(2013/01) Jan 2013

Purple: so fun!! Haha. I am going this Tuesday. Haha. So gan cheong.

All mummies: any idea when the bird's nest should kick in?

DM: bird nest only she start abt 6 mths ... Not too much too cos heard nest bird too much can cause skin prob in bb.. I take only once every 2 wks..
Hmm, bird nest cannot take too much? Hmm, i guess if its pure, raw bird nest, shd be ok de ;)
Anyway, i am taking every now and then. hehe. I hope my bb will be healthy. hehe.
Good morning!!! Happy mothers day everyone!!!! Mothers to be also included!!!
Woo hoo. Happy mothers day Dorie n everybody! Hee.
I am going to bring my mom for good food (of cos my dad also) then go ktv! Haha. =D

How you celebrate yours?
Zoel : is true... bb nest cannot eat too much n oly can eat from 4 mths onwards so bb can absorb.. oh cos my fren tell mi her fren during preggie eat those high graded bird nest almost 2-3 x per week .. when bb is out like allergies to many fd.. so i think eat moderately bah..
Blur n zoel: yeah. I think so too. My mom keep saying just moderate cannot eat too much. But I think she doesnt know how to explain. Just say it's very 'liang' not v good if drink too much. So I think just like coconut drink that we should avoid.

We should drink 'put' one instead of 'liang' one.
DM: ya, i am 6 weeks. =p.i went to scan and have 1st gynae visit on the 5th week.. and i saw the date saws: 29dec 2012. =(

I hope to have bb after 2012…. dunno if the EDD is true anot.. Preferable Jan 2013! hehe.
dragonmummy, for coconut milk can drink one to two times before birth but nearing birth only, not now, too early. drink at later stage helps to "purify" bb
Aspialle: yupz yupz. This is what I heard. Early stage cannot. Hee hee.

Zoel: paiseh. Typo. Should be 'pu' not put. Haha. Yupz yupz. Me too. Hoping a jan baby so that I can cut my bday cake w my mummy n my baby. 3 layers cake v cute. Haha.

Today is a tired day. Later gotta going to ktv again. Haha. Time to rest. Haha. Enjoy all mothers. Hee.
Halo morning..

Oh im the first one to log in today.. I really feel v pek wor.. these few days mi are not myself.. I feel almost so weak n moody, even playing with my gals also no mood lolxx. so scared i got any serious illnesses man.. if i tested BFN again..
Good morning ladies! Morning sickness starts to kicks in today, I almost puke in the car this morning. There is a wierld taste in my mouth, I don't remember feeling this way for my #1.
Tigress : Oh this is your hw many weeks?? Jiayou. It might be an "indicator" that bb wil be a different gender from your no1 hehe.
Liz: my gynae did the u/s but in the u/s nv show any EDD date. She jus mention veri early stage. So i suspect my ovulation started late.

Good morning ladies: so funny.. me totally no more MS. jus feeling tired and dun really have appetite to eat. night time oso cannot sleep well.. can't wait to go for my next appt to hear bb heartbeat!!!
hi all,

gd morning.. hope all of u had a great weekend.
my appt just seems so long away...i feel like justing going to book appt else wher...
Hmm.. i dont really have a nice weekend.. cos im so moodyyy.. ask u all hor.. if hor these symptoms like wanna to puke, bloated stomach, feeling weak, keep feeling thirsty are not preggie.. Can anyone advise what kind of other illnesses have these symptoms ah?? so worried siaa..
Last fri gynae says my edd is 3 Jan 2013 and bb is abt 6 wk 1 day.. but i see Zoel de is Dec and that was only 5 wks.. really strange.. But my gynae say in another 2 wks will see me again and confirm the EDD... If this bb is dec then it like every mth i will have bday celebrations for my kids.. hehe... Dec for #3, Jan for #2 then Feb for #1.. haha...
Purplewish : I very scared but i know all these symptoms i encountered before i know im preggie with my first 2 gals. I actuali found out that this could be symptoms of diabetes. The feeling of thirst is when i posted earlier saying the gp thot i got diabetes lo when i was preggie with no2.. That why im so reluctant to see gp again.
blurblur: but you didnt kena right? Its better to check.. Cos I myself is a diabetic.. My condition is pre existing de.. tats y when I am preggy with the kids I have to be extra careful of my food intake... It might not be? Just that you are tired...
Purplewish : I told gp my symptoms when i was preggie with no2, he said i got diabetes.. But when i preggie with both my gals, towards the last stage, i got pregnant diabetes lei. but had taken test that is not "real" diabetes. Hmm.. how to say ah i jus feel v different these few days. So now is either AF is coming or im really preggie.
i jus tested last fri is BFN, i cant even see a faint line. So i thinking to test again this week.. What u think purplewish??
Good Morning!

blur: You should probably see a gynae and do some scans? Even if it's really not preg, you can scan for the eggs? That's what I did previously when I miss my AF, yet is BFN, so just visit gynae to ensure everything ok.

I gg to the gynae this Wed to hear bb heartbeat! So looking forward!
Purplewish : Nope is not accurate de.. So i wont know when my AF supposed to be due lolxxx..

Littledragongirl : U mean scan eggs? hahaaa.. no lah think will be ex bah..Im jus feel so "irritated" cos i know im not myself these few days, AF havent come.. then last fri test BFN. Waoo.. And plus i never tell anyone about all these symptoms except u all.
Purplewish : okok i shall wait then im thinking of thurs.. Actually this morning i sooo much wanted to go to GP to help me take urine test. But i scared see BFN, then i dont know what is happening to me these few days lolx.

Ya u have painful breasts?? Kaoz i reli have painful breasts, recently become so sensitive ..
blurblur: did u buy clearblue and test? i dink it's more accurate. i test wif clearblue when my AF late for like 5 days. result out in 5mins 2 line but one abit faint.. but u know its 2 lines for sure!!!

YES my breasts super painful too.. especially the nipples!!!
Gd morning ladies, hv u tried using an iPhone app P tracker lite? U can enter all the past period start dates n it will giv u an estimate when ur menses Shd come.. Dnt worry so much... I tink u giving urself too much stress...

I went for my interview last fri... Waiting for results.. She did mention she is ok wit my pregnancy... But again.. Who knows... Waiting...

Oh n I'm gg to c my gynae today.. Having mixed thots abt gg nw cos I dnt really tink I wan to go through a vaginal US..
on the other hand I jux wanna make sure everything is ok since I had an ectopic preg bfre....
Jlau: any reason y u dun wan a vaginal u/s? i did mine last week den manage to see the sac. don't worry jus do it.. who know maybe u can hear bb heartbeat liao!!!
@annie~ jux feelg uncomfy lol... The part abt spreading ur legs open n the scanning eqmt w the liquid thing.. Arghh lol
Annie : Actually i wanna to buy watson house brand preg kit to test bcos of some reasons later i went to 7-eleven to buy test predictor which costs me $18.50. i still cant forget the price lolxx. cos is too ex..i tested BFN last friday wor. I thot these kits are v sensitive??
Morning all..

Mummies: The vaginal US JLau mentioned is to insert machine to our vaginal? Wah! I scare! But I tot that would affect our baby if inserting something during pregnancy? *I read somewhere*
Blur: I read earlier some mummies said got $1-$2 strip test.. Take those test few times.. If there is some indication then buy the actual one.. You are not alone.. I also bought very ex from unity.. CLearblue.. $25.90 I think.. I try to forget. Haha..
Dragonmummy : But u tested +ve right?? hee.. I tested BFN that is why im so heartpain lolz. Im certain this time round im buying the watson house brand liao le .. that one i think i saw is 2 for less than $10. Heard this type is v sensitive de..
Anyone use test predictor before?? Maybe this is more for used after missed period, that is why i tested negatove. Cos my AF not accurate so i wont know when shld i test..

But v interesting jus now i read an article ppl can test as early as +ve after BD for 3-5days lei.. waooo amazing right??
Blur: True also.. But still ex mah.. Haha..

I dunno what I want actually.. I want Jan baby but I think my baby most prob is Dec.. So that's fine also..

I wanna eat certain food but was forbidden.. Actually that's ok too cos I am not that paticular about food.. So I guess it doesnt affect me much..

I cannot think of anything that upset me leh.. But I am just not that happy. Why huh?
Dragonmummy : Mi too mi too. I feel kind of unhappy too.. Which i dont understand why... dont have the mood to play with my gals...
gooood morning! I'm being a naughty girl and pontanging my chiro appt... haha. But I'm afraid that if I'm really preggy, then they do the hip adjustment might "dislodge" the egg... haha... dunno. siao. Next week then make up lah.

I tested over the weekend - BFN... sianz. But the boobs still looks more puffy than usual, and the areola is spreading, so I am still hoping. symptoms on off still have, but like not that much also, so I also dunno. but still very tired. last night, I 9+ KO liao... very unusual lor.

Celebrated my mother's day in church, where my godchildren gave me a present and card... so sweet... and my girls also gave me cards... my boy gave me a kiss and a grimace... hahahaha... wah, that kiss hor, very precious leh. now ah, rare commodity, very hard to get one. hurhur.

then had lunch at tony roma's... then spent almost 6 hrs at NDP rehearsal with my girl's dance group... but they (the NDP organisers) were so sweet, they actually had a cake for all the mothers who were performers to thank them for sacrificing their mother's day to practice... I thought that was very nice.

blur/zoe: ya, i think all these things cannot eat too much... last time, i think my mom only gave me on and off... for my first girl... haha. she said boy no need, girl must... haha... so funny.

zoe: 29dec can easily drag to 2013 one... esp if it's your first baby... is it? although some ppl just naturally will go into early labour. I have never. my three all induced. :p the first two due to low amniotic fluids, the last one because she very big size... haha... the doc anticipate that she is 3.3kg, turn out she is 3.975kg... almost 4 kg!!!! *faints*

aspialle: heehee, i have never heard the coconut one before...

DM: heehee... going ktv, got find song to sing liao or not?

blur: wah, sounds like you got chance for BFP ley... aiyoh, you and me same... hopefully we both can BFP this week, ok?!

tigress: ya! your #1 was a boy? this one sounds like girl girl... for me, boyboy no MS etc... girl girl have... haha...

annie: no MS is something to be thankful for!!!!

LDG: yah, so fun right?! it's always so exciting to see baby developing and growing!

blurblur: ^5 lah... I also never tell except to show DH my bbs... haha. but now not sure... just waiting... maybe will test again this Saturday or Sunday.

my bbs are also sensitive and painful... sometimes hug the bolster wrongly also like, aiyoh! so maybe we still got hope bah!

annie: you use clearblue you waited 5 mins ah? I never leh. I wait like little while, see don't have throw away liao. haha. I always use clearblue, but just the normal one, not the keelat one. but i guess, if preggy, should be quite fast? last time i test #1 and #2, the plus line come out very fast ley...

jlau: the vaginal scan is uncomfortable for you? you must relax... so early pregnancy, only can do v-scan... a-scan cannot see enough to know if baby is ok. just do deep breathing when inserting, should be ok... jiayou!

jlau: you mean you never go for pap smear all that? should be pretty routine right? should go for pap smear also after you give birth finish and not preggy liao, ok? woman is like that one lah... *hugs*

blur, i think diff test kits diff sensitivity bah. the one i used said use on first day of missed period... obviously dunno when that is right? so....

DM, not scared lah... if you relax, don't tense, do deep breathing, then should be no problem. they put a lot of the err... wat you call that? the jelly thing? then ok lah... no lah, won't hurt baby... your cervix close tight tight, nothing can go through also... so hor, preggy still can be intimate ok... don't deprive hubby... heehee...

wah, DM, which clearblue you buy? the digital one ah? yah, that one super ex...
Dorie : hahaa ya think both of us can *high five* liao lor. oh u also cant "ren" weekend go n test?? I thot u said this wed/thurs then test. no worries still got chances of getting BFP.. HCG levels increase every 2 days lei. hope we can get BFP together!!!!! Wao your no3 is obviously v big. Natural or c-sect?
Your AF v accurate one huh??
blur: wah! choon or not? can test so early? maybe they O earlier and also BD earlier bah... you know, the BD like rabbits thing? heehee...

DM: the moodiness is due to the hormones... don't worry. when i was first pregnant hor, I scared my hubby half to death one day when I was laughing (really the hahahahahaha kind of laughing) then suddenly hor, the laughter turned into crying... the really loud sad tragic kind... he looked at me his eyes big big, dunno wat to do... I tell you, if I was not crying so tragically I would have laughed again.... but I scared myself too lor... cos it's so weird, and I'm normally not a very emotional person... more logical... so that was really weird. pregnancy mood swings are the worse... sigh. so I keep telling myself, if I preggy, must control, cannot vent on the kids... cos they will not understand...

blur: *hugs* hang in there... hopefully the both of us have a BFP to show for all these nonsense going on at the end of this week...
blur: no... after I had m/c btween #2 and #3, my cycles became very very crazy.... so #3 rely on Clomid to conceive. Yeah, couldn't ren lor... so now must ren... cos if by this weekend BFN then should be BFN liao bah...

#3 actually could have been natural, but because our friend ah, so kaypoh lor, instead of the top of her head pushing down on my cervix to make it dilate, it was her pudgy face... so face soft soft, cannot make the cervix dilate, then kena stuck, in the end emergency c-sec... sianz. if not all natural birth one. my first two no epidural nothing worh.
Last fri de i was done thru V scan cos tummy to many gas... I find it uncomfortable but its a more accurate way to see frm tummy..
Thanks dorie
so I guess the earliest a-scope would be like 8th wk? Nw I m counting dn for the appt... Argghh suspense... Wow no epidural!!! I m hoping for no epidural as well....

Dorie L: No lei . the person who post really write something like this "tested positive 5 days after having se*" very shocked to see this lolzzz.
yaya i stil remember the BD like rabbit thing. so funny how can i forget lol. okok thanks same to you. We must hang on n see what is actually happening to us. But yay im crazy lei these few nights i talk to my tummy.. like got bb inside..Do you have same strong feeling that is a life inside your tummy ?? frankly i have, i hope is not illusion.
