(2013/01) Jan 2013

hi bbjes, i think you can go visit the gynae already since you are in 6weeks+. don't let the past experience haunt you. not all mummies have much MS. some lucky ones like s_loh also don't have much MS
do go visit the gynae and see what he/she advise you

<font color="ff0099"> s_loh
u r really lucky... although it's good to have...but it's better not to have... hahaha..at least can eat... i've not put on any weight since pregnancy... current weight is at 39kg... stomach still flat... even now i am in week 10... nothing..nothing... but i think my MS is going off real soon ..and i hope real soon... cos i've not feel like puking today... hahaha.. *fingers crossing*</font>
<font color="ff0099"> missy
i was 42-43 kg before preg... but ms since week 6... until now lor.. pregnancy is good for weight loss</font>
Really envy mummies with no MS~ it’s really terrible to have.. my nausea is still on/off so frequently… Manage to keep my lunch in me till now.. fingers cross.. But the body ache and headache is really so terrible!!!

I just hope end of working hours be here soon.. another 1.5hrs.. seems like forever to me.

Ally.. can I donate some fats/weight to u? Standing at only 1.5m.. I’m 61kg… very overweight.. hopefully I dun put on too much weight .. >_<”
ally, omg, u lost wt again.. e last time u mentioned was 41kg... better take care... not for ur bb only, but urself too!

hope all with MS, MS go away soon den can eat like me... i'm munching biscuits now..
nlimm, I inserted 2 Utrogestron pill into vagina too last week and was give oral Utrogestron to consume at night..

have faith that the hb will be detected soon. Will be praying for u and baby.. jia you
Hi mommies 

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i'm joining u lose weight... 45 to 43 now... gosh~

i 6 wk no MS, MS came abt 7wk for me. then till now haven go gynae... 1st appt will be on coming sat (abt 8wk by then). but since u have past history of MC, suggest just go ahead c gynae get assurance first bah. all e best yea.

ya heng I also still manage to keep my lunch *fingers crossed too* wow u 5.30 end work? me gonna hang on till 6pm ar... suddenly feel v sleepy now... *yawn*

envy envy! really have MS go away soon so can eat.
canopyhaze : We’re the fleshy mama~~ huhu.. I love eating too much (except for now due to MS).. so been rather plumb for a long time already…

Jo : 5.30pm finish work, bcos I start work at 8am.. and it will take me an hour bus ride to to go home.. so by then it will be around close to 7pm.. so tiring..

Seriously feel like just cabbing home after work nowadays.. but need to save the $$ for rainy days in case really lost my job… must tahan… It’s so tough… Urghhhhhhhhh!!!
<font color="aa00aa">nlimm: wah no MS? so nice.. ya! glad ya feeling better.. so when is ya next visit? wed? be happy! cannot too stress..my mum always say if i cry or stress baby maybe no oxygen to breathe this n that.. well u can put it this way. some people can see baby gender on 4 months. some people can only see baby gender on 5 months so different baby got different style one. so don't worry ya? =)

s_loh: ya not alone lor.. i always pray n pray baby that will be safe. will be well. hope to hear heartbeat soon wah i have 14 days more! arghz… can't wait to see my gynea to see whether my baby is there snot. haiz.. but trying not to think so much also. HA!

Ally: i think I'm started the WROST MS.. cus ever since I'm pregnant this is the first time I'm vomitting all my food out.. T___T omg ya so SLIM!! 42KG only?!

bbJes: I understand how u feel! i also cannot see baby heartbeat also. and i need to wait for like 14 days more then i can see my gynea to see whether my baby got heartbeat. this 2 weeks is really a torture.. arghz… but have u start to see gynea yet? or?</font>
s_loh : My MS started slightly before week 6.. now going to week 7 + 2 days… I really hope u will not have bad MS like us… pray pray pray…
s loh,
duno leh... i no MS since tested +ve but since start of wk7, i feel nausea n puked 6times in a day! ever since then, MS stricks and vomit on/off. if lucky 1 day puked saliva once or twice only, ytd hit wk8 puked 4times (3 time food &amp; 1 time saliva) again... so torture. hai~
i rmb someone was saying her gynae say wk8-wk10 is MS peak... wow can't imagine lo... n pray it's gone after 1st trim (cos some woman will enperience longer perido of MS)
Jo: okay, will see gynae tomorrow.. actually after my 1st pregnancy miscarriage I conceived agn after a mth n had my girl born in 27May2011 now already 1yr old.. having her that time also got no symptoms.. currently it's my 3rd pregnancy..
i understand the journey timing... for me i start at 9am ends 6pm. sometime due to transfer bus to MRT, I almost 8pm then reach home! making things worst, I scare take cab cos those drivers always nv fail to make me car sick even before I m preg. so imagine now... of take cab sure vomit like mad... sadly hubby also cannot fetch me everyday so just have to slowly make way bk.
<font color="ff0099"> my fattest was 48kg wor... and yes...i lost weight...hahaha.. terrible right??

recently went to gynae and took ht too.. i'm abt 1.65m ... gynae said i'm too thin..asked me to eat more.. i told her, how to eat more??? with all the MS... haizzz..

but ok lah... i think MS is really going off... my peak is over liaoz... hahaha..can't wait to indulge in food..

someone mentioned dr adrian on 2wk leave izzit? meanwhile u take care yea

it's 4.15pm le... r u having ur tea break? be it to curb against MS or just filling up tummy.
still habe my morning half eaten hotdog + a slice cake... yet so ironical, I'm scare to put food into mouth for fear of throwing! crazy me huh? :p
<font color="0000ff">My hubby also dun drive.. car is just too expensive to buy, cannot afford.. So can only take public transport.. >_<</font>

<font color="0000ff">Alos counting down the days for my next gynae visit~~ week 9 by then, hopfully bb is alright .. and can hear HB also.. </font>
<font color="0000ff"> Jo: you’re not crazy.. you’re absolutely normal. Bcos I have the same issue, as much as I know I got to eat, but there is simply no appetite + the fear of having to vomit. But I still think that it feels better to have food to vomit then to just vomit gastric juice..</font>
Babbiee: did your gynae prescribe u duphaston or any other medication? I'm taking folic acid thou I haven't consult gynae yet.. hopefully cross fingers can see heartbeat tomorrow..
<font color="0000ff"> I cant stand my senior colleague… I have send my report to her before 2.30pm.. but till now she still got no time to review it.
And always bcos of that, I got to wait n wait and work overtime for nothing.. (And I got no OT pay one loh).. haiz..

I really feel like just telling her that I’m pregnant and feeling like shit now.. PLEASE let me go home… (but I cant do that)… really driving me nuts…</font>
*hugz* dun let such ppl affect ur mood. try to stay happy for bb at least. hmm maybe later tell her u got appt so u cannot OT today? then say u do it right away tml morning?
<font color="0000ff"> All the report has to be send out today...
And she know it very well.. just drag loh.. every month also like tat... usually i'm okie to wait.. but i really dun feel well.. haiz... </font>

<font color="0000ff">I'm seeing Dr Woodsworth on 19th.. so he should be back by then, never know that he is on leave.. but then again.. it's only 7th today.. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">BBJes: oh then u cannot see him now leh.. he on leave for 2 weeks. he say if any problem got to go KK only =) not sure when he is coming back but i know he left singapore this week tuesday only. He got give me duphaston when i told him I'm abit spotting. i went 2 times 1st time i went he see nothing.. 2nd time i went can see sac. but no heartbeat.. 3rd time is now I'm waiting for 14 days for my next appt.. so long.. Zzzzzz </font>
arlamak... then u have anything to "comfort"urself de? eg stand by food/snack, medical oil, water etc? anything that can make u better despite the frequent toilet trips...

for me i find temp comfort in applying vicks vaporub to nose (block off smell). &amp; importantly muz sip water to stay hydrated.
<font color="aa00aa">yes... bbJes its a torture le.. =( have u call the clinic to ask when he's back to work? if yes share with me ya? then i see i can go n meet him earlier anot.. hahaha cus wo deng bu liao le.. i want to know whats happening inside! LOL </font>
<font color="0000ff"> eating biscuits now.. just went and vomit nothing but saliva.. terrible feeling.. with the head and body ache going on.. medicated oil by my side.. but it dun work for me sometimes.. too strong smell.. and is it just me? I hate the taste of plain water nowadays.. I have all along been someone who dun drink a lot of water.. not even worse.. so I always drink sweet drinks.. </font>
babbie, dun tink so much!! my nxt appt is next fri.. time is like crawling.............

Jo, aiyo,, scaring me.. me starting wk7... say i crazy coz i dun mind hv MS.. opps

but of coz no gd lah... not enuff food intake...
u not alone la.. so happen me same w u again. lol~ hmm i'll make honey water or if really no choice need to be warm water then can...
<font color="0000ff">s_loh : Trust me.. you will not want MS… seriously will not… and hopefully u will not have also.. It’s not something u will smile about… At least in my case..haiz.

Jo: I drinking ribena, milo, H2O, green tea (poka )… anything but plain water… only a sip now and then.. but the taste is horrible.. haiz.. I think I shd go get honey also.. </font>
karen &amp; Jo, me 3!
I can;t stand plain water nowadays AND i have been drinking all the sweet drinks...i feel guilty and i hope i won;t kena Gestation diabetes sia!
<font color="0000ff"> tres: fingers cross on that issue.. I do hope so but no choice.. plain water just dun help and make me seriously want to puke badly..</font>
honey water is better i guess....
hope u all can drink plain water soon!

back aching like nobody biz.. need to lie down!!

same for me... cant really tahan plain water these days n i getting hooked on ribena. even my fav pokka green tea i drink much less cos dun really like the taste suddenly
<font color="0000ff"> I swear I smell like a walking bottled medicated oil now.. but I cant help it.. otherwise I think I will faint soon.. hand and feet are all cold…</font>
