(2013/01) Jan 2013

Good morning!

Tigress: yes, am still driving. Hubby has offered to driving me & #1 to & fro childcare and my office. Currently i drive my #1 to childcare every morning, then drive to office, then hubby will fetch #1 from childcare in the late afternoon.
I will ask hubby to send us when my tummy is too big and a hindance to reach the accelerator, probably after 2nd tri. If hubby travels, then i will call for cab.

Angeliqueous, i also have pimples popping once a a few days. mainly at the forehead. maybe it's hormones change?
Xara/ S_loh/Jos/Tres/Missy/ cheese:
Thankyou for listening to me...haha cheese ur boyboy so cute!!! Thankyou

My boy off to cc, I'm gog to rest my butt on my bed & not gog to move at all today.
So far I only have 2-3 50cents patches of reddish brown spotting & none since 6am till now .
My Gynae told me no pt going for another scan coz I just scan yesterday...& again she repeat tt by wk 6 if see sac no heartbeat is ok, if see white spot(baby) of my size(43mm) & yet without heartbeat is not normal... 1st time I hate her direct-ness.

Shd I go for another scan by another Gynae or go do blood test to check my HCG levels ? I check w my Gynae & she said if want check HCG levels need go do blood test twice at 2 days intervals then can confirm . So it's still by next week then I can know.

I nvr experience this b4, now Im really glad and hope I get back my normal tailbone pain then this mental torture.
<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: do u know dear if u stress u will affect ya baby? so just relax n think positive ya? so don't be sad too early

Today feel damn terrible i just want to stick on my bed not move!</font>
Nlimm, dear y don't u seek 2nd opinion? Brown discharge is not normal. At least a 2nd opinion will put ur mind at rest.
i feel u! weak the moment i woke up &amp; just dun feel like coming to work de lo...

still such a long day to get by
nlimm, maybe u seek 2nd opinion.. blood test will be faster.. but nid to do twice at 2 days intervals so can see got increase anot..
I m having this want to vomit feeling but nothing wants to come out....making me miserable n my hl is coming to an end...arrgghh!!
nlimm: maybe seek 2nd opinion cause 2-3 50cents reddish brown patch seems quite alot to me. did your gynae mention anything regarding the reddish brown patch?

fabbie: yes totally no mood to work today and it's not even 11am. on the happy note, today is my last working day of the week. will be off tomorrow to see go gynea!
mrs r,
OMG i'm also starting to have the feeling again... so terrified liao after ytd serious session of vomitting every mouth of food out... even vomit till I cry
so fearful of it happening again today!
Fabbiee/mrs_R/missy/ s_loh:
Haha I'm trying to watch funny show :p maybe yesterday morning he/she heard that I am going to put him/her into infantcare &amp; don't want be my baby ... Blood test faster &amp; more concrete hor, but Hb said let nature takes its course.
cheese: your kid is so cute…

Morning Ladies.. today is really a bad day.. it’s only 10.50am.. and I’ve vomited all the food I placed into my stomach since morning.. My neck is aching now, and I’m feeling terrible.. the nausea feeling is so bad.. feeling giddy, headache.. got report to submit today.. I dunno how to hold on till end of work today..
she just said its ok , even stopped now doesn't mean din MS. Wait &amp; see if next few days any red discharge like menses if have then confirm ms if not just continue taking Utrogestron she gave &amp; see her next wed
ya just relax urself. din think too much.

I juz vomit too, though all water but still feeling terrible. Same lo need rush out work... To think hb still tell me take MC again when all work cannot finish lo..
nlimm, yup.. blood test is definitely faster.. u scare of needles? i'm also taking utrogestron every night to stablise...
jo, karen, mrs r: do you're vomit out like sour gastric juice? i've been vomiting sour clear juice together with some traces of milo that i drank earlier since yesterday. unlike in the past, i vomit my food out as well.
Nlimm, hope u are feeling better, everything will be fine.

Going to see my gynae later and hope can hear HB.. But still early at 6 weeks
these 2 days i either vomit saliva or the food/drink taken in. sour juice (think stomach acid) only ytd i think, when totally no food was absorbed in.

gosh juz back frm toilet vomit YET feel like throwing up again!
<font color="aa00aa">Josky, Missy: i hate it the moment i woke up i vomit liao. arghz..

Karen: Jia you!!! ren yi ren!

nlimm: but u still have morning sickness right? so think positive .. just relax and wait. if not go research to find another gynea. =) </font>
jo, all of us understand what each other is going through now. now still early stage so can't tell anyone. can only come here and grumble
can't wait for 1st tri to be over!
hey ladies, i tried to eat ready to eat (small packet) granola or whole grain snack, it does curb the MS a fair bit. Maybe you all can try. And it is healthy as well.
I jus puked out my late morning snack.. Yucks!
Btw, I only drink milo &amp; eat dry biscuits in morning.. can't take bread or anythg else, otherwise I will be at toilet bowl..
Karen, I heard it's better to take fresh milk but fresh milk made me LS &amp; puke so no choice to take formula type to ensure I still got calcium intake. I tried a few but can't remmeber was it Anmum or Similac Mum which I liked.. The taste for some can be quite sweet, so better get sample pkts to try first..
ya eating small snacks used to help but duno y since ytd it's useless liao... watever goes in will be out almost immediately. well except for breakfast n folic acid.

y izzit such a torture. like wat purple rain said b4, now watever positive reason also canNOT go into the brain to say tat MS is gd cos means bb is developing. hai~ only wish for no MS now!
missy: Vomit food, gastric juice… water…

Today is a really bad day.. not just vomiting… my body is feeling cold.. aching.. seriously.. I feel so terrible now.. But work is holding me back.. This is just so terrible..

Jo... Same... as much as all claim that MS is good for baby.. i just hope it can be over now... it's really torturing...
Thanks Nashita.. my body is even rejecting any soya food now.. was still fine last week... but start vomitting anything since yest if i ake anything with soya... terrible...

Will take note of the formula milk.. thanks..
My office today sent some cleaning guy to clean our PCs and they started spraying all these lemony spray &amp; gave me a BIG headache..
oh no... u got vicks vaporub? or medical oil? npt sure if it can works for u to "cover" up the smell?
Hi mummies, I just gave birth on 5th May 2012, and had tried to use Medela Freestlyle to pump, but well… first, my supply is not perfect, and I feel that Freestyle is not suitable for me.. Thus, im selling it away. I’ve used a couple of times since I gave birth… Can email me at [email protected] if interested.

2nd hand set selling for $450 includes:
• 1 - Freestyle pump
• 1 - Lithium ion battery
• 1 - AC adaptor/charger
• 2 - Medium (24 mm) PersonalFit™ breastshields
• 2 - Large (27 mm) PersonalFit breastshields
• 2 - Freestyle breastshield connector bodies
• 1 - Set of tubing
• 2 - Membranes
• 1 - Hands-free accessory kit
• Instructions for use
Breastfeeding Information Guide
• 1 - Insulated cooler bag and ice pack (UNUSED)
• 1 - Black microfiber tote bag (UNUSED)
• 4 - 5 oz/150 mL BPA-free breastmilk bottles and lids (I’ve used the one from the box but will include 6 brand new medela bottles that I’ve gotten extra instead)

<font color="aa00aa">omg great this is the first time i vomit all my big breakfast out.. T_____T but after vomit i feel abit better. but still wana vomit -______- and i wan to sleep... so tired</font>

hope u r feeling ok.. do seek 2nd opinion if what the current one said makes u worried... my tailbone pain is back on &amp; off... now relying on salonpas to relieve the pain
Biggest hugs to you

Please seek a scond opinion. If anything, you want to fight for your bb too. I'm not saying your gynae is no good, I believe she's hood that's why you stuck to her for #2. but rem every pregnancy is different. I had the same gynae for #1 &amp; #2. this pregnancy I decided to change simply coz I realised I'm an 'overaged', 'high risk' mother. I want a gynae that is good at fetel medicine and most importantly, pro-life. I want a gynae that will fight the the bb :D My gynae doesn't do abortion, and the last thing I need (if there's anything wrong with the bb) is a pushy gynae who is 'logical'. I like what he mentioned on his advertising tag: We love babies. We love life. Please do not ask me to perform an abortion.

The short of this is, if there's anything, don't give up on your baby yet! Fight for your bb. Talk to him/her, will him/her to live... Seek a second opinion. At the end of the day, whatever the result, you know you have done your best as mummy. Don't say let nature takes it's course, because nature has it for mothers to protect and fight for their offsprings.
hi all, im a mummy from Dec'10.. jus want to comment about this company and hope no one sign up with them.

i signed up with Prestious Solutions on Aug'11 and have been there for about 5times. Mine is do the peeling type too. Super super REGRET!!!

On the 3rd time, my face gotten worse. So the 4th time when I go back, they said my face very dry. So recommend me to top up $60 for this oxygen spray to have more water on my face. As I thought my face was really bad, so I took up the option. During my 4th visit, when I was in the room, I still heard someone shout saying she didn't see the effect. Their treatment no use.

On my recent visit on 31/05/12 @ 2pm. I not sure what's the manager name who was servicing me got very bad service. She wore black suit. When I was doing my facial, the beautician starts to sell their product (mask). Saying that my face is very dry and need to water-based mask. Which I mentioned earlier, during my last visit, the beautician also said that my face is dry and suggested the Oxygen spray and I tried it. But this time I told the beautician that I am not interested. So without convincing me, she gotten her manager to analyze my face. I did my facial halfway and was told to wear the bathrobe and go to another room.

In that room, the manager analyzed my face and said it's dry that's why they recommended the mask and she also recommended me to take up extra package for this treatment for paying extra $660 for the rest of my 6sessions. I told her the reason why I don't want to take up the package and saying my face was dry is because of the pigmentation being done at the end of each treatment. The pigmentation process is to lighten my face mark and will cause peeling and hence my face will be dry. My question to her is in the first place when I first signed up for my current package, I was given a face analyze as well, right? So why in the first place, the water treatment wasn't recommend to me? Since the pigmentation effect is peeling and will eventually cause my face to dry. I don't want to take this 1 time or 6 times treatment because I felt cheated. I signed up the package and now being promote other stuffs and to pay extra. The manager said face condition may change so now then they recommend this package and she even use cancer patient as an example. But in my view, I thinks I still thinks that shouldn't it be recommend to me in the first place and if pigmentation is going to make my face peel till it will be dry, I would take up the pigmentation and my package can be reduce and I believe this add on package will not surface. And an example of cancer patient is way to serious comparing to doing facial. I told the manager that I won't neither take up the package by paying extra money nor using my current package to convert. I think I made myself very clear by repeating it at least 5times or more for not interested in what she recommended.

As I was actually rushing for time for another appointment at 5pm and told her about it, she did not stop selling and said she will tell the beautician to do the remaining facial treatment the faster way. I am surprised by her answer! Over here, she is saying is because of my skin condition, she wanted to recommend this package to help but on the other hand, being my existing package, she said will tell the beautician to do the faster way because I am in the hurry. Despite of stop the selling session which I have told her that I am not interested and continue with my treatment, she rather spend more time convincing me to buy. She asked why I don't want to sign up the package and I have explained her again and again (which I said earlier at least 5times) but things just simply didn't get into her head. I raised my voice slightly higher because I was very pissed off as what I said are plainly ignored. I did tell her too that I am not a rich person and every cents I spent, I need to consider hence, also not interested to take up the package. I told her maybe she can write on their customer card that I am a difficult customer and not to promote me any items/treatments. She said they can't do that and will continue to sell me for my remaining 6 sessions. In my heart, I was thinking what kind of professionalism she or her Company is showing me?? Firstly, my decision is not being respected and was being ignored. Secondly my current package was told to be done in a faster way because I am in a hurry. I told her when I first signed up for the package, I was happy and was thinking to recommend to my friends. But now, I don't think so because the service provided was simply BAD! She said it's ok if I don't recommend. They no need my recommendation. Wow!! I was once again surprised for what a good customer service she is showing me. After all the unhappiness, I went back to the treatment room.

I monitored the remaining process since she said will do it a faster way. Indeed, things was done a faster way. The mask that was put on my face last for less than 20mins. Usually when I do mask, it was at least 30mins. When doing the pigmentation (putting the solution), I not sure whether is it the same solution used. The reason why I said so is because for the past few sessions, I experienced painfulness and by was told by the beauticians that it's normal. But this time round, it isn't painful at all. So I thought it may happen after a while but it didn't. And there isn't sunblock applied on my face too. Usually the beautician will either just apply or ask me whether I want to apply or not. But this time round, the beautician did not ask me. Looks like saying that I am in a hurry, things have really gotten shortcut and having double standards. Firstly, process are being expedite and secondly, solution used are different.

I write in to complain as well. But not sure they will reply or not. Seriously bad attitude &amp; service. Not professional at all.
Nlimm.. U can go to KKH's 24Hr Clinic where they can prescribe u Duphaston or give u a hormonal jab.. Bsically, it is to balance ur pregnancy.. U might want to get a 2nd opinion.. Are you working, othrwise get plenty of bed rest..
<font color="aa00aa">Josky: in the end i eat salad for lunch..a lighter lunch think will be better ba... </font>
I'm back fr gynae's clinic ,hehe feeling better after seeing the sac &amp; bb still ard but still no heartbeat . Utrogestron instead of thru consumption need insert thru vaginal, hope my baby still wan me :p I think the Gynae starts to know I can't take her directness , tell me brown discharge still ok as long no menses type of blood or white fiber discharge( this part I don't understand but hope won't have at all). Very paisey that she rush back fr her some Awards ceremonary just to see me so don't hold her back too long. Then have this very cute petite nurse with those super cute girlish voice to draw my blood.

ya today butt stick to bed &amp; sofa

Keke not really la just happened on today which is Hb retreat &amp; car not with me &amp; I nvr go Gynae clinic alone b4( sound like small girl hor haha) coz ESP preg I super emo abit of bad news I will break down. Oh u taking too , my Gynae prescribed me 2 wks ago to take orally , I find it so weird coz she nvr prescribe me tt during 1st preg. Then she only said to stabilize the palcenta. Just now she said with better effect ask me to insert.

Thx I'm better , I think at night more emo think this &amp; that &amp; my stupid character think n think alot, worry this worry tt.
Good good I pray for u too
Can help ask ur Gynae abt my case if it's normal . My Gynae said at wk 6 only sac is normal but if like mine white spot(=baby) within sac but no heartbeat is not normal . Hope ur Gynae said otherwise :p

No I don't have morning sickness de. My #1 also no morning sickness thruout, every visits then were gd news. Ya I have another Gynae at TPY , quite a famous one but always wait super long . So just now decided to take bloodtest to test HCG level tt be the most accurate, if doubled when compare to my this coming sat's test then concretely bb growing &amp; around. If HCG dropped means officially he/she don't want this mummy le.

Im fine thxthx
u have tt tailbone pain also ? I thought I'm the weird one out.

Morning Sickness:
It's good to have my Gynae said, at least u know ur baby is growing &amp; ur body showing you that , so cheers ye all vommitting mummies

Full house:
Thankyou. Can pm me your gynae's contact just incase I need 2nd opinion next week (* TOUCH BIG &amp; ALOT WOODS). Now I'm waiting to do blood test to show at least my HCG level is increasing to double confirm my bb still ard. Had done scan again today too baby &amp; sac still ard of coz still no heartbeat .

Oh I'm inserting the Utrogestron pill into vagina, Gynae said its more effective then injection, hope she's right
<font color="ff0099"> hello ladies!!

i've been so busy hardly ever comes in already...

how's everyone and how's bbies???</font>
<font color="ff0099"> nlimm

what happened to u?? i will say... don't worry okie?? sometimes it's too early to hear HB one... normally it's around week 7... but of coz... right now...we also can't pinpoint exactly when we conceive mah... so there's always a plus minus 1 week plus one..

so don't worry too much ok??? tell bb... JIA YOU!!!!</font>
nlimm... glad you felt better! so now your jb is to rest and not worry too much!
I guess sometimes and something we have to leave it up to fate (or in God's hands).
nlimm, yup.. i took that on the first day we tested positive since now.. tink e gynae say hav to take till 2nd trim.. ermm insert? HOW SIA! haha
i tink take it orally better lah... yup.. tok to bb, tell bb to jiayou.. i tok to him/her everyday dunnoe how many times.. especially when i feel crampy.. my hub luff at me.. haha

morning sickness, good to have? haha.. no wonder my gynae looks worried when i told him i'm okay, no symptoms.. haha.. all i have is backache and cramps in the calves...
<font color="ff0099"> s_loh
U mean u no MS??? U SO LUCKY LAH!!!

My MS I think reached the peak last week.... up to yesterday... luckily today i feel slightly better... hahaha..

for those with MS... it's BB's way of telling u... I'M OK!! I'M GOOD!! </font>
ally, yup.. dont have.. in fact can eat alot.. always hungry... haha.. but certain food when i look or smell, i felt disgusted by it.. without puke.. just for that moment only...

actually i told my hub, mayb gd to have also although terrible feeling, but at least we know bb is good and okay.. haha

Hi mommies, I'm in dilemma whether to go and see gynae at this week.. currently in 6weeks+.. reading some post here that its still early to detect baby's heartbeat at 6weeks.. I have a miscarriage before due to no heartbeat seen.. so I'm kinda worried n scared + phobia.. need some advises.. should I consult gynae n get duphaston? I do not have much MS only breasts feeling sore so I'm not sure is my baby developing growing.. >.<"
