(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hi every1, im new here. my baby is 8weeks and my edd is 27th Jan 2013, its my first baby and im very excited about it. Any1 feeling tired after a long day of work and feel like sleeping at about 8pm? I have been having this sleepy symptoms these few days.

LDG, so exciting! can even see nose! how many weeks are you now? must have made your day today after your visit to the gynae
Tres, s loh, friends
Lol, me too. This is #3 for me, I'm only trying my best to avoid my fav oysters!! Imagine walking pass those oyster bars in London, with those fresh glistening oysters beckoning me!!

The concern is food poisoning and raw food tend to harbour bacteria. But I guess if you are the kind who have diarrhoea after international buffet, avoid raw food...

Dangerous food
I think the really dangerous food is hawker food!! Rem that Geylang Serai Indian rojak food poisoning? There was a preg lady who had miscarriage?

Actually I try to eat at home now :D eat at home good for everyone

The only time I ever had food poisoning in fact was when I ate hawker food. Twice in my life and it was soooooo bad, once from soy bean you tiao at Tpy, another time from zi char at bt panjang...
Syyy, I was like you, going loo up to 4 times a night during my first 4-6 weeks of pregnancy. Now slightly better. I can imagine it will get worse at the last trimester, sigh......
Morn ladies,

I just came back from my 2nd puking session of the day... Karen, hang in there, I understand ur misery cos I went through that when my MS was at the peak last 1 or 2 wks, vomiting 7-8 times a day... but since last 2 days, my MS seems to have subsided, yest I only puked 3 times, considered pretty good for me liao
Don't worry, soon it will all be over for us

I have also started to wake up more often these couple of nights, 2am then 6am this morn. My 2am pee was so full man, i think bcos now i don't puke as much as b4, so most of the liquid enters my body, since I take lotsa soupy foods nowadays... Prev I puked so much that almost all the liquid intakes landed themselves in toilet bowls rather than digested in my body... haha...

I'm feeling very sleepy now and feel like drinking chicken essence, but yest my MIL told me not to take too much chicken essence, she say at most take 1-2 bottles a week, and this wk i already took like 3 bottles, so sad that i can't take it now...

LittleDragonGirl, that's really so comforting to be able to see ur bb's nose, hands and legs... yah, how many wks preg for u now? I'm seeing my gynae next sat, and I can't wait to see my bb's nose, hands and legs
Celia - hope we get used to it or it gets better, since we don't really have a choice
I woke up 6 times last night to go to the toilet.
<font color="119911">missy: ya, it sure made my day!
According to the u/s I'm 11wks tdy! (though prev scan indicated I shd b 11weeks only end of the week)</font>
fullhouse.. wow.. osyters.. i'm not a fan of it... like cockles and all.. oso not a fan.. i myself have high chol mah.. so usually i avoid taking those in high chol... so now.. can avoid just avoid.. for the benefits for both of us.. BUT my MIL owas cooks with prawns leh... so ewwwww... can we actually take prawns??
friends.. wah.. u really enjoy man! haha.. i dunno y, but i dun dare to eat the cockles after i'm preg.. i see the cockles i feel like puking le.. weird.. i used to love the cockles..

I've been craving for salmon sashimi.. gg to sushi tei tonight to satisfy my cravings! heh..

tres, we can drink 100-plus? heh.. my hubby questioned me when i wanted to kop some 100-plus from him.. haha.. actually i read somewhere that wine is ok, but not too much.. and i actually steal a couple of mouthful few days ago.. =P I think i'm getting bold..

fullhouse, ya.. my first preg, i also had slight food poisoning and it's from hawker food (western food).. very very bad coz i had piles and with the persistant diarrhea, it's very painful.
shice, yes can take 100 plus.. but moderate ok...
my gynae told me if plain water tastes awkful to me, i can take 100plus for hydrating purposes
for the backaches, I actually felt better using my sofa as mattress but thats not really a good idea to use for months.. now back to the bed and hating the backache


so exciting .. u can see the nose? i only see head, hands, feet &amp; hear heartbeat... next scan is oscar already 2.5 weeks more...
shice, my gynae also said we can take 100plus. leave it to chill at room temperature before taking should be fine.
hi ladies!

So tired, went out with my galfriends last nite to celebrate my birthday, reached home ard 1am, then slept @2plus, then woke up to pee a few times, then woke up @7am to prepare for work. =(
shice, can take 100 plus, why cannot?? no caffeine mah?

S Loh, can eat prawn right? I have eating prawn noodles once in a while!
<font color="0000ff">Am drinking H2O to replenish the fluid and sodium, plain water just taste like chemical water.. milo seems to make me puke, so I dun really have much choices.. It’s so depressing to be feeling hungry but have got no craving to eat at all… I’m a food lover.. love eating… but I seem to have turn into another person these few weeks… so miserable feeling~~

½ day more to go~~ got to stay alive!!!</font>
Tres - I think prawns if completely cooked should be ok..

I downloaded a "pregnancy food no-nos" app and this is what it says.. Though I think maybe I'm more kan cheong cos it's #1 (and will close shop after this)..

Some fish and shellfish contain potentially dangerous levels of mercury. Too much mercury may damage your baby's developing nervous system. Larger and older fish may contain more mercury. Pregnant women should avoid:

King Mackerel
Orange Roughy
Ahi Tuna
Sushi and Sashimi
Avoid raw fish and shellfish
Avoid smoked seafood these often are labeled as lox, nova style, kippered, or jerky should be avoided because it could be contaminated with Listeria
So what's safe?

Some types of seafood contain little mercury. Pregnant women can safely eat up to 12 oz. a week or two 6 oz. sized portions of:

Calamari (squid)
Caviar (farmed)
Crab (king)
Perch (ocean)
Lobster (spiny/rock)
Sturgeon (farmed)
Trout (freshwater)
Canned light tuna generally has a lower amount of mercury than other tuna, but still should only be eaten in moderation (limit albacore tuna and tuna steak to no more than 6 ounces a week)
It is important to be aware of local fish advisories if you eat fish from local waters
Always cook seafood properly. Fish is done when flakes and appears opaque throughout.  Always cook shrimp, lobster and scallops until they're milky white. Clams and oysters are cooked when their shells open.
karen, my gynae said the reason why milo makes us puke is because of the milk content. it sort of "rots" (rot like quite a unpleasant word haha) in the stomach and release alot of gas so it makes us feel very uncomfortable and puke. so he advise to avoid milk now.
i also have high chol, doc advise me not to take chol med just control diet will do. as for prawns i limit myself 2 pieces per week

Why close shop after this? Only 1 is no good leh, having more will rub the corners off each child... Only child is very stressful for the parents. Two or more, they will occupy themselves!!
Re 100plus
that's great.. got craving for gassy drinks but most gassy drinks got caffiane.. 100 plus to me seems like "unnatural gassy water".. dunno the ingredient inside also.. that's y got initial doubt on drinking it..

missy, i like cold drinks.. my theory is drink more now, later confinement cannot drink le.. hahaha.. plus 3rd trim will get very hot.. so i tend to drink even more cold drinks during 3rd trim.. including ice cream! good source of calcium.. lol..

Re milk
yup.. milk will make u puke more.. i learnt this for my #1.. coz when he's vomitting, doc advice not to feed him too much milk each time.. though that's like his main source of food..
i also scare high chol due to prawns.. i seldom take e prawns.. but my MIL cooks eggs with prawns, vege with prawns.. but if i juz eat eggs or the vege.. oso got the chol content.. coz cooked together mah...
eggs also high in chol. esp egg york (max 2 per week) but eating egg white is ok. just avoid the prawns eat more veg should be fine.
i think i need to stock up 100plus, cant drint water too. i drink water when i need to take folic acid and the hormone pills for spotting, now increased to 3x daily
Iyo, all the talk about seafood...
Feel like cooking tomato prawns tonight :D lol.. I usually fry them with potatoes coz my boy doesn't eat prawns

Strange thing is I can't really stomach sweet drinks this pregnancy. I used to love sweet, sparkling drinks, but now... Hmmmm...
Kinda worried.. Is it normal to have white fluid discharge? I asked my friend and she said that's our normal usual discharge..
white as in really white or clear?
white could b infection / UTI / yeast infection etc wo...
if normal should b clear..
Shice, I was so happy hearing the word chubby that I forgot to ask doc why haha.

Anyway, doc showed me the yolk and explained that that's bb's food source. He assured that even if I puke alot or did not gain any weight now, bb still gets the nutrients from there.

All these talk about food.. sigh.. missing sushi and sashimi now. MUST resist..urgh.
Fullhouse, haha ya I am going crazy! Crazy over all the food I cannot eat now.. My hubby is v strict about my pregnancy diet, and part of me thinks I should be careful too.

I think I will stop at one cos of affordability..
Bbjes, white discharge should be normal (mine has been white too and dr is ok with it) so long as no itching or burning sensation there..
jo, i think avoid dairy product is during 1st trimester only cause on the list it state food to avoid during antenatal period.
Sometimes white sometimes clear..

Okay, then I feel relief as there's no itchy or burning sensation..
my gyane says there will sure be discharge as the vagina is expanding, more walking will contribute to more discharge too! But as long as it is not smelly and itchy, it should be ok.

i think diary is one of the culprit to make us nausea. Coz the temp in our stomach, helps to breakdown and fermented faster hence making us nausea. But if you have no MS, dairy is good coz of calcium ;-)
gee... i'm soo... sleepy... esp after lunch.... just feel like taking a nap...

In regards to dairy and milk, gynae also ask me to avoid, cos i'm having lotsa wind/ bloatedness in my tummy, n dairy produce wind in our bodies... n gynae also mentioned that we asians are usually more lactose intolerant...
liz, i'm also feeling super sleepy now. still got to countdown another 3hrs to knock off! my eyes are shutting already!

feeling super bloated and uncomfortable today. can't wait to go home and rest
Tks on the info.. i totally got no idea hows my lil one doing inside me As I will start seeing Dr.Adrian next week when he's bk from his 2weeks leave.
yea... i'm sleepy too! 3hr still sounds like so long wait... goodness... n the load of work in front of me... OMG
Will be a gd idea to open a private n secret group in FB like jan2013 babies ? We can share our experience n post our baby photos when they r born!

Hi Babbiee, i am seeing dr wong from TMC at bt batok, wonder if anyone is seeing him as well?
its so strange to be pregnant, cant wait for my second tri to be here
