(2013/01) Jan 2013

I do know there is a 2013mummy (closed private grp) in FB... & i'm in it... was created by member from another forum..
Jo, if we join the forum, will it show on our wall that we joined? I want the keep the news within the family for the 1st trimester.
ha, then we do it after 2nd trim lor!
Then we can start adding everyone as frens and get to see the faces behind the nicks as well! ;-)
as long as secret or pte group... wont show on our fb wall
wow... this FB group sounds so exciting... I can already imagine outings with us bringing our same birthday mth n year babies, then we can all celebrate our babies birthdays together...

Gee... i just puked my lunch so now very hungry and still very sleepy... hee...
Shice, u r not alone. I am not those fanatic eater too. I will drink a sip or two from my hubby's wine and meal when he drinks. I add few slices of tang kwei to my bak kut teh to make the soup more flavoursome.

I have del-monte banana shake for breakfast and drink celery juice everynow and then (both supposedly too cooling).

It seems different city has different food 'rules'. Eg I thought banana and celery as cooling food is a chinese thing but in china where I am now, the locals eat that and watermelon! No dr says we can't eat that too.

Everything in moderation, that's my food rule...
May I suggest we start posting pics of our belly here? Just belly part. So we can all compare and contrast. Hehee. Of course, add the date of the pregnancy too.

What you all think?
Celia, high five! Everything eat in moderation.. no point making ourselves so unhappy during pregnancy rite? haha.. Btw celery is considered "cooling"? hmm.. i would try to avoid cooling stuff if i can.. but cant resist old cucumber soup.. haha..

Taking pictures of belly? eh.. it looks like spare tyre on my right now.. the super thick spare tyre.. unglam.. haha.. not the well defined bulge.. :p
Fb group,
Good idea! There's a nov 2010 mum Fb group too, it's more active than the forum here...

Picture of belly,
Haven't start taking cos like Shice said.. It's more like spare tyre.. Hahaha
<font color="0000ff">I rem that it was cheese (cheese84) who 1st started showing the tummy photo right? Lol.. anyway.. I’ve got FAT tummy.. so I can’t tell, if it’s the bb or just my own fats… but at times when I’m so bloated… even my Hubby say I look like my frend who is 5mth pregnant.. (no joke).. it’s really that bad.. haiz…

Finally Fri is coming to an end.. weekend ahead.. looking forward to 2 peaceful day of rest.. Hope everyone have a wonderful weekends…</font>

**Counting down to 19th.. when I will see my gynae… and hopefully see bb healthy… hands n feets… heartbeats…
Tummy pix
I can't show!! Frankly I think it's just fats leftover! Coz it's all flabby

Seems all's fine used in food? Lol...

Iya you should ask Dr Ong about safe food, ESP with hb around, then he'll be more assured. Don't mind the food so much else you'll get depression!!
im 10weeks 2days...
tummy seems very big then now like abt the same liao... going to be a month since I go see beanie...wondering how is beanie...
Tummy pic
Not showing yet. Will take pic when my belly starts showing..

FB Private Group (Jan 2013 mummies)
Do update when the group is set up! Would love to join..

Happy weekend ya all MTB..
heard my friend told me that "junkie" might be a bb gal... wonder how true...
realised this bb v unhealthy, like junk food de... like McDonald and instant noodles...
hmm... i'm hoping for a boy though...
Jo, still got hope... When I preg with my boy, I was a junkie too... And hate my fav healthy food like sliced fish soup...
TGIF everyone!

Very nice belly picture!

Did that before already, and Dr Ong believes everything is ok in moderation except raw food.. But the hubs also took me to see a chinese sinseh and the sinseh wrote out a whole list of things I cannot eat :p
Anyhow, I count my blessings to have a hubby who's very involved and concerned about the bb's prenatal development.
Your hb scary! My hb just says no to raw food, avoid high caloric (gd), high sugar (gd), high salt diet (pre eclampsia)...

Of course can still get GD, and pre eclampsia whatever your diet la...

My diet
I still ate smoked salmon (toasted lah but still :p), half boiled eggs, Sunny side ups, medium steak, raw lettuce, tomatoes, carrot sticks....all my home made dips...

I'm a bit sensitive to cheeses now. Can only take cheddar and the most emmental...

What I feel like eating now:
Snow crabs! Peking duck!

Sugar sensitivity
I made some green bean soup for after dinner and after taking a sip to taste, felt really nausea. Hb tried and claimed it isnt sweet
?? Same think happ when my kids asked me to finish up their Ribena for them just now. I just feel sick after drinking anything sweet!

It took like an hour before the nausea settles!
Full house, I can't take sweet too!! A little bit I find it very sweet!! But I still crave for sweet things... Haiz

6th sense of bb gender
I dreamt of boy twice when I preg with #1, when I was about 2-3 mths preg... This time no feeling yet, think too early...
Fullhouse, Hammiebao,
Yeah! I can't stand anything too sweet these days.. But I think I'm overeating. The only time I don't feel nauseous is when I eat so I find myself eating more than I usually would. Cham!

What I feel like eating now:
Dim sum! Chinese boiled soup from Imperial treasure paragon!

<font color="119911">My craving now would probably be durian! But I haven get to eat now bec dh is heaty now and dun wanna acc me...

By the way, ladies who have not booked the detailed scan at tmc might like to consider booking now! Else might have to queue without appts?</font>
