(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hammiebao, I think Mdm Zaliah does the North East area.. During my no 1 time, I wanted to book Mdm Ida who was super popular... But she don't do for North East area so she said will get her student (Mdm Zaliah) to do for me.. That time, i blur blur and also no contact so 'no fish prawn also good'.. Lol

Bliss_Ling, same dilemma as you.. But I went for OSCAR first.. Now praying hard for good results... Sonographer managed to show us the well-developed legs, hands, stomach, spine and head. Everything she commented good and normal but when asked about the possible result, she turned p0ker face and said result still depends greatly on blood tests -___-"

Piscean, i had 3 tubes of blood being drawn out today...

can i ask is it ok to drink soya milk (from mr bean / jolly bean) during pregnancy? got a mix review from people saying that drinking that during pregnancy is a no-no.. As they said soya milk contains phyto-estrogens which can be harmful to fetal development.
friends, i'm in the north east area! haha. how much does Mdm Zaliah charge? does she work by package or ala-carte charges each session?
shice , canopyhaze and friends, well i think i go for OSCAR first. My fren called me to tell me that for Dr ANN tan patients all will have to go thru Amnio even thou u doesnt fall inside the "required" zone... Dr Ann just want to make sure bb is alright.

Anyone of u have frens who are under Dr ANN tan from Paragon?
friends, my gynae mentioned 99.9% accurate for amnio well oscar is 90%.. haizzz... the older we get on, OScar may not be accurate.
welcome jocelyn and gem!!

canopyhaze, how come u do amnio at 20wks? tot can be done ard 14-15wks? in ur case, i think i would get the express results too.. din know u waited so long to test for amnio.. u know when i get the results over the phone in office, i cried.. so emo then..

I booked Mdm Ida for first preg.. she's friendly and cheerful.. quite chatty too.. at least bring some liveliness into my boring confinement days..

Joycelyn, I heard of mixed reviews for soya bean drink, not just from mr bean or jolly.. just drink moderately, probably not every day bah..

bliss_ling, wah, so strict? go straight away to amnio? firstly it's expensive and secondly, there is a chance of miscarriage..
no other options?
joycelyn, my gynae recommend not to take soya bean drink cause it turns bad very easily especially during hot weather. he say soya bean curb is fine but actually we can get our calcium intake from tofu. so i try to stay away from soya bean drinks.

bliss_ling, wah your gynae very strict leh. i agree with shice, there it's expensive and there is a chance of miscarriage, if oscar result is ok actually can don't do amnio.
Jocelyn, er..er.. I have been drinking Mr Bean for my no 1 and now for this preg. At least 3 to 4 cups per week type...I heard it's ok to drink but if carrying baby boy, shd cut down.. not so good for the male hormones..

Missy, I didn't ask about her charges..I only asked if she's still doing massage and can reserve a slot between last week of Dec to first week of Jan.. Bad habit of mine.. never check pricing wan... Two years back was $50 per hr.. U want to call and check? I can pm u her contacts...

Bliss_ling, I was thinking since amnio also cannot do now, do OSCAR first loh and in the meanwhile, consider and reconsider loh... I scared of losing the baby leh.. OSCAR result is a maybe yes or no.. Amnio is a confirmed yes or no.. Cannot compare between the two.. One is measurement of probability and another is a affirmative result...
I still can't see the gender... Hope it's a ger!
Hi all, i am having my oscar this thurs. Wat to expect ah? During the scan, the sonographer will staway tell u whether it is positive or negative? Any idea what should be the estimated size of around 12weeks? It has been one mth since i last seen my bb. Kinda worried. LOLz.
Can add me to the list too =)

EDD 8 Jan 2013
Gynae: Dr Herma
Hosp: SGH

Seems like only 1 mummy to be delivered in SGH only from the list =P
Courageous, have u done your blood test? If not, Oscar results will only be out between 3-5days... The scanning is like as per gynae's visit... Lie on the bed and relax... Let the stenographer do the rest... She will explain the details to u while scanning....

Missy, pm liao.
<font color="119911">purple rain: my massage lady told me can only start prenatal massage after 4th month...
Dunno whether can deliver smoothly anot, but it sure helps in easing my aching, water retention and reducing the appearance of the varicose veins on the legs!

I did the blood test for the Oscar in the morning, and got the results the following afternoon thru phone call.
shice: done my oscars ard 15wks for my #1, gotta wait for more than a month to do the amnio, was told that i can do it ard 20wks. The wait to the test was excruciating. Hubby &amp; i didn't have any mood to plan for anything, didn't buy any bb stuffs till we know the results. Likewise, i was crying when clinic called to tell the gd news.
hi all, managed to catch Dr Adrian at TMC yesterday morning. Baby is fine.

Given jab at the bum to stop bleeding.... Soooo painful. Given 3 days MC. Been lying in bed a lot. Good thing bleeding has gradually reduced.

So scary.
hi all.. havent been posting as quite busy today.. 1st day of work today and ended up bleeding at noon... rush down to tmc... really scare the hell out of me. scan show bleeding but gynae say everythg else fine. maybe my baby doesnt like me going back to my old job, although its on part-time basis.
Piyoz, dr only given u 3 day mc ? On the 4 June, I'm having bleeding too. Went to see my Khi as dr sim went for leave and given 2 weeks of HL. After that went back for Review again given 2 weeks HL. App will be 2 July. To see is there still any blood clot. U rest well.
Piyoz, glad to know u'r ok. Was the injection called proluton? Im taking that too and agree its super painful.

Icyjo, celine, take care too
Hi Hana, welcome.

Icyjo, take care!!!! I also went back work after few months break. Bleeding appeared after I 3 days of work.

Celine, my gynae give me three days first. Will review tmr evening. If needed, he will give me more days. But I pai sey, cos if I am not in office, my other colleagues got to share out my load.
Friends: Wah! My previous pregnancies only draw 2 tubes, but Oscar need 3 tubes!

Piyoz/Icylo: Do take more rest if you can.

Canopyhaze: hope u are better already.. I've found out that I can't eat meals with creamy soup else I'll merlion, &amp; I've gotta eat very very small meals, non-oily food.

Piyoz: Is the playmat useful? Will it be troublesome to wash/clean? I didn't buy that for my DDs, only used mattress for their playtime. Mattress cover I can take out to wash often.

Josky: I only drink bottled kind of chicken essence so far, when I'm tired or after vomit episode. Avoiding ginseng for 1st tri. Guess multi-vit that I'm taking is enough for now.
Canopy, you seeing Dr Tseng 2 wks aft the OSCAR? I taking the blood and scan on Tuesday next week. Appt 2 wks later is fixed already. I thot amino test is on wk 16 onwards. I guess the later the lesser risk?

Friends, I think they use the blood test and the NT measurement to do a % probability conclusion bah...

Josky, boiled chicken essence is not really "jin bu" right? Cos I have been taking Brands one everyday to keep me "alive". Been feeling sooooo tired lor and the chicken essense does help me survive the day.

Bliss_ling, I did hear from some mummies where the gynae will order compulsory amio test. If u wanna skip the test, gotta sign an indemity form to say that the gynae is not responsible...

joycelyn, Soya bean drink can take but buy and drink immediately... but in moderation. For the curd it's not so good since there is the "jio cao" that is put in to "harden" the milk. ;)
Piscean: thanks, slightly better than yesterday.

Snowhopes: nope, filo only booked for me 07july for oscars and 01sep for detailed scan.
canopy, u got ask Dr if it's ok to have pain on &amp; off? my detailed scan is slightly earlier than urs, sometime end august. Booked also by the nurses. They are really efficient in booking the slots lor...
Snow: u mean your detailed scan right? I have yet to see doc, the last appt was on 02jun, wasn't having any pain at that time, but he thinks that if no bleeding and the pain is bearable is still ok, will check with him again to see if I should go for the operation after the oscars. Will check with the nurse if I will be seeing doc then
Jo: hb started buying bird nest. This is my favorite part of the pregnancy!!!

Piscean: playmat is good cos it's waterproof and has no gaps. Easy wipe clean with wet cloth. ABC mats have a lot of gaps in between which traps dust. My babies wear cloth diapers at home. Current one a lot of small holes already, urine will sip thru. So thinking of getting one more. Good for baby to lie down and rest in middle of living room during day time.

Canopy: good to know you are feeling better today. Hang on. 1st tri over soon.
Canopy: 加油!

The bleeding episode very scary. Now every time I go toilet, I pray I don't see surprise. Tonight seeing gynae, hope everything is fine.
jiayou everyone!!!

i cant wait for 3 mths.. so can tell pple.. so many pple asking me already.. lol

i havnt 'jin pu' oso.. but my mum say she will buy bird nest for me BUT i forgot to ask her issit cook for me too.. hahaha

i tot of buying chicken essence too but if i dun like the smell or taste den i'm gg to waste the whole box....
S_loh, I go around telling my closer friends already... Can't keep the news.

Re: chicken essence. I also dun like the smell. After previous delivery, many gifts of chicken essence, I also didn't take. I shall stick to bird nest....

For those delivering at TMC, anyone applied for this? Still thinking whether should get or not? Think plus point is the nice diaper bag and a 10% discount for visits to pd.
Haiz... I think i've reached the peak of MS/ADS.
Totally no appetite, even have also will puke out. Super sleepy now, can doze off anytime. The feeling of food not going down to stomach is not good at all. Even gynae's medicine also doesnt help...
Jin bu:
My mum is boiling chicken essence w herbs to bu xue n yang tai. Hear MIL intending buy bird nest...
Btw a friend was sharing w me that better minimise bottled chicken essence cos e chicken r norm injected to growfaster so can mass produce e essence. This not v gd. Not sure how true though.
Canopy: the TMC website very brief. I just emailed them to ask. Share later when they reply. Fees is $128 - $148 leh.

Vaguely remembered if staying one bedder, will get discount of $100+, so offset cost of the card. If two bedder, then no discount.

Not sure worth it or not. I realize I never use diaper bags. Backpack with compartments will be good enough. Some more man enough for my hb to carry.
Jo, I took double-boiled chicken juice under chinese sinseh's instructions from week 1 - week 7 (started before we knew we had conceived) but have since stopped. I don't like those 'jin bu' stuff so it's hubby who's taking the bird's nest etc.. I don't like bird's nest and all those herbal stuff leh :p. I really hope to avoid eating all those. Even during confinement I don't want any alcohol and Chinese wine-type food. Think I will be nauseous.
piyoz: oic, thanks. I am getting the one bedder but only $100 discount not too sure whether is worth it. I didn't use the diaper bag from FBI before.
<font color="119911">canopyhaze: Since Dr Paul Tsang is under the TMC grp with FBI/SBI priviledge, you should get the card!
Gynae consultations got discounts, hospital bills got rebate (even for 2-bedder) and checks at hospital (oscars, detailed scans) oso got discounts.
For you, the fee will definitely be "earned" back thru the benefits.</font>
LDG: i thought someone mentioned previously that Dr Tseng is no long accepting the SBI? Anyway, i don't think i have any discount when i was having my #1 using the FBI. Will wait for piyoz to see what TMC has replied. Going for lunch now, talk to u ladies later.
