(2013/01) Jan 2013

<font color="#49729C">hammie:: haha..i imagine every evng.. u will alight frm car, squart n vomit, then crawl home during that time..!!! sorry.. not making fun.. but i totally know what n hw it felt like.

my previous.. i had to vomit, do lunch, cm back vomit.....vomit, eat dinr, vomit.... (bfast was the only meal i cld dwn)... frm 1st tri..to early 2nd tri.. then late 2nd tri start agn..till delivery at wk36. tink in all... oni 1st few weeks of pregnancy..n mid couple weeks of 2nd tri i was spared frm MS (or ADS)!

i rmbrd there was once, not oni vomit..lao sai tog.. chionged hm frm dinr.. sit toilet bowl purge..hand hold dustbin to throw up too! that was the worst of the worse!</font>

I am :D. Stopped work for 5 years liao! You?

Anyone intending to stop work (for a while or for good) after this preg?

I LOVE my job (sahm)!!
<font color="#49729C">fullhouse:: hahaha.. i wld like to.. but i very much prefer role of 'taitai' or 'semi-taitai'... than SAHM. (stay at hm look aft kids..n perhaps prepare meals...but the rest of the chores..hv a helper to do.) LOL~ but i dun tink my household hv such vacancy now! bahahah~

i dun tink i will quit my job.. not dat im a workaholic or someone who's aiming to climb corporate ladder. im a super lam nuah admin staff niah! (well, i din study till very high..so wat else i cld do rite?! haha) anyways.. but nw my company's hvg a lil re-structuring gg on.. evn my boss said his role might disappear. well if he's gone, then so will be mine! but hor.. with 3 kids (or more..hahaha) and a dog at hm.. quite difficult n tough for hb to support la.. evn if we do away wv helper. so.. well..... c hw it goes.. if miracle will happen? lalala~ </font>
BTMY... our edd is just one day difference and we stay very near to each other.. i did a scan at 6 week 1 day, my baby was only 2.64mm.. even smaller then... now im worried.....
Fullhouse.. i intending to stop work for 1 or 2 yrs after my #1 comes out... in fact now im not working..was intending to do a major career switch , quit my job and within a mth found out i'm preggy. but i will be doing some casual work from july to oct.
<font color="#49729C">icy:: errh.. i duno.. cld it b that yr measurement is the feotus.... whras earlier stage.. is measuring the sac? </font>
i didnt notice my the measurement of my lil one.

I have MS, feel like puking but I eat a lot too.
Many already commented I eat way too much.

I can eat claypot food with a bowl of rice and with 1+ packet of durian during lunch time. Then ribena after that... 3pm bread again.
Oh dear, your 上吐下泻 experience sounded real bad... Pray hard it'll be great for you this round. Anyway it could be due to having twins then? Now confirmed not twins or dunno yet?

You can always do online biz or freelance.

On Sahm-hood
chores took getting used to
... I do love the taitai life too, but I do not get along well with helpers, and I didn't like it when my children became too dependent on being coddled. I had different maids when I had newborns then subsequently released them when the children each turned 15mths old...

Most likely do so this time round.
fullhouse.. me dun intend to have helper leh... so afraid i cant cope also but if have helper i will need to go work if not very siong... a bit paranoid of helpers also. my younger sister was 12 yrs younger than me, used to have a helper who ran away and left her at home alone when she was a baby. and also hear so many scary stories around
afternoon everyone... hope everyone is feeling okay...

hmmm.. also need to check the ingredients used in facial products? i still use watever m using previously...
maid / helpers.. hmm.. a subject with much debates.

i personally think if there is only 1 kid, i guess still can cope but with 2 or more, it will be a challenge unless the kids go into CC lor? me also dilemma leh? Those CCs ard my mum's place are full? so dunno how too?
Am from lunch! Yummy teppanyaki!

Re : helper
I have engaged a helper about 2mths back to ease my housework and also we were tired of packet food or tingkat. But the most important thing is, we want to make sure that someone can take care of the household chores once i m pregnant.
Am thankful that my helper is excellent &amp; hardworking.

I have been volunteering myself to be a SAHM but hubby rejected my request. So i have to continue working lor.....
Greeting Ladies... Seriously the chat's moving so fast~~~ LOL.. i was not this morning.. and i've got SO much to catch up on reading... Read till i also blur...
missy, i want to faints liao.. skin smoothing cream oso inside?! I thought that is one of the most basic moisturiser leh... I'm using the age-smart currently... :/ then the masque (multivit &amp; moisture) that I have, both oso cannot use le... haha looks like hb will be v happy soon, cos I will be putting on his face instead... *faints*
<font color="ff6633"> WOW!!! even i was in just now also lost liaoz..hahaha.. so many posts!!!

I like that SAHM application..hahaha.. but i doubt i'll be a SAHM... hubby talked to me last nite..asking me if i want to quit my job NOW... cos he see me ADS .. lose weight... so tired... and after bb comes out... look after bb...

i've a helper now..she's excellent... can cook.. and most importanly... honest... </font>
<font color="ff6699"> Tres
thanks..that's the 2 names that were mentioned..hahahaa..just can't recalled... but my friends told me... those 2 can be found in quite a lot of whitening products..so just avoid..ehehehe...

i was thinking of cutting hair off too... cos with bb around... i don't think i should keep my hair so long... mine at my waist now... </font>
<font color="#49729C">canopy:: me.. im in shenton way thu &amp; fri..n some of the mons-weds. hehe.. next time we can gather tp &amp; rp mtbs for lunchies.

canopy/ally:: may i now yr helper frm whr? i mean.. indon or pinoy? my indon, who is abt 2mths old wv me, cant really make it!! this time..evn hb oso say wana chg her away!!!! we're tinking of getting a pinoy. our very very first one was a pinoy, super da xiao jie.. but at least, understand better! sigh!! </font>
snowhopes, i also sian 1/2 when i saw skin smoothing cream. i'm using exactly the same products as u. ^5! skin smoothing, multi-vit and hydrating masque. all got to keep and collect dust already. i'm using hydrating booster too. not mention in the list. haha so i think i will continue to use it.
s-Loh, thanks for the list... shit the sunblok i use is on the list too...... hmm time to find another sunblock le!

dun cut, i think long hair easier as you can tie up! For short / bob hair ah, your hair will be neither long or short, then how to tie right? I'm glad I did not cut my hair short short, unless you really gung ho and cut those pixie hair type!
<font color="aa00aa">missy, The following is a list of pdts I use, I think I will just check with Aster Spring tmr when I go for my facial. Cos I notice the information was daated in 2009 and I think some products are new may not be in list. You got any products u wan me to help ask?

I called them today and they told me that it is ok to do the facial. So long no ultrasonic and aromatic oils used...
But that said I think I will go facial but not so frequent le...

1. skin smoothing cream
2. hydrating masque
3. multi-vit masque
4. soothing protection spray
5. Age Smart dynamic skin recovery spf30 (this is my sunscreen I use everyday. I sure hope this one wont be out)
6. Chromo-white C-12 Concentrate (my total LOVE)
7. Ultra-calming cleanser

I got a tube of the Power Rich which I saw on the list. haha u see hb is going to be the one who gets facial products on the face soon... haha!

tres, which sun-screen on the list? </font>
<font color="aa00aa">ally, I had long hair when I gave birth to my first... but my CL din allow me to wash hair (SIAO!!!). Well not a good thing to be going thru. So this time I will snip snip my hair... *wahaha!*</font>
The dermalogica product I am using is not listed there. I wonder if it is safe.

oil free matte spf30
dermal clay cleanser
special cleansing gel
skin prep scrub
<font color="ff6699"> fatbobo
my maid is indo... my last 2 was pinoys..terrible... damn vain..and will want off days on sundays... my indo willing to trade her off days for additional pay...

i'm thinking along the same line lor... confinement... long hair..damn smelly lah... but then again, will i listen to CL..hahaha</font>
Tigress, u have the active ingredients? Usually cleansers are ok as they are not left on the skin for the skin to absorb...
think we need to be more concerned about the moisturisers and sun-screens + masques...
<font color="#49729C">ally:: my very very first one..the pinoy.. like said..very da xiao jie! eat muz eat at the dinning table (nvr..but watch tv).. n slowly slowly eat.. we owas say she majiam fine-dining! she reqested not to have off days n take the $ instead... reason: norm we go out on wkns..she already get to go out. food &amp; drinks on us.. she doesnt hfta do hsework, get to go out, get fed, get paid. hahaha.. smart lady. but i tink in some ways, whn my twins arrived.. she was abit scared too..n then became slower...... n eventually we got a 2nd helper (an indon).. n after some comparison.. we let her go n kept the indon.</font>
Wow lots of postings!!!

I'm nw bored to death at hm... Lol

I'm stil using my skii pdts.. Except I dnt go facial Liao...
miss my facial sessions..
<font color="aa00aa">ally, my hb oso ask me if i wan a helper... seriously I do not mind... at least I have someone who can help me in the kitchen and wash after I am done... ;p but of the horror stories I hear, really MAKE ME SCARED!!!

Like eh, detergent powder in your drinks. menses blood in the drink?!! they bring back man to the house... Do you have CCTV to watch her?

My CL is my MIL's sister la... so I must give her face u know... so dur. Don't care this time I will sure go wash hair after 1 wk. I dropped so much hair aft the confinement leh! crazy lor...</font>
snowhopes, these are what i'm using:

1) skin smoothing cream
2) hydrating masque
3) multi-vit masque
4) ultra-calming cleanser
5) essential cleansing solution
6) daily microfoliant
7) multi active toner
8) skin hydrating booster

can help me ask when you're at aster spring
thanks alot!

i remembered once i went for facial, the therapist asked if i was pregnant. cause the treatment i selected can't be perform if i'm pregnant. can't remember which was it already. i think was the one with AHA peeling involved.
<font color="aa00aa">jlau, lucky you! SK-II gives me breakouts! but i like their SK-II facial bcos the bed is ooohhhhhh so comfortable! as compared to the other facial places I have been too. but effect of facial is So so so niah...</font>
i'm using ultra calming cleanser, special cleansing gel, multi active toner, skin hydrating booster, active moist and skin prep scrub too..

i tink it shld be okay..

i'm oso using faceshop sunblock, MAC makeup base and ettuasis skin version up.. aiyo.. but all didnt write the ingredients....

snowhopes, recently got a maid put menses blood in employer's coffee.. so disgusting loh... but cctv oso hav blind spots rite...
@snowhopes~ ya I consider lucky cos I knw many allergic to it.. Hehe ya their facial treatments is the best.. I can fully relax n entrust my face to my fav therapist.. I hv yet to tell her y i stop gg facial ...
<font color="#49729C">re: skin care produchts
errrrrh.. im so lousy at all these, cos i hardly (lazy) use.. errh.. but hor.. is BB cream ok not arh? tia for quick asn.</font>
<font color="ff6699"> ahbui
oh..pinoy maids ah...best at pretending one.. pretend to be this, pretend to be that.. don't know how to do this... do that slowly..but the only time they are fast is to eat... hahaha..and when we dressed up to go out and if she got to follow..wah lau..she dressed like machiam she's my hubby's 2nd wife...hahaha..

we've cctv.. and also, sometimes i work from home.. and i don't tell her when i'm working from home or when i'm home etc... sometimes i go to ofc take something and go home..she won't know.. and i don't tell her.. then she can't plan anything...

but i buay tahan is...the way she dresses lah.. hot pants and thin top... told her so many times not to dress like that she don't listen... until my hubby complained that she looks terrible with her dressing..then i warned her.. but still no improvment..so let her go home...hubby himself told me.. don't keep temptation at home.. i so angry with him... hahaha..</font>
<font color="ff6699"> snowhopes
i thinking of going back to australia for this birth..so i can escape confinement.. hahaha...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dermelogica products: Wah...so suprised to see so many gals here using their products...psst, where u all buy huh? Cos i find their stuff actually quite ex... but damn good for my skin la... ;p

missy, I only rem IPL confirm cannot do when preggy... the rest, I will rely on my therapist le... at most do the most basic facial lor... I have been doing oxy-whitening, during my last facial I did one which the therapist say is feeding my skin eat vitamins one. the gal i good friend with told me when I go, I tell them "my aunty never visit." they will know what I talking liao.

s_loh, yah I read that one on yahoo news... totally faints. YUCKS!!! it's like what the hell!

jlau, i get breakouts from the miracle water... ;p the thing I dun like abt SK-II is that their products must be fully absorbed before u apply the next thing. else will get clogged skin! my sk-ii therapist tell me de. I buy so many products in the end give my sister, mother, mother in law. :/</font>
S_loh~ it's ok la.. Jux the tot of wad maids are capable of....

@ally~ ur hub so cute :p

Seriously I dnt trust maids... N I'm definitely nt getting one...
snowhopes, i get my dermalogica products from strawberrynet. it's much cheaper than getting it from aster spring. the last time i sign up a new package, they throw in i think $200+ worth of product vouchers so i bought what's im using now to stock up at home. looks like gotta check and see if still can use anot.

btw anyone does brazilian waxing? do you go ahead with your regular waxing when pregnant?
<font color="aa00aa">ally, ur family in Australia? if u last trimster, very difficult to fly de... the airlines some dun accept...

That's the thing about helpers! esp when they wear until so tempting. I hear my friend say she got one maid who dun wear undies go zzz... then morning u open the door, her leg open wide wide for all to c! *faints!*

at least ur hb know how to get rid of unwanted distractions!</font>
ally, your hubby really very funny. but it's true sometimes it's a headache to have helper at home. feel more unsafe to have them around to help out
@snowhopes~ I ve been using their pdts since 2007.. Till nw can't find any pdt to replace them :x but then again they are quite pricy...

S-Loh, Ultra sensitive face sun block....

wa, ally, your maid so 'hiong' ah. ask her change out if not dun go out! luckily she is sent back, dress like these, sure will eventually get preggers too hahahah!!!!!
haha, if you dun have parents or in laws to 'report' too, you can dun do confinement in Singapore too! Combine both eastern and western ways lor... eat the food but still continue to bathe and go out kind! That's my ideal sia!
