(2013/01) Jan 2013

Canapyhaze, the stroller become white elephant ah since u been using infant carrier. I also like buzz but it just take up too much space unless we buy a bigger car with bigger boot. Which eventually we got to because my hubby now drive a coupe impossible to put bulky thing or even a car seat.
COE too expensive, I am still in hope it will drop.
But even don't drop we will still buy else I need to take cab liao. But the buzz have difficulty in loading and unloading alone. Haiizz.... Infant can use carrier? Or maybe just use carrier all the way until she can walk herself save me money on stoller. Keke

Averie: no, we used the infant carrier as a car seat, and quinny buzz when we go out shopping or having meals. Bb can sleep in the bucket attached to the quinny. You can't carry the carrier till the bb is bigger as it will be very heavy to carry. Yes, do agree that a big boot space is needed for buzz.

Carrefour mega expo

There are cheap art & crafts, assessment books, wooden toys available. No need to queue in that crazy carrefour queue.
They hv a box Learn & Play Mask & Fan at $1 with 3 mask/fan inside. U can choose to be mask or fan, colour and clip with the handle given. Good for goodie bags, party items, gatherings.
My first activity series books ( dots, chinese, number,etc,etc) at $2.90
The cashier is just next to the books section.

There are cheap books for sales by another vendor.
Play & learn is there.
They hv charts on plant cell, animal cells, frog & fish at $1. ( I forgot to buy........... haiz)

At the entrance, there are great offer on pillow, bedsheets, adults' clothings below $10, kids' clothings 2 for $5. etc etc.
There are many choices for kid's clothings. Tollyjoy has promo on wet wipes, cleaning detergents, milk bottles, infant clothings, etc. Lucky baby pram are there.

Towel 3 for $15 ...........

Some just have to pay cash, no need to queue.
I just went expo carrefour. Some cheap things like baby romper 3 for $10 only but I didn't buy... Haha....
Only bought a set of bedsheet quite cheap. 550 TC silky feel with quilt only $59
Canopyhaze, I think we are talking about different infant carrier. I think you referring to maxi cosi infant car seat which can attach to the quinny buzz frame. The carrier I meant is the bag/pouch that we carry the baby around.
I also like buzz but really need a big boot. Wait until I buy a new car. Current car sure cant put pram nor even a infant car seat. That why hubby said wanna hand carry baby in the car which I think is too dangerous... Haiizz
Re: car seat

I bought Britax Royale. Can be used from birth to 4 years. Cushioning is very comfortable and is value for money since can use for 4 years.

Re: baby carrier
I love the MIM sling. Cotton, so baby does not feel warm. Can be washed and dried easily. A little tricky to use at the start, but once you get the hang, baby snuggles very comfortably in it.
@ canopy, I have signed the package and paid deposit...have indicated your name in the form as my buddy : )

Nw awaiting for Rebecca's email... Alternative, I will email her later in office ... Sorry for late reply
Courgeous81, my baby too! At my last two Ultrasounds at 20th n 24th week, her legs are shut so tightly dr say cannot confirm if it's definitely a girl. I assume it as I was told boys usually open their legs whilst girls are discrete and shy. Hehee.And I can't get a good 3D pic of her as the placenta reduced the clarity of her features. Sigh..

Oh yes, dr also said I have anterior (front) placenta, so I don't feel baby's movement very much. Sigh. Now my worry is she will continue to be posterior position (sunny side up) even during labour and that will make my labour longer and tougher.

Any mummy here can share their experience?
Bliss : Great! the email which i have sent to your office bounced back. Sorry, was pretty bz as i failed my exam, gotta re-sit for it tomo 12noon, so very bz studying again. Sian! No time to finish 106 calculation questions within 120mins. I guess it was my time management =(, wish me luck! Now in office studying
Hi mummies!

Its been a tiring weekend... seldom post here cos busy...

I wanna check, does any1 of you have giddy spells now? For the past few days, I keep getting giddy spells especially so after my bus ride to and bk from work... never use to get it even during my #1 time... any remedies to stop it?
infant care seat, actually can only last a short period of time cos once baby can sit up, they wont want to lie down liao. i have a carseat which i bought at kiddy palace that can last from 0mths to 4yrs. not a branded one, but its quite comfy. my #1 is still using, so i got to use back the infant carseat which was pass down by relatives.

Averie, for baby carrier, u try to go down to the retail shop and try it out urself, cos some looks good but not comfortable as in baby hot inside. it will be good if u buy it after u give birth

i have a Manduca carrier, which cannot do from facing. i love that, and my boy always fall asleep in it and i can go shopping for long hours. heehee.. cos handsfree. had been using since he was 4 mths and can carry till 20kg. had been using sling ealier, good cos can bf from inside.. haha... but stress on one side of the shoulder.
i think if beco have an additional cloth in between baby and carrier, so if transfer person when carry is easier, but that means baby might feel hot too. i m not sure if certain design have that or all.. u got to check it out.
i heard from the mummies from my #1 thread that, front facing esp for boys, no good for groin area, as the part is being compressed by the carrier. erm, which i dun like the design for BJOxx..

canopyhaze, good luck for ur exams..

Metro baby fair.. https://www.metro.com.sg/promotions/promotiondetails/id/236
Thanks Syyy and Canopyhaze,
Yup yup going to get a maxi cosi infant car seat cum carrier but I don't think I will get a Quinny stroller frame to go with it.

Massage lady,
Is it too early to book a massage lady for post natal Jamu massage now? Or should we call only after we gave birth??
serene, it's better to book your post natal jamu massage now. i booked a 7days package with origins jamu and they said we can extend to 10days if we want to.

Origins Jamu:
canopy & bliss_ling, did you receive the gift of love link from rebecca after you sign up? i think it's a insurance policy free for baby. did you ladies sign up for that?
For Sharing. My hubby likes the character King Julien inside movie Madagascar. Hence we're naming our boy Julien. Ytd hubby played the song "I love to move it move it". My bb is kicking to the rhythm. We find it amazing

For bb carrier, I like Ergo brand. But will only buy when bb is stronger (esp the neck).
Nickole : Thanks babe! Will Jiayou!

missy : yup, received the link from rebecca, thought it is a free gift, but after submitted my details, i realised that an AIA agent will call us. I have told hubby abt it, and we have decided not to sign up. Reason being there's no free lunch in this world. So will tell the representative that i'm anot interested when they call. Felt that this is not actually a free gift from Origins, it is just a gimmick of getting more clients, and probably they get some commission from AIA of the natural flow of clientele.

Finished studying but i think will restudy again tonight and tomorrow morning in the office before i go for my exam ard noon.
I think it's better to book now, it will give you peace of mind (peace of mind for MTBs like me who like planning ahead, at least.. ) that you have a massage lady after you give birth.

Baby carrier
I like manduca, but will only buy (if at all) after the baby is born and the neck is stronger - like ctrus!

Congrats, I love the name Julien too! I wanted to name my bb that too, but got veto-ed cos that's my potential BIL's name. Cannot have same name as uncle, even if this uncle is only a potential uncle (not married to my sister yet).
Book early for massage lady, then SMS to inform her once u give birth.

Good luck for your exam!! Must be very tiring! My memory is super bad now.. Hahaha

Ergo carrier can buy the newborn insert too but personally I won't use it when baby is nb..

Beco carrier
It's good but yes there's another layer of cloth in between so I find it very hot for my baby, personally I prefer Ergo for Singapore weather!!
hi mummies, been very very busy with work and changes w my personal life lately. Received a few PMs requesting to add into FB. If I have not replied you, could you PM other admins, i.e. Snowger, Friends or Canopyhaze? thanks!
Hi mummies, can pm me if u wan to be added to the group. ;) gald to help... As mentioned by the admin, we will add the regular mummies into the group first.

We are opening the meetuP this Friday to all jan2013 mummies. PM me if u wan to know the confirmed place. Time is 2.30 pm.
CanoPy, all the best for exams! ;) as for their insurance it could bsimilar to e one given by SBI /FBI? That one give 6mth from axa w some t&c.
Thanks hammie & snow!

Snow : yes, sorta similar kinda insurance, free 6mths for bb.

Can't sleep cos having a major flu, sorethroat and blocked nose!

Those who wanna be added in the fb group, can pm me but will do the adding after my exam. As mentioned by snow, it is opened to those who chats regularly in the forum.
I see beco carrier seems to give very good support even online review seems to be good. My gf has one and she highly recommended it. She said even she carry her boy whole day never give her backache with it. So maybe I will just get that even though is more expensive but the material look good and well padded.
I have a baby Bjorn carrier and a sling shoulder. But didn't manage to use them often... Find the baby's weight too heavy for me!!!! Ended up using the stroller more often. So I suggest new mummies to buy only after you deliver ... Go try the feel of using them first.
Me too. My Ergo think only used less than 5 times... I didn't even buy sling. Stroller most of the time but for those who need to travel via public transport with baby, stroller might be too troublesome. My friend having hard time trying to get into the train with stroller during peak hrs everyday.
@ missy, i wont be signing it cos as what canopy mentioned, it just like a gimmick of getting more clients. For those who going to deliver in TMC, a similar 6 months free insurance plan for bb too..

I need some help in this area. Been reading too much forums till i've gotta confused :S

any good recommandations? my colleagues were sharing wif me that i've gotta use the first 7 days for good results.. thereafter.. it will be up to individuals. i would like to know more.. before being expose to mre hard sell gimmicks on sat.


you mean post partum massage, yes it should be done asap, like the 2nd week onwards (provided you go for natural delivery).
The lady will apply those jamu or slimming oil all over, she will massage and expel the 'winds' then wrap you up in the binder and ask you keep it on for at least 8 hours, then next day, she will be back to do the same routine for the next 5 days (or more if you request).
For mine, she also help to massage my breast to help / engorgement.

hope this is helpful, if not, fire away w your questions!! hahah
Re : baby carrier
Like Fressia, i have a baby bjourn carrier, but i find it too heavy with baby's weight and moreover my boobs are too big to use it. It is always used by my hubby to carry our #1 till 1yr old plus.

1.5 more hr before my exam, will go and buy some food from my office downstairs to eat 1st before i go to the exam hall.
thanks tres!!

which one should be better or rather efficient, the jamu or the slimming oil? i understand that there is one more type which is a potty thingy look alike. what is the diff?

im opting for natural delivery, but was worried that may end up E C section.. (which really depends on the little one inside)..

also, any recommandations from any of the MTB here?
no worries Sunny...!

Depends on what they (massage lady) have. For mine, she is free lance so she used Jamu oil but for my belly and thighs, she used those self heating cream but I was allergic to it, so she just stick w the oils.
Hi Peng, i think like what canopyhaze mention. it's some insurance thingy that Origins Jamu tie up with AIA.

Canopyhaze & bliss_ling, thanks! in that case i will not sign up for it. don't want to be bugged by the insurance agent. hahaha

Snowger, i PM you!

Baby Carrier
i will also be getting manduca carrier. anyone know where will the new shop be relocated? it use to be at novena

Thanks ladies! Am back from MAS, passed my exam with flying colors! I screamed when i saw my result.
Am glad it is over!

I can chat here now, been MIA for a while to prepare the exam.
