(2013/01) Jan 2013


I understand as due to bad experience, I also very scare to go thru another bad CL, so when my #2 CL was good decide to help, I am at peace nw.

So scare to think to go thru nightmares and instead of having resting n enjoy confinement still have to do so much.

U hv a gd MIL who is willing to help, mine wont. she only came visit once the 1st time. She is worse than the bad CL! LOL!

Since u hv gd maid, u hv nothing much to worry too.


arh ok... tot is unusual to gap so long..
nope not under package cos my gynae dun haf package de. according to him, he say no pkg more flexible, can varies the interval for checks. hmm... maybe that's y nxt check is so far away? helping me save $? lol~
Jo (josky) - My detailed scan is book with oscar, will be on 15 Aug.

My last visit is 12weeks, next visit is 2 weeks away... very long..one month also le..
when date is nearer then 2 weeks which what courgeous81 mention. But before detail scan will see him again to check.

canopyhaze - so bad! Am trying to engage my 1st CL with PEM but need to give 200 more..hai...
its all about money.. and provided if she is able to do for mine.. , if not they wont take the 200.
hai my #1 still want me to carry him.. in fact he is so close to me,dont even want daddy to hold his hand, and sometime
to the extend of carry...

my boy will beg me to carry him.. when i tell him baby inside, mummy is tired..
you know what he did? He sayang my tummy and say baby.... then carry on to beg me to carry him...

His kitty big eyes makes me really... haiz.. sher bu de. and just carry him a while, then I try to distract him
to walk...
canopyhaze, oops sorry. Silly me. Forgotten abt it. Me been v forgetful lately. Will do it later or tmr. Cos seems to be flooding the messages.
No wonder u have been encouraging us to engage CL thru agency. thanks for sharing your past experiences.
Cheese, its difficult to avoid #1's kitty eyes!! Hahah sometime my boy also want me to carry, I will carry him for awhile, then pass back to hubby when he clam down.. Hub just heard from his Preggy colleagues that carry heavy thing for long will cause low placenta so he's worried and keep asking me not to carry #1...

Shopping for baby,
Actually no rush... Xmas time sure have lots of sales!!
Plan if u want to breast feed or bottle feed then decide what to buy, I bought some bottles for my #1 and I decided to latch on rather than pumping out and bottle feed, so gave away all the bottles..

I guess even for agency, they might have black sheep too... Only consolation is can change if the CL is not good.. I think best is get from those who did confinement for your friend and ur friend recommends...
I just went for a facial today and we happen to talk abt this topic! Feels so good to have all those nasty blackheads and pimples squeezed and/popped. Someone asked for recommendation for facial right? If you're keen can pm me.

So are you hoping for a different gender from #1? I wouldn't mind another girl although a boy would even out the gender imbalance at home. lol. I think I only knew for sure at the 20wk detailed scan so I'm not hoping to see much at my next visit.

My mum just double boiled some yesterday. Given how expensive it is I was expecting more taste to it, but it's quite bland leh. People told her it's like that, or did she get cheated?!

Diaper cream,
I personally like avent bottom balm. Super smooth and easy to apply! But I agree desitin is good for bad cases of diaper rash. However i find it quite hard to wash off.

Now I'm getting nervous about my supposedly confirmed CL. I was just asking my mum if she plays me out what shall we do? She said no choice she will come n cook for me. But I must get an almost full time, part time maid to clean up! (I have no maid currently)

Taka baby fair,
I passed by just now and bought a few things. Mostly for #1, but also picked up some infant clothes (pigeon brand button down tops at 3 for $10) Although I'll have hand me downs, just get a few new items too.
First time mums can go down and recce the brands plus see the stuff on display. Even if you don't buy now you'll have an idea of the prices and what's available. Maybe cos I like shopping so I find this fun. Hahaha
Hello all mummies,

wanna check with you all, does you all still going for movies? eg. horror? or spider-man?
I know is sound quite funny to ask this question but i heard some elderly saying better dun wish this type of movie...lol...
wow, i speed reading thru the post - it gets so long so quick.

Prenatal Yoga : this is the update about the Bishan instructor from LM. she is charging $100/session and we can have max 14 pax in a class. The cost does not include the venue room rental that can be somewhere between $35-40. She is currently checking availability of the Bishan RC she is using now. Will keep you ladies updated soon! For those who are interested, can you pls PM me your cell# and names. More details will come. I think we had about 6-8 pax now :lish-zzzz, tres, daisybutton, Nimkulut, Mspunkie, LM?, myself. the more the merrier, save $$$!!

Cordeceps : LM, the person selling it told me to eat up all the cordecep, don't just drink the soup, it will maximise its effectiveness. I buy already before preggy for fertility nutrition, but stop taking during tri 1 becos of doc advise. do you know what other herbs we can put inside the soup?
Dear all

I have a tube of used Clarins stretch mark control cream for sale.Use less than 3 times. Hardly use. Bought about 2 months ago. Its 200ml tube form. Original price is about $80++..am willing to let go at S$55..Anyone keen do PM me. Thanks!

Eih anyone else interested in a meet up? I'll wait one more day :D

Shopping for bb stuff
I'll just ask for hand me downs for every thing... Wonder if that's possible? Gave away my stroller leh, maybe can get another....
LM, ideally it will be good to have one boy one gal, but most important of all is a healthy baby. I prefer a gal but my boy wants a didi.
Morning ladies,

OSCAR: Did ur gynae call to tell u ur results? I had my test done on 9 Jul & am still waiting for result. No call frm gynae yet.

CL: engaging CL is so ex! PEM quoted me $3k (excluding levy) as my confinement will cross CNY. And as i opt for daytime cl, I need to pay $400 more!
Morning ladies!

Rugirly, I still watch movies. I'm a movie addict! Recent ones will be Dark Shadows and Amazing spiderman. Going to watch Total Recall and Twilight <3

Fullhouse, possible for hand me downs for everything if u have friends who are willing to pass to u. When I had my no 1, my breast pump, bath tub, stroller, cot, sterilizer, baby carrier, clothes are all from close friends.

Mimosa, my gynae clinic called me to inform the results after 2 days. Yes, CL rate is ex nowadays. 2 years back, i only paid $1.9k for CL. Daytime CL more ex cos they included the transportation costs. Any reason why u only want daytime CL? U can let the CL sleep thru the night if u want to take care of baby by yourself at nite.
FRIENDS: we don't hv extra rm unless we use my son's room and my son will sleep with me &amp; hb.

My hb suggested to let the nanny sleep in the living rm but I said can't because she needs to take care of the bb at nite. And also not nice to let her sleep in the living rm.

Postnatal massage: Did any of you intend to go for postnatal massage? Is it really good to do postnatal massage?
gooood mrng mummies~

gg for oscar this aftnn.. hopefully i dun hfta wait too long so that i can go pick my girls up in time.
hehe.. gg to my co gp in awhile to bluff for MC.. save my leave for the oscar. *ahem*

re: movies
i still watch too, provided hv time. juz watched abraham lincoln (the vampire hunter) last fri. i know of frens too.. avoid movie thru-out the preg..the hb said too loud for the bb!

lm:: ya.. i agree too desitin very difficult to wash off.. n everytime sure will hv sm stucked under my nails de.. grrrrrrr~

re: getting a helper now
i tink essentially.. getting a indo maid process takes abt 1mth.. n 2mths for fili to come in. unless u take transfer maid...juz couple of weeks bah.

plan ahead for those who might wana hire a help. :)
Mimosa, I did postnatal massage for #1, it has no effect on me. Maybe b'cos I'm C-section and started the massage only 1 month after delivery. I heard it is more effective to start within days from delivery. However, I will most likely go ahead with the massage for #2 cos I need to ease all my bodyache
tigress:: me too.. despite hvg done the post-natal massages...... it has no effect on me.. except poorer. hahaha. i was left with a bump n often offered seats the last couple of years. LOL~
morning ladies! went for my oscar on tuesday, so still waiting for the results from my gynae. hopefully will hear from the clinic by tomorrow. i'm into week 12 today! anyone vomiting and nausea feeling stops after entering week 12 or 13 onwards? can't wait to start feasting cause i've drop 4kg since i'm preggy
all the vomiting is no joke.
hi , it's long time since i sign in .. :D
can add me in the chart THANK YOU ^_^

Nick: Princess_susan
EDD: 6 jan
Gynae: stephen Chew
Hospital: NUH
Baby Gender: Girl
morning ladies!!

i was pondering about the delivering method for my #2. for #1, i had emergency c-sect after unsuccessful try for natural delivery. I am afraid that #2 will end up emergency c-sect too. Should i choose c-sect from the start instead?

haha.. it juz cross my mind and in terms of cost is a great difference. especially emergency c-sect. pactically paying for both :p
ry_an:: when did u deliver your #1? hw many years ago?

i hv a fren.. she delivered her #1 by c-sec (tink oso e-c-sec..) n aft 1yr.. she had #2.. she had to go thru another emergency c-sec cos nearing her due.. suddenly.. she felt 'pops'.. n true enough..her internal c-sec wounds bursted!!!!
Good morning!

Didn't sleep well last night so sleepy now ...yawnz

Missy: I also lose close to 4 kg till date..Those pple who do not know all tot I went on diet. Haaa But this week seems better , appetite slowly picking up .

Postnatal massage:
I did consecutive for 5 days from the day I discharged .. It works for me. The wrapping really helped. My bump shrunk back pretty fast.

Re meetup
Me also stay in the West. Count me in if we are meeting in the west area.
haha. dun worry too much n dun plan too much. Initially i tot everything will go as planned too but in the end nothing goes as planned.
i wanted natural and last min, bb in distress and needed emergency c-sect.

I wanted to total breastfeed but end up having fever and bb needs to go on formula
ry_an, my boy is also 5 and I also had emergency c-section in 2007. This time round I am opting for c-section again. I don't want to end up paying double again. Morever, even though the risk is low after so many years, I don't want to take the risk. C-section is not so bad after all, I had a painless delivery. It's the healing that takes a bit longer. I cannot imagine myself stuck in the delivery ward pushing for hours.
Friends, Ah bui &amp; canopyhaze: ok, then i feel more relieved now.. maybe going to watch tomorrow =)....
u all enjoys too =)
We use tissue to smear it everytime!! Lol so long ago and I'm starting all over again!!

Are you ftwm? What are the times and daysyou can meet? Will pm you.

Ah enjoy your date! Your hb is so so sweet!!

I hate movies!!lol I used to watch a lot when hb and I were dating. Then one day after we came out of theatre, I had an epiphany that I had been in twilight zone. I had lost so much time in the theatre the world looked so different when I came out!! Then coupled with my distaste for scary shows.... Lol...

My hb has to get his pals to watch with him :D
Canopyhaze - catching early movie, so nice!

I don't like watching movie in cinema, I only do so if accompany my boy. He enjoyed Magadasca 2 so much, I am thinking of bringing him to watch Ice Age 4.
Yes! i hate the part that after a long wait and end up having c-sect. i was very disappointed at tat time. the healing part was ok for me. the unbearable part is onli when i was in hospital. but when i was home i was quite ok. perhaps i was young at tat time. now old le so duno how will it b like. hehe
ry_an, don't worry too much now, things may turn out just fine. perhaps you can discuss with your gynae. heard many people go on to have natural birth after c-section. I'm old now also, my first born is going pri 1 next year and I also hope I can have a successful natural birth this time.
Fullhouse, would like to meet up but I live in North... Any central place we can meet?

Birth method,
I thinking to go for epi c-sect. Have a tough natural birth for 22 hrs ++ . Thou natural delivery heals faster but the irritation down there..

most probably be getting a maid to help while for lunch and dinner, mil said she will cook but cant take care of bb cos she wants to work. Meaning she be taking half day to cook.

I thinking how abt after confinement, my intention is to send bb to nanny before i go back to work. Hubby said engage maid before I due and we monitor her. Then if ok, maid takes care of bb

I dont feel safe leh cos no one will be at hm. All working. he told me nanny also not safe mah.. unless i opt for Infant care like #1.
re: CL
I have also heard of bad experience of CL from agencies. I myself had bad experience from #1 also. Experienced 3 CL for #1 confinement. Long story. Summary is to get a reliable CL and dun get those Cl's frens whom nobody can prove their capability. At the moment, i got a CL le. But if she really last min fly aeroplane, does anybody know if there is a min period (before edd) to engage agency?

re: movies
for #1, since there's only hubby and me, so we go watch movie almost every weekend. But now with my son ard, we seldom watch movies le. I do notice during last stage of preg, baby do kick and is more active when i watch movie. Most likely is the loud sound. Myabe he's dancing inside to the sound. lol.

ry-an, i had e-csec for #1 too. reason is becoz i cant dilate after 10 hours. gynae advise that the same thing may happen for this preg, so advise me to go for c-sec straight. u may wan to discuss w ur gynae.

ah bui, u're scaring me w ur fren's experience. hope my prev c-sec wound dun break open.

re: meet up
i'm staying west too, but not extreme west. can call me if u gers are meeting up!

full house, i pm u my fb's email add le. did u receive it? let us know once the conversation page is set up. Thanks for consolidating our emails!

have to start preparing in terms of money...hehe cost the previous time everything increased as nothing went as planned. And due to my fever, i extend my stay in hospital too. so it's more for money issues
rugirly, i still watch lot of movies such as man in black (latest one) and some other aliens show. I love to watch up to date movies to past my times. hehe, i think it's ok. i think after bb is born, i won't have time to watch movies with hubby liao.

Mimosa, no news is good news. Maybe your gynae will go through your results during your next visit.
Ya CL is expensive now. I agreed that it's not nice to let nanny sleep in the living room, as there isn't any privacy.
I am also having the same problem, cos there is no extra room for CL to stay in. and i find the costs is too high. Rather use the money to buy tonics for myself.

Think will ask my mum to help me in the confinement.
As last two miscarriage confinement was done by her.. then sometime she can close one eyes so wun so stress :D
wy, do enjoy ur couplehood n movies w ur hubby! coz really, it's a drastic change (at least for me) when baby is born. I miss my movie date nights!!
everything seems to have gone up in cost!! few days ago, I just checked my breast pump, luckily it's still working after 6 years! recently I also traded in old bottles for new pigeon bottles at half price.

One of my good friend opted to have c-section at a scheduled date but her baby came early and her doc considered it to be an emergency c-section which really costs her a lot. Maybe you discuss with your doc first. let's not worry too much for the time being and hope everything will turn out smooth.

Used to have alot of couple times watching movies, doing things together.. Since birth of #1, all these like once in a blue moon. Tiring as I embarked into Motherhood
