(2013/01) Jan 2013

<font color="ff6699"> JLau
my hubby ah..hahaha..he's always a joker...haahaha... that's why i marry him..cos he can make me so happy..and yet i trust him so much... cos he will tell me when he feels its a temptation...hahaha...that's why he will hire old old uncle for chauffer .. or those fat uncles to clean our pool...he'll never let those handsome ones like we see in the movies to clean the pool for us... u know.. poolboys in movie always so good looking and muscles muscles one..hahaha...

ya..my family is in aussie... so thinking of flying back... BUT ... the thing is the airline thing..that's why hubby asking me to resign now..and fly back when hit 2nd tri... see how lor..

my ex-helper don't wear bra lor... and her top so thin..can see her nipples protruding out one... machiam like she always in heat or something... damn gross lor... not sure if she wears panty or not..hahaha...didn't check..

it's really troublesome... especially after hubby told me to get rid of temptation... still takes time mah..then when he alone at home with her...i worry lor... damn...</font>

<font color="ff6699"> tres
i'm thinking the same line as u!!! cos hubby's parents also not in sg...hahaha... thinking of the freedom i have ... hahaha..can shower everyday.... yoo!!!</font>
<font color="#49729C">ally:: bahaha.. nw that u talk abt dressing. ya..i know, i saw those helpers' dressing..plus accessories.. wah lao aeh.. worse than xmas tree! luckily mine all so far no xmas tree.. but the very very first pinoy.. initially..(evn worse.. hahaha).. she will wrap herself in towel..then walk out of bathroom after shower de! i do that too.. but that's my hse. anyways.. tink she used to it whn in her previous dubai (or ard UAE) experiences, they hv big house for helpers to stay in. </font>
i got mine from strawberrynet too.. cheaper and delivery was quite fast...

snowhopes, omg.. ur that friend maid.. is OMG...
<font color="ff6699"> ah bui
luckily we don't have to be near the maid's room...so i don't know if she walks out naked or what...haahaa.. but the dresing at home and go out... overkill.... </font>
<font color="#49729C">re: confinement
i tink this round.. i will be more relac too.... aiya..first time..scared really affect the health in watever ways mah.... did confinement.. in the end oso kenah slipeed disc (ok fine..i know this no link.. but then agn.. watever~).. so ya.. this time huo chu qu le!</font>
<font color="ff6699"> s_loh
that's small case lor...my friend told me...she found a v****tor among her maid's belonging... hahaha... cos before they send them back, we'll check their luggage mah... then found the v****tor... so disgusting lor...</font>
<font color="119911">snowhopes: I'm oso gg to get my hair cut short for this #2! Had long hair for #1 too, thinking at least can tie up... Mistake as the head stink during the days when I cant wash hair and the weather being so hot and I kept perspiring! lol...

hmmm... Pinoy helpers sounds like a huge NO-NO huh!</font>
<font color="ff6699"> weekend starting soon lor!!! 1 hr more..hahhaa... during times like this..i no mood to work liaoz...hahaha...

anyone in the mood to work??</font>
Good day to all.
I think I'm the oldest here...at 42 yrs. So let "jya-you".

I'm also a SAHM. I enjoyed every moment of it.

I did a scan today and still could not see anything except the sac has grown larger.
Not even a heartbeat at 6 week. Need to go back again next week

Was it snowhopes? You mentioned yours the same situation as me? Can only see sac?
Do you know why?
Wah, vibrator??? That's gross. I always dress down during weekends, shorts and t-shirt while my maid dress up during weekends. So I look more like maid. LOL
Ally, I haven't have mood to work ever since MS kicked in.

Minnieluv, I'm not young either, 37 this year, one of the oldest here too.
<font color="ff6699"> Tigress
hahaha... tigress...that's why after 2 pinoy maids..i've decided to give indo maid a go..and amazingly... i prefer my indo maid... this maid is christian..so she eats pork... and her english not bad...

i've no mood to work ever since i found out i'm pregnant..hahaha...and my MS is ADS one... hahaa... but i'm still taking it easy... no choice... can eat, just eat..if can't then eat and puke...

i'm so glad i've puking buddies here..hahaa..

LADIES... age is just a number...it's how u feel that matters... for me, i feel like an old soul in a young body... </font>
wah, so many posts!

Re long hair
I dun think i will cut my hair, keep the length very long le, recently, just did a perm... But the thought of my hair will be oily, scalp itchy makes me feel er xin...
Tigress : High 5, we same age!

Fatbobo : great, we can have lunch one of these days.

Re : maid / helper
She is from indonesia, my 1st one was from philippines, sent her back after 5 days! Took us 1 year to get over the phobia of having a maid.
Hiyo I'm back !!! I knocking off :p

My Hb been wanting me to be sahm coz mil n sil all sahm after giving birth. I quitted after my #1 then after 5 mths i cannot stand it so since then i worj parttime hehe. Now in the midst of pondering if to be sahm after #2, I think I will go crazy with a nb &amp; a 3yo at home plus no financial freedom
Fullhouse/ minniluv: waaaa u can stand staying home!!! Where u stay?if I become sahm can jio u out mOre hehe

waaaa V******** , u so gd to ur maid, nvr set ' dressing' rules ? Me no maid leh thinking if to get 1 after my # 2 arrives

Aiyo I no MS but my pain is back!!! Any of u experience pain at tailbone area? I praying so hard don't get the same pain but it's back for this preg as well
<font color="ff6699"> nlimm
i've set dressing rules... but who knows she don't listen... in the end i send her back after 1 mth... cannot take it lah.. dress until like... like going to geylang to sell or something.. and at home dress until like want to seduce my hubby ...

i tried 2 pinoys..i don't like.. both lasted only 1 mth with me..then i change to indo.. and until now still the same one lor...

why u tailbone pain?? is bb sitting on something that's pressing ur nerves??

if i decide to be sahm, i also want to join in the gang..we can go high tea, shopping etc... fun huh...hehehe...</font>
MTBs.. you can always get those dry shampoo from Watson or Sephora, it works!! of course, not as clean as you wash it but it doesn;t give you the oily feeling on your hair!
Long hair.. I'm also trying to keep my hair long.. Hair not long not short cannot tie, very hot leh the weather.. Somemore i did a perm on my short hair so if i cut again, hair sure messy den cant perm too..

I missed my office teambuilding today coz on mc.. Somemore is with group of kakis.. Two weeks later still hv another session BUT not with grp of kakis.. B*ring....
<font color="aa00aa">minnieluv, your memory not bad uh... Yup my scan dates the sac at Wk6,0days. My gynae did not make any "bad" comments about the fact there was nothing but the sac. He only say "uh, growing nicely there." *points to screen* "size is good, exactly 6 weeks as expected". "See u in 2 weeks, by then we should be able to see the baby already". He say lidat I oso forget ask him why cannot see fetal pole at Wk6.

The only bad news that is nagging me after I left is clinic is "blighted ovum". (super toes and fingers crossed it's not) I don't want to think about this or scare ourselves so early on. In fact, that day when I had tummy aches, I felt like running into a nearby gynae clinic for a scan just to make sure there is a fetal pole in the sac!

IMHO, after doing my research: Whilst we read those development thing, they say actually can see fetal pole by wk6. But it could be our sacs are not really 6wk old yet, could be 5 wks + so, fetal pole is not devloped yet. The ultrasound size and dating is all estimate as we might be 1 wk +/- from the wk 6 (which we are suppose to be in).

my dearest gal, let's not scare ourselves even thou I feel the jitters myself (after hearing all the gals here see HB &amp; fetus). So I am waiting for my next appt at wk 8 (actually my gynae wanted to see me only at wk 7 so can see HB and all but I went in early due to spotting).

The last non scientific comfrot I give myself is:
At wk 6, the sac is size of a sweet pea. Tummy scan maybe see less or the angle is "wrong" so can only see sac. ;p</font>
<font color="aa00aa">missy, fetal pole= fetus=baby.

I was looking at the US pictures found online. Usually at week 6, they would do a v-scan. Cos it gives a better overall look to the sac (can see more details. For my first preg, at wk 6, the v-scan showed the fetus. But for this round, I did a tummy scan but at wk 6 looks like only got sac...http://www.baby2see.com/development/ultrasound_sonogram/first_trimester_scans.html#week6

Minnieluv, I think ur gynae is asking u to go back within 1-2wks for another scan right? Dun worry ok?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">minnieluv, I found some online stuff which might make u feel more assured:

1. "The fetal pole is a thickening on the margin of the yolk sac of a fetus during pregnancy. It is usually identified at 6.5 weeks with abdominal ultrasound imaging, and 6 weeks with vaginal ultrasound imaging. However it is quite normal for the fetal pole to not be visible until about 9 weeks. The fetal pole may be seen at 2–4 mm crown-rump length (CRL), and heart motion is often detected when it is seen. In the embryo, the heartbeat is seen as a regular flutter, which should be first evident at 5 mm CRL. If the embryo is less than 5 mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow up study in 5–7 days will almost always demonstrate the heartbeat"

2. 5 ½ to 6 ½ weeks is usually a very good time to detect either a fetal pole or even a fetal heart beat by vaginal ultrasound. The fetal pole is the first visible sign of a developing embryo. This pole structure actually has some curve to it with the embryo’s head at one end and what looks like a tail at the other end. The fetal pole now allows for crown to rump measurements (CRL) to be taken, so that pregnancy dating can be a bit more accurate. The fetal pole may be seen at a crown-rump length (CRL) of 2-4mm, and the heartbeat may be seen as a regular flutter when the CRL has reached 5mm.

If a vaginal ultrasound is done and no fetal pole or cardiac activity is seen, another ultrasound scan should be done in 3-7 days. Due to the fact that pregnancy dating can be wrong, it would be much too early at this point to make a clear diagnosis on the outcome of the pregnancy
wow thks snowhopes for e info!
i only schedule my first appt on abt 8wk3days... cos mum &amp; MIL both say no need so early go gynae... yet hearing all u al say abt scan etc is making me v excited lo... can't wait!!
My gynae did a v scan for me.. It shows 6weeks4days.. Also dont hav fetal pole.. But if i calculated myself only 5wks.. Hope to c heartbeat during nxt scan..
<font color="aa00aa">Josky, yah actually no need to go so early de. In e meantime, rem to take folic everyday!
go too early will end up like see e sac on the US photo... :p

S_loh, the scan dating is usually based on the measurement of the sac size. Anyway based on the stuff I pasted in my earlier post, seeing and not seeing is within acceptable norm! ;) </font>
Eh evening all,
Kids all in bed, so!!!

Been to gynae and decided I'll stick with him :D

Nick: chipsnchops
Bb #: 3
EDD: 17/01/2013
Gynae: Douglas Ong
Hospital: Mt A or Mt E

Gynae said ok to travelling but use discretion loh... If start to spot then don't go... Oh well, it's two more weeks and I'm praying hard it'll all be alright and the trip will be a relaxing one!

Minnieluv, canopyhaze
I rem early weeks it's common not to see much except the sac. Pray hard, and it'll be all right!!
Ooops typo
Snowhopes, not canopyhaze...

Lol, I hated it at first, ESP in the first two month after delivering my #1... I used to work till 10pm daily and loved every moment of it!! Working is so much more ego stoking, really... I get paid, I get affirmation, I get to go shopping after work, I get to feelvery good about myself...

Took me a few years to get used to it, but I wouldn't exchange my time with my family with any amount of pay rise :D now...

There are good days and there are bad days, as in any days at work. Only difference I dont feel any lingering regret at the end of any day that I hadn't spent enough time with my kiddoes
<font color="aa00aa">I got diarrhea AGAIN!!!!

Fullhouse, thanks for the assurance! Later help u update! any other gals wanna be in the list?</font>
I'm loving my Job as SAHM, Quit my job since I found out that I'm pregnant with #1... I take care of my bb by myself.. Hub will help out after work.. we share house chore, and my hubby don't like me to cook cos he has to wash the plates! He rather eat out.. We are very used to eating out even before we are married...

U can fly to Aussie even in 3rd trim, airline cut off is ard 28 weeks... With gynae approval letter

I considered having a helper but I dont know helper can sleep where... House small lah...
Just finished puking again while bathing. For #1, mine is ADS, but for this bb, I only puke once a day when bathing, the rest of the day seems like as if I m not pregnant.
<font color="aa00aa"> canopy, is it cos of yr bath soap? Sometimes scents can trigger our nausea.

Jus now told hb I feel like seeing neighbourhood gynae/doc bcos my diarrhea like quite bad cos aft poo poo my tummy still discomfort liddat. Actually cos I wan to scan again... For assurance... Wahaha. But my poo poo habit quite bad. I can tummy ache whole day and b constipated. If lucky, I will get my loose stools else jus waste time in toilet...
Ok one new scent I can, surprisingly, no longer tolerate is rosemary! I make my own pasta sauce usually with fresh rosemary. The day I suspected I could be preg I nearly puked at the smell of it... So I agree with snowhopes, it could be a new sensitivity to common scent

I have diarrhoea every day
Snow: I think so, I m very sensitive to scent now, even toothpaste will make me sick. By the way, don't worry too much co's it's not healthy, wait till your gynae check next wk.
today went out walk walk.. took mrt from punggol &amp; change ccl to promenade... feel like puking while in train.. got plastic bag but damn paiseh so end up tahan until my face turn like duno what....

s_loh: sahm is stay at home mum
Oicc I think pinoy more qiao generally, the 3 units surrounding mine all indo maids only my plc no maid todate. Most likely fr Aug I won't be working le coz my due date is during term time boss usually won't give then following new sem bb be only 3 mths I wan have more bonding so will only return to Parttime job if ever earliest midoct 2013. Unless I really soooooo noble to give up entirely my job &amp; take care of 2 myself but it's unless Hb let me control finance if not I feel very insecure losing my livelihood . If sahm need have a gp kakis then fun

Tailbone pain=> I also don't know y, &amp; Gynae has no idea at all . For 1st preg it started when my boy was7wks, &amp; worsen at 3rd trimester then still need go to Chiro . Now #2 only ard 4-5wks aldy start to hurt, I really pray extremely hard tt pls pls don't like last time.Gynae said can't be coz of foetus coz even now still at embryo stage leh.

U 2 hor, I heart pain paying though is Hb paying. Our 1st appt aldy almost $200 le

Full house/ hammiebao :
SAHM => but u both won't feel bored at initial stage? I'm home alone with my #1 as a 1st time mum alone, alot of times he made me cried till I don't know y, when he cried I cried till I find myself like post-depression &amp; Gynae really give me post depression gel !! Partly I go back Parttime is coz i wan be with my boy &amp; Hb can't pay for my expenses though I don't spend much keke but his income only enough to cover house loan, car expenses, household expenses , his own makan expenses &amp; #1 expenses. Does both ur Hb give u mthly allowance just for ur own use?or pass u all his mthly income?

Maybe urs ard5wks plus so no foetalpole yet, don't think too much ye
or maybe aldy but u only did tummy scan n it's not obvious enough ba. Go see see doc la, diarrhoea so often like not very normal or u ate something wrongly?

Full house:
U also diarrhoea daily?

Sahm means stay at home maid。

Agreed w Snowhopes, maybe u try changing ur shower gel?

Anti-stretch mark cream:
Anyone of u using? I'm gog to get mine soon hehe , I been using a particular brand during my #1 preg &amp; I'm stretchmark-less hehe, hope there's promo now since alot price sale now.
