(2013/01) Jan 2013

I'm glad that I met a group of mummies in SMH when I was pregnant with #1, we are quite close and we almost meet up at least once a week, we gave each other support and some experienced mummies gave lots of advice to help me thru.

My hubby earns average, he pays for everything, we just got our own home last Sept, more expenses for us, car is fully paid by MIL (she didn't want us to get another car so she gave us her car), I do online selling to earn my own pocket money, so far so good, partly also we have some savings before I was pregnant, that helps.

Morning everyday

So tired, but time to prepare & send my boy to his sat class.

Hammiebao :
Tts nice. By the way where u staying? Full house is yishun area right? But hor at least ur mil gave u her car. Ours my mil sold us her car when Hb wants to get her type of car lor.
My #1 SMH mummies we met up abt wkly to fortnightly then during ml, afterwhich most of them start work le , mostly don't believe in be sahm. A handful who stay on as sahm till reach 18mths but mostly stay tampines & bedok. My clique of westzone mummies all very careerminded or rather anti-sahm mentality, so as our #1 all reach 18'mths-2yr+, we end up meet once a mth to once in 2 mths & all west zone de decides to stop at 1 haha
Good morning and a good weekend to all.

Snowhopes, yesterday I did a V scan. Anyway, gynae asked me to go back 1 week later.
Thank you very much for your information and encouraging words.
Just don’t want to make any wild imagination and hope that everything will be fine.

Fullhouse, thank you very much.
I was like you before being married. I have to give up everything I have in SG and settle in Japan. It was a big sacrifice but looking back, I think I gained many things; a family, a child, the lifestyle, the time we spend together which are all meaningful and precious to me.
And yes I agreed that I do not have regrets.
I agree with hammiebao, finding yourself a group of like minded mothers with similar lifestyle is impt ESP at the initial stage. I was with a group of sahm too for my #1. now that our #1 is very much older, we hardly meet. But a few close friends you made stay so, and your kids will grow up together :D

Money is never enough, we all live within our means. In my sahm-hood, I met many extremely wealthy taitais, who spurn my lifestyle lol... But I like my life presently a lot:D... My house is not spicknspan, and my lifestyle does not embody any amount of luxury. I'm extremely happy though heeee it's like my dream life now, though when I was young, I despised sahms!

:p but I think the issue for sahm is the issue of self worth, faced by any woman. We just have to get over it
Isit possible to not be able to see the baby even when ure in 7 weeks alr? Can only see the water bag...I read about late ovulation...
Gynae did a blood test for me yesterday n will come back on monday for another blood test... Really hope everything ok
Hi gals, i went to c my gynae again due to my unusual thick discharge. He did a swab for me as well as scan. yes, e fetus pole & HB was detected! I could see the blink on the screen! Yeah!!!! My last scan was Monday where only a sac was spotted! . ;)
I stay at AMK, lucky for my #1 time got many SAHM (hub all rich lah, got lawyer, doctor, pilot, accountant) so all SAHM.. Haha, we have whatsapp group chat and it's quite active, but all stay all over sg, got west coast, jurong, bedok and north...

Great!! Happy for u! HB is very important!
I do not have Major MS symptons with exception of occassional vomitting after meals.

However, I experienced alot of discharge.. Any MTB experiencing the same thing?
afternoon ladies...

yeap snowhopes, great!! feel wonderful to see hb.. hehehe

today i went back for another blood test.. and also to see previous blood test results.. the hcg lvl 7000+.. 4-5 weeks, eh not e same as what was measure in the scan.. haha..

hopefully the lvl will increase.. *prays hard*
Good sats to all MTBs!

I went for my first checkup yesterday and did a V-scan. My baby is 6 wks 4 days & we can hear the heartbeat thu the amplifier broadcast in the room! My HB and I almost teared! Such a touching moment!

Now I have a qn: based on my accurate LMP and Ovulation & conception date, my baby should be only 6 weeks old. That 4 days extra according to the dr. Does it mean BB is growing fast? Or the system dates are not accurate? I read somewhere early pregnancy scan are usually very acurate in dating. As the pregnancy progresses, the accuracy decreases. Is that true?


what brand of strtch marks products u using? share w us!
yeah celia.. thats so good to be able hear the heartbeat... i was only able to see the heartbeat as blinking light at 6w1day... hopefully can hear at my next appt in 1.5 weeks.. feels that time is going sooo slow.. cant wait for the next appt
@snowhopes~ happy for u hehe

me still debating on whether to chg gynae ornt.. headache... in any case i changed my appt from 11 Jun to 7 Jul...

hmm.. SAHM... i wish i can.. haha but hub gg to kill me.. in-laws against it also...

s_loh~ im sure everythg will be fine for u!!
Full house/ hammiebao:
Tts so nice!! We shall meet more with our babies

Full house, ya the self worth is the main & not sure if sensitive or Hb then to throw temper more often when I was sahm .
Hammiebao, no wonder all can become taitai haha. U is in which thread for ur #1? Mine I realised oct 2009 limited,sept 2009 more .

Congratulation!! Means ur bb in ard 6 wks le right

Hope I can see too during my next appt 2 wks later

I'm not too sure u shd call ur Gynae direct If u need to see her?

Early preg=> this need google n check check. But I find ovulation+ intimate date most accurate leh:p
Wa so nice urs can amplify the heartbeat, did u record down? I'm gog to ask Gynae if have such function for hers keke I nvr hear my #1 heartbeat then
Anti-stretch cream=> its Elancyl, green packaging. Went guardian n Watson to check this am hehe Watson having 20% now, guardian no discount. But promoter not ard, this din get yet . The usual packaging I get de Is 150ml tube at $45+ now have a bigger capacity 400ml de @ only $59.90. I read all description it's the same , like tt I definitely get tt 400 ml de right but I'm thinking could it be 150 ml is concentrated cream &400ml is diluted cream. Coz like very stupid of them to sell both together at tt capacities & prices all ppls will definitely by tt 400 ml ma.Later im gog forum, will check out the Watson there also I see if promoter ard

Keke urs gd le mine only sac wo still need wait longer for heartbeat

Jlau/ s_loh:
Sahm not so easy leh , easy if u have maid. 24 hrs daily job no leave nothing. Sick also need work, need find ur own selfworth. When my #1 go to cc at 2yo n I'm still working Parttime ,alot of my Frds say I'm redundant at home le y still Parttime it was so hurt coz partly I was once a very career minded woman but beside tt I also wan to be the one educating my kids so decided to work abit . Imagine I have a Frd dec2009 mummy crazy have 2 boys so employ 2 maids !!I'm thinking then what u do at home? Yet to ask this coming wed meeting her
Fullhouse~ I knw Hw u feel.. Me feelg tt too at times... Erm.. Try to do something to keep urself occupied.. Watch serial or play games on iPad :p
Snow: great!!! So r u going to gynae again next sat?

Fullhouse: must be the hormones! Hang in there!

nlimm: hey, u r from dec2009 as well? How come I never seen your nick there?
Full house: go grab some of ur favourite munch or go for a stroll?
I'm stuck in a car queue just to tabao dinner sigh every where so crowded

Canopy: I'm oct2009 not dec2009 but somehow thru 1 mum I get to know sept2009 mums then nov&dec2009 mums keke but only know 1-2 nov n dec more of sept n oct de

Celia: forum Watson don't sell
Ahh ok la, just had a lousy dinner. Roast chicken didn't cook properly, and had to be tossed back to the oven... Don't know why I'm so bothered. Really dumb. One of those days lah...

Change topic:
Anyone still undecided? Mt E seems nice but the drive there is horrendous! And I rem the single rooms are really tiny! Is Mt A ok? Comfy? Hey we should do a hospital tour together! Will be fun!

You live in the west? Lots a good food there!,

You live in AMK? I like Melben crabs :D but the queue!! Shudders!
Told my Hb the same thing, he said, poor thing, can understand you. But you've to get a grip of yourself


So much for sympathy
Full house : ya I stay west n work at yck so #1 follow me every day to yck cc. West where r the nice food ? We shifted here in 2008 but nvr really explore todate haha

I delivered my #1 at mt A I love the food & the nurses

Mood swing:
Keke Its common for me . Hb will know if he talk to me & no ans fr me :p
Yes, the only reason why I'll choose Mt A is the distance from my place. Isn't mt A far for you?

So you are going to mt a again?

Clementi has great food! Gosh now I feel like a glutton
Hi Ladies

Wld like to join this thread
Been lurking around this thread 3 weeks ago but when I saw my Gynae two weeks ago, he can only detect the sac and asked me to come back 2 weeks later... Managed to see the baby this morning, so here I am
Currently at 8 weeks, 3 days (according to scan... but my LMP was 22 Mar 2012). EDD is 2 Jan 2013. Hope my baby don't come out early cos all this while we are planning for a dragon baby to be borned in the year of snake... Here are my details:

Baby #: 2
Gynae: Dr Benjamin Tham
Hospital: TMC
Age: 34

Any June 2010 mummies here? *Wave!*
Welcome! I am like u, trying for a Dragon BB in a snake year, my due date is 14 Jan, so oso praying hard i wont pop so early. Have to pray hard in yr case too. hehee. Is this your first baby? It's my first and I am 34 too!

nlimm, the clinic i went to is parkway in shanghai, do u mean u guys dun get to hear the HB played aloud over the speakers back in singapore? Mine is like in KTV, haha. I got so excited and asked the dr played a 2nd time for me. Almost tempted to record it on my iphone! I am definitely getting a doppler here, many women's using it!
Hi Celia

Thks for the warm welcome! This is my no 2 baby. My no 1 is coming to 2 next mth.

Btw, ladies. I have checked with Dr Ben that the following r very safe.... So for sharing:-

1) manuka honey
2) Salonplus plaster
3) Oxy 5 & 10
4) Chuan Bei Pi Pa Gao

For my no 1, I did pedicure throughout my pregnancy. No issue....

thks for the products update. I dare not use salonplus for fear of active ingredients inside. So nice to know that. and oh! Oxy, I need that too!
Ha.. Ha... Celia... Me too... My no 1 pregnancy was a breeze but now I here pain there pain plus outbreak..throat very dry...So today asked Dr Ben to prescribe pimple cream.. He said 'Aiyah, go buy Oxy 5 if not strong enough, buy Oxy 10...Both very safe'. Lol!
Hi friends,
My lmp is 29 march but is now 6 weeks plus, maybe you ovulated late ?

My gynae told me, ok you ovulated from the left ovary, and i didn't even know you can tell!

Did anyone of your gynae tell you? Will be fun to ask! Just for the thrill lah.

Think gynae here do that, but patient load sometimes don't allow them the luxury of letting patients enjoy the sound bah.

You are delivering in SH? Are you at putong or puxi?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi gals, thanks thanks. The feeling of seeing the fetus &amp; blinking (HB) is soooooooo wooohooo! ;) minnieluv, u'll hear bb too!

Nlimm, the scan dates at 6 weeks plus. My first scan was 6 weeks 0 days. ;)

Canopy, I not seeing him next week. But in 3 weeks (or 2 weeks from 2 June). I took the last slot again cos first slot not available...
and the in b/w is mayhem. Booked my OSCAR &amp; detailed scan already too! ;) think I will sign up for the SBI before 1st June. ;)

Demelogica products:
The therapist told me is ok to use most their products as they contain negligible to little AHA/retinol. The only range to avoid is the vitamin range (like our multi vit masque). She mentioned about some vit capsule (which I dun think we use). </font>
thanks snowhopes for helping to check on demalogica products! looks like our products will not go to waste hehe. how about facial treatment? did they mention some facial treatment we can't do?
<font color="aa00aa">Missy, the treatments cannot do are those w essential oils, ultra sonic (machines), there is one w vitamin essense one... IPL oso cannot...

What I did today is ultra calming barrier defense facial... ;) </font>
fullhouse... i think a detailed scan can reveal which ovary by finding the 'corpus luteum'.. cos mine also from left... before i go to my current gynae.. went kk do a blood test and they scare the hell out of me saying my hormone level high and told me to do a detailed scan which cost $120. in the end they never show me any images of the scan also and just show me a report (which they almost didnt give me). so angry that i dun wan go there again
Hi all,
Good to know many of you mummies of Jan 2013. my EDD is 20 Jan 2013, having my #1..
Celia and friends : hopefully mine won't be delayed as the same as you, hoping to have dragon but in year of snake as well (best of both worlds)!!!
Friends, i am very interested to know if we can use nail polish as some websites say can some say cannot. Anyone already check with your gynae?
My next appointment is coming Mon for my week 6 day 1 scan! praying hard and i am preparing a list of questions for dr already...
Welcome all new mummies! Sorry cant rem all the name...

Nail polish
I guess it's ok, I did pedicure n Medicare during my #1 time...

U know Nov 2010 mummy? Maybe we know each other..

I guess everything take and use in moderation is ok, for me I eat everything and use whatever I want, i whack quite abit of sashimi last week... Hahaha.. Don't restrict yourself during pregnancy, enjoy this special 9 months, don't deprive yourself... Many hear say are old wife tales, a friend of mine avoid all yellow things during her pregnancy (including yellow mee) cos her mil say will cause jaundice, but end up her baby still have jaundice and quite bad...

Don't deprive yourself on anything, else get moody easily... Enjoy!!!!
hammiebao, you are cool, dare to take sashimi..hehe... my gynae says no. recently, i was out with friends in our usual fav jap restaurant and try to avoid eating my fav raw meat and sake so i had to pretend i had diarrhoea in the morning so cannot take these that day.. gosh, i wish the 1st trimester an be over soon to tell the good news!
Haha, maybe 2nd pregnancy more relax, anyway my gynae said can eat sashimi but make sure it's clean, don't worry too much!
<font color="119911">hammiebao: ^5! Bec it's my #2 too, so abit relaxed and I went to eat sashimi and fresh oyster 2 weeks ago! But after that, my left cramping feel came back and I got a scare out of myself for fear of salmonella/listeriosis so I told myself cannot be daring le! So no more raw food for me, except maybe some medium-well steak? Keke....

Argh... It's Sunday and Monday is coming soon!
Full house:
U try sign up for hospital tour then decide? All my frds who had their there love it too. Then for mine though is scheduled cs &amp; booked 1-bedder but then its full alot of delivery thus ended up in 2 bedder with noisy snoring rmmate &amp; Hb got me earplugs haha. I hope for Mt A but not sure if Gynae does it there coz now she has her own clinic at gleneagles ( then was at Paragon so she does at all private hospitals). Need to set alert n ask her at my next appt .
Clementi: I went there for my favourite porridge but sob taste so diff without the 猪肝&amp; egg as Gynae advices not to eat tt

Welcome. Alot of us here looking at dragon baby in snake yr keke. Ya like wat full house said u might have ovulated late , tts wat my Gynae said for mine too. My LMP 9thApril so by right now shd be wk 6 but based on the Vscan shd be only wk4( but based on intimation date shd be correct:p)

Tts nice. I'm not sure for the other Gynae but the one I went to during my #1 nvr. I shall ask when see her2 wks later

IPL can't!!! Then I better call soon &amp; ask if my package any expiry date :p

Which Ovary:
Keke shall ask my Gynae at next appt :p

I only know tt one &amp; only nov mummy hehe. She invited me to join 1 of the nov mummies gathering then but I think happened tt boyboy not well so nvr go. She stays at Heritage, u know any stay there?
Sashimi: hammiebao, but my Gynae said cannot leh plus deep ocean fish also . Coz of the germs tt come with raw food. As for deep ocean fish , mercury level too high might affect the foetus development. She only said for 1st trimester, I'm not sure for 2nd &amp; 3rd, need ask again
Morning ladies, thks for the warm welcome
Like most of the 2nd time mummies, I'm currently more relaxed. Even had sambal stringray two weeks ago for dinner! For my no 1, I ate crabs &amp; sashimi during my third trimester. Oyster never try cos I cldn't stand the sight of it. Used to be my fav but during preg, taste bud all went haywire...

Angeliqueous, I usually paint OPI for my pedicure. So will continue to use it.

Re White hair
Throughout my 1st preg, my hubby doesn't allow me to 'touch' my hair...be it colouring, rebonding or treatment and towards the 3rd trimester, half of my head is white in colour. Imagine how ugly I looked... That's the only thing I hate being preg....

BTW, I'm considering of doing amino instead of oscar this time round... Wanted a more 'confirmed' status but yet scared miscarriage. Reason of me doing so is because during my no 1 preg, I know of someone who delivered a DS baby despite having very good Oscar and detailed scan results... This incident has been bothering me for years... Dilemma...

No way I am having my BB in shanghai, i be so lonely and I dun the drs here hahaa. so bad right? morever, it is darn expensive to deliver in pte hospitals here. eg, Parkway shanghai charge S$12K ONLY for delivery. Prenatal checkup package already cost S$5k alone. I will go back ard 30th week to deliver either at GlenE or Mount A. Still thinking which one to go to. Seems both are quite good.

My gynae told me we have to thank my right Ovary for the conception! When whenever I wanna do telepathy talk w BB, i put my right hand to my womb nearer the right. Haha.

welcome! u r having a dragon BB too! hehee.Hope u can hear or see yr bb Heatbeat, it's so swesome!


thks for the info on the stretch mark cream. Based on yr 150ml n 400ml analysis, I also kinda think the new one may be less concentrated? Let me know again if u find out any info on that.


That's what happened to some of my gfs, easy 1st pregnancy and 2nd one is a jialat experience! I am having absolutely no MS nor constipation whatsoever. nonetheless, my HB and Mum warn me dun be elated too soon. u can get them anytime during the next 9 mths! Haha.. I talk to BB to be good as mummy all alone in China w daddy, so dun make mummy sick n unwell.. LOL
Congrats aspialle!!

I just eat whatever I want, hahaha, my friend who is sashimi lover also eat lots of it during her pregnancy, but I guess depends on body also, if u are ok with it then take in moderation...

Hope u are ok, maybe avoid it till 2nd trim? Take care

I heard amino test is painful and risk of MC, do consider properly and consult your gynae
Congrats aspialle!!

I just eat whatever I want, hahaha, my friend who is sashimi lover also eat lots of it during her pregnancy, but I guess depends on body also, if u are ok with it then take in moderation...

Hope u are ok, maybe avoid it till 2nd trim? Take care

I heard amino test is painful and risk of MC, do consider properly and consult your gynae
Littledragongirl... the week i found out i was preggy i still couldnt control and went to eat a bit of sashimi but i limit the amount i eat.. after that read here read there also scared... i love seafood so much... and that tastebud didnt change.... but now got to remind myself got to eat in moderation, esp when hubby doesn't help to 'control' me...

Think your gynae meant large fish? Coz larger predatory fish like tuna and swordfish contains higher amount of mercury, o that includes sharks too lol.,.. Sharks fins how huh lol

Discuss with your gynae bah. He will be in better position to advise you, though I rem detailed scan is quite accurate

I want to eat a lot of things!! But I get sick and queasy after three bites. I'm still fattish though., hmmm my appetite is not affecting my weight leh...

You in oct 06 thread?
