(2013/01) Jan 2013

my bb gender is also confirmed! A Girl joining my bb #1 too!!! Hope they will be close due the age gap!

Wah, despite of being preggy now, you all are plannng for #3, belle? Jiayou!

tres, congrats on knowing your bb gender. Haha, I know it's still early to talk abt #3, just that I'm not young anymore, can't wait
If this pregnancy goes well, I will be more motivated to have another one but my hubby hopes we can stop at 2. tres, how old is your #1?
Wendy, hang in there and don't give up hope... keep praying and talking to bb.. Focus on the positive!

I'm having my chkup next week and will know whether boy or girl then! Pray the baby coperates! If it is another girl then she can wear all the lovely hand me down clothes from Jie jie.. somehow i wish my no.1 will have a little sis to grow up and play with! then maybe no 3 can be a boy.. hahaha...

Congrats to those who already know your bb's gender!
belle, how old are you?

My #1 is 16.5 months, so when #2 is out, they will be 22 months apart, both girls so hopefully they will be BFFs.

Actually me &hb also thinking of #3... but will see how we cope with 2 first...
I'm 34, hope I can have #3 when I'm 36. tres, your 2 girls are very close in terms of age, can play and study together. My #1 will enter secondary sch when my #2 is just maybe k2 or pri 1 depending she comes in dec or jan next year. Seems like many of us are already thinking of #3

As my doc already told me most likely I will be having another girl, I don't have to buy new clothes. pinkdice, you didn't get to know the gender of your bb during oscar scan?
I also hope to know the gender next week so I can start shopping. During the 3mths NT scan, I asked the sonographer n she said all looked like boys at 3mths so I jus -_-"
Belle, i dont have to do oscar this time but maybe when i have no.3 i might have to, depending on how easy no.3 comes... my period is not fixed 28 day cycle so it is more difficult for me to get pregnant...
i see.... I'm scared of all the tests that I have to go thru after 35 y.o... so let's see how ba!

yup, i can saved some $$, just packed my #1 clothes.. i think mei mei doesn't need to buy clothes / stuff at all!!!

L3, at least got some hopes.. my gynae told me chances are girl liao... hopes for boy dashed but my hb damn happy lah! ;-)
I'm 35 this year. I skipped my Oscar coz my gynae thinks if I'm definitely not going for Amnio, no point going for Oscar.

I'm thinking of #4 buahaha coz #1 and #2 have each other but #3 like a little lonely? Heee... See how everything turns out first.

DEtailed scans and antenatal scans
Btw, we discussed the last visit and I raisedy concern why there are so many cases where Oscar results and detailed scans results normal and bb turned out ds. He told me Oscar has a pick up rate of 30% in all ds cases (doesn't mean it's not accurate but 70% of ds aren't detected by Oscar because not all ds bbs have ds features). And also cases of autism and other developmental problems are not picked up antenatal.

Frankly I know so many more serious cases of developmental problems that cannot be picked up earlier on. So I guess you'll never know ... Oh well.
finally got the call from the clinic that my amino test full result is out..Baby is normal.

everyone here is very curious to know the gender of the baby but not me even the result is ready...just wonder if I am normal..I only want to know if my bb is ok.
@ wendy: all will be well, don't worry.rest more!

I am just back from check up and confirmed is a baby gal for me as well!
Time to start shopping and think of name!!
Wendy, JIA u and of course hope to receive good news from u soon

Me just came back from my GYNAE clinic. My gal asked my GYNAE if I m expecting a gal and when she heard is a gal, I can tell that she is very happy
as her wish come true

My detailed scanning will b 15 aug and me also excited to see my BB again
I m trying to enjoy my last pregnancy as much as I can since I m not going to hv another one. Let's all JIA u and count down to the arrival of our babies.
BP, great that ur amino result is good!!

Those planning on #3
I really have to salute u all! Hahah having my #2 now and will stop no matter what the gender is!! No energy for #3!

Gender of baby
Still can't see cos baby always close leg!! Next gynae visit is one month later... Long wait....
Do take care and keep your spirits up! Think only of the good things...like imagine the water bag slowly filling up with amniotic fluid and the hole closing up. Jia you!

Mine should be a girl cos we didn't see anything sticking out, although the angle was bad and I didn't conclusively see 3 lines either. Hmm. So the jury is still out. Anyone like me? Knowing yet not knowing?

I was just telling my hubby that I must be mad for thinking about #3 when #2 isn't even out yet. Don't know can cope or not, energy-wise and all that. Especially considering the MS....then I see that so many of you ladies are also thinking about this! Haha it's like pregnancy forgetfulness is so powerful it can even erase such recent memories for me.
Wendy, good luck! Hope to hear good news from u soon!

Seems like we r having quite a lot of dragon girls here. LM, mine is also like "knowing but not knowing". Gynae say more or less confirm a girl for me but angle not right so can't show me the 3 lines. Will know during detailed scan. Another 1+ week! Can't wait.. Heh!

Re: #3
I'm also looking forward to having #3, while carrying #2 now. But the age gap btw 1 n 2 is like 20months only, I intend to wait a few years later. Just feel sad that I can only have max 3 coz my #1 is by csec. #2 also gg csec.
Lm, me!!! Can see cannot see gender! Gynae said high chance girl cos can't see anything hahaha but still not confirm and bb legs were closed so very difficult to see...
Btw taka having Toy fair. Anyone interested can go look see. Was there yesterdAy but too crowded. Gave uP lOoking for toys n early Xmas presents. Heh.
So many of us are probably having girls. The gender of my bb also not confirmed though doc says more likely a girl but told me not to buy clothes yet.
Next monday after my gynae checkup may go over to taka to have a look at its toy fair. Anyway #1 going to pri 1 next year, she doesn't play with toys much nowadays.
Shice, usually how long after a c-section that a mother can try to conceive again?
Congrats on your good amnio results! You are normal lah, cos no matter boy or girl most important must be healthy!
Actually initially I wanted boy but when my Oscar results not good, hubby and I prayed hard for a healthy and regretted for being biased for the gender. Cos no matter boy or gal we sure we will also love the same.

Full house,
The staff nurse who assisted my amnio test actually advised that if got next child I should just skip Oscar and go straight for amnio. Mainly of my age also, 32 already. We also agree cos the worrying period between Oscar and amnio was too long and mentally stressful for us.
LM (luckymummy11) :
me same!! legs close but see like nothing sticking out. yet cannot see the 3 lines...
hopefully detailed scan this mth end can see.
It's possible to have vbac right? Or your gynae advised against it? My neighbour had a vbac for her 2nd. Her third she even went natural w/o epidural. Respect.

Gender and detailed scan,
I'm going for it on 30 august afternoon at tmc. Anyone there at the same time? Hopefully the scan can tell me once and for all the gender and I can dig out #1's clothes or buy new wardrobe!
Few packets of brand new unopened diapers for sale.

1) Goo.n S size --> $15 per pkt (52pcs)
2) Pet Pet M Size --> $13 per pkt (52pcs)

PM me if keen..while stock lasts..

Hi ladies

Am back from holiday!!! How's everyone?

Wendy: please stay strong! Been logging in the forum to check on your situation while in Phuket.

I realized that there are lotsa bb gals in our thread!!!

Can't wait to see bb tomo during the checkup.
Wendy Jia you! Don't worry stay calm and your baby will be fine. We all pray for you.

Hi ladies, anyone doing prenatal yoga? I am trying to research see any instructor conducting near Serangoon. Any good recommendation
belle, i'm not sure if there is a minimum period after c-sec to conceive again. but i got a couple of friends who conceive when #1 is ard 9-10months. For me, i conceived when my #1 turns 1.

LM, gynae advised against coz the first preg, baby's head circumference is quite big. gynae say normally second one head circumference may be as big too. plus the shape of hip bone may be narrow for normal birth that may cause prob dilating. tried for 10hrs and only dilate 2cm. thus, all factors combined, she advised for c-sec for this one. for myself, i also worry my c-sec wound may tear during normal birth too.

canopyhaze, how's ur holiday? btw u brought ur #1 to holiday too? hope u had fun!
I also wanna go holiday but i think it will be difficult to handle #1 while i'm preg. he's now super super sticky to me.
Shice: thanks! The holiday was great! Yes. We brought
#1 with us; as well as our helper and mom in law. We stayed in a villa so there were 2 rooms. Our helper helped to take care of our son. We did nothing by lazing around. Went swimming everyday, strolled along the beach, feeding the elephant etc. Our son enjoyed it very much.
Can I confirm if I were to buy Medela PISA from USA, I'll need to get a transformer to turn up the voltage? Can I get the transformer from common hardware/electrical stores?

Going to USA in a week and so looking forward!

heard the nurse said... gal usually close leg cause shy, boy usually open leg wide wide n show off. but nt sure how true.
Hi All,

Sorry for interrup. I have a electic beast pump want to sell. Anyone interest ?

Selling Electric Breast Pump : Pigeon Brand.

Selling $120 neg. have been left unused for quite some time. Trying to clear the storage space.

used for 3 months. Not a heavy user as my boy is drinking 80% on formula milk, its look as good as new as its kept inside the box after use.

will add in

1. all the spares parts for the breat pump.
2. 2-3 used bottles (been used to store pumped milk only)
3. 1 tube of nipple care cream (new)
4. 1 box of pigeon disposal breast pad (36pieces) (unopen)

its easy to bring around for usage as there is AC and battery power option, especially for those working mom.

sms me at 9424 9951 if interested, do not pm me as i do not always log in to check the acc. thank you


Silent Electric Breast Pump
The Silent Motor
The silent motor emits a mere 58 decibels of sound. This allows you to express milk without disturbing your baby sleeping nearby.

The Advanced Sealing Air CushionTM
- Stimulates a steady let-down
The soft round edges of the Advanced Sealing Air CushionTM provide an airtight seal over the entire areola. This structure allows for steady expression of milk with only a light suckling sensation.

The Adjustable Suction Strength Dial and Suction Cycle Speed Controller
- allows you to express milk comfortably, depending on your physical condition at the time.
This breast pump comes with a suction strength dial with five pressure level settings and a suction cycle controller for regulating the speed of suction. You can customize the pressure and speed every time to match your own comfort level.
Wendy: Take care and will be praying for you! Stay strong!

Etirine: Yes, USA set will need to use the adaptor that will suit SG voltage. Last time I bot my PISA from The First Few Years shop and it came with SG adaptor inclusive. I saw some Medala sprees in bulk purchase section which sell the adaptor - IMO, safer to buy the SG adaptor rather than transformer from hardware store.

Many bb gals due in Jan 2013! haha, I hope mine is a bb gal as well... keeping my fingers crossed!
canopyhaze, ur holiday sounds great! wish i can have such a holiday to rest and recharge. Starting to feel the strain of the preg plus taking care of #1 le. So tempted to get a helper now, else #1 keep sticking to me and i have to carry him.

Etrine, I got Medela US set also. Adaptor/converter can just get from any hardware stores. Ard $1.50 to $2.50 only. It's just like those travelling adaptor, but just get a fixed one that converts US to SG.
Shice: yup it was super fun! All of us enjoyed a lot, even my helper. Regarding helper, it all depends on luck whether u can get a gd one or not. Mine, so far very gd, no complaints. It does help with a helper around.

Just done my checkup with dr Paul, very fast today, am out of tmc within 45mins, now at having lunch at taka with hubby before shopping for teacher's day presents for #1 childcare
teachers. For those seeing dr paul, he is out from 17aug to 27aug and 24sep to 2oct. Am having my detailed scan on 01sep in the morning then seeing him after that.
Hi Canopyhaze,
How long did u hv to wait after amnio to see Dr Paul ? My next appt is only on 31 aug for detailed scan. Detailed scan not done by him right?
Good morning mummies!

Had a tiring weekend attending friends baby 1st yr party and baking cake on sunday... my arms are aching from all the whipping...

Anyone here is an avid sewer? Any good sewing machines to recommend? I wanna take up sewing and make lots of DIY stuff for the kids now that Im gg to be staying at home!

I didnt go to the Taka fair this weekend, feel abit wasted.. anyone had good buys?
Wenyl: 3 weeks, done amnio on 25jul, then saw him earlier on to get the test report from amnio. He doesn't do detailed scan, mine will be done by the sonographer on 4th floor where we have done our amnio, seeing dr Paul after the detailed scan to review the detailed scan results.

Pinkdice: the taka toy fair is still on. Am going there to look look see see later. I will let u know if it is worth going.
canopyhaze, ya depends on luck. Anyway we are still trying to dong until really cannot then hire helper. Coz i intend to let my kids go infant/child care. Worry later helper got nothing to do in the day time when we work. haha! Enjoy ur shopping at the toy fair later! wanted to look for toys but was really crowded on the weekends. Take care and walk carefully!
Hello ladies! Today me on leave... Busy surfing the net for good bargains and bought quite a no of stuff for my no 1 at Gmarket... Next mth going to tear away the credit cards bill without opening..

Shice, me too.. Very tired handling no 1. So super sticky nowadays. I wonder if he cld sense no 2 presence... I have a weekly maid to do cleaning and ironing. It did help a lot on my backache.... Think will not consider full time maid as kind of put off by the min wages and the compulsory off days.. More 'hao ming' than the owners.... My boy now will not ask me to carry him..cos been telling him that I'm in pain and he is now contented that I hold his hands and walk together.. Sometimes he will 'remind' his daddy that mummy pain pain so cannot carry. Children learn fast nowadays....

anyone doing detailed scan at TMC on thurs morning?
Any bb fairs coming up?

I'm a first time mom and I haven't got anything for the bb yet. I'm at a loss, where to start and what to get.
Canopyhaze: Thanks then I will not go down this round and save some $$... I heard there is a baby fair coming up in October, maybe will go then and get things after I know boy or girl this fri!
@ canopyhaze, my detailed scan will be done by Dr TC Chang on 29/8 (pm). The nurse just scheduled so I take it.. seem that I am afew day earlier than you thou my amnio was done last wed 8/8. Guess the date for detailed scan is faster for Dr Chang

Thanks to all mummies for your encouragement.
Especially to Friend, Valerie and canopy and other mummies too.

Just been to my gynae and all are well as in the amnio fluid in water bag is good. Praise God for His divine protection.
lish-zzz, I am also first time mum also at loss... Dunno what to buy. Keke... Last night I go online doing research looking at baby pram, car seat, cot , play pen. See until blur... so many types and in wide range of prices. No idea what to buy. Pram got 3 wheels & 4 wheels. Cot vs playpen dunno what to buy. But I saw something which is nice call 'snuggle nest' which allow u to co-sleep with baby on the bed.
Can experience mum guide us what are the list of must buy things? When should we should start buying? Like now still seems too early... Still got 5 mths to EDD
averie> u could get a cot-bed~ can be converted into a normal bed when ur kid grows older in time to come~ i'd prefer to use a playmat rather than a playpen..

for prams/strollers> it really depends on ur preference..light-weight ones(e.g combi miracle turn)or big & sturdy ones (quinny..bugaboo)..and also ur budget as well~

belle2006, I just seen Dr Chee on last Saturday morning for last consultation. I told her I gonna change gynae so I took all the reports from her already. I am considering to visit Dr Henry Cheng and deliver at Mount A instead because i stay at Serangoon Gdn here and go to his Bishan clinic is nearer. I heard alot of people said mount E route very jam so I very scared. Haha...
Thanks Shice & Bdmummy!

Shice > your feedback is real helpful! Cos I saw one of the BP selling the adaptor for 60bucks and was thinking is it REALLY that expensive outside or the 1 she's selling is very special. So yours also don't have warranty right? Did you order from Amazon or buy from store?

Pram 3 wheels and 4 wheels which is better? I like 3 wheels look nicer but I read 4 wheels more stable. Haiizz.... Then I also know there is this travel system that has many uses including adapter to the car seat but my hubby said he prefer to buy a separate car seat such that no need to bring in and out of the car.
My MIL told me not to buy stroller just buy baby carrier/sling. She said bring pram out very 'ma fan'
Very headache...
