(2013/01) Jan 2013

Mummies, any one of you still having morning sickness at this stage? I'm still puking at least once a day and food court smells just trigger it off.... feel quite miserable with all the stomach acid and burping and bloatedness and tiredness.. seems like this pregnancy is more tiring than the first.

Yesterday i tried wearing heels for a day and my back was aching by midday!

Cant wait to feel 100% better and not always wanting to sleep...

At the same time quite excited that I will know boy or girl in maybe 2 wks time! This pregnancy I have totally differnt symptoms from my first, skin breakouts, excessive vomitting, so expecting a boy boy! Wonder how i will feel if it is not!!!

Thks ladies.. Today rest at my own house but my boy cannot let me go.. He totally change n be naughty when he see me.. That's what my mil says.. He finally sleep..

Doc gave me oral liquid thingy to keep me dydrated n till now still now much appetite.. Think Tomolo have to go work, the other working colleague both child have hfmd
Pink dice Am now 18 week 2 days still having ms.. Everyday. It's more tough than my 2nd one.. Yest scan and ask my gynae again if beanie is still a girl? He say yes! Lol
Wanna buy cute bands I hope .. Waiting for next week detailed scan!
Cheese & Shice, do take good care of yourself.. hugs!

Daisybuttons, i'm the one who keep experiencing lightheadness for this preg. Prior to preg, I have low blood pressure but never had the fatigue feeling. Checked with gynae, he said normal. Nowadays, i can one moment feel very ok then the next min suddenly very hungry and breaking out in cold sweats... Anyway, i realised that whatever discomfort we raised, as long as no real consistent pain, Gynae will usually say it's normal due to preg. Very easy hor? LOL.

My boy also suddenly very close to me. Since birth, i'm always the no 2 in his heart. He adores his daddy most and everytime when he saw his daddy, he will ignore the rest of the family... But recently, he only wants me. Will hug and only want me to hold him. Luv the attention but also very tired cos he will follow me all the way even to toilet and scream for the door to be opened... Luckily he sleeps with inlaws if not, i don't think I can even rest for a min.
ah Cheese... lol then i must mentally prepare that this will be a girl again..... i have been so sure that it will be a boy.. When I was having really bad MS and resting at home with no.1, I also couldnt get any rest, girl keep wanting to 'walk walk', 'bao bao' and teething her canine so kept waking at night until i got to send her to mom's once a week to sleep over so i can get proper rest...

Jia you and rest well ok! sounds like you have stomach flu or food poisoning.. must be careful not to take milk products.
Mummies, this just came through my fb,heard there's $200 worth of goodies from Pigeon, slimming pdts, etc
Will update once I get an updated poster of registration details!

1 Sept 2012 Admission fee $10

Program outline:
1. Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Pregnancy by Dr Tony Tan Yew Teck (Raffles Hosp)
2. Relationship btw Fibroids and Pregnancy by Dr Lim Min Yu ( NUHS)
3. Breastfeedling by Mrs Wong Boh Boi (TMC)
4. Financial Planning for Pregnancy and Family

Ladies, I have a brand new 900g tin of Similac Mum (expires Mar 2014) to let go at only $20 (Usual price $28.50).
Also have 1 milk satchet to let go at only $4 (Usual price $8.70).
Pls PM me if u're interested. Thks!
Thanks for sharing, PinkDice. Am keen to attend, will look out for your post on registration details hee

Cheese and Icyjo: I had diarrhoea for 1 week during my previous pregnancy at my first trimester. I ate a scone that has been in the frige for a week cos dun wanna waste. Nowadays I m much more careful, will keep telling myself not worth taking the risk by consuming food that's been kept for long.
I hv an extra bottle of obimin to let go at $3. Any mummies who are keen, let me know. PM me cos this thread moves v fast and I seldom login.
cheese & icyjo: be careful. I too had food poisoning 2 weeks ago. we can't take much medication and the medication & jab did not help. I ended up dehydrated and have to be admitted to be on drip & observation. was a torturing experience but glad baby is ok. so now I'm very careful with what I eat cause my Gynae said we take a longer time to digest our food so the toxic stays longer in our stomach and we can't take strong medication
Good morning ladies,

GOOD NEWS: Just called my gynae clinic to check my amnio test result....Thank God, my bb is healthy and I m expecting a girl

Calling Wendy: I think your amnio test result should be out too
....I am sure it will b a good one too!!!!
Hi val, congrats on the good news.. Feel so happy for you..

For me, I am back to my gynae clinic again coz I have some discharge again... So worried so came first thing in the morning to queue coz walk in ... Hopefully it's just normal discharge and not amnio fluid leaking... Haiz..
hammiebao: thanks!!

Wendy: no worries, i hv keep you in my prayer
Both u & your bb are doing so well and everything is going to be fine
Keep us posted and we r looking forward to receive your good news today!!
Congratz Val!!!!

Wendy : don't queue, just let the counter gal know abt your situation, normally they will be able to put u first to see the gynae!

Good morning to all from me in Phuket!
Congrats on the good news shared! So sweet to be expecting a gal...

Everything will be fine. ^_^ I have some discharge too. Think should be ok as long as it is not "urine smelling" discharge.

So good....can R&R in Phuket! Me still home resting cos amnio wound got abit of bruising. Hb bans me from driving this week still. Dr Tsang says probably the needle hit a blood vessel that is causing the bruising. Crossing my fingers for next week's results to be out.

Wendy: what canopyhaze said its true, for your case, u should hv this previlege to jump the quene. Last week when i reached my gynae clinc, even how difficult that counter gal is, she knew abt my situation and i was the 3rd one to see my gyane. As what Wenyl mentioned, if the wetness is not alot, then it should b discharge just like my case
so dont worry too much!!

thanks canopy & wenyl.

canopy: enjoy yourself at Phuket!!
Hi gals, ya indeed it was pretty quick before I get to see the gynae...

Good news: I got my amnio test result and baby is normal!!!!! I am going to have another baby girl...

Bad news: gynae said the water is lesser than when she did a scan for me before i was discharged last sat.. Seems like there is leaking again... Have to be admitted again...
At the Gynae waiting for appt... Grrrrr... I WILL NOT come to Mt E for delivery! Terrible jam! Late for appyt now have to wait hmmmppphhh
Congrats for ur good amnio results ! Do keep hydrated n drink plenty of fluids. Pray that your condition will improve quickly. Remember to Continue to talk to baby.
Anyone keen to get these preloved books by TMC Wong Boh Boi. Its very useful and comprehensive. No regrets.
The books are in excellent condition.

Selling $8 per book.
If you getting new ones, its $13 per book.

PM if keen.

Fullhouse: haha, my friend was late for the c-section at Mt E due to jam getting to carpark. She also did not dare to us ethe car lift in case she gets stuck!
Hi, anyone still eating sashimi? Dunno why for this pregnancy, keep having craving for it. Eat three times already. Feel so guilty after eating. Scare something happen to the little one.
Congrats Fullhouse!

I can't wait to see Dr Ong next Friday. Am hopeful I'll get to know the baby's gender then.
PinkDice : Thanks for sharing. sounds like a good deal for $10 and lots of info. I ever seen Dr Tony Tan, he is very patient guy and good at explaining facts and specialist in the OSCAR scan analysis, amino test or final scan analysis.
Morning mummies
Heee, I'm very happy actually. Was looking at the full range of mothers' garden toys but thought it'll be such a waste for #2 as she'll outgrow so soon. Now I can indulge!

Finally my dream of having two girls :D

How's things? Rest well ok!! You're really doing great. Think the doc is just being precautionary.

Anyone else know the gender liao?
Morning mummies,

Having bad cramps whole nite and din get to zzz well, have discharge at 430am and was totally wide awake.. Just nw when I pee my god more discharge and now is with blood... When I saw that my heart really sink down... Nw I m so scared lying on the hosp bed alone, waiting for my gynae to come and tell me what's wrong.. Really terrified that baby is not going to get thru...
Yesterday I seen my gynae, he said likely to be a girl! Happy!!!
I read a Chinese 通书 borrow from MIL which also has a page on personality on the birthdate. It state Jan13 baby early life 财进财出 (got how much spend how much kind),mid life 平平and has to work very hard but late life 荣华富贵。
It state for Jan13 dragon girl is good. Pray hard is a girl.
Take care and stay strong. Have faith in god and your fighting bb. All will be well de.

Early life 财进财出is normal cos u give pocket money for the kid to spend mah. Just make sure you don't give too much lor. Hehehe
Late life 荣华富贵more important,means good life good retirement le.
Hope you will get your wish for dragon girl !
Congrats on your good amniotic results too!!
Can go shopping for nice cute stuff for little princess le
For me I had been on mc for the past three days too, cos my slow walking end up become limping, then in Monday morning the pain in my left thigh was so bad that I could not walk. Took me 10 mins just to get from bed to attached bathroom.
Yesterday managed to limp my way to see gynae for appt but he got not much advice. Can only monitor that pain dun be too prolonged n left leg dun get weaker. But at least bb everything ok. Came back the pain got a bit worse after walking too much.
I just hope my pain will go away soon, else so ma fan every small thing also cannot do. Hubby also very busy need prepare meals in room for me.
Lol, congrats!

Girls should be quite confirmed? you see the three lines? I saw the three lines on the scan and told gynae, oh it's a girl, even before he said that. he laughed and said, wah you fast. (I have two liao mah..).

Yes too many people's first comment was 'wah, still can squeeze into dragon year!'..i usually laughed and say " too many dragons in my family liaoz.". Both my hb and I are dragons, and I am a Jan dragon, so i really didnt think much of dragons...LOL!!! Not very impressed with myself buahahahahahaha.... Hmmm come to think about it...three dragons in a family of five...a bit too many... i think if i believe in chinese horoscope, they will say bad, coz choing ah...

Cant complain though, i lead a very blessed life. Thanking God for everything!

Im hoping for dec bb though (quite difficult lah) coz the age gap between #3 and #2 will be 4 years instead of 5 years...heee... seems nicer that way. also both #1 and #2 born year end, nice to have another year end bb.maybe after this aim for #4 to be novemeber, then celebration from sept every month to dec.....

haiz fat hope...

praying for you! hang on there and speak to bb!!! jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!
Wendy: sad to hear that. But also dont b too paranoid.. Sometime bleeding could b due to other reason and not the amnio test. Stay positive though I know it's difficult at times. U r doing really great job so r ur BB..Talk to ur BB and will continue to pray for u and your BB.

Serene: thanks!!! Both my wish and my gal wish come true as we really want to have another gal in the family
actually I hv yet to share my BB gender and the amnio test result with my gal yet as I wanted to give her a surprise tomorrow when she accompany me to see my GYNAE for the result.

Also congrats to all mummies who know the gender of your BB.

Bliss ling: pls rest and do not carry heavy suff after your amnio test yesterday. U will b fine too!!!
I did amnio yst afternoon .. waited from 1.30-3.30pm... Well, it like having an injection at abdomen .. mine was fast and out of room within 10mins .. the nurse was encouraging too.. Dr Chang was telling me the baby looks good and when needle popped in, he was telling me that the needle will not touch bb, I was focusing on the scan machine & saw the imagine of needle ...

Nw resting at hm... I miss my cheeky bb at hm.. #1 at my mum place ... Can only see her tmr
Wendy, rest well.... U have come so far so continue to stay positive and strong and fight together with your baby.

Bliss, rest well and hope u also get good result as well as a boy!!!!
Hi mummies, me here early morning again.. Was awake from pain due to cramp, discharge with blood again and it's pinkish.. I guess the only consolation it is not fresh red blood..

Still having cramps nw but not as bad as yest nite.. It was really no diff from contraction pain.. Nearly went bad but I tong .. Then when I told my gynae she said Aiyo why u nv inform the nurse u r in such pain u really very guai leh.. Shd tell them coz that's wat u r here for.. So nw all the nurse came in will always ask me if I feel pain hagaga...

Really have phobia every morning when I open my eyes and then I feel the discharge...

Thanks all mummies for the encouragement n support, me still hanging on here with my dragon gal.

Hope next update will be good news
Hi Wendy,
hang it there..we will continue to pray for you and your baby..stay positive and we are going forward to hear good news from you.

Wendy, sad to know you are admitted into hospital again, hope everything will turn out fine just like first time. Waiting for your good news in your next update. Jiayou!!!

Averie, you have changed gynae? I was hoping maybe I might see you at Dr Chee's clinic.

Fullhouse, congrats on having a girl! My gynae said I'm most probably having another girl during oscar test. I will see gynae again next monday, can confirm gender again. What a coincidence that I hope that my this #2 will come in dec instead of jan so that the age gap between by #1 and #2 is 6 instead of 7 years!!! after my #2, I hope to have my #3 in horse year in nov so my family can celebrate bdays all the way from aug to dec!
