(2013/01) Jan 2013

Full house, thanks, my pregnancy for #1 was quite wonderful I would say... The day before I gave birth I was still shopping in orchard!

Tigress, me too!! I feel tight with most of my pants! Have to wear dress soon!

Tigress, hope your sil is well now. Yes, My gynae informed that even thou he is the one drawing the amnio water and he has done it countless times without problem, there is still risk involved. Asked us to consider carefully. Hence, my hubby said take oscar first, decide later.
Maternity clothes:

My hubby ordered a few shorts, pants & a pair of jean for me from this seller when there's promotion at $7.90.

Quality not bad given the price. Bought M size for the long pants but still loose. Think can only wear it from 2nd tri onwards.

I also bought tops and pants from the WTS thread at less than $8 per piece. If you don't mind 2nd hand ones, you can get branded ones like Spring Maternity, Perfect Mum at the WTS thread at only a fraction of the price. I usually source for those less than $10 per piece. Met some kind and generous mummies who will also throw in a few extra pcs FOC
Confinement lady:
anyone engaging confinement lady? any recommendation? will you're be engaging stay-in or day time confinement lady?
Tres, could you share what the Studio loft package includes please? Didn't know had to top up for photos...

Missy, I have booked a CL already. Was a friend's CL and the CL cooked for all of us when we went to her house. Food is yummy and friend said her attitude v good. So I am hopeful everything will go smoothly. I booked her for 1 month only, though I hear other mummies book theirs for 2 months.
I engaged one. Many are fully booked by now and many of us might hit CNY. My advice is to get one. It's easier to talk to outsiders and get the job done. Confinement is sensitive period and you don't want to be embroiled in family relationship issues then.

My cl costs 2300, not passing CNY. If I deliver late might just ask her to leave prior to CNY.
my lunch just went to the toliet bowl...

HB is out of town and only be back tomorrow, I got to prepare my 2 boys for school reopen on Monday and I am leaving on this sun.

Sian..really got no mood to work. Feeling giddy now and later still got telco at 3pm.
syyy and fullhouse, you ladies are quick! i'm still discussing with hubby on CL cause he prefers day CL while i prefer stay-in CL. guess we got to sort this out first before i can enquire.

syyy, does yours cross over to CNY? how much they quote you?
i had booked my CL too. (in fact, she was the very first person i told of my pregnancy! haha!!). she's charging my $3.6k (4wks).. cos mine will be crossing CNY period. hwever, i hvnt confirm with her for 4 or 6 wks.

she took care of bbs day & nite..prepare my meals (n i love all), go groc shop with hb, teach my helper hw to handle bb plus hsewrk, cook for my families if they cm visit. cos i hv helper, so clothes dun need her to wash.

last time..i oni used her for 4wks..then extended 2 wks...... then during the last 2wks.. she encoraged hb & i go out..shop shop or watch movie..hahaha. i was her so-call first spore client i guess. nw..she's very popular here le.
My lunch went down e drain too...
was only on my way back office frm lunch n juz puked at rd side drain. Miserable feeling!!! Haiz~
Tigress, Hope your SIL is well... Yes, Amino water test actually has abt 2-5% of miscarriage risk. Which is why gynaes do not recommend unless u are considered a high risk mummy (i.e. beyond 35 or 40) or failed the OSCAR very badly... My friend's wife also MC-ed shortly after the test. The test was supposedly done by a very experienced doctor who had very little MC cases...
Fullhouse, i heard they start charging extra if u need them to work on the days 1 wk prior to day 1 of CNY... My CL will likely be my MIL's sister, she did my last confinement. Whilst I buay tahan sometimes (like no fan, long sleeves/pants & slippers in house, no wash hair for 30 days...), she is doing it for my good...

missy, my opinon is to get it for full day... When I had my CL, as first time mother - I always wake up when my gal wakes up (it's like a connection thing?). SO I will go over and see what is needed. As my gal was on full BM and I was expressing exclusively, I will just wake up and pump my milk anyway... but having her to help me feed while I pump helps... Less stress on me...
My SIL is fine, but kind of feel sad for her cos she has TTC for a long time. She was trying for Tiger BB and finally got Dragon, but... anyway I heard her OSCAR results was very bad. Her family have history of DS. So I guess it's really fated.

Do you think I can manage without a CL? I have a 5year old boy, a helper and my hubby works from home most of the time. I really don't like another stranger in the house, especialy I don't follow the confinement rules. My MIL will help out during the weekends.
Jo, sure np. I think 2k plus if doesn't cross over into cny, but if cross over then 3k plus. Forgot how much exactly cos I asked my hubby to call her. In any case, no matter how much I will also scrimp and save for her cos I've heard so many horror stories about bad CLs!! But to "save money" i've booked her for only 1 month instead of 2. She already has a booking for Feb and that's why wanted us to confirm if we are hiring her for 1 or 2 months. I've tasted her cooking and seen her work attitude (willing to cook for family and friends and even cleaned up after our gathering) so I quickly booked her.
Missy, I chose a stay-in CL cos I don't stay with my in-laws or parents (both sets of parents work full-time so cannot help out anyway) and I don't know how to take care of a newborn. Hope I can pick things up quickly...

Tres, thanks! Are you moving house that's why housing arrangement not fixed?

Fullhouse, I completely agree! Easier to work with non-family members as I don't want to run the risk of souring relationships.
Hi just to add on to the list
My Edd: 23/01/13
Gynae: Dr Sim L.N
Hospital: TMC
expecting #2

Is there any mummy tummy had already show at week 9 ?
Dun rem that my tummy show up so early during my first preg
By which week can the gender be seen ?
Hi to all MTBs, hope it's not too late to join... I just had my first visit with gynae and was shocked to know I am already 9wks preggy!

Appreciate if my details can be added:
EDD: 21 Jan 2013
Gynae: Dr Devendra
Hospital: SGH
Hi Celine, our EDDs are pretty close
Mine is a #2 like yours and my bum has already been showing since around 7wks if I don't "suck it in". Difficult to hide from colleagues for long, I think. It is said that the bump shows up faster for subsequent pregnancies cos the uterus has been stretched before. For my #1, I din look preggy until the end of 4mths...
hi all, how's everyone?
Had been busy the whole day with meeting and discussion....

Just wondering, did anyone ask their gynae if there is any tea (de-caffeine) suitable for us?
Hi piggy mum, during my first preg, tummy also only show after the 4th months. Hai.. And this pregnacy got more problem too. I dun suffer backache until the 7th or 8 th month preg last time. For this time, backache all the time. And having bleeding on the week 6 so till now still on HL. Pray that it will be fine.
Celine, aiyoh same here... me also got a bit of backache leh. Last pregnancy din experience any at all. Oh dear bleeding u must rest more. I m oso spotting on/off, wondering if it could be attributed to the fact that I am still breastfeeding, though I reduce to only once a day now.
Hello mummies, had been long time since last chat! Yesterday went for my wk10 screen n saw bb hands n legs. Baby was rubbing the face so cute, hb n I laff. I was lucky as they r also trying out new scanning thingy and took bb 3d image! It looked amazing and very clear..
Celia : i guess my bump just look like fats as thou i put on weight... But guess people may start to suspect soon
Huh? One week before? She didn't mention anything so maybe I have to call her to ask. All the trouble! Hmmmppphhh!

Huh, so you didn't know you were pregnant until 9 weeks? Wow! But you and hb must be overjoyed now; an unexpected present!

I was breastfeeding my #1 when I was pregnant with my #2 some years back (gosh I'm old), in fact I bf till I was about 7 mths pregnant but contractions set in and my breast hurts so I stopped.

S loh
Unless your gynae is into homeopathy or TCM, I think he'll just say 'everything in moderation'.;p

If you are ok without confinement then go ahead. I don't follow any rules and most cl nowadays don't impose their rules on you. I just want some decent food not cooked by me and some rest. If you aren't fussy just order ting kat.
I will check with my previous CL if she's willing to do. If not, will order Tingkat and see how it goes... Anyway, the good CLs are mostly taken up and I don't trust the forum's recommendations from those with little posts and read too much horrible stories liao. I scared of engaging a bad one that will make it worse... For first time mummies, i recommend u guys get 1 cos it can get very overwhelming.
Agree with Friends, for FTM, it is better to engage a CL, really don't know what to expect, and Advice from mil, mum, aunts whoever are just too too much information!

Going to visit my gynae later hope can see more than just the little bean!

Bump photo,
I see my stretch mark from #1 I don't feel like taking pic! Hahaha anyway now still all fats I guess!
Fullhouse: I kinda suspected I was preggy a few weeks plus cos extremely hungry & had giddy spells, like my #1. Waited for another week then did the DIY test. But cos #2 so only booked appt for this week (every consultation is so costly lah), and the ultrasound scan dated the bb as already 9wks old le. Hee can see bb's hands and legs showing and signs of bb moving using his/ her muscles

In fact I wonder if my spotting could be caused by breastfeeding; my gynae says safe to continue as long as I feel alright with no other symptoms. But can't really bear to stop so still latch my bb once a day in the morning.
Wow! U got a 3 d pic ! Mind posting it? I wanna see! I m also in my 10 weeks but only have a pathetic blurry pic during my 9 weeks.
That's why I intend to end my confinement early lol. I reckon a week won't make that much diff. How can I miss the pineapple tarts, love letters, cookies etc??!!

Lol I like your 'advice from mothers, mils etc are just too much'...

I had a very bad first confinement. When I recently told my friend what happened, she nearly puked. So I advise really to get an external confinement lady.
I keep seeing pictures of food posted by friends on FB. The feeling of gluttony seems like a distant memory now. Sucks. Just saw yummy crabs which I loved, but feel like puking if I think about it too much...
Fullhouse, yours is natural? If c-sec can try to choose earlier date. I know some CL end 1 wk b4 cos they also need to prepare for CNY - clean the house, buy CNY stuff etc. u are lucky lor. I know some CLs who rather not take any assignments during CNY even if u pay super extra. ;p

Jus recently, my MIL said that I should give birth early else it will cross the CNY period. I jus "huh?" at her. In my heart I was thinking I am natural birth one, I give birth at 40 wks Chun Chun lor and I cannot control when the bb wanna appear what. Then she told me "2nd one usually earlier", maybe I should ask my gynae, I do not suspect it will be early. Any idea?
Your #1 at 40 weeks? Second one usually earlier but it depends. Think it might run in family too? You asked your sisters?

My second was later. My first was 38,1 and second 38,5.
i was actually tinking whether wanna c-sec anot so can choose to do it earlier and can hav CNY but den... will not hav e time to go CNY shopping... so see how ba.. lol
Celia: did you do abdorminal scan or vaginal scan? we suppose to do ab scan but mine was blur too as did not drink enough water so doc do v scan and it is much clear! Will like to share the pic but hb say after the 3 mth cos scare bb pantang. I can't wait for 2-3 more weeks hard to hold the secret to friends and family!

Fullhouse: to get external CL from where is good? which agency? I had not started research anything abt CL cos cannot ask anyone around..
Hi all, anyone here? Baby is nine weeks, last night started having big of blood in discharge. Is this spotting? How huh? Need to go A&E at KK? Or wait for gynae visit tmr?

This is my #3, but first time I have this. How?
Piyoz, if it's blood discharge- red and in large amts- pls go KK immediately if yr gynae is not available.

Fullhouse, I got sisters but all no kids... You think my mum will be an effective gauge? My Hb was late bb (born aft 40 wks). In the kampung Msia, they dun have the induce birth medication. By the time the doc order, he was already beyond 40 wks. In the end. Med haven't arrive, he came out on his own Liao. ;p
Hi all Jan 2013 mummies, newcomer here..

EDD: 25 jan 2013
Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang
Hosp: Mt A

Experiencing pretty bad MS / ADS since week 7, now already week 9.. Hoping it will be better after 1st trimester. What do u mummies eat to prevent / relief nausea?
A bit of blood or a big pool of blood? Whatever, a visit to gynae will bring relief.

Yes or your mum. Haha it seems your hb and #1 both overstayers lol!! Is week 40 not good timing?
Good Morning mommies! hope nobody having Monday blues like me. I have been a silent reader of this thread......but only post now cos didn't want some old kakis to know before 12 weeks hee. How is everyone feeling today?

May I know who's doing the stats now? Do you mind updating for me? Thanks so much...

EDD 5 Jan 2012
Gynae: WK Tan
Hosp: TMC

<font color="119911">shice</font>: *wave*. how are you? didn't see you around since the time you fell sick. hope you feeling better now.

<font color="0000ff">missy:</font> were u asking about CL? i guess its personal preference. but I had stay in CLs for my first 2 babies, and I have engaged one for my #3. not the same CL cos the first CL quite old already, I see her get up from floor quite difficult so i dun think I wanna trouble her for this one. I hope my this new CL is good, its a recc by a friend. If this is ur first child, ur CL will help u out loads at night. I did total breastfeeding but CL still helped in a way by bringing baby to me (#2 sleeps in room with her during confinement cos #1 is with us in the room), then after i nurse, I change her diapers and she help me put her back to bed. in that way, i get a little little bit more rest. so in this way, I feel a stay in CL can be a life saver. I guess your hubby is not comfy being in same house as a stranger? Maybe if you really feel u need help, talk to him about this, say its only a month.

<font color="aa00aa">snowhopes:</font> my #1 was EDD-1 day and my #2 was EDD+1 day....hmmm.... heheee....

<font color="ff6000">s-loh:</font> you can find de-caffeinated tea at Marks &amp; Spencers. I used to drink that last time during preg. Actually NTUC also has decaff tea, u look at the labels carefully, shld be able to find. Dilmah has, NTUC sells Dilmah. but i find Dilmah quite siap...

<font color="119911">celine:</font> gender can see at your 16 weeks scan....thats when the genders are fully "finalised". cos around 12 weeks time if I rem right, both genders have the boy organ, then when they grow, the girl babies boy organ shrink. thats why there has been errors where a boy baby "became" a girl baby later on in the preg.

<font color="0000ff">fullhouse:</font> I was so excited when i read that you went london. which part of london did you visit? how many days? I just came back with my 2 monsters and hubby from england and france in March. still have nice memories when i think of the trip. Of course, i choose not to rem the times I scolded or screamed at my monsters lah...sigh. bring them i lose temper, dun bring them I miss them so much. sometimes very dilenma. how about you, did you bring your kids?
