(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hi Averie I'm a first time mum too and overwhelmed by the things to buy. The more I read about the prams the more confused I am too.

I prefer 4 wheels cos I think the 3 wheels kind too stylo liao.. haha and are they bigger? I agree with your MIL about the carrier. So I'm getting a baby carrier then after the baby is born then will get a stroller, maybe a couple of months onwards.

Personally I don't like the travel system because it can only last a few months and then I'll still have to buy a car seat when baby grows.

Averie, Etirine, high five!!

3 wheels looks very sporty, have larger tires, that makes it bulkier. I'm looking for one that is suitable for public transport. I'll need one-hand folding and light weight.

I read that it's better for bb if the stroller can be reclined fully. How true is this, anyone can advise?
Etrine, I bought from Leng Leng who has been selling Medela US set from this forum (under overseas spree). Only got US 1 year warranty, but equivalent to no warranty here. haha!

Averie, if u're alone, bring stroller out is very ma fan. I would use carrier. But if got hubby or helper ard, then use stroller. No need to carry and can hang diaper bag and shopping stuffs. You see how ur lifestyle is like. Whether u will be with hubby/helper most of the time or alone.

I bought a second hand stroller. Didn't regret coz really no point spending so much. My hubby and I "ill-treated" the stroller also. So no point spend so much, later when ur stroller knock into things or got scratches, also heart pain! lol. Plus my baby dun like to sit stroller. Less than 3 months old, he will cry. After that will sit if the stroller is moving. After 12 months, he struggles out of the stroller and cry very badly. So luckily I din spend alot on a new stroller.

If stroller can recline fully means u can let ur baby sleep in the stroller while u shop or eat.
Lots of pple have told me it's almost impossible to manage w/o a maid when I have 2. I'm practically gonna move back into my mum's house after confinement for a fewmonths. When #2 is a few months old I'll see how it goes. Don't really like to get a maid unless it's seriously difficult to cope.

Strollers vs carriers,
Depends on your style, plus mode of travel. Pple who get ard by car all the time usually like strollers. I use a mix of both. Its good to be handsfree sometimes but as bb grows u can't sling them for long no matter how comfy the sling/ carrier is supposed to be! When u go out who will be carrying the bb? Even throughout meals? If we are dining out, even as infants, I prefer to let them sleep in strollers.

3 vs 4 wheels,
I started w the combi. It was secondhand and I loved it cos it can fold using one hand, stands up by itself when folded, fully reclinable and light. As a travel pram it was wonderful for those reasons. Aprica is also like that, but more expensive than combi. BUT, my dd quickly outgrew the combi in length and she cannot sleep in it anymore. So it's my standby stroller at home. It also pushes easily w one hand.

I also have a quinny Zapp which I bought later. It folds up into a super tiny size so it's good when the car boot will be full, like drives up to m'sia. It pushes very easily too. But the 3 wheelsmakes it a bit dangerous to go up and down escalators. It cannot recline. The Zapp extra can, but it doesn't fold up so small. So depends what you like and need.

So that's my little stroller review.
Hi Mummies,

I have the below 2 sets to let go.

Clarins Set – SGD 135.00
Set Includes: Huile “Tonic”; Body Treatment Oil (100ml) X 2 + Stretch Mark Control Cream (200ml) + Smoothing Body Scrub (75ml) + Extra-Firming Body Cream (30ml)
Remarks: All are new & unopened except for the 2 items below:
1. Stretch Mark Control Cream. Used about 4-5 times.
2. 1/3 used Body Treatment Oil

Mustela Set – SGD 80.00
Set Includes: Stretch Marks Double Action Cream(150ml) X 2 + Restructuring Gel(10ml) X 2 sample size pack + Specific Support Bust Cream sample size tube(10ml)
Remarks: All are new & unopened except for one tube of the Stretch Marks Double Action Cream. Used about 4-5 times.

Kindly PM me if you are interested.

Many thanks...
baby boy! went for 16 wks scanning today with dr Tham.. yay finally can close shop le one boy one girl..
hope all mtbs are doing well..
btw anyone setting up Facebook group?
Good morning, ladies!

Got my amnio results yday in lless than 2 weeks.... Baby is normal! Thank God! And it's gonna be another boy for me. Will have 3 musketeers @ home! Boy Oh boy!
Good morning mummies,
My baby is confirmed a girl from yesterday's scan. I'm having 2 girls.

Wenyl, congrats on your good amnio result and 3 boys....wow....

Canopy, I was having lunch at taka yesterday also after my gynae checkup! Went to tampopo, the ramen there was good! I also went to the toyfair but didn't manage to get anything. What did you buy for your #1's teacher? Hubby n I didn't know what to buy.

Averie, mount a is nearer to us than mount e and I happened to stay quite near you also. There was a gynae clinic near uob at chompchomp and my gynae was there who delivered my first girl but she has since moved to gleneagles. Just hope that on the day of my delivery, traffic will not be too bad. Maybe one day we can arrange to meet up at chompchomp
Congratz jos, wenyl & trixia!!!

Good morning ladies! 1st day back to work after my break. Down with bAd cough, gotta sleep in guest room last nite so as not to disturb hubby n #1.
Does anyone got this problem? I tend to leak urine when I cough, gotta put sanitary pad as pantyliner can't hold. Check Internet and my gynae and learnt that this is called stress incontinence. Dr Paul has asked me to work on my pelvic muscle.
Belle: so qiao! We didn't manage to get anything for the teachers as well! Will source again this week.

Anyone working in shenton way? We can meet for lunch one of these days!
morning.. can i check if anyone experience pulling muscle ache kind of pain at the lower part of the back body? anyway to ease the aching pain?
I also have some incontinence at times. Now I'm super careful when I sneeze, i sort of do a kegel hold before the sneeze, if that makes sense? It seemed to be worse before I started doing kegel exercises, but it's a chore to do everyday.
Giving birth is such sacrifice! haha

You can try kegel exercises, it involves flexing the muscles you use to stop urinating halfway. Do a few sets of 8-10 daily.
Morning mummies.. seems like there is a flu bug going around... pls take care not to catch the germs... a few pple in my office is sick already... I'm having a headache since yesterday, hopefully not a sign of more to come...

I have strong craving for clams pasta in white wine sauce since my appetite returned.. can eat once or twice a week.. very strange.. wonder if it is a sign I have some vitamins deficiency... anyone else have funny cravings?

Last time i have gestational diabetes so this time i'm trying hard to control my sugar intake in case baby becomes too big... very excited about my scan on friday!

Pelvic exercises will greatly help stress incontinence... but quite tiring to do, need a lot of discipline.. i also have stress incontinence from time to time..

Anyone looking for day time nanny in CCK, pls pm me. Helping my aunt source for babies to look after.

Just a small intro, my aunt used to look after babies during her younger days before her marriage, after married she is a full time housewife looking after her 2 kids now aged 21 & 18. She's very clean & hygienic.

Do let me know if u're keen to engage her service Mon-Fri with babies leaving at her place. She is staying at CCK Ave 3. Pls email or PM me [email protected]
Afternoon mummies!!

Congrats to those who know the gender of their little ones :D

Stopping at two Liao?? Lol that was what I said 4 years ago!! Now I tell hb, #1 has #2 to play with, maybe we should have 2 more... But I'll see lah, if three of them play nicely tOgether... We'll see we'll see :p

3 dils for you!!

Any sahm want a meet up?

How are you? I hope you're better!! Jiayou ok!!
whiteclover : its like what LM has mentioned, just do the kegel exercise; it is sorta like holding your pee for 5-10seconds then relax, do it for more than 20times each time.

BP : hey, i am super near u. I am @ market street, we have offices at rp as well. Let's do lunch soon!!!
Full house,
Ya. Stopping at 2 no matter what this baby is. Really feel the strain. Jus want to devote my attention to both.
hi ladies.... long time no post. How is everyone?

Re: Incontinence
I have it too. Went KKH to see specialist and the only cure is to do kegel exercises. Alternatively, can do a operation to lift up the loose muscle. But this one can only be performed if you really confirm want to close shop (ie no more babies). Otherwise, do already, then become loose again.
This forum is really quiet...

I'll start the ball rolling generating discussion?

If all things are possible, would you rather you in laws look after your bb when you return to work, or put the bb into infant care? What are your considerations?

BP : Most likely will get helper and put them in my mum's house when i go to work. I am just stay 1 floor below my mum..
My boy is currently being look after by my inlaws and I'm thankful to have them. They are very independent and will bring my boy to see doctor if he's sick. Bring him to shopping when he's bored.. I prefer this kind of arrangement as I'm able to concentrate on my work as well as having my weekly movie/ shopping session with my hubby and meetup with friends without worries. I tried to place my boy into full day CC but it didn't work out. He keep falling sick. Pull him out after 4 mths. Of cse sometimes when dealing with old people also not easy lah...Have to close both eyes and my big mouth too... LOL. When I see something I don't like, I will get my hubby to talk to them. Initially not used and keep losing my temper...but I learn to take it more easy as my boy grows. They adore my boy and very protective over him so I guess grandparents (don't compare with parents lah) r the best caregivers that a working mum can wish for.
ya.. quiet ah..
i just recover and I think my appetite is coming back, been eating porridge
for past whole week and eat very lil... now I think i prefer my oldself.. can eat and eat.

FRIENDS, my MIL also helping and im thankful to her.
last time I insist my boy go IFC so that he can learn.. but realise its only wasting of time
there as they nv really teach... unless is those 2-3hours playgroup.

He will be going full day CC on Mid sept.. and we shall try and see how.
I really dont hope sept will come.. as I only scare he cannot sleep, eat well..
he's not a milk baby... need time to coax to drink everyday... i really like wanna cage him at home for his own good.
But too bad, MIL is with age cannot TC both at a go...

if can, i rather she bring him home earlier next time if she can afford to.
how I wish im richer.. so that I have a helper and her to look after 2...
Wendy, hope u r doing fine now.. take care and jia you!

Just went for my 14week check last Sat, and my gynae said 80% boy. so there goes my mei mei hope! haha.. but healthy is most important lah

For those who are aiming to go for baby fairs, there will be one upcoming ParentHood Fair on 31Aug-2Sept at Expo.. not sure what will be the good buys. heehee..

Averie, i will suggest get a cot better. those type that can covert to toddler bed. Snuggle nest, i personally feel maybe not a must. unless u intend to let baby co-sleep with u for a long time, even so, they will outgrow it very fast. Must buy stuff, i would say clothes but get bigger sizes, cos babies grow very fast!! before u know it, all those 0-3mths cannot wear liao!! LOL! or big size babies! get a few of different sizes clothes. booties, mittens!! Breast pump, breastpads if u intend to bf. for me, i got my steriliser and bottles when i saw a good promo. i bf my #1 too, and at the same time pumped out so need steriliser lor. but for some who is on tbf, total latch on, dun even need bottles, so no use for steriliser. haha.. so it depends on u, if u wan, can get just before u pop cos got warranty period.

For prams, carriers, u can get after giving birth. cos u can bring ur baby out to try and have a feel of different strollers and carriers. for me, i got 2 hand-me-down strollers, so i din have to buy. left one at my mum hse since she is taking care of my boy, and left one at home. i bought a Manduca carrier for my #1, using it from his 4mth till now 14+mths. heehee. that one can last me till he is 20kg! we brought him out using carrier most of the time. my hubby feel strollers very ma fan even though we have a car. cos going to crowded places, stroller very troublesome. haha.. but then have to depend on babies cos some carriers are quite warm, they might not like it.

Fullhouse, i prefer my mother to take care! easier to talk/discuss too.. haha..

my views are let PIL look after for at least the first 12 months. ONe to One care & attention is always better further more they won't be able to learn much during those times. After that, you can decide if you want to send to IFC for them to learn independence and new things.
I agree with FRIENDS, with PIL care, you will feel more at ease when work and 'eat snake' from parental duties once in a while.. for IFC, you will have to rush to pick him / her up, then weekends you still have to care for them, it will be really tiring for FTWM.
Of coz, the final decision lies with you & your hb ;-)
BP : I thought you're at RP? OCBC building? U mean the BOSC? or U work for OCBC @ Chulia? I seldom tabao @ market street, i normally take mrt to cityhall for lunch cos that side is less crowded.
i am the one who send #1 to IFC cos no one can help. All working. Agree what tres mentioned, it tiring having to rush back from work to IFC then weekends same, will have to take care of them whole day. really very tire at times.. plus if they fall sick, chiam need to take leave / cc leave .. lucky my boss is very understanding.
FTWMs are underrated... few understand the physical stress that we go through, not getting enough sleep, rest and that looking after a baby is 24/7 job... at the same time we are expected to be the one to take leave to look after kids, sacrifice our careers when the need arises, breastfeed as long as possible, pump milk @ work, think of healthy menus for the kids, at the same time save money on groceries.. the list goes on!

We would be lucky if we have a hubby who is understanding but maybe most of our hubbies cant fully understand the requirements and wont help!
BP : Oic, thought you're @ Republic Plaza when u said "RP".

PinkDice: High 5^! I do agree with u! FTWMs gotta work the whole day, then come back still got to take care of the bb. Everyday got to sacrifice our sleep to take care of bb, and still have to get up early for work.
I agree it is tough being one. I was one and gave up. Felt 两头不着岸.

But one thing, I know most ftwm have hb who are more involved. Whether in household chores or child care, they wl usually chip in more.

Nah I'm a sahm. No career to talk about
Pil taking care.. And sahm-hood
My pil took care of #1 when he was very young, and I was working. I didn't really like it then. I know they dote on him but it didn't feel right somehow. Haha I felt like those 'machines' in Huxley's Brave New World; my job wS to produce bbs nia.

Life is busy as sahm. When I was working, I could have proper 'off' time aka lunchtime. But I could hardly do so as sahm. Lunch is just meal then back to 'work'. Work isn't inspiring but comforting lah. I must say this is the best time of my life :D

Now my two are older I could afford more time before #3 comes along!! So hb and I go out quite a bit at night!! Kakakak!! Chiong before 3 year confinement ah.
Hi mummies,
Seems like most mummies found out the gender of bb this week!
Congrats to all with good amnio results too.

I would like to have mil to help take care of bb since we are staying tog now,but mil already made clear she don't want to. So likely will get a full time helper to help with bb and pil can help supervise here and off.
Talking abt PIL

my MIL told me that she is open to take care of #2 n play with #1 during my confinement.

But............ she doesn't wash newborn, clean pee n poo! n she dun cook healthy food, then confinement, wat do I eat? Do i still hv to clean poo n pee n change diaper??

Very scare esp the v bad experience of a super bad CL and MIL din even bother to help, that was nightmare.

If MIL do my confinement, I cant even complain n fire her...... :p

I told her I already engage my 2nd CL who is v good to help.

Cant imagine MIL doing my confinement.
Sylvia, I also cannot imagine my mil doing my confinement. Take care of my boy ok for me but take care of me... Er.. Er... I prefer to outsource so that we will live happily ever after... Ha. Ha.
Hello morning ladies

Talking abt CL, I have still not booked any yet. But definitely I will book 1 for my current delivery. I hv tried without CL for my 1st delivery....its a NIGHTMARE... I almost had depression. My MIL offered to help only cooking and taking care of my newborn, I hv to do it...this is the most "siong" part during confinement. Imagine i just had c-section and yet hv to carry my bb to breastfeed and also do nite feeding...no joke!! I was very naive that time thinking that as long as my MIL cook for me that will b good enough.. That's NOT TRUE.

My 2nd pregnancy, I learnt from my painful lesson. This time round, I engaged a CL. Wow, I really enjoy my confinement as the CL did everything for me. I really can hv good rest and recuperate for that 28 days.

Me going to book CL next week after my detailed scanning today
I really cant imagine without a CL during confinement

The next thing i hv to decide will be who to take care of my bb after my maternity leave... still yet to discuss with my hubby whether to engage bb sitter or to employ another maid (i hv one maid now but i doubt she know how to take care of newborn) just to look after my newborn.
hi hi Valerie.. me too, thinking of how to cope during my ML when I have to send #1 to my mum for school and yet look after #2... unless i stay at my mum's place... but but nothing beats home leh! hmm???
how old is your #1, perhaps send him / her to Childcare?? that's another alternatives, at least you dun have to worry abt having 2 maids wor!
tres, for my case, my no. 1 will b going to P1 next year and my no. 2 will continue K2 in the childcare. actually my current maid is very "eng" she only does housework for my family. she is young, only 23 years old and she cant really cook (her cooking terrible), the only plus point abt her is honesty and hardworking in terms of doing housework. Also, my 2 olders kids likes her as she take good care of them when they are back from school. As for taking care of my newborn, i doubt i can entrust this additional task to her since she doesnt has any experience looking after newborn.

I also hv this concern as to having 2 maids at home, mayb will b a BIG headache for me if they will to create politics. The other option for me will be engaging a bb sitter, but then i m paying the bb sitter abt the same amount that I m paying a maid. For bb sitter, they will only take care for me during day time and nite time will still under my care. Plus I hv to send my bb to and fro to her house...If i get another maid, she will look after my bb for me day & nite. Really headache and dont know which option i should choose??
Good morning ladies!

I'm opposite of Valerie. I am not engaging a CL for this #2. Got a pretty bad experience with the CL when having #1; furthermore hubby & I were 1st timer parent with no maid so abit chaotic. Now that we have a maid and Mil is coming to stay over for a few months to help up, and hubby is a hands on dad now, we think that we can manage without a CL. Hopefully things will go well smoothly.

morning mummies..

if wanna engage freelance CL better do so soon. I was looking for CL when i was in my 3rd month and was rejected by 3-4 CLs before i could find an available one. If agency, still can take ur time.

canopyhaze, maybe can start teaching ur maid how to cook papaya fish soup le! hahaha..
