(2013/01) Jan 2013

Just gotten my Oscar's results last sat...

Baby's fine but just bigger in size for the "age" (week 13)..

Turn out, its me who is low in immunity for Hep B.. Doc says have to go for Hep B jab after delivery..
Friends, can use then good. Maybe I will get some n ask my gynae too. Coz I do experience severe back pains until really cannot sleep kind. Usually on my left lower back near hip area. Not sure if it's because I didn't use bolster to "kiap" in betweens my legs when I sleep on sides.

Canopy haze, so nice got welcome lunch! Heh. Enjoy ur lunch!!

I'm now back home to rest. Having headaches n some giddy spells. Will take mc today. Just felt money wasted taking cab to office n back home just now. Should have taken mc from the start.
Val & Friends, I'm too in wk 17 and didn't really feel any movement yet.. Maybe because I'm a 1st time mum-to-be, don't know how fluttering sensations should feel like... But I'm staying positive... =)

Looking forward to seening my bb again during my detailed scan in 3 wks time...
Friends, i also tell Dr Ben about my backaches.... he say i get it so early... he say can use salonpas, go for pre-natal exercise and tell my hubby to massage...
baby movements,
For my #1 I couldn't feel much at all cos the placenta was right in front, blocking off most movements. Only the later kicks were more definite.

This time around I THINK I'm feeling something, but I can't really be sure. It feels like stomach rumbles I get when I'm hungry, but it's just one single 'tumble', then it stops.
For my first one, I only felt bb kicks around 24weeks. So dun worry so much, mummies. Back then my gynae asked me if I felt any bb movements and I even asked him how does it feel like. He paused for a while and then laughed. He said he hasn't encountered it before himself, but tried to describe to me based on what is recorded on medical textbooks.
I bought it at taka fair.. Avent counter. it new and it worth it thou w/o box. There are those which are in box and it ard the same price we bought before fair.

I bought 2 just to try out for #2 as I never use ut before. Seems that there are good review for Avent.
Mummies who are using Pigeon peristaltic bottles, do u ever encounter the teats collapsing into the bottle? Not sure if my bb is sucking too hard, but she's already using the largest L teat... I used Avent too, never had such a problem.
bliss_ling: My bb has no preference for either Pigeon or Avent, I use both interchangeably. But she gets very upset whenever the Pigeon teat collapses and will refuse her milk.

Freesia: Hmm interesting... maybe my gal is an aggressive sucker...
dolphindolphin, its available as Newborn Essentials Set at the Taka fair (till this sun)... $199...
Include:Steam steriliser, Bottle & baby food warmer, 3 x 125ml PP bottle, 2 x 260ml PP bottle, 0-6mth Silicone Soothers, Spout Cup and Baby wipes...

I'm considering in getting this set...But not sure if the warmer essential...
jac and dolphindolphin, i got the Avent newborn essential set at taka fair. i offset with my $100 taka voucher and paid $99. quite alot of mummies recommend to get the bundle set as it's a good deal. the warmer helps to shorten the time needed to warm up the milk and at the right temperature so the nutrients from breastmilk is not loss.
bliss_ling: Yah hor, I hv not thought of tat. Maybe I should identify a new teat to try and see if this problem occurs for that teat. Thx for sharing

jac: I strongly recommend getting a warmer. If you warm up using hot water, you can't know the exact temperature of the water. To prevent loss of nutrients in breast milk, the recommended temperature is 40 deg celcius.
piggy mum,
I faced same prob last time. Pigeon teat is softer thus after few months with high temp of steralization, the teat is softer and it will come out when my daughter sucked it.. I change teats every month... I was told that Piegon steralizer is one of the highest temp ard in the market. abt 120 degree cel ..
piggymum, i think the teats will soften after rounds of sterilization, dun worry, we will be changing the size of the teats every 2-3 months, depending on your bb drinking capabilities so it's should be fine! ;-)
Hello Sorry have been so busy with work and no time to log in over wkend...

Valerie, the qn on Jojoba oil, you can buy it from most shops that sells pure essential oils. I buy mine from STYX @ Takashimaya #B1.. Last pregnancy I used about 2 bottles from 12 weeks onwards.. about $65 per bottle if I remember correctly.. Yesterday a friend recommended BIO-OIL from Watsons, saying that its best seller for stretch marks, so you might also want to try that..

FRIENDS, my colleague recommended this pillow from Mothercare that helps us sleep better and can also be used as breastfeeding pillow when bb is born.. I havent seen it myself and only knows it costs about $129 so you might want to go Mothercare looksee..

Wendy.. sorry to hear about your condition.. Jia you and stay positive! Dunno but maybe eating more Vit C and tonics can help tissues to repair faster... Dun give up and keep talking to the bb!
Missy & Piggy mum, thks for sharing =)shall get the essential set this week...
Mind to share what else you bought during the fair? I'm eyeing on the Avent Steamer and blender too...
Anyone else face the same situation? This is my second pregnancy and for some reason my tummy is showing like 5- 6mths though I am only 14 weeks.. its like all my organs pushed upwards by the uterus and bulging out.. I think also more loose skin and fats remaining from first pregnancy, resulting in me looking more preggy than I should... So uncomfortable that after every meal tummy is so tight and bloated..!
pinkdice, me too! I look like I was 5 - 6 months preggy even tho I barely touch 4 months! Even my hb comment that this time around it is bigger than previous! hahah
jac: that's all i got from taka fair. haha. there is a free gift of 2 packs huggies wet wipes too! hubby don't allow me to buy the rest of the items cause he said it's still early. better to slowly buy when we know our baby gender.
Pinkdice, Tres,
Me three! Even one month ago ard 12-13weeks I already looked very bloated and pregnant by evening. Easily can pass off as 5months preggy. Especially after the evening meal. I started wearing maternity pants many weeks ago! But my stomach is significantly flatter by morning, then it expands throughout the day.

Philips avent has a few sales throughout the year so mummies who want to get those bundle deals can also wait for that? Robinsons frequently has such promotions too.
Same here, PinkDice. I read that all subsequent pregnancies will be like that, cos the uterus has been stretched before. When 1 was 8wks I look like 3mths, now I am 15wks I look like 5mths. During my 1st pregnancy, my tummy remained flat until around 4.5 mths.

Tres & bliss_ling: Okie I'll go replace my teats

Jac: I guess the Avent steamer-cum-blender is a separate buy, not $199 bundle purchase? If so I would consider buying it during subsequent bb fairs (there are 2 Taka bb fairs a year), cos the warranty will start from date of purchase, just in case it spoils lah.
Been away for a awhile and i was unlucky to be strike by Hand Foot Mouth disease for no reason! Had a high fever, throat infections, and now attacked with itchy and painful blisters. Rushed to A&E on Sat night but lucky doc inform no harm to bb, but no medication as we preggy cannot take the standard medication.

Anyone experience it during prenancy before? Pls share any tips to look out for during this recovery period?
Hi thanks for the info. I saw the avent set at taka too. But I wan get avent sterilizer n pigeon warmer n nuk bottles.
So the set not for me.
How much is the avent sterilizer alone at taka? I saw kiddy palace selling at $159.
Hi gals, its my fifth day in the hosp.. Still jiayou-ing. Dr Tc Chang came to see me today and told me he is rushing the amnio result out earliest is fri or next mon then can get... He said maybe bcoz I have bleeding in early parts of this pregnancy that's why doing amnio test triggers this incident. He ask me to just rest and dont think of anything else and he wish me the best..

Gynae did a scan for me today and finally I heard something that brightens up my day in the hosp a little. She said there is 2 pocket with water, althOugh still little but at least it looks bet than sat.. So ask me to cont on strict bed rest.. Nw I wana Pass motion also can't go toilet liao.. Have to do it on the bed.. Really challenging.. Yet to succeed...

Can feel my bb movement.. A kick once awhile makes me feel more assured that bb is doing well..heartbeat is strong.. My bb is a fighter like mummy..

Ok that's all for today.. Hopefully will have more good news for the amnio test
Wendy: that's great news! Continue to fight on!!!!

Bp & cheese: I Lost 3kg so far, no weight gain.

Re: bloated tummy
My tummy is hard n bloated in the evening ESP after dinner. Looks huge, but the tummy becomes flatter in the day.
piggymum, yes, the steamer & blender is a seperate buy... agree with you, plan to buy at the next parenthood fair in nov or in other sale..

wendy, glad to hear your good news! Jiayou!!
Wendy, am really happy to read your update!! Bb is very good!! Bb is doing his/her best to stay strong with mummy!! Sorry but my tears drop when I read ur good update! Take care and everything will be well!! We all support u and bb!!

Bloated tummy
My evening tummy sure looks like my 6mths tummy during my #1 time, now only 13+ weeks!! My tummy was quite small during #1

Happy to know everything is going well for you. We are all praying hard for you here. It's great to share yr thoughts w us too.

Must be tough having to do business on the bed. Baby will know mummy is doing all she can, so he/she must kick u more often to encourage u!

To experienced mummies out there who BF, may I seek your advise.

Is it nescessary to buy maternity bras and nursing tops? I see those front clip / hook type bra and wonder if I should get them or use a regular non-padded comfy bra will suffice?
Wendy, So glad to hear your update. Must continue to rest in your bed. Your baby is fighting strong with u! U must not lose confidence, all will be well. Hugs!

Bloated tummy: Me too... Tummy big as thou I'm 6 mths preg... Colleagues were commenting that I look heavily pregnant... Doesn't look like only 17 weeks -___-"
Celia, If u can get a nursing room everything u bf, then wear whatever also ok... I bought some nursing bra and a few nursing top, useful when still new to BFing.. But when I more season with bf, I'm ok with normal bra and top... With BFing shawl... I bf my boy for 1 year..
Normal bra is ok but many 1st time mummies experienced very bad blocked ducts and lumps due to wired bras. I strongly recommend nursing bra for 1st timers. Once you are more seasoned, can wear normal bras.

Wendy, jiayou! You are a strong fighter n baby will be like you too!
Hi Wendy
What great news! Continue to jiayou and just enjoy the rest while you can! When the bb's out, you won't have time to rest le!!

Bb essentials
Are you sure you need so many items? Blender and steamer, you have in the kitchen then don't need le. When they start solids you don't need to sterilise everything anyway.

Teats and bottles
I don't mean to be wet blanket but you might not want to get them so early? First your bb might not need them eventually. I rem I used only one medicine shop teat for the time I want to go out wo bb. The rest of the teats , after storing for a few months (maybe I didn't store them properly), they all melted... Or kinda grew sticky.

My children hardly used the bottle. I used glass bottles and any kind of teats (mainly for in laws when I go out). They transit from breast to cup by the time they are 7 mths or so, so even when they transit to fm, they drink from cup.

So watch and wait a bit, see what your bb likes. bottles and teats are cheap so don't need to stock up.

We can all read a lot of positive stories on BFg to psy ourselves up. It's very important. Tell yourself it's the best, it's ok, slight initial pain will pass then it's a breeze. Imagine don't have to get up at night to make milk!

There was someone who told me she got depressed coz she felt like milk cow. Only there to feed the child and don't get to play with child. My hb has a simple calculation for bfg mums. If you spend half hour feeding every cycle and feed 6-8 times a day, you are spending 3-4 hours bonding with your child wo even having to move from the sofa!! Watch tv, read books, watch DVD, and you're still bonding!

So must tell ourselves, we can do it!

Bloated tummy
Thought I ate too much that's why I feel bloated :D
Hi all mummies~
I'm new in this thread & I'm preg. with #2.. my #1 is 11 years old now.. My edd is 1st feb but becos my #1 is premature thus gynae say that my #2 will likely be premature too... Thus I'm joining this thread.

I have something to ask abt Oscar (NT scan).. I had completed mine last wednesday.. The NT result show 3.1mm.. Sonographer din mention anything except that my bb seem to be on the 'bigger' side but today I went to get my blood test result.. My gynae mention the down syndrome result was 1:1187.. Which is consider low risk for my age.. BUT he say my bb neck is slightly thicker as the usual is below 3mm & he ask mi if I Wana do the amnio test..
Did any mummies have the same case with mi? Or is there any mummies that is going for the Oscar scan that can help mi check what is the average measurement of the neck..  Ps. I had just checked online & saw from some website that any range between 2.5mm to 3.5mm is normal.. But I'm just worried... 
Hi Lynette, I guess if I were you the deciding factor is whether it makes a difference to know the amnio test results, i.e. if results are unfavorable, will I give the baby up? If not, then I would not go for the test to prevent all the emotional turmoil.... that's for me lah...

So I'm not the only one with bigger than usual tummies! I keep thinking if I have a growth in my stomach or something that makes this pregnancy this way.. the bloatedness and burping is really uncomfortable and I have limited clothes to wear now..

I'm currently serving notice at work to be a SAHM for my no.1 who is turning 2 yrs old in Sept.. maybe after Sept can actually meet up with some of the other mummies here
I'm quite excited to be staying at home to spend lots of time with the kid but wonder if I will get bored or if I have enough activities to stimulate her.. Any advice from other SAHMs?
wendy, great to hear good news!! hope to hear more from you!!!

as for nursing bras and nursing wear.... i think should invest coz it really makes BF life easier.
wendy, glad to hear gd news!
continue to jiayou yea!

still so tired despite in 2nd trim... *yawn* no mood work too.
nursing bra and nursing shawl is a good investment, i felt.
as for nursing wear.. think can forget about it. some normal wear can double up as nursing wear too..
get more front button tops or bigger tops (just lift up and can breastfeed) will do.

oh.. there are some maternity wear which also double up as nursing wear.. maybe can invest in that if interested..

Just my opinion la..
All the best for ur amnio today! My turn tomorrow....***jitters***

Good to hear from u! Continue to stay positive & jiayou jiayou! ^_^

RE: Breastfeeding
Breastfed both my kids & seriously, I think all u need is a shawl or can also make use of the baby sling if u wanna breastfeed outside. Can also invest in a nice nursing shawl if u wanna spend. I sewed one myself to use it when travelling with my #2. For nursing bras, I use back my normal bra (no underwire type) cos I find the nursing bras too ley chey to clip & unclip. Just basing my own experience la.
Hello all mummies, will u all go to hospital to visit your hubby's bro wife when she gave birth and when u are pregnant?
I heard pantang, both me n hubby better dun go ?
<font color="119911">Wendy: that's great news!
Continue to keep up the great work!

RE: Nursing bras and tops
Personal opinion and experience, good to get the nursing bra but not nec for the nursing top though.
It's also best to get those non-wired ones as I've gotten lumps and pain when wearing the wired one.
Think the wires tend to clog the milk flow...</font>

Hi mommies and babies!

I'm new to this thread. Please do help to update:

ID: fazzyrizt
Child #2
EDD: 02 Jan 2013
Gynae: Dr Jasmine
Hospital: KKH

Thank you!
