(2013/01) Jan 2013

dorie: your babies so cute... my 2nd boy tends to sleep whenever i latch him last time and cry like wana to tear down house whenever latch.. tats y i also sianz in bfeeding him...

Hello Ladies, really difficult to catch-up with all ur fast postings.... haha...

Dorie, U are really funny and U are like our Big Sis/Mentor, answering all our queries here... hee...

draaaloon, yes Dorie has helped me ans ur Qs, the Preg test kit which shows 2-3weeks is actually counted from conception date, but if u go to gynae, they most prob count from your CD1, which will add 2 more weeks. But for me, gynae just did scan, measure the baby (which is the Sac?) and come out with 4weeks n 2days...

Yes Annie, the coming polling day is not a public holiday... Sianz right?!... hee...

I'm 5 weeks 4days today, and I have started feeling Nausea on and off since last few days, feeling tired n Fatigue easily too, last night was quite bad for me, slept on the train all the way home, no strength to go out for dinner hence ask DH to ta-bao back for me, then after dinner, bathe and went to Zzzz... liao, was just too tired and weak to do anything... This morning also, felt Nauseous while on my way to work, since my boss knows that I'm preg, she asked me how I'm feeling, and I told her I feel sick, she then asked me to take MC and go home rest, but I told her I can manage lah. Don't wanna keep taking MC now, later serious MS how? Not enough MC then also jiatlat.... haha... DH say since today's friday, he suggested we go cityhall for nice dinner later, hope I won't be too tired for that... hee...

I also wanna buy and start applying the stretch-mark cream, yah, any recommendation?

Btw, I read somewhere that we need to go for bra fitting and change to new bigger bras since our breasts are growing big now, and to stop wearing those with underwire ones cos those make us uncomfortable and will not let our breasts grow well, and we shld buy those cotton bras... Is these all true and is it really necessary to change bra?
purple: just try your best and try not to give up!
if can bf is good... but if put in your best effort liao, it's too torturous and cannot, then also don't feel bad ok?... as long as baby keeps on growing, then no problemo!

liz: heehee... I think hor, that's because I'm like the oldest one here lor... hurhur. I'm already 39, next Jan I will turn 40 liao. lao kok kok already. Next year, i will have a sec 1 boy, a p6 girl and a p3 girl... and hopefully a baby!! hahahahahaha... wah, i think my girls will be super distracted by the baby if really have!

mmm, if this is your first (i'm very confused liao, who is first and who is not) then yah, you will def need new bras... yes, the underwired ones quite uncomfortable... if you still not uncomfortable yet, then can afford to wait, cos your "ladies" will grow even bigger and fuller... then when you really cannot contain them in the old bras liao, then straightaway go and buy nursing bra... then you won't have to buy twice... you know? i went up by quite a few sizes (both the size and the cup) when i was breastfeeding... so it will def happen. i have a friend who says she loves being preggy because it's the only time she has boobs. haha. so funny.
Purplewish : Oh you are on morning half day, missed my previous post. I tested this morning is BFN lei..

Dorie : Yup is a sign we are simply obsessed with the signs. A little bit will triggered us to think of pregnant symptoms. hahaaa very funny..

Dragonmummy : Sakali is our illusion like dorie said i imagine too much le. hahaa..
I oso dunno how my gynae count.. I told her my LM 29 Mar. So now shd be 6 weeks preggie but she say no, she is count 4.5weeks preggie base on date of ovulation. so i told her if i'm 4.5wks den MS really come so early. Cannot imagine when i reach 7-10 weeks which is normally the peak!!!

Yeah i read too dat we cannot wear underwire bra.. especially during BF. For my first preggie, i change all my bra bcos too small and i buy those nursing bra to wear during preggie. now needa buy all over again bcos had throw away the old one!!!
annie: so must be you O quite late, not the usual two weeks after AF bah...

yeah, if during BFing, you wear underwire bra, you might cause a blockage... which is usually very painful and uncomfy... and if you don't clear the blockage, you can get mastitis, which is an infection of the milk duct, which means you have to go on antibiotics and can't bf for a while... so just wear the plain cotton nursing bras...
Thanks Dorie, no lah u are not old, can sense that u are very young at heart
Like what the bible says, your youth is renewed like the eagle's

Yes, I'm 1st time mum, so feel like I have thousand and one Qs to ask and find out... hee... ok will wait until my breasts overflow my bra cups, then buy nursing bra to wear...
Dorie : u mean keep thinking keep thinking then wil come true?? Ok i shall try.. hehee..

Actually my no2 is like this lei.. cos my no2 is born in dec09 de. I remembered so clearly im was telling my colleagues i want a dec bb in Mar09, then they said ya this is the mth to conceive if i want dec bb. then i said where got so lucky de.
Who knows reli let me tio dec bb lei.. hee. Thanks god so much!!

Then this time round cos is my ofc moving liao some time in dec or early 2013, then i v bad thinking if i get preggie by then i dont need to move the stuffs myself lor wahahaaa. If im reli preggie this time, my wish came true lor..
dorie: yes, i will try.. cos that time i very stress.. maid and eldest boy buay gam.. keep fighting and i have to handle their domestic affairs that I really piss off and my frends all say it will affect my supply indirectly.. last time my boobs will be full if abt 3 hrs didnt pump.. but slowly bo feel aldy so i gave up..
blur: no, what i mean by respond is that our body begins to have the symptoms that we are looking for, but then actually is no baby... hurhur... sad hor?

liz: awww, thanks... yes, indeed, powered by His strength and awesome presence.

hurhur... yeah... I think I bought new bras sometime in the second tri, or was it third tri... dunno lah... just not comfy liao then go buy lor... first round don't buy too much, in case you expand again some more...

heehee... but blur, we can wish and wish and wish... and maybe will really come true! we wish bah!!!!
Annie, did gynae manage to scan ur bb? I usually ovulate later so I believe I ovulated very late last cycle too, my LMP is 19Mar, but gynae also scan and say 4wks2days on 2May, when I thought I was at least 5 weeks then...
purple, oh yes, stress will affect milk supply, that's why must no stress... which is hard for a mom who just gave birth. ah, the mysteries of nature hor? hurhur.
dorie: my cycle is normally 28-32 days. den i bought a whole lots of this ovulation strips to use alway not positive. Who know that mth nv use got preggie!! sigh.. wonder how to go for my holiday in July.
Yeah.. in my first preggie i have terrible blockage and milk duct that cause fever.

Mummies: i so veri worried.. i dunno y got feeling i'm having twins!! even my sister dink my dis pregnancy is a twin. OMG!!!!
annie: don't worry over things now... just let it be... if twins then come and say, now don't worry first... i also flying, both in june and july... july is a school trip some more, supposed to help look after girls... so see how... shall worry about that after I get my BFP, if I do...
Dorie : ok we wish n wish n wish. hope 梦想成真!!
Ya lor that what why i tell u all sakali mine are all "imaginary" symptoms nia....
Liz: u/s did not manage to see much. in the end she did a virginal scan.. den saw a sac (in the u/s she gave me she wrote IUGS)!!!! dunno wat that. yeah i oso tot i'm 6 weeks who knows... den worst she circle fetal pole not seen.
maybe we're really still in the early stage of pregnancy. anyway i'm ok just not dec 2012 bb can liao.
blur: yeah, me too, afraid that it's all my fertile imagination, and not my fertile womb... hurhur.

annie: don't worry... be happy...
think positive ok?
Annie, I think UGS means something Gestation Sac? I also anyhow guess one... Same same I'm also going to travel in July, Comp Leisure Trip, but I think shld be fine then, cost shld be 2 Tri by then... I also hope my bb don't come out too early, don't want my bb to be dec kid too... hee...
Dorie : Be it is imagination or what.. jus hope we have good news soon okie..
Jia you jia you!! All the best to u too. I have "high hopes" that you are preggie wor, is feeling wor. Rather i dont pin too much hopes in myself ..
Liz: did ur gynae say when ur EDD? ok we pray ah... ask bb to "tong" inside till Jan 2013. Yea doc say dun play roller coaster all dat.. wonder can go whale watch!! dink i jus sit in the boat dun go out shd be safe ba.
alot of pple suspect that i m preggy cos tummy is big.. jia lat... #1 only 5 mths then can see, #2 3 mths can see liao, this one only 6 wks maybe, is sooooo abvious.. omg.. cant hide...
Mummies & mummies to be..
bye bye im knocking off dada.. see u all on monday ok.. See if i got time to sneak in during weekends n chat with u all a not. Hope to hear more good news ya.
purple: hahahahaha, is liddat one lah... everything loose loose liao... your body remember, ooh! got baby?! ok?! everything can let go!!! hahahahahaha.

eh, tell you ah, after i gave birth to #3, I never stopped looking pregnant worh. I still look pregnant... have been looking pregnant for the last 8 years... or more... haha.
blur: byebye... why you weekend no come in? okok, we wait your good news ok?

annie... where you going holiday? is it you that is going? sounds like you going... oz? i going to gold coast in june... we had cheap scoot tix... 5 of us only $1,800... including everything... not bad. then booked a family resort... let the kids go and play.

It's my vienna trip that I'm more worried about. longer flight... some more accompany kids, so it's a "working" trip bah... haha.
dorie: i'm going gold coast too... yes book scoot too bcos my friend working as the HR manager there!!! i have book the apartment, still have not finalize the attraction. Shd be going Whale watch, Paradise Country, Sea world and movie world. At first got 2 more attraction but dink better dun tired myself so took them out and rest in the apartment and enjoy the cool air!!!
annie, you going there how long? we are only going for a miserable 3 nights... not counting the flights there and back... because hubby can only take leave after 12th, so 12th night then we can leave, then children by monday 18th all the supp class and ballet class and tap class and dunno what class all start again, so must be back by then... then scoot 17th flight by then all sold out liao, so we have to settle for coming back on 16th... so only got 13th, 14th and 15th to play... thinking of bringing them to one or two theme parks, then one day spend at the resort, and one day go and sightsee... the whale watching all must book right? see how... my kids get motion sick easily... if i preggy, already ms, still go and get seasick, sure not funny. hahaha.
dorie: going from 6-13 July, total of 6 nights + 1 nights in the miserable plane. I heard fr my colleague who has 2 kids she say jus go seaworld and movie world suitable for kids below 10. Dreamworld rides are more trilling suitable for teenager. Yes whale watch needa book and they have combo package whale watch and seaworld entry only AUD$110 for adult and kids AUD$90. i bought those wristband to prevent MS. dink shd help...
annie: hmmm, my kids are 7+, 10+ and 11+, so dunno which to go. yeah, we have the wristbands because my kids are prone to motion sickness... in cars and buses too...
Annie, my EDD can be seen on my scan, it's 7 Jan 12.

Dorie and Annie, Wow... both u going Aussie, Nice! Don't stress or tire yourself, as long as no dangerous activities shld be fine...
annie: hmmm, ok, thanks!!
think we will like to try and catch some whale watching as well, that should be exciting for the kids... tonight ask laogong to surf and see got what to book. heehee.

Liz: heehee, i very scaredy cat one, def won't indulge in dangerous activities.. haha... much to the disappointment of my sweet sweet DH who wishes he could go for all these things.. haha.
going off for tap classes now... see you much later tonight, unless i find time to post from there... the school's connection is quite lousy, so quite hard. hahah... see yah!
Annie, ur Gynae never give u a pic of ur scan? My Edd was all shown on my scan pic...

Dorie, U are full of activities, really fun to have so many kids, *Envy* Let ur hubby play while u rest and chill lah.
Mummies.. jus nw after poo poo i gt cramps lei.. v scared sometimes at the sides..nw i vvv hungry..if is af i hope it will come these few days cos v xinku lo..
I'm back!!! Wah! Only two posts? Everyone weekend don't log in one ah? Heehee... Only log in at work... Hurhur....

Liz... Yah, usually will lor, I will jaga the kids while he goes on the crazy rides himself. I remember one year, our church camp at kl, at the berjaya times square, then inside got the Cosmos theme park indoors. That time, my kids were 7mths, 3.5 and almost 5... So we pay entrance for us, but only can go kiddy rides w the kids. In the end, I told him, don't waste, he go the adult section, I take the kids. So I sling baby to my front, carry our backpack on my back, each hand hold one little one, then we liddat walk here walk there, sit rides etc.... Haha... Quite a sight lor. So he go play I cannot chill worh... He go play means I alone jaga kids. But kids all big now. Only need to keep an eye, not scared will run off in two different directions, can ask biggies to jaga small also. Haha. Ok la.

Blur blur... Me too..

Haha, I just showed dh my bbs... Ask him got difference... He said, mhmmm, looks perkier, and the areola like a bit puffier... Dunno... Hope is not just our imagination bah...
Morning all.. Yeah.. Haha.. Only 3 posts? All never log induring weekends.. LoL~

I feel very sianz, almost cried just now.. I am craving for lotsa food but all HD sais NO~ ='( *btw HD stands for what huh?*

Is that really so? All the shell-fish cannot? So all the preggy would selectively craving for allowed food mah?

You know what last time my eldest sis craving for salmom sashimi.. Haha.. She ate it after second trimester.. Haha.. V bad example..
Dragonmummy : u mean dh?? DH = darling hubby
In.case u see dd & ds.. they stand for dd = darling daughter ds = darling son.
babe u have to "ren" for the sake of bb.. i know u can do it cos is for the sake of the little in ur tummy now lol... Jia you ok..your dh cares for u v much.. hw he know wat food cannot be eaten ah??
Blur: Wow thank you for the explanation.. Yeah I know.. But restriction too much le wor.. Now basically I can eat only chicken, salmon fish n pork. ANd only limited way of cooking~ ='(

All these he listened from his colleague whose wife just gave birth.. Even my mom n his mom said I can eat certain thing he also say cannot leh.. ='(

Everyday asked me what I wanna eat.. I really dunno.. Haiz..

Hello hello... Gd sat to all
Seen gynae yday nite n he say bb is only 6w.. can see n hear heartbeat le... Seeing him in another 2 wks time...
