(2013/01) Jan 2013

Sylvia : aiyo, u got it wrong la, Am not bringing my son there la, if not, i don't have time to chit chat with u ladies.

Re : bringing pump to hospital
I am not bringing it to hospital as the supply will only kick in a few days later, will let bb latch on.

Just had beef noodles for lunch again!!!!

junior : i am having pain at the tailbone near the butt area for the past few months, gynae says it is due to the growing tummy and bb's weight on our pelvis. Can't really walk much these day, and have great difficulties getting outta bed or turning in bed.
Hang in there. We are graduating soon.
Just moved in to new place, so haven't started to pack my hospital bag .. Wonder what kind of hospital bag did you gals prepare? My husband suggested to bring those luggage with wheels, I feel that it was too big and very funny, looked like we are going for travel .. Wonder if a backpack and shoulder bag enough to bring all the stuffs?

Just bought 5 packs of newborn diaper from pampers brand during the Robinson Expo sales, we also bought some washing detergents from Pigeon brand .. wonder if we really need a special detergent (wash clothes and bottles) for baby?
canopyhaze: not too sure if mine is near the tailbone.. coz it just one sided.. and is so painful till i cant stand.. yes i also have difficulty turning esp to my right side.. since the pain is at the right butt..
Pocket pig, I bringing the luggage bag with wheels too. Cos the maternity pads are real bulky!!!! Plus extra room is good for bringing back the "goodies" the hospital give + gifts your visitors bring when they come visit. My MIL will always come with the big tin of Jacobs so tar piah.

Just dump all in, then hb can pull with one hand. Our hands will be busy carrying the bb
geez.. thanks thanks.

@junior, i felt the bad pain as well (at times it become very sng) esp when i sit on hard surface; floor ... but the was worse for me from my left shoulder blade to the area where we clip our bras.
junior : i have problem turning to the left side. I have been sleeping on my right side. I think we r having the same problem just diff side.

packetpig : am bringing a cabin bag as my hospital bag. Tho not much things to bring.
Thanks for the replies .. in this case, I can bring luggage with wheels then if really too many stuffs to pack.

Same as chin, my MIL also leave us alone and not going to stay with us ... My mother also won't be here during my delivery, she will come to see me only after deliver. Luckily we have found our confinement lady and hope she is good, Less than 4 weeks to go .. time flies.

Seems like it was advisable to bring baby travel before she reach 3 months old .. Feel like going to Taiwan, not sure if this can be done .. hope my baby will be those easier to take care one.

Started from this week, I will have weekly check-up too .. tonight has one appointment with gynae and he will prepare the admission letter for me. Wonder how's my baby weight now ...
sunny: is not sng .. is pain.. and the pain gets worst..got difficulty walking down slope as well..

canopyhaze: is there any remedy to it? last night was so painful till i cant stand and the tears started flowing non-stop..
i think luggage is a good idea if the hospital is giving us the baby bathtub. But it will have to be the huge luggage for the tub to fit in.. hahaa..

Now when I lie down at night and if baby moves, I can feel her pressing on my bladder, even slight UTI burning sensation! Gosh, can't imagine how bad it will get for the final countdown....

By the way, anyone here tried self perineal Massage? I tried and gave up! My thumbs can't even reach my bottom, and the gynae demo on me few days back. I cried with pain. He told me many local women gave up doing it. Way too uncomfy...
pocket : don't think is advisable to bring bbs for travelling before 3mths as the plane pressure might not be good for the bbs. Furthermore they might cry during the entire flight. IMO, Best to bring them at least after 6mths and to short trip (less than 3hrs flight) first to see if they can it. We brought our boy to Bali when he was 9mths. Then, to Australia when he turned 22mths.

Junior : Doubt so, i have been bearing this pain for months. At times, need to ask hubby to pull me up from bed.
wow mummmies.. long time never log in.. more on FB page!

Dun intend to bring to hospital too.. will latch n pump if necessary, my frens were telling me, for #2 mummies.. milk supply will kick in faster.. so see how lah!

back pelvis pain, I also kena.. damn sng and painful to even stand up.. but mine happens when I walked to much. But no choice lah!

Driving, is anyone still driving at this stage?

pocketpig.. wah, so young travel alr.. must sure he/she is immunised first, ok? i find the younger you bring them to travel, you have to pack the entire house! hahah
Tres : i have stopped driving since end of October. I drove once last week as hubby wasnt around, u know what? I forgot how to release my brake when driving, couldn't find my brakes!!!! Was figuring around my steering wheel for more than 5mins till i found the catch. Wahahahah. I think i have forgotten how to drive tho' i have been driving for the past more than 15yrs!
sighz.. lets look on the bright side this are the package of being a mummy :p

i always tell myself that, at least.. im suffering now.. and my hubby can still pamper me. once the baby is out.. there is no way i can stuff it in again and enjoy the peace that we have now....

thats a little consolation!!

I plan to bring my little one to taiwan in Aug-2013, but my FIL insist that the little one should not go... cos of the food. But our point is since bb is on BF.. means i have filter the food and all the bad stuffs for the baby le.. so should be okie, but then again ... we will gotta play by the ear.. as the day comes..
@ julie, yes yes i think it the same one.. quite pity plus the gal's dad and mum are goin thru divorce..

It must be really painful cos it blue black on body.. very sad..
Hi hi..

My new helper (second one) came over the weekend, so far - it is ok. Keeping my fingers crossed that both the helpers can work together.

Super tired and zombie now as I barely slept since my younger boy was not well, and was either talking or crying or puking half the night. Not sure why, as I was walking just now, had a really sharp pain in my right leg.. maybe really too tired.

Can not wait till end of next week when I start my leave.

Hospital Bag - started packing yest evening. Realised that I do not have pyjamas that open front... have to go and buy some. Anyone knows where to get them?
oo .. in that case, I better to consider to travel after baby reach 5mths old. I think both have pros and cons .. but most important is baby condition.
I am delivering at KKH :p

Dun give yourself too much stress on bf, but just need to persevere in terms on frequency of latching/pumping especially through the night. It will take about 1 mth before supply is 'established'.

Ya lor, feet suddenly balloon and I was quite shocked when I frist noticed it! haha. Now at night I am wearing the compression stockings which I bot last time from KKH when I delivered #1 via c-sec. It helps in teh sense that in the morning feet back to normal. But before I know it, in late morning, swell up again! aiyoh... really like pig trotters haha
Where are you delivering? thought most hospitals will have the gown that will have opening to aid bf? So I dun intend to have bring button front pj
Tres: i'm still driving.. Will drive all the way.. Coz need fetch my ger to sch anywaz.. Somemore i cleared leave already and nt taking ML early. Was thinking if 1 day contractions while at work can still drive nt.. Drive myself to hospital. Haha!! Rem for 1st 1 i still could walk to hosp.. Haha!!

Sunny: i oso wanna go taiwan!!! Bt abit hard leh.. Coz wanna go thise night market bt my #1 sure cannot 'tong' late nights 1.. Nt gd to let her 'tong' till so late oso.. Tink muz wait till she ok to stay in sg wif my mum?

Bliss: ya so sad.. The fb 1 no say they goin thro divorce.. Juz a note to everyone nt to employ tat nanny onli.. Scary ah the blue black.. Sooooo big!! Wonder wat she did..

Chin: i havent packed hospital bag yet.. Bt need pack pyjamas to hosp meh? Or u wanna buy to use at hm 1? Coz hosp is use the hosp clothes mah..
Been busy with work and so fast we are all counting down to our delivery soon... I haven't packed anything or done much, cos my 1-year old has been keeping me so busy...

Anyone used Pigeon and Avent breast care cream before and can advise which one is better?
haha Julie. I will try not to drive unless I have no no choice. but I find the big belly in the way! I not scare contractions but leg cramps ah!

I think you can choose to wear the Hospital gown if you want... i got some compplicatoin then, I wroe the hospital gown till i discharge
bdmummy: yupz, woke up early in the morning still ok.. after a while, the pig trotters will be here.. haha!!

chin: i bought those front open dress pyjamas from those neighbourhoods shops.

tres: how to get onto fb of Jan 2013 mummies?
Evening mummies

Pocket pig
Can travel lah. The younger the easier coz they are only drinking milk. Beyond one yo is where training comes coz it's not safe to unbuckle seat belts while the airplane is in the air. I find it more troublesome to travel between 1 to 2 yo:S . They are active and not so inclined to obey instructions to keep buckle up. Their food is also very limited, still need special food, special snacks etc... Also have to pack somsny 'activities' and toysfor them! Before 1 is good and then beyond 2...

Taiwan is nice for children! The fruits and vegetables are nice and fresh and it's so easy to get organic food there!! We do late nights sometimes during holidays. Like festive occasion, they love it (else it's to bed at 7pm!)...

Only problem is cold weather. Layer to keep them warm and best if you ergo to keep them warm (ESP in chilly spring)

Still driving. Kds still have their piano and violin... Can't stop till Christmas break. The rest of their classes have stopped though. Not sure whatll happen next Jan when classes resumes! NO one would drive them there!
Thanks ctrus for suggestion on pyjamas.

Delivering in TMC. Yes,they do provide, blue colour ones, but quite loose at the back, just like a string to tie. I want to brg 2 sets of my own...Did so for the last 2 babies (I lent them to my sis-in-law, but I think she could not find them after she shifted hse). I feel more comfy in my own clothes.

If have not packed the bag, think still got a bit of time. For me, I am 37 weeks this Thurs - and feeling oh-so-pregnant.

For those who will be packing soon, also remember to pack in your receipts - for the CPF claims. So long as you have S$450 of receipts is enough.
Thanks, Siewz. Also thot of neighbourhood shops, but have to search for the shops...and I feel quite tired these days.

Travel w baby - I travelled with my son to Scotland when he was 8 months old. As I was bf, and he could not walk yet, it was really easy. I also kept him warm and snug by putting him close to my body in a sling. In fact, when i travelled with him recently to Aust when he was 20 months, it was very tough. He was clingy, heavy (but still want to be carried & I was 12 weeks preggy) and difficult with food (he does not like western food!).
julie, i faced that problem too .. was thinking of the night market etc... see how things goes ba.. otherwise, just put bb in a carrier and just carry .. ba
Of those places, which is one that you can choose to bring or not bring kids? Somewhere comfortable enough, with nice good and ok kids play area?

Latching after birth
Think you need to request for it.

Yes I so agree with you. Certain age is more ma-fan. But really mummies here, it's good to get children used to travelling coz after the first few years, they become seasoned travellers, amazingly adaptable! Theneven long haul flights are ok.
Fullhouse: reli? Mayb will plan a taiwan trip then.. Coz i love fresh fruits too!! And tink their fruits are those super huge ones rite? Yummy!! Go to bed at 7pm on holidays like abit waste rite? Since there's so many things to do n eat in taiwan!! Cant ur hubby drive ur kidz when jan comes? Coz my hubby will be fetching my ger to cc during jan thou nt very on the way, bt no choice..

Chin: yaya!! #1 was delivered in TMC and i rem the hosp gown. 1st time c the gown i was thinking how to wear.. Tot the string in front bt string in front can c everything liao.. Haha!! End up i go toilet feel so naked.. Coz the back like so empty. Haha!! Ur son don like western? Tats gd!! Coz my ger eat western (fast food) sure will get sick.. So onli can once in a while eat.. My edd 4jan too!!! Oso feel as long as pass 1jan can already..

Sunny: ya, if bring while young put bb in sling easy, coz they slp easily anywaz.. Bt i gt a toddler in tow and she doesnt slp when out.. Abit hard.. Mayb wait till #2 stable than bring both lor..
Hi Celia,
I plan to try perineal massage with the perineal gel I bought from mothercare. Haven't try yet. I will try this week.

Based on [There is 1 in turf city, MBS, AMK hub ( explorerkidz), Greatworld city ( Amazonia), near UE square , next to DBS Arts Centre - Home of SRT ( Polliwogs), vivo & airport T3 & United square ( singkidz)]

Including Polliwogs at ECP. Next to Burger King, Waraku, Long Beach Restaurant & a korean restaurant.

These are all indoor playgrounds.

I like AMK hub , Vivo & United square. AMK is unlimited hours, I can leave kid alone in it for 1 hour then the staff will call me to pick up as kid looking for me.

For Singkidz if u get their 6mth or 12mth package is very worth the price as unlimited hours, if nt it's $18 per hour which I think is ex.

Amazonia (great world city) is more like membership.They have a cafe within the premises. Oh!! there's another one with membership : Royce Kids Gym @ Liang Court or RKG for short. Price is high ( membership on top of entry fees). Amazonia is for the super long slide, glowing golfing & shooting.

I dun like MBS one.as very small n ex n the boss very niao. :p

Turf city is a restaurant with indoor & outdoor playground within. but there are lots of changes, so nt sure if it's still around.

Our gathering depends on the kids as mine can sit next to me and entertain with activities. But not all kids can due to age too.
Latching after birth

Think depends on different hospitals n nurses. Some need to request. For me is they ask then I know.

mine is with wheel as I have 2 big present for #1 & #2.

Travel when young, I agreed with Fullhouse, travel young ( not too young as ear drum will affect if below 6 mths), kids will be used and season and can entertain themselves with the shows, games,snacks,etc.

On top, u will be amazed how they can rem wat they saw and 1-2 yrs later still share with you.

detergent for bb -no fragrance as compare to adult detergent as it's nt recommended for perfume or fragrance for young bb.

Plus BF is very oily, bb detergent easier to wash away. Plus they hv antibacterial type now too.

Currently #1 still using bb detergent.
<font color="119911">Suddenly forget, will TMC provide the clothings for babies during their hospital stay?
Or we will need to bring a few sets, other than the one worn for discharge to home?
I rem bringing just 1 set for #1 though...</font>
LDG, i think all will provide clothings during the stay. Some like KKH, Mt A will have going home romper or top for the bb too.

I kiasee.. I prep 2 sets in case, on the way home... accident!! LOL!!
Hospital gowns and bb clothes,
I'm not bringing any baby wear cos tmc provides during your stay. The nb is all swaddled up when you check out also. They will be wearing some sponsored romper with sponsored mittens inside the swaddle. Hehe. So unless you want bb to go home in nice nice gear, don't have to bother.

As for hospital gown, I wore tmc's the whole time. Didn't take mine out at all. But I was in a single room so no one else around when I make toilet trips etc. I think there was also a robe to put on over the gown.

Pelvic pressure,
I'm feeling more of it as the days go by. Really feeling that the bb is coming soon.

Nesting instinct,
I had a massive bout of it ytd and cleared out my study room for the confinement lady to stay in. Was very tiring but it felt very good to have done something substantial w regards to bb's arrival. Have been quite bo chup for #2.

Looks like most of you have gotten prepare. I haven't start my nesting instinct. Baby clothes also haven't wash. Room very messy also.

By the way, can I ask experienced mummies, is breast feeding in the early week painful? I am reading on some articles online and come to know they there is hydropad/cooling pad like Ameda Comfortgel pad to put on the breast and sooth the pain. I am thinking if I should buy a few pack to keep just in case. Haha
