(2013/01) Jan 2013

Hiyo I'm back
waaaaa so many posts

thankyou, was so worried yest plus Gynae gave me tt hormones pill i was thinking whats wrong y need extra med
Then I go calculate by my ovulation date shd be wk 4 leh Gynae told me wk5+ & by menses is wk6 tts y I so worried:p

Hope u r alright, walk slowly

Full house:
Wa u travel too? I rem during my 1st preg my Gynae said no no for long flight or long car journey to malysia during 1st trimester.

Fatbobo: oh mine only 3cm I think, she based on my keke ' intercouse' dates to gauge de cox ours is planned so I record down the dates & even Gynae gave me tt ' what' expression when I gave her the date :p

Canny: welcome
ur ultrascan is fr tummy surface or internal scan thru vagina? Mine surface can't then Gynae go thru vagina then can see images

Ally: wah then u need eat all nutritious food n no snacking of junk food le. urs still flat Tts gd lor mine only 4 wks this am when dropping my boy , 1 of the Cher suddenly ask me if I'm preggy coz my posture , tummy & look look like I am, I'm like what u can see!!!

Hope u r better now, don't take too many med wo

Urs surface or internal scan? Surface scan might not be able to see sac yet. Ur urine test still positive so ur baby might be playing hide n seek w u

ytd, went to check with the gynae regarding traveling (i will be going London this weekend), she said is fine, just rmb to drink more water, try to walk abit more during the flight journey.. coz sitting down too long not good for the bb heart.. and she said also advised on the the dos and dont's of what to eat when overseas.. so i guess it still safe to fly , just be careful.
Hi mummies and mummies-to-be...

I just joined this forum and am happy to know so many ladies who are due in Jan13 too.

See some of you in the same hospital next year. :p
Keke I does tt only coz planning #2:p not sure if can have my baby having same birthday as me haha

Fat bobo:
No sure leh it's usually cm or mm? The nos I saw wrote 3.0cm or tts not the length keke
nlimm: i also hope my bb will born on out wedding anniversary... *pray*

Feel a little uncomfy, cos wear a dress with thick belt. After lunch, feel tight & bloated.
<font color="ff0066"> back from lunch... and guess what?? bb likes junk food!! fast food... any fast food and bb loves... jia lat... i think very soon..i'll be like 100kg... today i weigh myself in the morning.. left with 40kg... 1 kg gone again... but with bb's appetite for fast food..i think i'll be a fat mama soon...

nowadays staring no use... must be vocal... i'm pretty vocal..that's why when dirty old ah pek tried to be funny with me...they'll die... hahahaha...

that's exactly me now... everyday still on 3-4 inches heels... no wonder my colleagues all don't believe i'm pregnant..hahaha... now i'm wondering when will i start showing...

i'm trying all type of food... as long as can stay inside... i'm ok... don't care liaoz... but the feeling of something stuck in the throat and chest area... very terrible feeling... u started to show liaoz ah?? maybe cos u #2??

just wondering... when will we start to show?? as in baby bump??? cos now, i'm already 8 weeks and yet tummy flat like don't know what... waistline also no increase... still remains the same .. a bit smaller..... butt no change... in fact, gone smaller...and boobs confirm smaller...</font>
s_loh/icyjo, yah... and yesterday I lie on my sofa and slept on top of my US photo. Hb looked and it and asked why i crushed it... *oopps* one more week to go to see gynae... Sure hope by then can see nice heartbeat n bb... cos my last scan, can see the sac but nothing else leh... ur one got fetal pole?

purple_rain, my colleagues are still ok. I am close quite a few of them. We lunch kakis and all of us have family and kids. So they are quite understanding...

nlimm, no la i not taking a lot of meds just the duphaston that was given by gynae. now I going back to taking 2 a day and see if I will get diarrhea again... ;p
<font color="aa00aa">allyfan, I remember showing only at the end of 1st trimster (around wk 11 or so). Even then it seem more like a tummy (getting fat type). ur boobs should get fuller though... u losing weight huh...

usually for subsequent pregnancies, the showing will start earlier. cos our muscles are all loose and expanded liao. :p</font>
snowhopes: i saw the heartbeat as blinking light on the u/s screen last week. hopefully in 2 weeks time get to hear the heartbeat. oh ya i scan tge u/s photo so that i have a soft copy on my hp that I can view anytime

i reduce the duphaston to once a day cos there's one day i got emotional outburst and wonder if there's any link to that
was supposely 6.5 weeks or more but scan showed 6 weeks 1 day last wed when i saw the blinking light. tummy scan

gynae prescribe to me cos of the backache &amp; cramps i got...
icyjo, so urs is due to cramps... my scan date the sac as wk6,day0. Gynae says developing nicely... I sure hope mine no blinking cos it was a tummy scan... gynae oso never say anything abt no blinking and I also forgot to ask him. but I did hear that sometimes a difference of 1 week or a few days will show very different things on the ultrasound. in the mean time, all I can do is pray... ;p
icyjo >
ur backache sounds bad ar? pain till u wake frm slp?? ytd I feel e lower backache but v slight only.

purple rain / s loh >
colleague go out meet clients... no one else in... brought umbrella to go out, so hot! haha bb wan eat sour things, mee siam in &amp; feel ok le. heng~

3.5hr more to 6pm! hope dun OT today...
U r so lively. U must be very young?

We should have the same gynae, dr adelina wong. She was my gynae for #1.
<font color="fc0099"> snowhopes
Oh... show so late ah... that means 3 more weeks for me..then i'll start to show ..perhaps?? and yup..i'm losing weight..that's why everything gone smaller... yesterday i measured myself... boobs shrink from 36inches to 34 ... waist from 23 to 22.. hips from 35 to 34 ... overall weight loss... haiz... i was not even so skinny for my wedding lor... hopefully i'll be able to put some back...

u r the sexy hot mama!!!
josky: yah the lower backache was really.. pain until cant sleep end up use heatpad to relief then can sleep.. wonder if it was triggered by the V scan done at KK cos started right after that. had a very bad experience at the 24 hr clinic at KK until i dun wan to ever go there again. But last week was much better already then last nite pain came back again
<font color="cc0099"> L3x
yes!! we got the same gynae... when u going to see her??? my SIL saw her... she recommend to me... and i think the gynae looks friendly.. so i also went to her lor...hehehe..

i'm not very young... turning 26 this yr... </font>
L3x&amp;Lin: i wanted to try dr adelina wong.. any feedback?
then my hubby say to go to one gynae who is closer to home, so that i dont have to take leave to go see gynae in future. (i changed new job)
i will be going to dr adrian woodworth in SK.

karen: how come 5+ weeks and EDD is 23 Jan? dr told me end of Jan 2013. but he is unable to detect the bb sac. sigh..
canny: my hubby also wan me to find nearer one but the recommendations i got n shortlisted r at tmc. i think we stay near each other. initially was considering dr adrian woodworth cos i stay in punggol. but its my #1, so i prefer one who explains more as i heard he very chop chop and fast one.
ally: now backpain on n off... i hurt my back before but this time the backpain is very different from the kind i often get in the past. i soo scared my back cant tahan 3rd tri...
icyjo at punggol?
i should be moving to punggol by next year. if 4Q take key duno can reno the house or not... bb a bit early.. hehehe~ maybe bb also can't wait to move into new hse right after birth. =p
<font color="ff3333"> icyjo
pain until so jia lat?? did u see the gynae abt this issue??? cos in 3rd tri, i think the weight of the bb will be even heavier... don't know if will do any damage to ur back or not wor...</font>
yup i at punggol.. got my keys in Dec and shifted in just before CNY... havent enjoy my house yet get my #1 . My hubby grumble his workstation got to dismantle end of year when he just set it up a month plus ago cos need the room as baby room.. i tell him is he 'chuang de huo' dun complain...
My #1 I saw her at 6weeks cos of spotting. Hopefully this time round see her only at 8weeks. I'm 4 weeks 1 day now. Edd 30 jan. 26 young la.

Her stiches are good and she is very nice and comforting. Professional too. I also find her far as I live in west but guess I'm used to her le.
<font color="ff0099"> Cheese
the 1st pic 2 yrs back?? ok mah... at least got a tiny bit tummy @ week 6.... mine is totally flat...no even have that tiny bit protruding... that's why dont know where my bb hide... hmmm...

the 2nd one ok mah... can tell it's preggie better right??? and u r still a hot mama lah!!!</font>
think next visit will let my gynae know again if the back pain still bad n dun go off... somemore i very small size one.... see a neighbour also small size now final month.. legs so swollen i also scared.

i also realise my tempur mattress makes the pain worst.. so i end up using my sofa as mattress and actually felt better after that
Welcome Karen

Keke When is ur anniversary?
Mine 11th Jan, initially have chance coz based on menses edd shd be 14thjan ( which means now wk6) but yest Gynae said based on the sac size shd be ard wk 4 so means if wan on my birthday need either induce or he/ she decided to meet me earlier at wk38. Gynae said Will check again 2 wks later for edd .

Ya my #2.my #1 tummy shown very early too ard 3 mths ppls thought I 6mths le. #1 preg I jumped fr 47kg to 72.5kg but I only eat 3 meals a day.

What u mean by ' blinking'?

Wa everyone can see ur panty :p * blush*

Ur backache as in at ur Spine area ? Me I had terrible pain at the ass bone area fr wk 7- due for 1st preg. Really hope I won't get it again this round but seems to be coming le
<font color="ff6600"> L3x
Oh... mine is 1 jan...hehehe..i saw her 2 weeks back ..around week 6++..."heard" heartbeat leh... going to see her next week... i choose weekdays..not so crowded...

i feel old..cos i'm married for 5 yrs leh... went to see that ivf specialist 2 yrs ago..he said i'm still young..hubby still young...try first..although we've been trying since we gotten married... hehehe... finally now pregnant..so happy..</font>
<font color="ff3399"> nlimm
#2 ah... ur #1 how old ah??? I don't think mine likes to eat... i thot i can eat fast food..cos i go in, the smell doesn't make me puke... eat liaoz...still ok... but just came back from puking..hahaha.. jia lat...i really don't know what to eat already lor...</font>
<font color="ee0099"> icyjo
maybe cos i married early?? married my hubby before i turn 21... ppl at that time thot i shotgun... cos hubby just turned 21.. hehhee... but i guess cos marry early..so feeling old?? hahaha...</font>
Though can see ur protruding tummy, think u r very slim b4 preggie... *envy*

26 is young! also a perfect age to get preggie.

14 Jan! Based on calculation, my edd shld be 21 Jan 13.
<font color="cc6699"> Jlau
u also the same ah?? welcome to the ADS cum weight loss club... it's damn terrible..i don't feel good at all... i feel just like throwing up all the time... but remaining positive..hahaha..i guess it's my habit to look at positive side...

i wanted to be a mummy much earlier... but too bad...didn't get 1 until now... </font>
ally >
aiyo ur MS situation really bad, like my friend. my friend last time preg also eat wat throw wat. ended up she whole pregenancy never put on any weight at all! Lucky bb is doing well la. eventually after she gif birth, weight is even lesser then b4 she preg lo. during her confinement period she also still couldn't eat much.
btw her bb end up 8mth (duno got full term or not) born le.
i also starting to get more ads since yesterday .... worst feel is wana puke but nothing comes out..so far strike morning, afternn, evening n even midnite before... have also puke part of my meal out...hopefully wont lose weight... i cannot lose any if not will go below 40.
Tts y nowadays I dnt look fwd to waking up in the mrng...
I feel like throwing up every time but nthg seem to came out except once,. And after tt I felt a lot better... Hope tis only last in first trimester... Continue like tt I gg to cry Liao..

I gt put on weight though...

Hmm am I the oldest here to b expecting my first baby? :p
