(2013/01) Jan 2013

guys, between GlenE and Mount A, which one is better? Seems M.A have so many raves about the rooms and they have more choices of room type too.

I dun have chance to take the maternity tour, so asking u gals now. hehee..
I still eat most of the food.. except for the that turns me off totally..
Bread, biscuits~ Usually I manage to keep these in my stomach without vomiting them out.
Rice, noodle~ Depends on situation.. but the quantity I eat nowadays.. only about ½ of what I used to eat. -_-“
So far instant cereal helps, but it get bored having that daily, so I switch to H2O,Milo,Green Tea (Pokka) now and then.
Cherry83, sorry to hear about your lost, please take good care of yourself.

Xara, welcome back!! So happy to read about ur positive gynae check up!!

I'm so super tired sitting in shopping centre baby room while my #1 sleeping in stroller, wanted to reply many post but after reading, forgot wanna reply what Liao... Hahaha
Hi mummies, I m new here! Went to gynae last week, only managed to see the sac, next appt will be 21st June, my doc is dr esther ng. Same like everyone here, the loss of appetite n vomiting is making me so so sianz...
talking abt hungry... after vomit out my lunch, feel so weak n hungry yet e sign of food turn me off. hai~ hope dun develop gastric...
I had very very bad ms for my 1st pregnancy, even vomit blood, it was vomiting till I deliver... Hope this time will be better... Scared... :-/
anyone taking snti-nausea pills primperan? gynae prescribed that and i took it last nite n this afternoon.. seem to work but at the same time, i seem sleepy after eating.. wonder if it cause drowsiness..
Hammiebao: xie xie ni! Wah... U not good wor... Here u are talking about sitting in a shopping centre while most of us are slogging away at work. Sob sob. Hahaha!

Celia: I hv not delivered at glen e n mt a, so I cant comment much abt the delivery experiences there. But my boy was warded in glen e before. The nurses there were attentive and nice. The food was yummy too. So I guess e standard over at e maternity side should be great too.
Regarding nausea n vomitting, do u mummies always get to throw out something? Or juz feel like throwing but nothing comes out? I belongs to the 2nd group. Always feeling nausea but hardly vomits. Even if I bend over e toilet bowl, nothing comes out. I rather to be able to throw out cos on e few occasions that I do, I actually felt much better after that. Even thou the relief is juz for a short few hrs. There was a few occasion where I'm so nauseous that I intentionally make myself throw but it doesn't works. I wonder how is it like for u ladies...
<font color="aa00aa">ling welcome =) how many weeks for u? mine last week i scan also see the sac nia. -_____- i think was 6 weeks cannot see heartbeat. doc say still small and my next appt date is same as yours!

Vomiting: for me i dont vomit food out is like burp plus vomit *air* out for morning is vomit all saliva out -____- nausea is everytime! </font>
Xara, I belong to your gp. Always have the 'want to vomit' feeling but nothing comes out. The most is a lot of saliva niah... Very pek chek... Like you, I wld prefer to just throw out better than having something struck uncomfortably in my chest...
Celia : I went to visit my friends in both GlenE &amp; Mt A before; but that was quite sometime ago, not too sure if things have changed. I personally prefer GlenE the new wing, it is very spacious, but i remembered there are only 6 single rooms in that wing, the rest is the older one. As for Mt A, just went to visit my friend who delivered last mth, the single room is smaller compared to GlenE and is darker, i don't really like it, and the corridors are quite dimly lit as well. Furthermore, there's still renovation going on. Not too sure, the renovation will be completed by the time when we delivered.

I presonally like TMC, but dislike the parking. Going to book the Premium superior single room for this bb, hopefully can get it. Heard from my friends most rooms are fully booked!
just done with the conference call, going home liao. Talk to you ladies later. =)
Hopefully i can keep my eyes opened while driving home.
<font color="0077aa">canopy, I see... nvm I already went up the pirate ship liao... haha... the price was so steep meh? How come I dun remember. :p

missy, I think the nurses are a bit blur liao... both OSCAR and detailed scans scan for abnormal stuff (but what they look out for is different...)

OSCAR (aka Nuchal Translucency Scan)- A nuchal translucency (NT) scan is a screening test which assesses whether your baby is likely to have Down's syndrome. A screening test can only estimate the risk of your baby having Down's, whereas a diagnostic test, such as CVS or amniocentesis will give you a definite diagnosis (but also carries a small risk of miscarriage).

The NT scan can't tell for certain whether your baby is affected. However, it can help you decide whether or not to have a diagnostic test.


Detailed Scan (aka anomaly scan @ 20 weeks) - To check if the baby is growing normally. Things like the placenta position, the size of ur baby and to check if certain organs like heart is operating (see if got 2 directional flow, etc) etc.

You can see what to expect during the scan here: http://www.babycenter.com.sg/pregnancy/antenatalhealth/scans/secondtrimesterscans/</font>
Back fr Gynae appt... Very very sad
From VS, my bb is 6wks1day sizes everything perfect &amp; according to my calculation its right to be6wks1 day but gynae just cant see any heart beat.... Gynae said possibility that the heartbeat not developed yet.,. But shdnt be coz can see baby.,. Next possibility my baby might have just die today... Ahhhh what a shitty news .,&amp; can't confirm I need go back next wed for scan.&amp; if ever b4 next wed have spotting definitely gone... If ever no spotting possibility still there coz there's cases that bb will remain in there till disintegrate naturally &amp; out like menses.... Guess this coming 1 wk is my worst week
<font color="aa00aa">ling2 mine is #2 ^^ same as u. but i forget those pregnancy stuffs liao hahahaa

nlimm: if ya 6weeks its too early to see heartbeat ah? i 6 weeks(if im not wrong) go see my doc i also cant see yet wor.. so dont worry ya.. will pray for u.. doc say next wed then will scan again and see? but what u mean can see the baby? u mean the shape? but ya not spotting anything right? u still having ya MS right? JUST RELAX and NOT STRESS ya? everything will be fine =) *hugs* </font>
Fabbie &amp; Friends: yes, exactly this vomit saliva thingy is so irritating! Everytime has to console myself that at least my body is keeping bulk of e nutrients for bb but yet I think this is not true. Cos nutrients shd be absorbed already once food breaks down rite? Only know I'm fed up with e wanna come out, cannot come out feeling.
<font color="119911">nlimm: I knw it's gonna be tough, but try to relax and not think about the negative.
Everything is gg to be fine and who knows, you might just be seeing the hb next Wed? HUGZ.</font>
nlimm: things might not be as bad as u think. And 6am is a bit too early have heartbeat. Think positively.

Snow: Hahah, I actually asked filo twice abt the cost of Oscar, and she confirmed it. Unless my hearing is failing me.

Reached home Liao, going for shower then dinner.
Hi nlimm,
Try not to worry, when I went for my scan at 6week n 2 days could only c a sac n a tiny dot, going back in 2 weeks for heartbeat. Which is quite normal... 7-8 weeks can c the heartbeat... don't worry OK. Think positive...
Nlimm - wishing for the best for you.. Try not to worry (easier said than done) and I'm sure all of us here will be looking forward to your good news when you hear your bb's heartbeat..
s_loh : Cannot drink green tea? Oops.. bcos it’s sweet and not gassy and makes me feel better at times.. I guess a little is fine. I dun drink every day. A cup every now and then..

canopyhaze: you’re home already ah~~ Envy!!… me still stuck in office .. work work work.. so tired!!!

nlimm: dun think too negative.. try to stay positive this week.. Bcos any negative thoughts will not makes things better… Pray hard… your bb wil be fine~~ Hugz

Most of the time when I vomit.. I do vomit out plenty of things.. oops.. food or water etc.. haiz.. but I still agree that it feels better to have something to vomit out then just salivia and the feeling of nausea… Terrible..
LDG/canopy haze/Mrs_R/ Syyy:
Thankyou... Just super emo. She said if only see tiny sac still ok means embryo developed slower but mine is she can see a white spot within the black sac means aldy in baby form &amp; without heartbeat very not in good form means either bb chose to go le or even next wk have heartbeat means bb not very normal... I don't know ... Trying to google for more information that oppose her statements... Just keep breaking down..wanna just shut my boy outside my room &amp; go zz everything also don't think
nlimm, maybe on wed will have heartbeat. When I first went to see my Gynae on 14 May, also can see a very small spot in the sac and no heartbeat. The spot was so small until my gynae also cannot confirmed whether it is baby and said that I'm might be only 5 weeks preg and arranged for another scan on 26 May. On 26 May, can see heartbeat and thru the scan, baby is 8 weeks 3 days old. So when I calculated the dates backward, I'm actually 6 weeks 4 or 5 days preg on 14 May. So don't lose all your hope. Will pray for u too!
Ur scan on wk6 able to see white patch within the black sac? Mine tt white patch = baby is 4.3mm le but no Hb

dun think so much, maybe get ur family members to help take care of ur boy then u just have some alone time in ur room?
things will turn out fine de. have hope

hai i'm also still in office... whole day trying to solve an issue still can't work out. plus the vomitting is just making things worst lo. plus the slight gastric feel now. dun even know if can stomach in dinner later or not... hai~ really living hell... *argh*
nlimm, always seeks a second opinion when in doubt. I'm been totally frank here with my experiences n hope it wun shatter ur confidence future. As I mentioned in some earlier posts, I had a mc early this yr. I went on to consult a total of 3 diff gynae before I accepted my fate. This is my case. But on e other hand, my now lovely 9 mths old nephew is borned despite a top Gynae who specialize in high risk pregnancy diagnosed my sister as "ur baby no longer has a heartbeat". Just a day b4 her procedure to remove e so called dead fetus, my sis went for a second opinion n e gynae showed my sis a healthy fetus. What I'm trying to say here is, go for 2nd opinion if u r unsure. There can only be 2 sides to e coin, but it's worth a try.
Nlimm, you may wish to refer to the reference I made to some of the gals in this thread. Yr gynae may prep u for the worse (not exactly something I prefer) but gynae express differently lor... I cannot copy out my old post since I'm using iPhone...

A summary out from links during my search, the fetus can be detected once it is 2mm-4mm with HB. HB is usually evident when u see the fetal pole is 5mm. It is possible to still have a healthy fetus if no HB is detected on a fetal pole which is less than 5mm.

Yrs is 4.3mm. So still got sometime to go. U should see another gynae for 2nd opinion if u dun trust this one. Jia you mummy.

Nlimm, white dote too tiny so can't detect hb. Really now living in constant fear, m paranoid hope my baby s growing well. After two mc, I m paranoid. Even before my 1st scan I was paranoid n was relieved to c the sac.
Like everyone s saying, y nt go to another gynae for 2nd opinion. Sometimes some gynaes can b very negative...
like what everyone advise here, if next week's waiting is killing u, just head straight to see another dr to have a 2nd opinion. At this time, everything is beyond our control. God bless u n BB.

Canopyhaze &amp; Xara

thks for the tips! My dr w do at glen n Mount A, so i never consider TMC. I saw the pics of M.A. very nice, so surprised it is actually quite small.

Also noticed M.A. has more room choices and is slightly cheaper..
nlimm, think positive!! Week 6 is almost the earliest time to detect HB, normal is around 8 weeks, talk to ur baby!! baby will know! ask baby to be strong with mummy, take care!

Celia, Mt A is considered the cheapest amg the private hospitals, I gave birth to my #1 in Mt A and I like the environment (anyway only stayed like 1.5 days as I admitted in the evening) but currently Mt A is under renovation, rooms should be done by the time we give birth, but carpark renovation till 2014. TMC parking is really headache, and I find TMC is always very very very busy... every part of TMC is busy! haha..I will be going back to Mt A for my #2, hope this helps.

xara, haha, sorry lah.. me SAHM mah.. been rotting so many days at home.. my boy no chance to go walk walk! I'm super lazy!

I vomit food out... everyday also vomit, any timing, super sian...
Nlimm: ya, agree wif hammiebao, just keep talking to yr bb and b strong until cfm wif another doc...

Ladies, do u know if it is normal to grow pimples at this stage? I normally seldom have pimples and now it look like 1 every few days!! Too heaty?
Angeliqueous, I rem I had a pimple during my 3rd week preg... I did have some pimple here n there during my #1 time but not often..
scar scan
I did for my #1, I was 27 then, will do for my #2 too, I guess mummy's age doesn't matter, but it's more recommended for Preggy above 35 I guess? My friend went for oscar scan when she was 28, result was not good 1:300, so she went for amino test, lucky everything was fine. I have friends gave birth at 38 and 39 but never go for Amino test(which is recommended for above certain age)
Was the heartbeat present before? If not at 6wks, 1 day it seems ok to NOT detect heartbeat YET.

Please take care and take leave this week (or is it semester break now?) It's also for your sanity's sake! Take sometime to go la-teh or just sit around do nothing, you need the rest!

All the best for you and will pray for you!
what shd I do I got brown spotting at this stupid hour, SMS my Gynae but she shd still be zzing . Shd I go ER or wait till am?
Thx all..Time just passed so slow .., don't know what happening to my baby ... I'm sobbing whole night &amp; my Hb is zzing ...I wan go see Gynae

Full house:
The last scan was 2 wks ago it's just a tiny sac, no heartbeat coz only 4wk+ then
Nlimm, tink positive and talk to ur baby.. Bb will feels it!

Karen, i tot cant.. I'm asking actually coz hav difficulties in ordering when outside.. Eg, went msia over e weekends, they dun even hv milo..
nlimm, my colleague's gynae Douglas ong heard is a v supportive one.. maybe u wanna see him n see what he says? don't be too stressed its still early..
nlimm, think positive!! seek 2nd opinion if you are in doubt, think this kind of money, dun need to save lah!

Take it easy first, the more you stress, the more 'unhealthy' it will be for you n the foetus. Pray ba!
Good morning ladies!

You gals are so engergetic, so many posts, I could hardly catch up. My engery is always drained, constantly in hunger, cos cannot eat much due to MS.

For mummies who are driving, when do you think we should stop driving? Canopyhaze, you drive right? Will you be driving all the way till 3rd trimester? The idea of taking public transport scares me, as I don't have direct bus to my office. If I drive, I will take not more than 20mins to reach my office, if I take public transport, I will need more than an hour.
nlimm, take it easy and think positive! maybe can consider a 2nd gynae opinion like what the girls suggest.
