(2013/01) Jan 2013

@ Val, what time u be at Dr lim place? i doing amnio at 1.30pm so will reach before that...

I gave up asking Jianing abt the queue nos, she can be quite rude at times

@ xy, i think our water bag expanding.. U are a first time mummy? Thou I am 2nd time mummy but I can feel cramp at times
bliss ling > Thanks.. 2nd time mummy le.. I feedbacked about the cramps to gynae and was given an tai med again + told to rest more..

nt sure if this will work for you, I realised that I have cramp when salt content intake is high. so I reduce and take note which food from where give me cramp.

Ling: my appt will b in the afternoon after 1pm. U still need to see dr lim on that day b4 your amnio??? For me, I go straight to level 4 for my amnio last week.

Ya I saw some complaints abt JIA ling on the forum. So far she is quite ok with me. When I call last wk n she pick up the phone n I told her abt my case that I might need to see Dr Lim, she didn't turn me down n told me quickly cum down to see him. I still prefer YAN Ling she is very approaching
Hi- does anyone know if having loose stools is normal? Have been having loose stools 5-6 times a day for the past 3 days. No tummy ache, just backache.

Can't reach my dr. Getting worried.
Yes. I been having loose stools daily too. But once or twice per day. Chk wit gynae. He said is normal cos diff ppl react differently due to hormones. But if u feel any discomfort or hc any concerns, can always chk wit ur gynae.
jux went for scan at 17wks! Tot will c gender but bb nt cooperative. Slping wit body curled dwnwards. Hv to wait till the detailed scan end aug. Sob.
Hi mummies, I'm a Sept 2012 mummy. :)
Letting go of brand new baby cot mattress as we got the measurements wrong: Sandman Orthopedic Comfort by Sleeppost 68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
$150, price negotiable. :)
Pls PM if interested. Thks!!
I am also having body aches,especially near the left side of the tailbone. Think I pulled some muscle or what, left leg like very weak. Walk after sitting for a while will limp a little bit.
I feel I am walking slower than a 8th month pregnant woman....
Amnio test:
Today's my 3rd day of bed rest. Getting v bored but Hb insist I must still stay home for today at least. Any of u have bruising around the area? Mine is a bruise w slight pain if I touched it. No wetness or discharge thou. Din opt for express result .

Hope u can get ur good results n can go home today.
Repost: Price reduced!
Was selling at $150, now selling at $120.

The Sandman Orthopedic Comfort cot mattress.
68cm x 118cm x 10cm.
Brand new, still plastic-wrapped.
Selling off as we ordered wrong measurements.
*Throwing in 3 pre-loved, lightly-used cot sheets which fit!*

Mattress is high quality orthopedic PU Foam, great for developing baby's spine.
Excellent Ventilation ....(Thickness 4 inches)
Anti Dustmite - Anti Bacteria - Anti Fungal, Damask Fabric With Quilting
Firmness Scale:6/10 Firm

If interested, pls PM me.
Self-collect at Bukit Batok/ location can be discussed.

bed rest bed rest! I heard alot of unfortunate stories, so bed rest is important. My gynae grounded me last time for 1 mth on bed.

But I need go musical as paid already, so I walk like snail till a few staff ushered me like VIP right to my seat. :p
Hi gals, finally finally finally my gynae give the green light to discharge today!!!!!! Yippee hurray, have been longing for this day very long Liao... But the amnio test result not out yet... Still gonna wait.. Have to continue bed rest at hm but today I realize how comfortable my bed is, it's like the best bed on earth hahaha...

Had a real good shower first thing after I reach home.. Can't really walk now coz legs are too weak after lying in hosp fit 9 days!!!!

Can't desc how happy I m when gynae said ok u can go hm.. Did a scan before went home and the water is accumulating slowly, still not enuff though but I will Jia you... Dunno is it coincidence or wat I was told to drink coconut juice and lots of fluid to increase the wAter, maybe really helps or just happen that the hole has close that's why water is accumulating..

Anyway it's a good news for me that the water is accumulating.. Now is the amnio test result to worry for...

Gynae has covered me with mc till next fri and I have to go back and see her to see baby's progress.. Hopefully will be even beta and I Shd have gotten my result by then I hope...

That's all the updates for today..

Again thank you gals for all the support and encouragement during my stay in the hosp, really gives me the strength to fight on... Thanks all..
Hi Wendy
Ah congrats!!! Greatest news ever! Yes those young coconuts really worked! I had the same prob of low fluid and drinking water was not increasing it fast enough. But those young coconuts worked miracle.;) drink more and take something to counter the cooling effect! It'll be good news from now on!!
Hey Wendy, that's awesome news!!!! Nothing beats going back to your own nest! Rest well and try your mighty best to increase the fluid intake. U n your bb are strong enough and will pull thru it together!

Serene : hugs! Same situation like yours, can't really especially getting out of bed. The gp has given me painkiller for the Pain. It's slightly better now.
Wendy: so happy for u! Should try to continue to rest in bed as much as possible, best is complete bed rest... Hope u hv help to take care of u at home while u are on mc.... All the best! Jia you!
Wendy, finally can go home! Do rest well. Ur results will be fine!

Was so bz n tired over the last few days. #1 had fever n vomitted. Took leave to take care of him. Preg plus taking care of #1 alone is not easy.
Wendy that's fantastic news! U n baby really pulled through! Have a good rest at home ya~

Meanwhile has anyone experienced aching feet? I could be showering for 20mins and then my feet will get feel so sore like I had walked 3hrs straight; and I'm only 16weeks.
Wendy, great to know that you are discharged. Online to rest well and all the best for your amnio results!

My left thigh/ leg hurt even more these 2 days and I can hardly walk without support.
Maybe I should go see a doc also for this.
<font color="119911">Wendy, so happy that u are already discharged!

You n baby have done an awesome job!
Pls continue to bed rest though...

I'm just back from my bkk getaway!
Happy and tired at the same time... lol
Hope all of u had a great weekend too!
Morning ladies... Monday blue blue blue... Busy weekend. More tiring than weekdays... So much things to do...At least during weekdays, Can stone a bit in front of PC... LOL.

Congrats Wendy. Continue to bed rest and rest well till the water level back to normal. So heartening and happy to hear that your cond improved so much! Jia you!

Etirine, me! I stood for about half hr of ironing and my feet hurt badly.. then I will 'kee siao' and start scolding my hubby.. ha! ha!
Congrats Wendy, wonderful news! Must take care and continue to rest well. Wish you speedy recovery!

I do not have loose stools instead constipation... not sure why though i eat enuf fruits and vege...
morning ladies. its monday again. bleah.... how was ur weekend?

canopy, ur trip coming up! u must be so looking fwd! when r you flying?

ctrus, my gynae taught me to flex my feet immediately once i feel cramps coming. flex it with toes pointing twds u so u stretch ur calves. maybe can try. but its not everytime can catch the cramp so early lah...

Wendy, wow thats great news! congrats on discharge! jia you on building up the liquid!

serene, welcome to the thread..!

valerie, your girl so cute...
glad ur scare is over liao for you..

shice, hope ur boy feeling beta now!

batikid, maybe get an appt with ur gynae. i had one loose stool a day during first tri and my gynae said once a day is fine. urs 5-6 times good to see doc. but u didn't happen to just take antibiotics right? cos antibiotics can cause loose stools.
@ Valerie, i no need see Dr Lim but will be popping by to see the requirement of staying for a day in tmc.. my hub very worry ..

@ wendy, great to hear the good news.. Jia you

glad to hear that you have discharged! Take care!

Shice, hope ur#1 recovers soon! u take gd care too!
Hi daisybuttons, almost recover already. My dr ask me to take ultra carbon and avoid dairy products. It was effective.

But I still went down to scan scan.... Just in case
hey daisybuttons and Sylvia, thanks for ur concern. my #1 is back to normal already. back to his very active stage. Whereas i've been coughing for 1 week already.
think children recover faster than adults.

tried manuka honey, starfruit juice, the mild lozenges that gp gave.. all doesn't seems to work. guess will have to endure the coughing. hope the little one inside is not greatly affected.

I'm glad this week is a 3 day work week for me coz of national day and took leave on 10 aug. Can finally rest a little.
hi mummies, anyone know where can i buy Puku products? i know BHG carries them. anywhere else i can get it?
missy, puku is the duck rite? I saw it before at kiddy palace.

daisybutton, somehow i dun like pi pa gao. Think it's too thick. Will make me puke. Hope to recover soon! How ur little one? when's ur next visit to the gynae?
shice, next visit is next fri hee. how abt urs? little one these few days like moving less..... hhmm...tell myself i too paranoid cos movements r still fluttery lah...
Daisybutton, nice!! Detailed scan right? Mine is 3 days after urs. Looking forward to see baby!
Ya, think its still early to worry. Maybe it's kicking inwards where u can't feel much? Heh. I also dun feel the kicks regularly too. Some days can feel some cannot.
Shice, if u dun mind, can try pearl powder from chinese medicine hall. I saw 2 docs last time n still cough until I slept for only 2-3hrs every night for a week. Finally it improved with the powder. However, pearl powder is abit "Liang" so must be careful. I took a 3 days dosage, once a day.
I cannot really feel any movement too yet. Doc said my placenta is anterior so likely can only feel movement at later stage.
Any mummies also with anterior placenta ?

Dun worry too much, ur amnio will be ok de.
I was so worried last week when i went for amnio that I burst into tears the moment the nurse called my name. My hubby was at a loss dunno how to calm me down. But the TMC staff nurse helping with the amnio is a very nice and pleasant lady. She explained to me that she handled so many amnio cases very rarely got problem one. After talking to her I felt so much better and the scan before the amnio was really very enjoyable, felt like a preview of the 20th week for me cos the radiographer said the bb was in such a good position for scanning.
So just prep ur baby the night before ask bb to guai guai find a good position and Siam the doc.s needle. That was what my hubby told bb the night before the test.
Stay positive and all will be well!
shice, yah its detailed scan. yah loh maybe cant feel every moment lah. urs also some days cannot? ok i feel beta now heee. yah, pearl powder very very liang.

serene, urs 2nd child right? since gynae has a reason why u dun feel it yet, cos of anterior placenta, dun worry too much. gynae usually knows best.

mommies, i rem someone mentioned before that they suddenly feel giddy one day? its very strange, this morning woke up i felt funny even when lying in bed, head a bit spinning. stood up to walk also like need focus to walk in straight line. now at office, reading a hardcopy document also feel the document like not keeping in place. what was the reason, those who saw gynae for this? i been eating my multivits leh, and i never felt this way during preg before. hubby ask is it blood pressure i said i dunno. i called gynae office no one ans, so i sms-ed. coupled with the fact that baby movement like less i am worried.

bliss-ling, managed to find out can u stay one night? can understand ur worry cos u had m/c before, and ur hubby is so sweet to be so kan chiong. rem to stay still sit on chair at least 30mins after the amnio.
Good morning! It's been a long while since I logged in &amp; so much to catch up!

Canopy: hope you have a great getaway trip!

Wendy: really glad to know you &amp; baby are doing well now!

Daisy: so nice, I still need to wait 3 wks to see bb in detail.

Shice: for coughing, mayb u can ask the Chinese medical hall for whether preggy can take those pkt (with 南杏,北杏,川贝,etc). Need to boil for about half hour.

Missy: puku pdt Kiddy Palace should have, I guess.
Mummies, today is my 2nd day mc.
Sunday midnight I LS three to four times each hour n only manage to catch a wink at 3 but my boy cry till very Jia lat only want me to carry.. Morning went tO see doc he only Give me charcOal n probiotics. Went tO my mother house to sleep so that I got amPle rest. LS haven stop by then n in fact had vommitted. Then evening went to kkh to have a thigh jab...

Poor beanie inside mummy nv eat much till today only drink soup n kuey Tiao..
@ serene, thanks dear = ) Will do it and talk to bb.

@ Daisy, goin to call the nurse in clinic. Will rem to sit on chair for 30 mins after the test. lol.. Yup, my hub very worry. I told him that it will be very painful leh cos the needle poke into my abdomen.. He was shocked and tried to "swallow" that piece of info.. Think I have that drama face and action lor, he got even worried.

Daisy button,
Mine is #1, that's y I also blur blur.
Yeah but since got reason I will wait patiently till I can feel bb move.

Take care and rest well.
Drink more fluid to prevent dehydration, cos LS is quite draining. Get well soon.
