(2013/01) Jan 2013

Take care! Must try to stay as positive as you can coz it will directly affect bb too... Just to share my personal story... For my #1, my water bag broke at 19 weeks, went into emergency clinic at tmc and gynae admitted me immediately and put me on ventolin (to prevent contraction) and augmentin (to prevent infection) and I was ordered complete bed rest. At that time only a little bit of leakage and still got amniotic fluid as shown on ultrasund scan. After a week of complete bed rest, was discharged, but less than 1 week, leakage started again. So really must just try to relax, be positive and stay completely in bed (lying down flat w hips and legs raised to prevent leakage of fluid). Gynae and nurses at TMC asked me to consider spontaneous abortion before 24 weeks is up which is the legal cut-off, but hubby and I decided not to and we just hope for the best. My boy had practically nil amniotic fluid from Week 22 - Week 29. I delivered him at Week 29 at KKH (not TMC coz only KKH has the right equipment needed for bb after delivery), and he is a healthy 2yo boy now... so really very important to rest, and be positive!

Another thing which I think helped - I started to take Anmum Materna based on recommendation from the nurses coz apparently it helps bb to grow well. My boy was weight of 31 weeks altho only 29 weeks old. So maybe you can try taking as well. Feel free to ask should you need more advice ya? Hugs!!!
Canopy can I check with u on the colour of your urine.

I noticed today my urine colour is light yellowish and not sure if it's due to the antibiotic that we r taking or I didn't drink enough water.
Thanks. I guess partly could b the antibiotic plus I did not drink enough water....will try to drink more water now and see if the urine color return to transparent
Hi wendy
Jiayou and stay positive.

I had low amniotic fluid at 30 plus week. My gynae, who is an Indian, told me to try an homeopathic method to get amniotic fluid back up. It's to drink the juice of young coconut. She said if it doesnt return to normal, she'll imduce. My amniotic fluid did return to normal until delivery. You are still early on so I'm not sure if it works. Just to share while you're there, google some natural remedy. It's better than sitting there worrying.
Belle, Xinyue, Tres,
Thanks for your advice on bm storage!
Belle I bought the Medela freestyle from the taka bb fair (still ongoing) at 700 plus. It comes with 30 breast pads, a calma teat and 4 bottles... And rechargeable batteries. I think Medela has 2 electric dual breast pumps - freestyle and pump-in-style. The PIS is big and noisy, I chose the freestyle because I'll be bringing it to the office and need something more lightweight but still a dual electric pump. One of my ex-colleagues who is v pro-bfeeding recommended it. She had a few pumps, including the PIS then switched to freestyle.

My heart goes out to you. Be strong - all of us here will be sending good wishes your way!
Think positive & total bedrest for now....Praying for leakage to stop & total healing upon you & bb now.
True! Super quiet today! At Jurong safra Mattel sale. Most bb items r all grabbed!  fair starts at 11am but heard people Q-ing since 9am!

Very worried! Gotta receive my amnio result this afternoon. Anxiously waiting for phone call.
Val: thanks! Hopefully gd result! I chicken feet. Damn not to call. Will wait for them to call me, even so will ask hubby to answer my phone if they call.
Hi mummies,

I am new here, am expecting my #1, 14w6d now, EDD is 19 Jan. Currently under Dr Shamini from Raffles women, but would like to deliver in Mount Alvenia, any mummy here can recommend a nice female doctor to me from Mount A? And where is her clinic located? Thank you!
the mattel warehouse sales so hot?
I think they replenish new stock certain time of day every day.

maybe need to ask wat time.
Thanks freesia!

Sylvia : I didn't ask. Didn't stay for long as I m not suppose to walk too much. The scale is smaller than the sale they used to have at loyang factory. Most big item eg jumperoo, bouncer r all gone within 5mins.

Anyone who is going there can help to ask when they restock it again, thanks! Hubby thought of going back tomo.
Busy morning..

Shice, I just checked my appt book.. Silly me, i got the timing wrong. Mine same time with yours.. lol.. Maybe we can collect car together...

Canopyhaze, all the best to your result. good luck!

Freesia, babyplus can start using at 18 - 19 weeks onwards... Me not using...
Hi canopyhaze, there r 2-3 rounds to replenish stock everyday @ jurong Safra. 2nd round is around 3pm I think. But better be there early coz hot items are being snatched within 5min! My hubby went there to chiong for toys from 1.30-5.30pm yesterday.

Wendy, I'll keep u in my prayers. Be positive. Everything will be fine.

To all mummies going and have gone for the amnio test, all the best and rest well!
Hello mommies, sorry I joined late.. just got introduced to such forums by my bestie..

Baby #2
EDD: 27 Jan 13
Dr Arijit Biswas

Hope to chat more with you ladies!
There's an event going on at United Square until this Sat I think.. for those of you who likes the Little Tikes Cupcake Kitchen set, its free if you spend $120 on Huggies diapers!
went for my Oscar yesterday. Got my hubby to go and take queue number at 830am. he came back after awhile then we went back at 1030am, finished the scan ard 1145am. so the wait still ok to me lah.

Wendy, hugs** hope u and baby will be fine. be postive..

For those who are asking abt warming up of frozen breastmilk, u can defreeze the milk from freezer to normal fridge temp for 1 day. then consume within 24hrs. remember after warming up of the breastmilk, cannot keep if theres any leftover. so only warm up what ur baby needs to avoid wastage of ebm. can warm in warm water if dun wan to invest warmer. to me, warmer is waste of electricity. but my hubby still uses it cos faster.

For breastpump, its advisable to use dual pump rather than single pump, cos saves times and minimise letdown. but of cos more ex.. :p
Basically i feel all medela pumps are noisy!!
my frens recommended Avent dual pump, cos more quiet, and is more comfortable..
if my freestyle die on me then i try Avent.. haha..

Dolphin, NUK standard neck caps can use on Medela bottles. basically standard neck caps can fit standard neck bottle. i use NUK caps for those hospital small glass bottles which i used to store BM too. i just put in the teats and warm the ebm and feed in Medela or the glass bottles.

NUK wide neck teats can fit Avent. my fren say no leak. of cos i think depends on the Avent bottles. i think certain types of Avent bottles i heard got leakage problems even with Avent teats. If i m not wrong, NUK can fit Medela cap, cos Medela cap size is neither standard size nor wide neck for the one i had lah.. Medela cap can onlt fit Medela teats.

I m using the round Avent steriliser. nowadays they came out with the oval shaped one. i threw all my NUK standard neck bottles, medela bottles, teats, pump parts all in the same steriliser!! haha..

Belle, u can buy new spare parts for ur old Medela pump if its still working. pump so ex now!! u can try buy from overseas spree in smh is cheaper.
Mummies, was there at the safra sale at 1plus. Not much things left for fp products. Asked the staff n they said wont be restocking fp products today anymore. Tml morning den got new stocks.
Got a rainforest playmat, bigger than the precious planet one I grabbed on Wednesday. Now have to find avenues to let go the precious planet one le.
A friend jus sold it for me. Cos it was a hot item at the sale too. It's the smaller newborn version. Original 100 plus. Bought it at 40 at the sale.
Hi mummies, sorry to disturb..

I have a full bumper set to let go at $30, the set can be found selling $49 at current Taka baby fair.

This set is washed but never used, is as good as new. The set comes with
1. Bumper (10.3 inch high), fit 27 by 52 inches cot
2. Bedsheet x 1 piece
3. Bolster x 1 piece
4. Pillow x 2 pieces

Please PM me for pics if keen, tks.

Anyone can recommend lotion or cream that is safe to apply for itchy breast during pregnancy.

I think my breast had increase in size and cause itchness. TIA!!
Hi Valarie, you need to moisturize your breasts cos the skin is being stretched. i'll recommend pure Jojoba oil for that purpose and can be used for your tummies too!
Hello ladies! I've been missing for a while, so bz with work.

For those ladies waiting to do Amnio or waiting for Amnio results, good luck & I will keep you all in my prayers, especially for Wendy.

I just finished my Gynae visit, doc say 90% girl. I sure hope it's true, but have to wait for detailed scan in 3 wks time to be 100% sure.
nickole, I will go check where to buy the spare parts for my old pump. The motor is still working fine.

tigress, your first kid is a boy? hope you will have a girl. my first is a girl and I hope to have a boy but my gynae says most probably I'm having a girl again. I'm also waiting for the detailed scan to be sure.
Tigress, yeah! My doc tell me for mine is 70 to 80% girl only. N my friend told me she got one friend detail scan say is ger but at 7mth become boy?! Hmmm.. I hope detail scan is really accurate!!!!!!
belle2006, yes my #1 is a boy.

Canopyhaze, thanks but I better wait for my detailed scan to be 100% sure. My friend was told that her baby is 80% boy, but it turned out to be girl.
