(2013/01) Jan 2013

val.. hmmm dilemma dilemma sia! I also dunno what to do? Like i say, have 2 maids, with one looking after a bb, is it really trustworthy unless you have another person looking after them.. if not, you will also worry leh!
plus not forgetting the politics they will create for you as well? dun fret, still got some time.. look around for alternatives ba! ;-)

canopy: u r lucky to hv a good maid who can help your MIL to take care of u during confinement. my MIL is too old to do it for me, she is 86 years old now , though still healthy but i doubt she can manage the role of a CL even with the help of my maid.
Re: engagement of CL, i will go thru confinement agency and not looking for those freelace (heard too many stories on the last minute backup by all these CL). least agencies will be responsible if the CL didnt meet my expectation.

tres: u r right... me really in a dilemma now. will discuss with hubby before making any decision.
good morning mummies,

like canopy, I'm not engaging CL also. I'm going to order confinement meal. Any mummies ordering confinement meal also? For my first pregnancy, I ordered from natalessentials but they no longer deliver to my area, sigh
I have to source for another caterer. Any recommendations?
good morning mummies,

ask u all.. i experience cramps every day or every other day. I am currently 20 weeks and 2nd pregnancy. is it common?
Belle2006, my friend ordered from newbaby and she said not bad. Maybe u check with them if they have trial meal? Also, when I was doing my research, I came across good reviews on chili padi and kind of like the menu.

Shice, I was rejected by 5 CLs! Lol.

My PILs have yet to bring up the issue of looking after my newborn. I think they are worried about us pulling out my no 1 from them. So maybe last resort is to hire a maid and put it in their hse for caring of baby only. Also cannot blame them lah, my no 1 now is so entertaining and talkative nowadays... Always make them laugh every now and then and they kind of start to enjoy the fruits of labour after caring him for 2 years.. If ask them to go back to the boring diapers changing phase, also a bit cruel... Both also almost 70 years old...
shice : my maid used to look after newborn till 4yrs in her previous employment. She can cook some confinement food etc papaya fish soup, ginger chicken, vinegar pig trotter as well. MIL can cook some too, as well as hubby's auntie. I have bought 2 confinement cooking books for them to learn too.

I get along well with MIL & our maid, and had stayed with MIL for a year before our house was ready, so no problem with her staying with us. #1 is in childcare, hubby can send him to & fro.
And all uncles and aunties can chip in and help, so i think should be ok, anyway, the confinement is just 28days.
Shice, yah super kan cheong. Stressed by my hubby and mummy loh... Everyone in the family all 'see me no up'.. All said that I die die must get a CL cos they insisted I can't manage... Managed to secure one. Anyway, intended to go to PEM agency to secure one after detailed scan if can't get one by then.
U guys r making me hungry with the mentioning of Confinement food... Need to satisfy my cravings later with vinegar pig trotter and sesame oil chicken.... Yummy! Lol.
It's a princess!!! Baby still kicking while taking her measurements!! But as usual same as khor khor, baby at a smaller size. 
canopyhaze, ur maid is very li hai! wish I can get a maid like urs. she seems to cook well. everyday got nice food to eat. heh. in your case, no need to get cl already.

friends, lol.. maybe they concern for you? worry that you will be tired with #1 during confinement, then cannot rest properly?
anyway good to have extra help. i'm already looking forward to my confinement period. hope this new cl that i booked cooks nice food. *drools*

Cheese, congrats! active baby is good.
if ur ger got huge eyes like ur boy, i think will be super pretty wor! heh.. must look at ur boy more often. stare at him everyday! hahaha..
Hello mummies, haven been updating since I was admitted again.. Finally I was allowed to go home yest and now bed resting at hm.. Hopefully no mOre hosp stay till delivery hahaga..

The water level seems ok now I mean didn't reduce a lot but the weird thing me still have quite a bit of mucus like discharge ESP in the morning and also on n off throughout the day.. Is that normal? Gynae said maybe coz I ate too much antibiotic hagahaga...

Have to go bk and see my gynae this sat, hope the water increase or at least maintain...

Also wana share my exp this time for the hosp stay.. My advice is if finance allow nv stay in their 4 bedded ward!!!! God the experience is so drastic from my last stay in 2 bedded ward at level 6.. Will give more details in my next post.. Now after med a bit gong gong liao... Going to nap awhile..
Wendy, glad to hear from u. Do rest well... Do share about the 4 bedded experience cos I'm deciding between 4 bedded and 2 bedded. I stayed in 2 bedded for my no 1 but it was auto upgraded from 4 bedded. Thks
Congrats!!! I don't dare to hope too much for my girl this time round;) my #2 looks like hb!!! So if your hb didn't contribute to that dole eyes your son has, stop staring at him daily heeeeeee...

So happy to hear good news!!! Whatever the case, the stay is over! Enjoy your bed now!!

Will never ever get in laws or my own mother to do my confinement... Never ever. Over my dead body....

In laws menu
Mee sua and ngor hee (fish) for breakfast and lunch everyday for two whole weeks...

Mum's menu
Herbal chicken cooked for three days consecutively daily... I had ginger liver maybe a couple times, everything else on the table cannot eat...

Yes food is not the most important, but being forced to eat days old soup or same food for two weeks WILL bring depression...

And they can't bathe bb, can't change diapers...

#2 I had CL... I thought I was in heaven!!! But my benchmark low lah, after first experience :D
Congrats Cheese and Wendy! good news indeed... take great care ya... and do update us on the 4 bedder story..

My mom refused to do my confinement for no.1 and I was so hurt then. She insisted that i pay for a CL and never really help me get ready anything.. but after I gave birth she became very involved, brought red date tea during the 3 days that I was in hospital and came over every otherday to visit baby.. I think when I was pregnant with no.1 she was overwhelmed with the thought of looking after a baby cos too long never interact with babies and she is terrified of poops! Dog poop or baby poop she runs far far away! I'm thankful for my mom regardless cos she has helped me take care of kid with maid since I returned to work from ML. My in-laws not around anymore so I dont even have that choice...
I was sourcing for quotes to calculate auspicious dates for caesarean birth, which includes selection of names. Super expensive!! I tot ard $100 - $150, i can still bear to part. But the quotes i received was between $888 to $1,300! Got a shocked in my life!
Hi all,
I've just done amniocentesis this morning, now bed resting at home. For those of you who had done amnio, did your gynae require a follow-up visit a week later?

Wendy, great to know u had fluid increased & things are good!

I'm getting a CL too, want to enjoy my confinement & have good recovery with no stress.
Wendy, finally heard from you. Was thinking if u're okay after your last post. Glad that u and baby is okay!
Rest well! Eat more nutritious food ya?

fullhouse, ur first confinement is really terrible. no wonder u're so strongly against getting ur mu or mil to do confinement for u. haha. i saw my fren's confinement lady even cook western chicken chop for her! with fries and everything! so delicious. Wish my new CL can cook well too.

Pinkdice, i think once grandparents see baby, they will melt one. I keep telling my hubby, no worries, once my son is born, his parents will flock to our place very often. True enough. heh. And i'm happy that the r/s btw my in-laws and my son is close.
Pinkdice, my mummy also refused to help with my confinement with my no 1. She said confinement is dirty and she still want to strike 4D and pray so big 'no' 'no' to her. But this time around, she offered to rush back from work to cook dinner in the event if I can't get a CL. Ha. Ha. Maybe cos she didn't strike 4D for the last 2 years even thou she didn't touch dirty stuff...
I took 2 beded when i delivered my #1. It was a nightmare with mother beside me..I was not able to get much rest. She got so many inconsiderate visitors. I dont why i ended up kept crying and crying that my hb not able to take it. so when i delivered for the #2, we decided to take 1 beded instead. And this time round we are still considering 1 or 2 beded. I wanna to save some money.
mummies, wanna ask for advice. My grandma-in-law passed away. I would like to attend the funeral. Do i need to follow or do anything for pantang reasons?
shice, my Grandma in law also passed away when I had #1, i also went for her funeral and even for the last day. See how patang are your PIL and your parents lor! IF they are ok, then its ok right, afterall it Grandma leh!!
Shice, agreed with tres. Have to check with your inlaws to see their comfort level.. If u go, u can take the red string and tie it on your finger and throw away on the way back... Wash your face, hands with pomelo water before entering the hse..
Shice: I think you need to tie a red ribbon ard your tummy leh. When i was expecting my #1, my grandmother in law also passed away. so the older generation ask me to tie a red ribbon over my tummy. I rem also to wash my face with the leaves before entering my hse.
Hi, I'm a first time mum too and will be due on 12/01/13... I read from some of the posts say that u can get a second hand stroller. May I know where can I get them and roughly how much does it cost?
Shice, my grandma also passed away last month. I attended the funeral and was at the wake for the full 5 days. But didn't stay overnight. The funeral was a Buddhist one... I was given a red ribbon tied to old ginger and wrapped around my tummy. Also exempted from participating in the prayers / rituals.
Wendy happy for u. Sure both u n ur BB will b fine
stay positive

I did my detailed scanning today at TMC. My BB is developing well and all her measurement also fine. My GYNAE told me to let Dr Chang know abt my recent hospitalisation on the suspicious of waterbag leakage after my amnio test. Dr Chang did the scan and he told me: ur waterbag fluid is definitely enough so confirm its not leakage. I told him I was confused at that time n can't differentiate if that was leakage or discharge. He smile and said he understand my confusion as it's not easy to differentiate between both
Anyone think of name for your BB?? I actually start to think of name for my BB even before I was pregnant...haahaahaaa. Right now I have a few names in my mind but have yet to discuss with hubby.
Hello mummies, as promised I am back to share my experience with staying in 2 bedded and the 4 bedded ward in tmc..

The first admission to 2 bedded although I was feeling really down but the super services of all the staff at level 6 makes me feel so much beta and comfy.. First they came to sponge me every morning ard 8am without failed and they even offer to help me put powder on my body when they saw I brought the powder.. Some nurse also ask if I wana powder wash my hair or they can see if they can help me wash my hair on the bed.. They put baby shower in the water and gave kit pith wash. The main point is they will make sure I feel clean ( well not the cleanest since I can't go shower) and comfy.

Secondly, as I was on strict bed rest I have to press the bell for bed pan Everytime I need to pee.. Throughout my 9 days of stay there none of the nurse show any impatience or unwillingness to help me, some even offer me water to wash my hand.. Not once did they rush me into doing my biz and I can take my time..

The nurse will pop by sometimes and ask if everything ok, do I feel ok and was telling me like take care and make sure that I am well taken care of..

And they change my bedsheet and blanket almost alternate days during my stay without me asking ..

Overall stay experience is super and I am really thankful to all the nurse from level 6..

Ok now came my second admission, as me n hubby were worried that it's going to be a long stay so due to finance reason we tot just stAy in 4 bedded this time.

First complaint, no one bother to come sponge me or even ask until the 3rd day someone finally came n ask me. And guess wat? All the nurse bother to give me was 1/4 basin of just water and a towel and hosp gown and said once u done press bell.. I was like hur? How am I going to clean my back myself and nv even give me any shower gel to put in the water ... No mouth wash given.. They just left without asking whether I can manage. So how they expect me to wear the hosp gown myself. Worst they brought in the bed sheet and just dump it on the chair.. The bed sheet was still lying there till the day I discharged!!!! Do they expect me to change the bedsheet myself..

And finally I struggle and just chin cai clean myself up and press the bell. Guess wat?!!!! The nurse came and I told her I am done with sponging and she just said ok the nurse will come take and she left!!!!!! Second nurse came also same just ignore!!! I was like wtf?!! And the soup that was served before lunch came and there wasn't even any place to put it coz of the basin and stuff on the table. I couldn't even Drink the soup. Finally finally after god knows how long the kindest nurse came to my rescue and she said the state that I am in. Finally cleared everything and by the time I can drink the soup already cold liao..

That's not the worst.. Since then the nurse don't even bother to ask if I need to sponge myself until the last day before i was discharged.. One nurse came and guess wat?? I really feel like punching her liao... She came at 6am !!!!!!! Yes it's 6am!!!!!! And wake me up and ask me if I wana sponge now or wana zzzzzzz???? Wat??!!! Of coz I said wana zzzz and she nv come back liaozz.

Second complaint - they always assume that I m going to be discharged and one time just ask my choice of breakie and when they finally realise I m not they took my lunch order n after waited for almost 1.5 hrs my lunch not here so I ask my hubby to check guess wat?!!! The food was there but no one bother to serve to me!!!!!!

Third comPlaint- I am not saying all the nurse are there bad but one of them really pissed me off. I need the bed pan and so she brought it to me and she said she will wait coz u kno wat she said??? I am very busy and no time to come bk again. And she just stood beside the bed and wait, makes me feel so pressurised.. I kno u r busy but then I am also paying for the service how can u say that.

Second time the same nurse she said I wait for u to finish , so she stood outside the curtain.. U tink this time she is beta righT? Wrong!!!! She came in after 30 sec and ask me if done and when I said no she went out and another less than 10 sec she came in again. Wth!!!!!

But to be fair some of the nurse at level 4 are really nice and pro also I won't say all of them are bad coz unfair.. But really the overall experience was so bad after the second day of stay I told hubby I don't wana stay here anymore and wana change to 2 bedded coz me cant take it anymore. But coz the 2 bedded ward was full and coz my gynae said she will let me go bk ASAP and so I tahan..

I was telling my hubby Wah lau the diff btw 2 bedded and 4 bedded is $60 but the service really heaven and hell diff..

Sorry for being so long winded but just wana share my exp with the mummies here.. Of coz if u can one bedded is the best!! I stayed in one bedded for my first one and the exp was very good too... But maybe I m the unlucky one that tiok such thing.. But for me given a choice I won't stay in 4 bedded ward again

can see vinegar pork trotter nw?

Got craving for vinegar stuff.

Fullhouse, I have that from the #1 CL n ppl bought 6 meals fish portion, she cooked 1 meal! n if cold ( I bf, she serve me meal), then she will add 猪渣汤, so no matter wat dishes, all tasted the same...........
Plus her 猪渣汤 never freshly cook just keep using the same old remaining, so pepper became more n more bitter n hot.

Poor thing was all at home had to eat same thing as me!

the service dropped so much?!

Really see $ = service. Though is so small amt difference.

Some places allowed, some don't. For hygiene purpose, unless he sterilise himself, if nt, better nt as very easy to get infected.
Sylvia, cannot eat huh? I ate vinegar pork trotter about 4-5 times since preg. But normally shared with hubby. So i guess little bit no harm lah.. I just ate it for lunch today...Hee... hee..

Wendy, thks for the review! Think I stick to 2 bedded this time round. $60 extra.. better don't take the risk especially Dragon year is hot hot period.. Nurses might be overwhelmed with the sudden increase in workload so pek chek loh...

During my no 1 stay, I also had wonderful experience in 2 bedded and even made friend with the lady who shared the same room. I like to talk and can't stand being silence and alone in the room... Hubby prefers to go home and chill. He rather go home and sleep on our bed, watch tv than to stay in the hospital room with me.
I am a very light sleeper, not able to take 2 bedded. My expereince with #1 was I gave birth on 31 Dec and 1st Jan was a public holiday, the lady who shared the room with got too many visitors that I was not able to rest.
@ Valerie, congrats and glad to know that bb is developing well = )

When did Dr Lim told u the gender of bb? week 16/17?

@ Wendy, standard drop so much.. haizz.. I visited my frens in may and June 12, find that the lactation consultant was like in a rush and not been very patience.

Do rest well and try to eat more nutrition food.

@ piscean33, after did the amnio i was told by my gynae to go back in 1 week time for review.
Hi Wendy, thanks for sharing. I always tot that TMC doesnt have any 4 bedded. For my previous stay there (b it deliveries or my recent hospitalisation) i always opt for 4 bedded and I was always given 2 bedded in the end. Payment wise, they will charge me 4 bedded rate.

bliss_ling: I think i was in week 12 or 13 when Dr Lim mentioned that he cant see the birdie from the scan. But he did tell me that it is still early to confirm anything. He said that was because my daughter was asking if i was having a gal. From that day the scan didnt show any birdie, so he told my gal could be a baby sister for her. Anyway he told me to wait for the amnio result and the gender will be made known to me by then
morning mummies. thanks for all the advice!

Wendy, your four-bedder experience sounds terrible! I think now that we are all preg, shouldn't save and sacrifice on comfort. Unless it's a big difference in cost. But then again, u dunno. Anyway, hope the next time u stay in hospital is when u deliver ur ger at full term!

mummies, we are all approaching 20 weeks. Mid way of our pregnancy... yeah!! Jiayou!

Precious: yes in the past TMC allows hubby to go in with us for the amnio test. I did my previous 2 amnio tests at TMC - first amnio in year 2005 and 2nd amnio in year 2007. My hubby went in with me, that's y he commented Dr Chang is very skillful and experience in the procedure

But now TMC dont allow and I was told that it was due to infection reason.
