(2013/01) Jan 2013



think everyone prep to go home.
Congrats Canopy!! Hahah u reminds me of waiting or my hubby at Suntec while he take his exams...

Confinement lady
I'm looking for one who is willing to do for 2-3 weeks, anyone had recommendation? My edd end jan, I wanna hire till before CNY... Thanks..
Dear all, suddenly one question come across my mind. Is anyone storing cord blood in this pregnancy or donating it?
canopy/Averie, I donated my #1's cordblood to SCBB. So will do the same for #2. They will run through a questionaire with you pertaining to medical history. Hearing the stringent process that the SCBB runs through with you for your donation to be accepted makes me confirm my choice of not storing.

If any mummies intend to store, you will have to give them a call later at around 32 weeks.

Averie, I stored cord blood for #1, still deciding to store or donate for #2... I think it's a must for at least one kid in the family... Signing up for cord blood storage was the very first thing I did for my #1....
hihi... I will be storing for #2 as well.... my hb says no questions asked!
But not sure if I should store with the StemCord, same As #1 or should I spread the 'risk' to go to CordLife?
morning mummies!

I stored for #1 w Cordlife. Thinking of storing for #2 as well. Tres, as you mentioned, maybe I should consider Stemcord for #2 to spread the risk
hahah bdmummy!!

I would think the fees are quite similar right> have yet to check it out!

butmy gynae strongly recommends Stemcord due to the mgt wor!
tres, yes I think that of the 2 private companies - there is one that is supposedly more trusted than the other.

hammiebao, I read up that stem cells can only be used for immediate family (siblings and parents only) and not for self. i.e. if the harvested cord blood cannot be used to treat the donar baby.
tres/hammiebao, if not wrong, the companies should be able to give u an upfront discount of sorts since u gals will be "repeat" customers. i.e. storing a second time? I know they have some referral scheme for first time sign ups.
Stemcord is supposed to use more funds for research and less profit motivated. They also store their cordblood in different locations. Cordlife is listed company , and if you understand how listed co works... I'm putting mine eith stemcord.
erm.. thought can just store the cord blood from just one sibling as the cord blood can be 'shared' among family members??

Stemcord is local company whereas cordlife is not?
Re : Cord Blood

Hubby & I actually enquired our gynae whether there's a need of keeping the blood when we were having #1. The answer we got was "No". Reason being, the cord blood in most cases will not save the bb in event that bb needs it, it will only save the siblings and not him/herself. Moreover, you still need to pay for the medical bills. So he suggested us to better use the $$ spent by buying a better medical insurance for the bb. We thought his answer was revelant, hence dropped the idea of doing so. Will discard the cord after delivery.
yup fullhouse, that's what why my gyane says too abt StemCord and Cordlife!

hmm.. let me abt my gynae on the storing of cord blood again. Didn 't know it can;t be used on the donor (aka #1) then in this case, should I store #2 for #1 just in case??
I also didn't store the cord blood for my no 1. Received the same feedback as canopyhaze mentioned. So most likely won't be storing this time round too.
@Snowymum, have pm you .. btw, I cannot join this Friday meetup. 230pm, u gals no need to work?

@canopyhaze, I haven't checked with my gynae regarding the cord blood but I'd agree with you ... Due to the price (I heard it cost more than few k?) and it is not 100% guarantee, most probably I will not sign up for my new bb girl too .. I rather spent more $$ on better medical insurance as what your gynae suggested.

Last wknd was really busy on renovation stuffs, started to look for tiles etc .. I started to look for house during May and few wks later just realized I m preg, so everything comes together :p
Will collect key and start reno end of this month, so these few months have to be busy with both preg + reno stuffs .. many things to plan and do. Due to house moving will be done in end November, so also unable to buy baby stuffs at this moment .. especially for those big stuffs. May be will buy those small stuffs such as thermometer during this upcoming baby fair first ...

Still considering if want to get a stroller for newborn baby .. realized that the stroller given from my husband cousin was not suitable to use for newborn, only can be used when baby more than 7 months .. Looked like getting a carrier will be more worth? But sometimes we will want to travel around, may be will need the stroller? I planned to go for travel when baby is 3mths old .. headache
Canopyhaze> congrats on passing of ur exams.

Post natal massage: If c-sect, can't go for the massage is it? My #1 was via c-sect, so I never considered going for the massage; hope to try for vbac for #2, but too early to tell i guess, so do i have to book this much in advance if I wanna go for post natal massage?
Some other updates :

Last wknd, went to a childcare open house at tampines. This childcare center still under renovation, want to check their cost for infant care but haven't released yet .. in case not able to find a nanny nearby our new place. Wonder when shall I start to distribute the flyer to look for nanny? My colleague asked me to do this before delivery, as not easy to find a good nanny nearby .. what d u ladies think?

Saw all of your comments, I also just sms the massage lady if she available .. haven't confirmed with her, need to check the price first.

And this is the baby checklist I modified from others, hope it helps ~
<center><table border=1><tr><td>
baby checklist
Checklist.xls (41.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Yup, we didn't keep any cordblood for #1,#2, so thought it is time to do so for #3. at least keep one for the two siblings...

Pocket pig
Ah we just completed our renovation and are moving in tmr! Gosh, was telling my friends this is the last time I'm renovating! Tiring, even though we use an ID
Thanks missy,syyy and hammiebao,
Guess I should give the massage lady a call soon. Hee.

My placenta is also anterior,initially I also could not feel much of baby's movements but now into my 25th weeks I can feel baby movements stronger n more frequent! So no worries abt that. Baby will also change positions thru out so dun worry too much abt that bah. Still got 3+ months more to go.
Take care n hope u can feel more baby kicks soon.
Snowger, thanks for the info! Will check with them this weekend!

Cord blood storing,
Personally I would think that it works like insurance... Hahaha u will never know when will need it... My bro used to worked in a blood bank and he said it's good to have...even my doctor friend is keeping for his kids... Anyway can pay half by CDA and it is not really that expensive if it can be used to save a life..
Hi Ladies...

Been reading and following the chat here for a while...can include me in the list? Not sure if I have missed out any required info..?

Nick: chinlee
Baby: Number 3 (Girl)
Doc: Dr WK Tan
EDD: 4 Jan 2013

Nice "meeting" all of you.
Cord blood

I read till blur. Why nt useful for self? I tot meant for self, sibling and parents, best is for self as that is the same source.

I know they let the cordblood grow and store and when need they harvest it for prep. In event of accident, can use immediately too.

This was what I heard from the seminar, explained by the director himself.

I think if dun store, donate is good as they can use for other patients like bone marrow donations.

Hammiebao, pay half by CDA? How to? I only know annnual can pay by CDA.
Side track on Cord blood storing

Any mummies having clingy / whinning child nw espcially those in toddler stage? Mine is a headache.. Hub feels that she "bully" me and was very pissed by saying that my so called "bullshitting" in giving in to my girl etc. My gal sleeps very late , pass 11.45pm ++ thou she naps less than 2 hrs in cc in afternoon.

I heard most ppl said the child will be getting "frustrated" / wants more attention as they can sense another sibling coming along. Told hub and he said he was pissed off by this and said it all bullshitting.

Last night, my gal cried til vomitted the food ard 10.45pm. Hub was mad cos she keeps " disturbing" me by asking me to help her wear socks and dun want to sleep. He carried her by force and open the main door and gate, wanting to lock her outside.

I was so worry for my gal.. In the end, hub smacked my girl very hard and stormed out of the hse. I was very depressed.. Hub told me to go back to my mum place every nite for 2 weeks and he will train my girl to sleep early. I dont agree ..
nits > yes you can go for post natal massage after c-section. but it will be at a later date. this is what the massage lady told me. for a peace of mind, do ask your gynae on this.

heard from massage ladies that for natural delivery, can do massage 3 days after birth, whereas for c-section, is a week after birth..
Some, will ask the mummy to confirm with gynae before they start massage..

ops.. i am referring to freelance massage ladies. not the centres.

it's very normal for kids to feel that way no matter how old they are, they feel the challenges of having another one in the tummy.

Hv to go slow and understand their feelings and emo nw. They can act like 1+ due to insecurity.

Bliss initially my son who is coming 6 years old also face the transition stage. He becomes attention seeking and at times throw a chair towards me when he flare up. Hubby also resort to violence as he also cannot stand his nonsense. Need more patience and slowly let him accept that he is a role model to the baby. Takes time.

Went for glucose test yesterday, at 25 weeks my baby is abt 1.1 kg
Bliss, i think #1 esp toddler will be more sensitive &amp; sticky to you &amp; your hb as they know there will be 'competition'. NO choice lah! HAve to ask your hb to be patient with her.
I think it is good that your hb is setting s routine for her, so that in future, it will be easier for you! let him handle your #1 while you sneak outside or downstairs while he coax her to sleep.. It will be trying for the first few days but good for future so that you will have more time for the younger kid!
Thanks sylvia.. Hope my hub can understand and he said he dont buy it.. Haizzz..

@ aspialle, oh throw chair at u .. oh gosh... nw u preggy and have to avoid it , if not it will hurt u.

True, guys are guys and they think by threatening / violence can resolve everything .. well the child sees it and he will reacts the same way cos it deem right to them since we adults are doing it..
cord blood banking, what i read is that the stem cells harvested can be used for self (donor) or family members lei? So dun really understand canophyhaze explanation.

As for payment for cord blood, Stemcord will not charge anything until the bb is born, so when bb is born, we can set up CDA account and then Stemcord will deduct payment from CDA. So technically, we only pay 50% adn the other 50% will be given by the govt (with the cap of S$6K)

there are some articles n books on this behaviour, I go find for u n let ur hubby read. no good since this is a time ur child need support fm both parents.


tks for the explanation on the payment.
<font color="119911">sayang bliss &amp; aspialle...
Maybe my #1 still young or blur to think about the coming #2 so not much reaction from him yet.</font>
Ya bliss I was taken aback, it was those plastic stool he threw , it landed on the sofa just beside where I was sitting...close shave, there are other items he threw like metal toy cars and tv remote control....etc violent kid. I manage to Siam so far phew..
Actually my dad got leukemia however is under control after a few chemotherapy done. Today i call his doctor to check if i can give my cordblood to him but doctor said it will not match even i am his daughter because is just 50% match. He said not useful at all leh. Haii... I really dont know cord blood can do. I asked him should i donate he said good to do that.

On the cordblood question you were wondering about, I read that if a baby is born with a genetic disease, the cord blood cannot be used for treatment as it contains the same genes that caused the disease. And cannot use the child's own cord blood for leukemia as it's a cancer of the blood. Source below. Hope this helps!

Having said all this, I'm still considering storing the bb's cord blood. I guess it's like insurance, you hope you never need to use it, but when you need to use it, you hope there's coverage.
