(2013/01) Jan 2013

@syyy, 5kg is very heavy, heard that carry heavy stuff is not good for pregnant lady .. take care. I planned to leave my laptop in the office during 3rd trimester and I hope my boss will be ok, I rather take cab back to office to work when there is urgent issue happen.

My friend recommended Medela pump, 2 sides costs around sgd800 .. is very exp for me. Was considering to use manual pump as my colleagues mentioned manual pump you can control your hand power and at the same time another hand can do massage. Haven't decided yet, need to check out the price ...
Mummies, will u buy the pump before or after delivery? As we still not sure if have milk or not ..

annie, i'm no expert in this, but during maternity tours, we were advised to bring all scan reports to admission. If you need special care, doctors will know how to handle it.
Averie, US pump warranty only valid in US. Just make sure u buy from good high-rated source (& not from those who do reburbished pumps).

Pocketpig, I bought electric pumps before my deliveries. Supply will slowly build up (not immediately we see full bottles of milk). Usually first few days it'll be family members/CL who say little/no milk & psycho the mummy to give formula milk. We will need to have strong mind to persevere to bf + pump to build up supply. First few days usually will be most difficult, because most likely have painful wounds too, that's why lots of people gave up bfg, from what i know.
Would suggest KK too if it's premature baby, KK has all the neccasary equipments and technology...

Natural or C-Sect
I think it's very important to have faith in ur gynae too..
For my #1, naughty boy had cord around his neck, 2 rounds somemore... I asked for advice from friends and online and most people asked me to c-sect, I did google and it's consider rare to have 2 rounds... Hub and I were very worried and stressed.. We kept asking my gynae what should I do and he reassure me that I can go for natural birth... Glad that everything was fine and I have a healthy boy.

Meeting on 5th
Can't confirm yet as my #1 got no sch on that day... Will see how things goes...
sorry mummies,

have got a medela freestyle us set bought 1-2 months ago letting go at $450 including delivery. excellent condition as used less than 5 times. pm me if interested
BBlove, thanks for sharing abt c-sect and natural.. i wanted to go thru natural cos its part of being preg. but i din really feel sad cos i had to go thru c-sect as i was quite mentally prepared for it as my gynae had been telling me my placenta is in the way during my every visits and he even told me my baby headed down oredi. but then again, healthy is most important and no matter c-sect or natural birth, doesnt changes the fact that i m the mother of my child

lol. i kept telling my hb, i din give birth to my baby. he was taken out from my tummy. =P

Annie, can get insurance to cover for ur case?
When my previous gynae at TMC advised me to go KKH immediately once I have spottting or contractions, she already gave me copies of all the reports on file and also the CDs with info on detailed scans done. So you should already reqeust and standby all these info because in case of emergency c-sec, at least all info is readily available. But of course the doctors at KKH will still check/test/scan as well and compare the results with what you bring in. rest assured will be qualified docs doing the op! Anaethetist also always on stand by at delivery ward. Take care!
Regarding staying in C class ward vs B class, it really depends how many weeks old baby at delivery coz that will determine roughly how long baby needs to stay in hospital and the cost. Before staying at KKH, I stayed in both single room and double room at TMC. Actually the space for a C class ward in KKH is same floor area as space for double room in TMC (both with curtains drawn). I realised that coz I was really just on complete bed rest then, although the C class ward was 6 bedder, I could occupy myself being kaypoh about what was going on around me and what the other patients were doing!
Averie, I think if you are expecting a pre-mature baby, I am not sure if you wanna switch to KK for gynae. At least if (CHOI) premature, KK will have your records (like scan results, baby weight etc).

I am not sure if it will get complicated if you were to follow a private gynae then suddenly turn up at KKH.

For my gynae, once you hit mid 2nd trimster, we will be issued a card that starts tracking details pertianing to the mum and baby (plus all the test results will be jot down in that card). So when it's time, we will go to the hospital with our IC and that "record".

nikole/bblove, regarding this c-sect and natural birth. My mentality is I will put the health of my bb before my choice. Whilst natural is the way I would love to go, if the bb is in danger, I would surely choose c-sect (when my gynae directs). My first was a natural birth and I was glad I did it without epidurial. For my 2nd, I hope that delivery will be smooth as well... *Prays*

pocketpig, I was lucky to have a pro-BFing colleague in office. She gave me a Medela Single Electric (which she got FOC from her friend) and loan me her Avent Manual pump. I used the Medela Single Electric during the first 2 weeks. After a bad round of breast infection which was treated at Parentcraft, TMC, I got to try PISA. Loved it and went to buy during Robinson sale. I subsequently used the Avent manual when I returned to work (on days where I was lazy to bring PISA) or when I was out shopping.

From personal experience of having using single pump, single electric and manual pump. The pros and cons of each pump is different. Will share the pros and cons based on my experience in my next post. :p
Shice, I've pm-ed you my email address again, not sure if you've received it..

Pocketpig, ya the laptop is really quite heavy so have been taking alot of cabs..
No Lah! no coz i want a healthy baby delivery at full term. But i just think is useful to know what to do if really happen to premature baby.
Hi ladies, I changed to drink goat milk formula now. Feel that I got lots of phlegm n cough when on cows milk formula for preggie.
Anyone also drinking goat milk?
Good morning mummies.

Shice/ pocketpig,
Usually Gynae will advice c-sect 2 weeks prior to edd. The best they can delay will be 10 days before edd. Part of the reason is they want to avoid water bag bursting or contraction kicked in n it will ended up as emergency c-sect. I know some Gynae charged extra for emergency csect compared to scheduled one.

Do speak to yr Gynae abt yr concern in having bb in 2013. My Gynae will monitor n advice at week 36. He mentioned he will need to make sure bb in of good weight before commenting.
Erhm maybe your gynae just 'unlucky' lol. It's ok lah.

24 week scan
Just had mine. Bb smallish again! Only 500-600g at 24 weeks. Yawn, thought #3 will be different, but I guess they'll all be small small...
Have you gone for your detail scan? Tt was what happened for my #2, In fact, she is always at tt position. Gynae even asked me if i feel bb's kick.
Think i forgot to reply to yr earlier post. Actually you dun have to worry abt not producing colostrum for bb. Once you give birth, yr milk will auto change its nutrition level to suit the need for the new born. If you will still be bf #1, soon you will find her all chubby. But you may need to take note, once the milk change to cater for #2's need, it also mean change in taste and there is a possibility that #1 will wean off.

My own mother n aunts are all super supportive of bf cos my mum only managed to bf my eldest sis. She always say direct latch is so convenient. Bb can drink anywhere, anytime at the correct temperature.
It is normal. I guess bb find tt position most comfy Bah. In fact my #2 still love to sleep in tt position on her own bed n she is 1 super easy bb to take care compared to my #1.
Snowger/ piscean33 & other expert mummies who express execlusively,
My 2 colleagurs were debating as to when to start pumping. They asked me, I said i dun know cos for previous 2 kids I was a SAHM so i latch direct n only pump when i feel full n bb is not hungry. But if im not wrong, i remembered milk only kicked in on 5th day after birth n i only start pumping after 6 weeks ( cos by then she already reject bottles)

1colleagues was saying 1 should start pumping as early as once milk kicks in. Tt is becos bb is a small drinker n most likely does not empty the breast completely and this will actually tell the brain tt bb doesn't need so much milk therefore mum will not be able to bf long term esp for a ftwm.Therefore 1 should start pumping and storing as soon as milk kicks in.

Another colleague was sharing tt we should onld start pumping after 1st month when the supply stable. If pump too early, over production is a problem and there is a risk of leading to mastitis n engorgement. That was what happened to her n she developed a fever n eventually stop bf after bb 2nd months.

For most of the cases i heard of mums not being able to bf was due to low supply and nOT the other way round. Csn advice when should we start pumping cos this time round im back to work force and like to bf bb for as long as possible.

tks!HAHAHA!! cubby coz of bf for #1, nt bad, back to bb times. LOL!!

If stop due to taste also a good thing, as I dun hv to force to wean off.

OK!! Let's see how. I was thinking I will hv 2 bb then as when #2 bf, #1 might also want too.

Yes, anywhere with correct temp n correct nutrients.
@piscean33, thanks for your info .. I also heard the same thing that people gave up bfg during early stage, so we have to be confident we will have milk supply for our baby.
@snowymum, your colleague so nice, give you the Medela Single Electric pump ... I think I will get the manual pump first, after that just consider to buy electric pump if necessary. Electric pump is more heavier than manual pump .. most of the time, will wish for direct feeding :p

@bbjoy, thanks for your advice .. These few nights I keep having the dream of delivery, sometime is about near to delivery date. E.g. near to end December and I keep wishing that my girl not to come out earlier .. so everyday was very nervous inside the dream of having 2012 dragon baby. I guess I have to relax and stop thinking of 2013 or 2012 baby ... it is something we cannot control. I will check with my gynae again for my next visit and tell him about my concerns of having bb in 2013, thanks ~

Regarding pump or not, I also heard my colleague said our brain will adjust and control depend on the demand and baby in earlier stage didn't drink much. So, we can either try to latch everytime when they crying or use the bump .. need to be hardworking on the first few days when milk supply is low. I will try this method and hope will have milk supply by then ~

I also ordered some birdnest from my friends in Sarawak, it was cheaper over there ... haven't got the birdnest yet, hope it'd help for baby skin. My friend also recommend me to try the product called shaklee, anyone try before? Heard it was a good protein for prenant lady ..
I started pumping on day 1 itself, cos mine was a planned c-sect, and my dd was in NNU as she was only 1.91 kg at birth. So, I had to express my milk and give it to her via small bottles, but obviously, I didn't have anything much on day 1, not even the colostrum, but by day 3, I started to see the milk flowing.

For my #1, I started pumping when I went back home (i.e Day 3) coz I wanna to build up supply and feed bb for the night. In the Day time I will latch and punp out the remainder.
Like what your colleagues says, since the milk supply sets in, i use the chance to store lor coz when I was more mobile like 2nd month onwards, I can rely on those forozen bm to feed bb at times mah!
I intend to repeat this method as well.... maybe the only change is that I will pump every 3 hrly instead of 2 hrly so that I can zzzzz.. more! hahahah
Shice, I am on Facebook, possible to add me to the group?

Ladies, anyone has successfully delivered ur #2 by VBAC? I am seriously considering normal delivery and I just wanna know what are the chances to achieve it. For my #1, it was a planned c-sect, upon completing 37weeks. I opted for the spine down anaesthesia, as I wanted to be awake to see baby and also hubby was with me during the procedure. But since upon birth, she was so tiny and needed to be monitored in NNU, I couldn't latch her on immediately, or BF even after. In fact, they put her on drips rather than milk for 1st 1.5days, and on 2nd day only they started giving her my expressed milk, via the same tubes. So, for #2, I hope to try for VBAC and latch on the baby immediately, so anyone has gone through this, and what are the things that I can do to make this happen. Cos, at 37weeks for my #1, I didn't dilate at all, and know of no labour pains, so I wanna be prepared if I am going for normal delivery. Any advise would be most welcome!

bcoz #1 was a girl so I ate bird nest and she is v fair. Come to think of it, I am supposed to soak my bird nest today & I forgot! tks for reminder! Kekeke!!
Oh, for those who dunno hw to double boil bird nest, I am using a rice cooker to do it, it taste just like using double boil cooker.

need to place a upside down ceremic bowl and then place the bowl with bird nest on top. fill the water up to the 2nd bowl ( usually I add till at least 1/3 of the 2nd bowl). then switch on as auto.

Once it is ready, can eat.

if wanna buy in sg, can ask them for those presentation nt so nice ones and they are cheaper but same nutrient value.

Fu Hua having promo nw too.
tres > Like u, I started pumping when I went home on Day 3. Wanted to start building my supply. For me, I total latch on at home, whether is at night or daytime. My expressed milk is for standby..

later on, for few ocassions, i just fed bb with my frozen expressed milk (of course defroze and warm up first). Must test water to see if bb accepts the FBM.

Not really that u get to zZz more if u pump every 3 hourly. As I did that for #1, I was very tired often. BF is hardwork.

I was told during childbirthing class that supply starts building up during wk 3-6. Or did I remember wrongly?

wat i rem was... I start to pump from day 3 too. Pump when bb is sleeping & I am already very full or before I go sleep so that CL can feed her. Usually I will auto wake up ard 3-4 hrs at night as feeling full. So I pump again. The rest are direct latch. Stop pumping 6wks as bb reject bottles.

Yes, I know mums who keep pumping till mastitis esp the 1st 1-2 mths and complain. bb nt drinking so much then too, so they kept in freezer to last 1 year feed. ( I dunno abt the nutrient remain after keeping so long)

I think depends on individual mums, some need to pump early to increase supply, while some pump later to store. But wat I know once return to work, the supply will drop alot as pumping interval lengthen with work stress.
I have a friend who latch and pump, she really over supply, kena mastitis twice in 4 months, always having block ducts...

What was the reason for planned csect for your #1? I had no sign of dilation at 37weeks for my #1, I gave birth to him 2 days before EDD...
hammiebao>> When I was 32weeks, I was diagnosed with pregnancy induced high blood pressure, and was admitted for a period of 4 days. Actually, gynae said they'l monitor situation and if need arises, might deliver at that period itself, but since after that episode, my BP kinda stabilised, gynae said we'l try and wait it out till full term, monitoring closely. But I was still hoping for normal delivery at that point, and gynae said we can try. But during my 36th week scan, water level was low, baby was IUGR, and my blood pressure still on the high side, even with my medications, so got admitted 3 days prior to completion of 37weeks,and was under observation. Still hoping to deliver normally, but gynae said, that since i was not dilating at all, she can try to induce, but if anything goes wrong (cos baby's size was small and via normal delivery there was a risk of bb being distressed and also my BP was not normal, fluctuating), she will immediately call for emergency c-sect. So she told us to consider and decide. Hubby and I were in dilemma for the 1st 2days in hospital, thinking and thinking and finally decided to go for c-sect for the good of baby (esp since she was so small, we didnt want her to go through the trauma of coming thru the vaginal path).
bblove, I pumped since day 1 because my gal refused to latch. With regards to "exclusive pumping", I think the mummy has to do proper massage of the breast. No matter what the pump is never as good/clean as the baby, so if a certain part of the breast's milk does not get cleared, there would be lumps - with lumps you get mastitis. Through my "exclusive pumping" journey of 11 mths, I kena Mastitis only once (on the 3rd week after my baby's birth). It was surely not a case of over-supply but more of not massaging the breast correctly (using the fingers instead of palm) and before pumping.

With regards to over-supply, it will happen to mummies who pump too frequently or pump for too long (causing trauma to the breast tissue - which could result in lumps then infection). For me, I pump 3hrly to get the supply. Some mummies pump based on the needs of the baby. i.e. baby need 70ml, pump 70ml.
For me I just pump for 15 mins (per side) and no more than that. By 15 mins with proper let down and all, you should be able to pump out the milk (remember, the breast is never empty!!!). So you pump for 30 mins, there will still be milk. But with that you are telling your brain that you need more. So the breast will produce more = oversupply.
Mummies, I got a question to ask... To pick new baby home from hospital need to buy infant car seat right?
My hubby said carry in hand wor... Baby no need car seat?

such a young age, think all will carry in hand.

I only put into the infant car seat when ard 2nd mth.
Erhm think if carry in hand, you have to pray very very hard you don't see a traffic police along the way. $120 and 3 demerits wor. Newborns need proper carseats, just buy one that is suitable infant up...With 5point chest clips and headrest and paddings

Also get them used to carseats. Else they will cry a lot when they are older
My friend had preterm twins via c-section and for her #3, had a normal VBAC. Anything is possible!. Just check with your doctor.


Do you know if infant car seat can be in passenger seat in front (no airbags). We drive a van....
Hi mummies,

Birth option:
Will also hope to have natural birth if possible but I guess it depends on the situation during labour. I will guai guai follow gynae's advice at that point in time I guess for the best interest of the bb.

Car seat:
I also feel we should have the infant car seat ready before we start to go into labour as it is now a requirement by the law. But can I check with experienced mummies whether the infant car seat is the type that can also double up as an infant carrier? If yes then also good as it will be very handy when we bring by for checkups and injections . I see babies sleeping very soundly in those carriers.

My next check up is 15 oct. it feels so far away. Can't wait to see bb again. My bump is getting bigger that ppl looked shocked when I said EDD in mid Jan. many thought I already in 3rd trimester.
Hubby said if bb big big maybe will come out early and be Xmas present for all. Keke. But I prefer bb come out in Jan so that wun lugi maternity leave since Dec is already during school holidays.
Bb kicks are getting stronger too,so excited when bb kick me, managed to get hubby hand to feel a few times. But he seems to kick more while I am touching my bump than when my hubby's hand is there.
I think you are referring to something like the Maxi cosi cabriofix infant car seat? It doubles up as an infant car seat and a carrier. I got a stroller that I can attach it to, so it'll be easier to move bb from car to stroller and stroller to car.
Looking for Bliss!

Bliss : I have signed up for the 10days' massage package from Origins @ $748 and paid $200 as deposit to Rebecca. I have quoted your name as my buddy. Do quote my name when you sign up. By the way, have you signed up? The promotion ends tomorrow. Sorry for the late reply, was busy with my exam and then went for 2 full days' training.
Re : infant car seat
Averie & Serene : Do put your bb in the infant carseat if possible. I have a friend who carried her bb instead of putting the bb in a car seat, the her hubby jammed brake due to avoid a reckless driver in front, she and the bb jerked forward as she used a safety belt, but the impact was too great that they then realised that bb wasn't breathing and found dead as the neck has snapped!
Since then, i always advise people to put bb in carseat no matter how short the distance is.

I used Maxi Cosi infant carrier for my #1, so #2 will be inheriting it. I can use it to carry around but a bit heavy tho, can attach it to my Quinny stroller and use it as a car seat, my #1 has used it for closed to 1yr before we bought him a bigger one.
Hi Canopyhaze,
Thanks for the sharing. Ya I also think better get a infant on the first day. No matter what got to buy let the baby sit earlier than later to have the full use of it. Anyway the 1st stage only can sit about a year or so.
By the way quinny stroller u are using?
I am contemplating which stroller to get... Either zapp xtra or buzz. My fren ask me to buy after give birth then bring baby to try on the stroller see if she like it. Else no point buying when end up always carrying the baby
Canopyhaze, that is tragic. No parents should be made to go through that.

What if i'm taking a cab home, should I also getacar seat? Appreciate any recommendation.

Averie : mine is a quinny buzz, bought it for our #1 in 2009, very sturdy and durable. It is still looking very new despite numerous use. We also have a light weight macleran which we bring along for overseas trips. We put 1 stroller each in hubby's car and my car. For infant stage, we normally use the quinny as it is more comfortable for bb to sleep in as it can be reclined using the quinny bucket, but at this stage, the infant carrier is more than sufficient.

Lish: try to ask for a lift from someone having a bb seat or borrow an infant carrier if possible. I saw a lot of mummies using sling carrier as well. Not too sure if it is safe tho.
