(2013/01) Jan 2013

purple: heehee... you must be extra careful lor... if not will jump many times...

jlau: mmm, I can't remember when my gyn do first a-scan... i think because esp if first pregnancy, the womb is still deep in the pelvis, so it might not pop out enough to do an a-scan until quite late in your first tri bah...

blur... hahahaha... yes jiayou. dunno... i never talk to baby lah, i talk to God a lot... haha... but hubby keep looking at me funny... sigh... cos i think these few days my mood a bit unpredictable... hurhur... yeah, hopefully it's not an illusion.

but hor, if got BFP will bring along with it a lot of headache too, cos I have high blood... so dunno how we will manage that... anyway, cross that bridge when we come to it lah...

I also got pain in my breasts tink start to swell. I too experience like moody, not happy... Duno whether is it becos I'm more clumsy due to size of my tummy and felt I'm uglier and uglier after each pregnancy. Haiz so many stretchmarks from the first ..loose enough to stretch for second one
aspialle: heh... yeah, i know what you mean... after three pregnancies, and a giant baby for my third one, my tummy permanently got a muffin top... you know what is a muffin top? you know muffin? after you bake, the top will hang over the sides liddat? esp if you overfill the cup a little too much? yah. that's me.

sometimes, i will tell DH, don't jiggle my muffin-top... then he will laugh. thankfully he don't find it er-xin....
Dorie : i can feel that my smiling face these few days are like "forced" out de. Im also duno why is this happening..
I keep feeling "wet" down there.. So when i go toilet i thot is AF.. but when i wipe is quite dry.. Anyone encounter?? Now i really hope is my AF at least when is here, alll these symptoms would be gone.. But on the other hand, i still carry some hopes of pregnancy. Contradicting hor??
sigh... blur... i'm so glad that i got someone who knows exactly what i'm feeling... hopefully we both BFP together also ok?! when you next testing?
Dorie : yeah i really know.. I feel so restless n dont feel like doing anything at workplace or at home. I hope this will come to an end (AF come visit me) but on the other hand i hope it will continues.. Is this how u feel?? Why they dont want to give us BFP on first time test hor?? hmm maybe see if we are patient a not?? hahaaa..
Hmm shld be this thurs le...
hahahaha, yes... that's exactly how i feel. it's called zi xiang mao dun! right?! aiyoh... i wish i got some kind of power can look inside and see have or not... see whether got egg or not, got spermie or not... hahaha.... ah well.
Dorie : May u get a BFP for the next test!!!

i also do hope i can see different results from first test.. haha.. At least a faint line im aso happy liao le. lolxxx..
blur... you too!!! hopefully we will have a double BFP this week... between the two of us... and many many more for those still TTCing! ok?!?!?!?!
Jlau: yeah yeah...but dat the onli way gynae can see the sac since pregnancy stage is still so early!!!

blurblur: u try not to drink too much water before testing. i tested 3 times, twice drink too much water so line faint only once nv drink den line get darker!!! dink it help.. i bought the cheap strips.. no use, cannot detect at all. in the end i spend $40 to buy watson and clearblue!!!
Yeah.. i oso feel dis way, machiam something dripping out or coming out. den go toilet nothing at all but sometimes is discharge. dunno is it i feel paranoid. My first pregnancy was wet den i go check... it's bleeding!!!

dorie: haha but i feel funny and worried... the most MS i have make me less worried!!!
Yes i read the instruction they say result around 5mins..
Annie, don't worry, u shld be able to get more confirmation from ur gynae in ur next appt. Btw, heard that our EDD may keep changing one...

Purple, Congrats on hearing ur bb's heartbeat, I can't wait to hear that in my next appt, which is almost 2 weeks away... everyday counting down... hee...

Dorie, the other time u mentioned that we shld have a special song for our bb, so that the song can calm them down when they make noise. May I know this effectiveness can lasts for how long? such as it works for ur kids till how old they are?

Hi Ladies, u sure we can't eat bird's nest now? My MIL bought me 2 boxes of bird's nest (with those individually packed bottles) and ask me eat lei... *confused*

Btw, I think my MS is gradually getting worse... Think I ate too full for my friday's dinner, in the end went home and puke out my dinner... bad... Sat and Sun were not too good for me too, constantly having this weird pain in my tummy and was very sleepy and tired all the time, almost all the food I ate on Sat was bitter to me, weird tastebuds... kind of having craving for sour stuff all the time, just had tom yum for lunch and not sure if it's giving me heartburn now...
What is BFP? Dorie yes me too also got muffin top hehe.
Feel so tired too and dont feel like doing anything, often sleepy. Haiz after bb comes out it's sleepless nights again, at least now is honey moon
aspialle: BFP aka big fat positive..

Liz: my next appt is also 2 wks later.. cant wait too.. especially last fri de was so scary.. gynae cant find bb even thru V scan.. sweat man.. finally found it and saw and heard the heartbeat.. phew...
simi is muffin top?
Dorie: Haha.. My DH said his one is on leave till next year.. Haha.. So cute! ANd nope the one I bought is just the 1 line or 2 lines one.. Dun get it from Unity.. Feel kena tok leh.. Haha..

Liz: Facial depends leh.. If hand massage only one can.. But the machine one cannot.. Check w your beautician.. I have 4 diff facial package.. *ya la I waste money one* 3 cannot do now only 1 can.. Haha..
aspialle, I know that we shld eat 5 small meals a day... but sometimes it's difficult for me to follow... I get hungry easily and no appetite for most food, so when I start eating something I can accept, I will eat more... hahaha... Anyway Friday's dinner, I think DH and I overordered, cos DH said not enough when we have already ordered Fried rice, sour & spicy soup and Ma Po Toufu, so we further ordered roast duck... super bloated dinner for me...
Liz: yeah me too counting down to next app. Can do normal facial but not wif those dat uses electricity or current to kill blackhead!!! Sat i go trim my eyebrown they ask me to sign a package i say no no.. even got massage.

Aiyoh me.. feeling cold everyday!!! crazy.. first pregnancy hot like hell now cold like hell machiam winter in spore!!! dink after 10weeks i'm going to take the gao li sheng to strength my body. i find it good...
Aspialle: I know I know.. BFP = Big fat Positive.. I asked that before too! Haha..

Tomorrow is my turn to see gynae.. So what should I ask my gynae? I have not taken any Folid Acid leh.. Is that ok? I didnt know it's so important..
Annie : seems like most of you MS had kicked in.. Jiayou ok..
okok these few days i jus keep feeling thirsty, keep drinking water.. Hmmm i will test in the morning as they said morning is the most concentrated, will yield the most accurate results..
Purple, at least u already went last fri, and can see and hear bb's heartbeat, I still need to wait 2 weeks later to hear bb's heartbeat, sobz...

Thanks DM and Annie, my facial package don't include machine one, so bb and I shld be fine

DM, yes Folic acid is very impt, u shld start eating it asap...

Welcome and Congrats bliss_ling!
Purple, ok I shall be patient and wait, but u know I'm feeling sick almost all the time, it makes my days and time pass so slowly... lolz...
I wanna see I wanna hear too!

Wow~ Bliss, your baby due date same like my bday! Haha.. Envy envy~ =D

Liz: But I have not taken any.. Tom is my first day to see my gynae.. I hope that's not too late?

I feel sad for my baby.. Like I canot eat alotsa stuff dunno baby got enough nutrition or not.. Haiz..
Annie : Me too me too. Keep feeling so cold lor..
except on sat la the weather was soooo hot until like can cook an egg de...
How are you ladies feeling today? I felt bloated, nausea and puke twice since this morning. I am struggling to stay awake, I really can't concentrate on my work. OMG, my #1 wasn't this bad.
blurblur: is it common to feel cold during pregnancy??? i didn't know lei!!! btw.. i heard cannot test morning but if u get like clearblue or watson brand shd not be a problem. good luck ah....

bliss_ling: congrats...
Annie : Huh?? Cannot test in the morning ?? Why ? what i heard is morning urine is the most concentrated so test in the morning most accurate.. oh dear.. this "concept" is always in my mind since my no1 lo.. Can anyone advise??

Tigress : oh dear.. must be quite xinku.. U got sour plums a not?? I heard ginger tea helps a bit. U wanna try??
DM, don't worry, I think still not too late to start on Folic. I have a friend, she only discovered she's preg when she was already 10weeks preg, she also wasn't eating folic or eating nutritious meals and her bb still came out healthy.
blur, actually there are differing views, I also read somewhere that 1st morning urine may not be accurate but then a doctor actually asked me to test with my 1st morning urine... This time round I followed the doc's advice and tested with my 1st morning urine, and I got BFP, then after that I thought to myself if the morning test was inaccurate, thinking that it may be a false +ve, so tested again in the afternoon, it was a lighter 2nd line, but still BFP...
Liz: Thanks! I shall ask lotsa of it from my gynae tom.. If I eat double the portion now would help? Haha..

Tigress: Feel so bored and cant concentrate on work.. Haha..
blurblur: i was told by my friends not to test in the morning. for the OKP strips worst... onli between 12-8pm!!! so everytime i used the OKP ovulation strip nv once is positive!!! so in the end give up nv used and i got pregnant.

so the first time i tested using the cheap one in the morning first pee.. nv see 2 line after like 10mins den 2 lines, which i dink after 10mins result not accurate. so i go buy watson and test around 1130am, aiyoh 2 lines so dark!!! so try lai dun test morning first pee...
Liz : issit?? hahaa aiyoh thanks for enlightening i jus knew nia. I still tell ppl FMU is the most accurate lei.. oopss..

Annie : Hmm so i shld stay positive
cos i tested with my FMU last friday. Yaya i still remember when i preggie with no2, i went to normal gp in the evening i tested BFN, 2days later i went to use Watson brand test kit in the morning i got 2 very very dark lines.. hahaa. So can i say watson brand test kit are v sensitive de huh?? heee. Sensitive & cheap!!!

Dorie : u heard?? What time u test during weekend? Morning also. Then not accurate one lah.. heeheee..
thanks purple, DM, annie = )

mix feeling cos hubby wants #2 whereas I want only one. I have #1 whom I love dearly. She is 23 months old = )
bliss_ling, I know how you feel. I also love my #1 dearly, I really don't know how to split my love when #2 arrives.
purplewish, my stomache feels so wierd, don't know if I am full or hungry. When I eat, I felt so bloated, if I don't eat, I feel nausea. The feeling is so terrible.
blurblur: yes stay positive... so go buy now and test again!!! can't wait to hear from you.. so excited. yeah buy watson brand first.. den clearblue to double cnf!!!
Bliss ling : Congrats to u!! I think is ok to feel like this.. i think most of us also have this feeling while preggie with no2.. Mi too.. Cos when i preggie with no2, my no1 only 13mths old. So i feel gulity towards her initially.. But slowly i learnt to get rid of this gulit n try to shower her with more love, telling her i love meimei i also love her.

Tigress : u know?? This is what im feeling these few days lo. that is why im so irritated, duno is hungry or full. haahaa seems like i have a "combination" of most ppl symptoms, but v irony is i havent tested positive yet.. Funny hor??
Annie : This is what i decide to do!! u can read my mind leh.. i will test with the watson brand first. If is +ve, i will go n buy the digital clearblue with the one showing how many mths pregnant de. That one is shiok !!
U also bought this one ? or the one showing "pregnant" and "not pregnant"??
bliss_ling: i have same feeling as u.. l love my #1 so much!!! whenever i ask him.. who is mama baobei.. he reply.. xx loi!!! den i start to feel bad to #2.
blurblur: haha no lai if i was u... will oso do dat!!! if i dun get this out of my mind cannot do other things loi.. dat y i test 4 TIMES.
no i nv buy the one showing "pregnant" or "not pregnant".. although i know i'm preggie now but itchy to buy clearblue one which indicate how many weeks i'm at now. Just bcos gynae calculation and my calculation not tally!!! LOL
Annie : hehe...Ok go n buy!! Tat one is v shiok lei hahaa. But if doesnt tally? u trust person or kit?? kekee.

U encounter at your left sides mah?? Like cramping like that..
blurblur: haha... dunno lei!!! but still dun understand y gynae count from date of ovulation. normally we count from LMP.. sigh nvm later i go hm i will pass a pharmacy.. if my leg bring me there i jus go buy loi!!!

oh i encounter pain 3 weeks ago on the left side... so pain loi tot ovulation but i surf online could be implantation loi. now on off i still have cramp center part... like mense cramp but mild. i suspect uterus expanding ba.

if u experience pain now.. maybe u really veri early stage of pregnancy... good luck ah

Annie : I still cant believe im in early stage as i have so many symptoms.. The pain is on & off, like cramping... Actually i got ask gp, cos i scared is etopic pregnancy, he said can only detect in later stage..
