(2013/01) Jan 2013

haaa... ya i also find it strange when I read "raw" then even amazed when I go shop & saw e label write "raw" almonds...

anyway i find it odd n buy the roasted one instead... so tempted to buy the coated type lo...
oh i buy frm those stall that sells by weight de... then force myself choose those w/o coating etc de.
go for the nuts/seeds rather then fruits bah...
Hehe thought I'm the oldest initially me 78 de.

Cheese: keke sexy sexy :p

Wa so many punggol mummies. Gathering town kk then I can join hehe

1)Blinking: thxthx hope I can see tt when I go back 2 wks later :p
2) CL: WAHHHH long list , I be getting the same CL since I'm ok w her & she's very devoted in taking care of my #1 then & I prolong another 2wks hehe

U crave choco I have piles at home!! U want keke coz I don't eat choco & I got alot don't know y. But gtg home check expiry date 1st hehe
i think i wouldnt see the 40+ in my wt anymore.. was 48 when i got married last yr.. 1 year onli den increased to 57.. hahaha.. horrible!
Hi ladies! Am back! Was out of action as I was on 2 full days training. How's everyone? Feeling gd I hope!

Welcome all newly tested positive mummies!

Re: weight & age
I reckon I m the heaviest and oldest here! 40+kg was my primary school weight. Am more than 70+kg!!!! And I m 37 this yr! U gals are making me feeling like a short, Huge & old giant!
Hi gals, at 6pm was still feeling ok. Suddenly I was like shaking in my office chair... Maybe too hungry and almost puke in the lift (scared my Hb cos he nvr see me MS before)... ;p

Nlimm, ok uh... Housewarming is ok. ;)

I dunno if u agree to my list or not... Jus some personal thought la. you're lucky to get one who is really good. Mayb at end first trim can call and book cos it seems CNY period some CL no do or are booked early! :p
Don't worry, I had people telling me I look like joscelin yeo from the back :D! O well!

I'm 35 this year :S.. (

I was born in Jan., 77

If anyone wants a confinement lady, I've a contact... But your edd is best early jan coz she doesn't want to 过年。
Canopy, was still lamenting to Hb how this 4 years later pregnancy is so diff from the 1st... Feeling nauseated all the time, tummy aches (like always got loose stools), feeling tired tired tired... Aiyoh v Jia lat... Was previously cooking dinner and havent done so for 2 wks cos I think I will buay tahan and land up take MC the next day... Haha!
S_loh, I think is she dont want to do 过年。I know some CL, even if u pay 50% more they oso don't want to do over the CNY period... :/

Tonite I send u the list! So busy in office today. Plus later pple see me scan O&G Stuff sure ask long ask short one....
S_loh/ Snowhopes:
Thx keke it's more of don't want ppls to ask cox will have alot of relatives there. Snowhopes, as for CL trying to call her now initially told her cs 11th jan but now don't know if can since edd might be delayed by 2wks + need ask if she does cny just in case

Syyy: welcome
You call me 大姐,the rest will call us 大嫂 leh... :p

Yes, I'm doing confinement but this other contact I have didn't want to do CNY, and I might just hit it...
Don't feel that! I'm also big size lah.. grew so much after giving birth to my #1

tres (yrteresa)
haha, sorry that I scare u with my wt gain.. but I did not control my diet after giving birth cos I was Breastfeeding my boy... then anyhow eat!

Welcome! can just post whatever u want!

Just wondering if we have a FB page?
Icyjo - ya, i know what you mean.. me too, thank goodness work keeps me busy so I don't have time to think too much. When is your EDD?
same lah.. I'm not tall but big size leh.. since young too.. haha gave up dieting!! I like being pregnant lah, so people can't say I'm fat.. hahahahahah
Canopy, btr aft dinner! Sometimes I wish I can jus come home and jus rest. So tired then I gotta bathe e lil one, dress her, feed milk, brush teeth and sometimes put her zzz... Really dead beat... :/ hope the coming days will get better.

My breast hurts and they are bursting...
Snow: me too! Getting more n more tired and sleepy these days. And #1 is so sticky to me currently. At least your hubby comes n fetches u everyday, I drag myself to drive home.
Snowhopes, canopy
Ah, same here! I make it a point for the two kiddies to go to bed early, and I'll spend the rest of my evening lying supine on the sofa or bed. Cushiony surface never felt so wonderful! My laundry is piling up

I know what you mean! I can stick out the fats for all I care now, it's my privilege;) BUT... My arms get really big when I'm preg... So! Hmmmph! Not looking forward to that
Snowhopes/ canopy:
Snowhopes at least ur Hb pick u & canopy at least u only drive home leh I need to drive to pick my #1 fr cc then Hb fr work then home , everyday am n evening . Thinking how to arrange next yr coz will stop working for at least 6 mths-1yr , shd u change my boy 's cc ? But My boy & i quite like the chers there .

All: any of u putting ur baby to infant care ? In dilemma if to stop working for 2 yrs & take care of #2 till 2yo like my #1, but it means I'm gog to start all over again for my job

Hammiebao/ canopy:
I can easily join both of u seeing my last preg soar up to 73 kg without eating much only normal 3 meals
Full house, hope my cl ok with cny, still noone pick up the phone. Maybe her current ' employer' don't allow her to and phonecall ?
morning ladies! i finally graduate from 2WW tread and can join all of you! tested positive with clearblue digital kit on Wednesday showing 2-3wks. use the online calculator and EDD is 31 Jan! will be seeing Dr Adrian later this evening after work cause it's my 1st and i keep having cramps. abit worried and don't know what to except since hubby and i are first timer haha
gd morning all mtbs! glad that its friday!
last night had a conversation with ILs. they say cannot use scissors cannot reno house, cannot do painting. cannot dye hair.
nothing can be done on bed, except sleeping and make love. *FIL win liao*

collection of keys for new house next month. hubby got to supervise the reno work all by himself. im forbidded to go.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0099"> GOOD MORNING LADIES!!

TGIF AH!!! Can't wait for today to end...

my morning routine... wake up, puke, showering, puke, brush teeth, puke, eat breakfast, puke, drink water, puke

hmm... interesting huh... seems like puking is taking up half my time...hahaha..</font></font>
<font color="cc0099"> hmm..ladies ah... i was reading above ah.... and i think age and wt are just numbers lah... most imptly is...we MUST BE happy all the time now...even with all the MS..we must be happy..hahaha...</font>
goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood mrng ladies~

canopy/hummie:: me too me too me too!!!! im the AEH BUI TEH one! im short.. oni abt 157cm (but prolly shrink agn le)..n nw weighing abt 63kg! was abt 50kg before marriage, 58kg before preg, 61kg aft delivery.. n nw.. at least 63-65kg i guess! since young.. bah bah type..fat flabby arms..chubby cheeks. cute arh..LOL~

nlimm:: im oso '78 bb. haha. and yes.. i was tinking if wana put bb in infant care this time. previously my mum came over my hse (daily basis..all weekdays) to look aft my twins..till they went childcare. age is catching up for her..n i tink it's definitely very very tiring for her to travel everyday! good ting is, my girls juz chgd cc early april..n their new cc nw has infant care too (that was one criteria i looked for a new cc).. so in case i need.. can one trip..hum pa lang send tog. but ya.. still not decided.
nlimm... let us know how much the CL cost during then! Coz nearing to CNY, i', expecting at least $3200++, i paid my CL $2200 1 yr ago plus all the other expenses, it is not cheap sia!
honestly I think it is money well spent lah, coz new mum, everything also dunno?? but now 2nd time mum, not sure , should I take this path or not? Dilemma lah!

^5 to mummies that are at the same age as me, I;m 34 this yr!!
To those young MTBs, "pei fu" to have the courage to have kids young!!! thinking abt myself, I'm still 'playing' when I'm before 30 yr, ahahahah!!!

Morning mummies!!

We are renovating in July! Lol, the id promised to take care of everything, hope so :S

Where will your new place be?

Going to visit the new gynae this afternoon. A bit worried... Ahhhhh, hope I will like him else hb will scream. He told me if I'm still undecided after today, we are going back to NUH...
