple visiting.. Tink my frenz all quite zi dong, coz they never visit me.. Either know i need rest or they nt free la.. Haha!! Bt gd la, coz can rest.. My relatives oso onli a few came, coz tat time was during cny.. So nt many pple came. Tat was a gd thing.. This time it'd b before cny, guess shd b nt alot of pple visit oso bah, coz all busy preparing for cny? Hehe!! I oso prefer nt to have pple visiting..
Snowger: yup.. Quite sad for young kidz whose parents are divorced.. Nt their fault.. I have a cousin whose parents are divorced too, bt wasted, he mixed wif the wrong company.. Thou my relatives all despise him coz of tat, bt i like to think tat it's coz he's trying to seek attention coz he nt getting the love n attention he needs from parents. And when we were all young my others aunts n granny alwaz pick on him, say he very notti.. Bt i tink he's juz trying to seek attention. So esp if they're young, need to reli keep an eye on them, and provide the love n care they are missing fm a complete family.
nikole, yah it's difficult when we always enjoy the peace and suddenly there is an injection of noise! And to make things worse, post partum is a sensitive period! We want our rest and peace!!!
sigh.. though during confinment for #1, my mom helped me out during the day and then she went back home at night..
through out the confinement, MIL and BIL came to disturb. what piss me off totally was, this MIL was damn bossy. she keep insisting us to do things/place things her way. even 'auto' shifted the things when we didnt do her bidding.
she can even tell us what to do and how to go about doing it..

this wasnt all. she clearly had no idea how to put on a diaper and yet she insisted so. end up, poo leaked out from diaper. keep forcing my boy to drink faster from bottle (when, naturally, for babies, they suck breathe suck breathe rest).

when i was Breastfeeding my boy, she insisted for BIL to come into the room and see!!!

all these while, my husband didnt say a single word but kept coming up excuses for his mama! and throughout her visits to my place, the TV volume is on to the max..

really envy those mummies whose hubs actually stand by them!

this round, they be coming to stay but MIL defintely not doing confinement for me.. i dread to think what is going to happen and also on my electricity and water bills.. they are big user of electricity and water.

MIL only showed her true self when I preg with #1. We informed her that we gng to her hse for dinner, she cooked kiam cai, kang kong for dinner, no meat, no fish. The other time last min went, she cooked 帝皇鸡 & other good food. Then I realised wat a person she was.

& what happ during confinement, I started to avoid contact with her.

But this year, she suddenly become calling us out for dinner very often.

the other unpleasant incident was my birthday, she asked me out for dinner but I was sick & nt feeling well. In the end, still went after HB called her.

1st time she saw me, told me not to wear short... then pointed at my top & said so short, dun wear. It was showing abit of the tummy when I sit down and didn't get to pull it down immediately.

U know wat she ordered in Japanese restaurant? All deep fried stuff and seafood - crab,etc which I couldn't eat.......... So I order a bento set with dishes for me & #1. Then she kept pushing those deep fried food to me & tell me must eat n fin. I only took one. Was very sick already & preg too, still hv to entertain....

yes 1st time without HB as he needs to work. That's why was making noise when she insisted that #1 & I were to go down. My legs were already swollen and had problem walking, yet she still insist.

Oh!! She also made us stand and wait for her for 1 hour......

Actually she eat very early and sleeps ard 9.30pm. That's why I also dun understand how come no food still don't go and find food & only ate at 9pm+ at Macdonald.

Like really out to ter kang.

When she heard hb coming to fetch us back, she insisted to wait for him so that he can send her back. The reason was she can save $30!

Do u know fm my hse to her hse is 40 mins drive as it's totally different corner in Sg. But she wasn't happy when hb wanted to send us back 1st esp #1 was yawning. She got even more upset when she heard that #1 & I would be going out on Sun for show and whisper to HB why I always go out with #1 without hb.......

Really nightmare. :p

So at least I have peace as I can dun need to meet her esp CNY!!! as I'll in confinement.

why ask BIL to see ur bf??

like a post I saw the mum brought relatives and sit around the new wedding couple & see them how they make love??? Really dun understand.

Snowger, think niece really envy ur complete family. But all in ur hse is a NO NO. They also need more love & attention.
sylvia > ur MIL is quite a monster too.. really hope u can have minimum contact with ur MIL. pray she wont come 'visit' u with her relatives during ur confinement.. as this round, is during CNY..

re ask BIL to see me bf.. weird lor.
this, i totally have no idea.. but i really hated it. she either doesnt believe i am feeding or she has something up her mind..

julie > think MILs either forgotten the 'sufferings' they went thru as a DILs. or they want to pass on the sufferings to their DILs. some, like face. being MILs, they want to show off to others, they have obedient DILs.. some MILs, might not realise their actions are irritating, etc..

on ppl visiting during confinement, think is quite subjective. some may like the 'break away from bb' , some might welcome the company (got ppl to talk to) as staying home for the whole month, can be quite suffocating..
Moonchip: i oso tink so.. Coz i rem hubby gt tell me bout his granny (passed away when he was young) had senile dementia and needed quite abit of caring after and my MIL did take care coz stay their house. Bt dono if she gt suffer or not.. Coz hubby say he was alwaz sent away to aunt's place (which he likes coz gt cousins to play wif n no mummy nagging at him to study) haha!! Bt lucky she nt those bullying MIL, juz a very bochup MIL, which i prefer la. Onli thing i don like is she anyhow give junk to my #1.. Like choc, sweets (nt gummy, so is very hard).. Tat day gave her longan (the whole thing) and told her to spit out seed. 2yr old know how to spit out seed meh? She gt spit out la, bt together with the longan.. Haiz.. Than give her thing to eat never wash her hands.. So unhygienic...

As for pple visiting, true tt quite contradicting la, like if gt alot pple visiting u hope they disappear so no need entertain. Bt if no1 visit, feel so poor thing like tat.. Haha!! Bt i don mind no1 visit la, coz bf take a long time, if gt visitor, cannot entertain n oso they cannot c bb, paiseh..
Finally got time to 'beo' the thread...

Hugs to all mummies who have monster-in-law. Think I got to hug my MIL after reading all your posts.. cos thou sometimes I can't stand her way of doing things, it is really nothing as compared to yours. When I had my no 1, she was not happy that I insisted on getting CL instead of letting her doing it... but she still asked my hubby to give in everything to me.. I'm grateful for that.. Anyways, I still prefer her to take care my kids as i can see that she really dote on my boy very much. A peace of mind when 'own people' be it parents or inlaws are the caregiver (thou I know some might not agreed with me lah).
julie > it must be tough on ur MIL, having to take care of the granny. not easy, and ur MIL had to 'sacrifice her time with ur hubby.. but still.. lucky u

whatever it is, generally it is never easy to live with MILs. lots of compromising and friction. got to 'ren ren ren', else it will take a toll on relationship with hubs
Moonchip: yup, tats y i admire her for tat too.. Somemore FIL is those kind never move his butt fm the chair in front of tv 1.. So she's doing almost everything herself.. Bt FIL does wash the dishes after dinner (his n MILs) and mops the floor on wkends.. So nt so bad.. Bt i consider myself lucky as compare to some of u.. Coz MIL don reli bother us.. The most onli when #1 is sick than she will keep calling us bring her go c doc or keep calling us give her meds to eat. Even if its juz a cough out of nowhere, mayb choke on water or saliva, she'd go, 'call mummy give u medicine!!' And dono y my ger loves to eat meds and she'd come and keep saying wanna eat meds even thou nt sick.. Haiz.. She juz recovered fm cough n flu recently and MIL still gave my ger choc yest.. Bt i didnt give my ger eat.. Hide the choc and brought her to bath. Lucky she forgot bout it after the bath.. Haha!! Told hubby to tell MIL don give her eat choc hubby still ask y.. My reasoning was i don wan my ger haven 3yr old full of decayed tooth.. Nt a bad reason mah.. Coz my nephew had quite a few decayed tooth oso ard 3yr old and suffered quite abit when went dentist to remove..
julie > in a way, she is concern. that is why she will ask u all to bring kid to see doc. as when kid is sick, whole family suffers.. but funny leh.. just recovered and she can give choco to the kid..
Moonchip: ya, quite irritating coz she gives junk to my ger n expects her to be fit like a bull? Than when sick say is coz we on aircon.. (She slp non aircon rm). Tat day still tell my ger to slp without aircon coz my ger came to the rm tell me don wan aircon.. So i aske her go slp wif her granny lor bt my ger say don wan.. Than end up say wan aircon.. Haha!! Coz we onli on a few hrs, for rm to cool down and after tat is fan onli. When fan onli my ger sweat like hell already.. Sometimes after bath wear long sleeves already and she play in living rm, come back to the rm all sweaty.. Aiyooooo...
@ sylvia, why she ask bil to see bf? It very personal unless he is a pro lactation lor.. stupid mil...

@ Moonchip, imagine if a guy will divorce wife becos of mother if the wife cant get along with his mother... it a shock to know it after been in marriage for few yrs...
@ Julie, high 5 to the unmoveable butt of fil infront of tv, morever will off my #1 tv show just becos he wants to watch his....

Am waiting for my place to come... dont like to stay with them...

I know many men divorce becoz of their mothers leh.
That's why sometimes they said when u married, it's married the whole family......

The bil see bf is moonchip, nt me. I will fire her head off if she does that.

Visit during confinement. I rather not as anytime need to bf or rest and still hv to entertain wor.

Ya... suddenly being reminded confinement during CNY means... someone might wanna kepo & bring relatives hor.

Ok, hv to think of lame excuses just in case esp this is the 2nd boy in the family & she didn't get to even hold or play with the 1st one born this year. She commented with a very thick smell of vinegar that that is a boy and a baobei as they wont let her carry.

She thinks my kids all her toys loh. play play, poo n throw back without even telling and once change, quickly took back again... like I'm the nurse in hospital while she is the mum!
julie > older generations might not like idea of kiddies staying in aircon. they rather see kiddies sweat.

sylvia > ya, i should fire her head off. so stupid of me. let her think she can bully me! >.<
same. MIL will play play and give all sorts of suggestion on taking care of bb. then when bb poo, faster throw back to me!
must learn from u mummies how to deal/handle with such Monsters.. am too soft, she keep taking inches when i gave a yard.

yup. is only after marriage then i finally understand 'marriage is between 2 families'. u dont marry the man/woman. u marry the family too.. zZz. yup. also seen ppl who divorce due to MIL problem.. Sigh.. who knows, one day it might be my turn.

bliss > am xinyue la. but i changed nick. not shocking. is more of 'why didnt i open my eyes' to see clearly before marriage. should have known spouse and his/her family is a package. need to choose carefully.
Bliss: same too.. Am dying to move out. Juz now saw onli e progress of construction of my new place, construction of the building done! As in built till highest floor liao!! Bt haven fixed windows n painting n all la.. Bt hopefully by next yr..

Moonchip: bt diff pple diff i guess. Coz when my ger sweat at mum place she'd wanna wipe her down or bath her coz so sweaty n sticky, like so uncomfy. Mayb oso coz my mum slp aircon rm, so she's ok wif aircon. Bt MIL doesnt use aircon so she prefer every1 don use. When we 1st fixed aircon in the rm she oso gt niam to hubby.. And guess wat? They dont have water heater in their house!! I insisted on fixing 1 when we gt married, if nt everyday bath cold water i'll die!! Bt this they never niam la, coz they get to use it mah.. Another thing is their toilet is squat 1.. Actualli hubby did suggest fixing a sitting toilet, coz i have difficulty esp now preggy using the squat toilet.. Bt told him nvm la, don waste the $$ since we'll be moving out once house ready.. And they oso don appreciate the stuff we do.. Fix water heater they never niam bt ask y wanna fix.. End up using it oso wat.. Nt say we call them pay.. Haizzz.. Mayb too old fashion thinking..

think they just take things for granted. if u add, then they use.


sometimes is endure coz respect them but they dun think so. Like MIL's 1st DIL, she actually will slam the rice cooker if the food MIL cook is nt what she wants and storm back to rm. I dun.

Anything happ to her son aka hb is my responsiblity nt hers. &amp; I am expect to work nt be SAHM. But..... even I nt SAHM, also nt her chance since she cant even bring up her kids properly.

I did something bad just now.. ask #1 谁疼你, 妈咪还是奶奶? #1 think think and then smile and said MUMMY!! LOL!! must start to ground this fact.

Ah ma is for my mum who has passed away and this is something we argued &amp; I insisted as how can use same title with someone who passed away. :p

My lame excuse was 奶奶 was taught in sch so must standardise!! LOL!
LM, i think kailan and broccoli not cooling the rest i dunnoe. i see confinement catering menus like all veggies can eat wor.. haha... dun tink too much. just eat whatever ur CL cook for u, unless she totally avoid veggies in ur menu

possible to keep it secret dun let ppl know u deliver liao meh? haha.. i think its hard since if pil, parents all know liao. cos the whole family clan will know too.
as for Jaundice, my mum bought a 'herb' from chinese medical hall called 'ng kee' in dialect. for baby to bath in the yellow water and keep a few under his pillow to get rid of the jaundice. my mum brought my boy for suntanning under morning sun ard 8+am for 15mins everyday which helps too. he cleared his jaundice within one week he was born, but i still continue to minimise eating ginger throughout lah.

i really hope i can rest properly this time round for confinement, but i think will be hard with my #1 around. haha. but other than that, i prefer no visitors the better!! heehee.. hopefully everyone go cny visiting elsewhere but not to my hse!!

Sylvia, i think my mil same as ur mil in a way that she knew we are going for dinner, but she din say she not cooking. not say during pregnancy period, normal days not preg oso like that. when we reached there, then she say what u all want to eat, ask fil to ta-bao back. sianz! i thot go over can have homecooked food since she can cook, but she always said she is tired after work, dun feel like cooking. aiyah. then dun ask us go over lor. we can go out eat mah. give her chance to cook, she dun cook. dun wan her to cook she will insist to cook!

Julie, my mil pattern same too. Reunion dinner, she prepared everything then say u all eat first!! then my hb rebuked her and say we all eat first then not reunion dinner liao. wer got ppl eat separately still call reunion dinner? normal days oso never eat together one. always say "u all eat first, i m tired, i rest first."
Many kids will get jaundice so dun have to worry lah. My children will def get it coz my hb and I have erhmmm forgot the technical term for it... Something-something incompatibility. Our blood group incompatible lah. My boy got it real real high, icu level;D... My girl was more prolonged but milder...

Lol. Hugs hugs... Just try less contact while your hormones are raging lah. Good that our Edds all nearer CNY, can even use that as an excuse not to go visitation :p

I'm so super duper tired these days. Never ending chores... And still debating if I should get a helper. My nesting instinct have not kicked in yet leh. No motivation to pack or do anything at all. But trying to organize school stuff for next year so the transition will be easier.

Meet ups
No news huh. so I guess it'll be post CNY next year with our brand new addition!
Posted on Thursday, December 06, 2012 - 12:06 am:       
Dear ladies I have delivered on 27 Nov via emerg csec. Original due date was 8 Dec. will be blogging Abt it at http://lifeafterbfp.blogspot.sg and would like to read yours too if you have a blog so we can share the journey of a newborn baby together

Meanwhile I have purchased after much research the Aden and Anais swaddle muslin. It's a pack of 4 but I only need 2 to rotate for washing. These are much bigger and very good for Sg weather. For sale the 2 pieces brand new in plain white and with blue lions. $24 pickup at Tiong bahru mrt. I will pack in original packaging to proof authenticity. Pls contact me if keen. Pls see pic here http://m.toysrus.com/skava/static/product.html?type=TRU_product_us&amp;url=%2Fproduct%2Findex.jsp%3FproductId%3D4001836&amp;domain=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.toysrus.com
Note this is only for the plain and the blue lion : total 2 pcs only. Thanks.
Can't sleep well whole of last night... No position seems to be comfortable..so tired

Yesterday celebrated my hubby's birthday, bought a durian cake, break fast by eating the cake although I know sugar is high... Hehehe although its school holiday and a lot of Xmas shopping around but it's a pity I keep staying home ... Diff to walk, so tempted to go taka haiz now can't go anywhere , when bb is out even not possible liao
Aspialle : me too. I don't sleep well every nite! Worst still is that #1 is sleeping in between me &amp; hubby. Let me sleep with us for the past few days due to fever. Need to constantly monitoring him. Thank goodness he is well enough to go to childcare today. Has trouble getting outta bed to pee or do anything. Feeling kinda vexed! But been telling myself that just have to endure another 1mth before #2 is born!
Another 2 working weeks before i go for my annual leave then maternity leave.

Let's jiayou together!

Good morning to all!

By the way, bought a small tin of FM (similac)- 400g @ giant over the weekend. I think it costs $16.90, initially wanna buy mamilgold but outta stock.

I think all things ready except for the confinement food. I must seriously start packing my hospital bag this weekend.
canopy > Similac Stage 1, 400g @ $16.90?

nickole > MIL knew we are visiting and she doesnt even bother to cook! she expects us to ta bao our own food to eat at her place, or go out to eat with her.. yeah, with #1 around, hard to rest.. and now that they are approaching the terrible two stage.. more headache.

sylvia > i endure is out of respect for my hubs and also to give him face. felt it is silly to spoil our relationship because of the MIL. not that i respect the MIL. dont think u did something bad.. u r just starting early to instill in ur kid, that granny no good lor. smart of u to do in in an indirect way. maybe i should start too..

humph for me. anything that happens to my #1, is our (my mom and me) responsibility. even though it was her son (my hubs) who is eyeing #1 when incident happens. when in front of her relatives, she will brag and brag about #1's pattern/habit so as to let ppl thought that she is very 'concern' about #1's development..

julie > ya, different ppl, different thinking. more like they dont want to fork out $$ to re-do toilet, install heater. but when someone does it, they put up a good act and make lots of noise. Then take the advantage lor. Sickening! my MIL and BIL are exactly like that.

yeah, doing confinement during CNY period gives an excuse for not visiting, but that doesnt mean relatives wont pop by our place. hubs might just bring along #1 for visiting and we are stuck at home..
@ moonchip, oh no wonder never see u ard.. hehehe, sorry didn realised nick had changed..sometimes before marriage, the so called "mil" still has tail behind back.. Once we become DIL, the tail is unleash...

Hub will bring #1 over to mil place cos I be doing confinement at my mum place... But I only allow 2 hrs then she has to be back with me cos they are not careful and especially they boil and cook, they only look after themselves plus hub will entertain his relatives so i not sure where my gal will be lor.. I scare if accidently the soup pour over on her..

Must really choose carefully.. so next time tell our kids not to be love blinded...

Mu hub loves his mum and it not wrong to do so BUT Must be fair lor.. If mother in wrong then still rebuke the wife, I think it just not fair for us who give birth to his kids and are not been appreciated...
@ Julie, yes yes... once have new hse, we can call the shot in our own hse... hehehehe.. lets jia you...
@ canopy, I like Similac... It works well for #1 and her stool is soft and no colic... Will get #2 to be on similac.. Like the taste and smell too =)

So we not meeting this month? hhhumm...
Confinement food
Any recommended Confinement caterer? Am thinking to order onw if #2 comes out on exact EDD or before 2/1/2013. Reason: PEM pre CNY nanny stops on 2/2/13 as all their CNY nannies was taken up.. No news from TMC confinement nanny too..
moonchip : what's your previous nick?

Bliss : i prefer MamilGold but it has no stock that day, so hubby says Chin Cai lo, buy Similac since they are lotsa them. My #1 drinks Mamilgold so thought of using back this brand. It is about $4 more expensive than Similac.

Re : Meetup
Bliss : No sure leh. Thought will have one before we pop. Anyway, going on leave soon. Maybe we can meet up. When r you going on leave?
PG called and say my #1 kana bite at face!

He was playing seesaw and he sit in the middle and the other one bite his cheeks!

OMG,hope not as bad.. super sad...
I was thinking of let bb drink goat milk if BM not enough.. Cos my no 1 got sensitive nose n eczema after changing to goat milk seems better. Recently bought pediasure , after a while fall sick liao ... Now guai guai order back my goat milk... 12 cans abt $250 cheaper, more worth it n free delivery...
Morning all!!

Aspialle: me oso.. Coz i'm a light sleeper, and like gt difficulty pulling myself up fm bed, wan pee oso lazy.. End up go pee twice onli, compared to 3-4 times last time..

Canopy: i still havent buy FM.. #1 last time oso on mamil gold.. Bt nt buying yet.. If bm nt enuff than will buy lor.. Bt need buy pampers this wkend.. Keep forgetting.. I'll pack hospital bag next wk.. After my gynae visit..

Bliss: yeah!! Own house call our shots!! Bt doubt my in laws will come our house la.. Coz they no car and doubt they will spend the $ on cabs.. Since they forever oso at hm.. Even when #1 full mth (celebrated at my mum place coz bigger) they oso never come.. As for confinement food, i did take trial meals fm newbaby and natal essentials.. Depends on u, bt most pple i spoke to prefer natal essentials. Onli thing is their menu is every wk the same, bt newbaby is change every 2wks. As for the portion.. Natal provides more ingredients compared to rice, bt newbaby more rice less ingredients. The soup n confinement tea same same, both gd enuff..

Cheese: oh no!!! Hope he's ok!! Tat day my ger oso complained a boy at her cc pushed her.. Haiz...
Re : Confinement Caterer
Bliss : my friend has recommended Natal Essential i think but i remembered one of the mummies says the food is only so so. Maybe u wanna call &amp; ask for trial first.
I oso got no confinement nanny, maid, Mil &amp; hubby will be helping out, so chin cai lor. Oso dont want too many people in the house, 人多事忙!
MIL &amp; Maid will help to cook the food, by the way, my mil can only cook pig trotter and some simple dishes, and i have bought a few confinement cooking books for my maid to digest. Hubby &amp; maid will help to take care of #2. Mil will take care of #1 when he is back from childcare. I thought since confinement is only 1mth so chin cai la. MIL was with my SIL during her confinement last yr, so she has learnt a feq tricks and dishes from the CL so as she said. And furthermore, hubby's aunties will cook some dishes from their house and bring to our place as well. And my mom will be cooking some herbal soup for me &amp; hubby will go &amp; get it from her.

Has already been informed need to go on 2 biz trips in late feb and early march and 1 company spa retreat trip in 3rd wk of feb. Hubby has encouraged me to go.
cheese : hope your son is ok. My son is the other way, he used to bite people very often during his 1st one yr in childcare, every time kenna called to the school. These days he is super guai now.

Julie : i oso bought 1 carton of Pampers newborn from kiddy palace a mth ago i think. There was sales, 3 packs for 18.80 i think, used to be 1 pack @ 8.80. I think the sales is still on, u can call the kiddy palace outlets &amp; check.
bliss > hehe.. as mentioned earlier. walls have listening ear.. so i changed nick lor.
sigh.. sad lor.. like 上贼船。eeks.. ya, so got to tell/warn kiddies to open eyes big big, see how is the family members like before committing.
ya, not wrong to love the mama and care for the mama.. but definitely not 傻孝.
haha.. drill into the hubs, wifey probably will be with u till the day they die. but ur mama, probably will not

confinement caterer - i was recommended natal essentials. not sure of the reviews.

canopy > xinyue. thanks. hmm.. seems like cheaper than NTUC. will pop by giant one of these days. will be getting similac as #1 took that too..

cheese > hope the bite not too serious. mayb can check with PG how bad the bite is?

Canopy: wah spa retreat!! So gd!!! I onli know my company gt D&amp;D early feb, doubt can go.. Unless confinement over? Hmm.. Love to go coz gt lucky draw n free food!! Hehe!! Pampers sale? Ok.. Will check it out. Thanks!! Coz #1 when newborn oso used pampers bt like super ex leh.. So was thinking 1 day go giant or ntuc compare prices..

Bliss: yup, as canopy say, can get trial meal if u wanna get caterer.. Coz frankly the food reli is so so.. Bt coz i like soup, so the soup to me is gd enuff.. Bt food wise, normal.. Bt if reli no1 cook for u can order lor..
