(2013/01) Jan 2013

re: age
oh com'on.. i tink im oldest here liao... im 34 this yr can.

re: backache
i had slipped disc prob since mid last yr.. then buey tahan did a spinal surgery in nov. actually doc said can start try aft 6mths.... errh.. nw shld juz nice b 6mths? but hor, the other day..my ob-gynae asked a valid qtn...which i had totally forgotten to ask my surgeon! if i can take epidural agn!

my first preg was delivered by c-sec..they called it horoscope c-sec. cos we chose date de. so this time..we will be choosing date too, to be fair.

re: special dates
my rom anni is on 19th jan... n bday on 26th jan. but not sure if any of these dates is good.

<font color="fc0066"> josky
that's the thing..i really very scare bb not eating enough..cos this mama can't hold anything in stomach long enough for bb to eat..i feel bad... cos i wanted this bb for so long...

i think both of us can't afford to lose anymore wt... i very scare tomorrow i wake up i go below 40..hahah..then it's crazy...

what's ur age if u don't mind???

What's everyone's age here btw?? </font>
cheese: sexy mummy. im still having flat tummy now. but keep on feeling bloated. and no appetite.

Icyjo: if the bed mattress is making your back ache, should change to something suitable for yourself. good posture and 8 hours of sleep very impt.
r u staying in punggol too? me in P breeze. but havent move it yet. now staying with ILs.

ally: me turning 29 this year.
Lol of cos I dnt mind.. I m proud of my age lol... Me 35 born 1977 feb :p only thing til nw then manage to hv baby...
<font color="fc0066"> Seems like all of us still consider young here...

if want to say old mama... it will be someone like andy lau's wife??but i applaude her courage for having a kid at her age... it's a very brave thing to do...</font>
canny: im at Punggol Sapphire
. I think just have to tahan bah using my sofa as mattress for awhile. The bed is very new and we spent a bomb on it, its supposedly better for back. I get less backache from sleeping on this until after i found out im preggy then get another kind of backache.
icyjo / canny >
oh... punggol "neighbours" !! i'll b at spectra, so near canny!! most likely to be last batch to collect keys...

ally >
wow u marry young! muz haf been pa-tor tgt w ur hb v long?
&amp; i'm 28...
Join ally in the fun of colours... ;p I just stick to purple...

<font color="aa00aa">nlimm, the blinking on the ultrasound screen is usually the signs of the heartbeat of the fetus...

allyfan, no worries la... babies are leeches, they will survive at the expense of the mummy. i.e. they will take your reserves (fats, calcium) to grow. so in the meantime, just tong and eat &amp; drink as much as u can... even if puke, at least the food would have gone into ur tummy and hopefully some nutrients absorbed.

I have friends who suffer very bad MS and in the end they have a chubby cute lil bundle of joy!

Me had my #1 same age as u...
u really married very early. but good oso la, got enuf two-person world le.</font>
Haha I m stil v lost when it comes to punggol... The last time I went to tt site was in feb I tink... Oops... Our flat construction mux hv contributed to the dust around ur area.. :p
Hi Mummies/new mummies,

I recently got a BFP and this will be my 2nd pregnancy... I have not seen my gynae yet coz i think its too early cant see anything anyway.. Hope i be able to share some dos and dont's with all of you..Also to learn abt new things from u gals:p

Jlau, icyjo and Jo>> a lot of punggol mummies within this forum already.

have anyone started sourcing for confinement lady? massage lady? or is it too soon to start on this?
Cheese, thks for loading sexy tummy pics of yours, so fun to look at it! Really can see the bump at 6weeks. Today is 6weeks for me too but I am still flat like some of the girls here.

Ally - can't imagine u at 40kg now. What is your height? Maybe sow us yr super flat tummy pic too like what Cheese did! hehee..

Oh yes, I am 34, first time Mummy. I think there is at least 50% of MTB here who are above 30 and first-timers?
<font color="0000ff">canny, confinement lady can start getting when u hit 2nd trimster.
massage lady can wait till mid 2nd trimster. If ur confinment runs into CNY, be prepared to pay 50% more for the confinment)... </font>
twinkle:: hihi.. whn i saw your first post..i tot quite familiar.. but hor.. sorry my 大笨象 brain cant help me recall. ):
I TOTALLY envy those who has got no bump (no tummy).. Seriously.. I’m very plumb (or fat as some would say).. only @ 5 weeks.. I already out on 1kg.. and my original tummy can be easily be mistake to be 4-5 month pregnant.. No joke at all.. I have received so many comments thinking that I was pregnant even before bb really came.. (-_-“)

It’s good to be skinny…
the blackwitch turning 30 this year.. also a 1st time MTB~~~ Really happy and excited... Hopefully everything goes well..

I'm with Dr Adrian Woodsworth @ SK.. still thinking if i should try another gynae, before deciding..
icyjo, you can start by thinking if u wanna get from those confinement agency or those that your mummy friends/colleagues have used before. Before u jump in to use those recommended by your mummy friends/colleagues, try to find out about a few things -
1. does yr friend have a maid + confinment lady? (for those friends who have maid, the CL is usually quite eng, and they can ask the maid do this do that... so if u dun have one, the CL may fall below work expectations)
2. what does the confinment lady do? i.e. other than caring for mommy &amp; baby, do they wash/clean house?
3. what is ur friend's treshold. Is she the chin chai type or particular?

I say this because I have friends who tell me they employ the CL that are recommended by friends and their friends tell them the CL is super good. But when the CL came, they suffer cos the CL is lazy, suggest a lot of nonsense, etc.

The confinement lady's job scope is mainly the following:
1. cook mummy's confinement food &amp; clean up the kitchen
2. care for mummy's bath time (herbal bath wash)
3. care for baby (to ensure the baby is fed &amp; bathed, burped)
4. overnight care for baby (to ensure the baby is given the night feed. I know some mommies will wake up to BF the baby. Some would let the CL handle)
5. wash clothes of the baby (handwash. some CL may request to machine wash baby clothes - be clear upfront)
6. wash dishes/milk bottles after you have eaten...

additional stuff some CL might throw in:
1. cook 1-2 non heaty food for hb to eat

I read in the forum about a lot of unhappiness some of which stem from expectations of what you have of the CL. Some of which should be discussed upfront or before the CL starts work, for example:
1. No using of HP except after baby is asleep at night
2. Cooking (saltiness, sweetness &amp; variety of food)
3. Cleanliness 101 (especially if u are super particular)
4. expected duties of the CL (i know some mommies expect CL to cook extra non-heaty stuff for hb, etc).
thanks snowhopes... wah a lot of things to look into... was initially of tingkat for confinement food but a friend discouraged telling me the stuff she got wasnt even really confinement food. And I hear complaints from friends too about their CL not meeting expectations n messing up their kitchen etc. for me , I will probably be particular about food as I'm a fussy eater and dun eat certain food like pork or pig organs.
ally, dun worry lah.. u wldnt reach 100 kg.. if can eat jiu eat loh.. but not much junk food lah.. not healthy wor..

snowhopes, mine can only see the sac too.. not fetal pole.. 6mm at the moment
icydolphin, I will get tingkat when my CL leaves. Cos I dun wanna end up like my #1 where I was lunch-less for the 1.5 months of ML...
well the good thing was I lost so much weight, I was 8kg lighter than pre-pre weight (i was BF-ing and eating 1.5 meals a day)...

For food, ur hb/inlaws will have to buy the ingredients for her to cook. SO if u no eat pork/pig organs, dun buy for her to cook. buy more fish la, fish is good for lactating.
Usually for me, I like my food to not be too oily, too salty... but cannot be bland. Longan tea I dun like too sweet must be just nice. So communicating with the CL is essential!

s_loh, I was expecting to see the blinking la (cos for my #1, already can see liao by wk 6... heh... so a bit nervous this round).
ally: im also 40 kg. sometimes my weight can drop to 39kg. depending whether i have eaten or not eaten. i thought thats quite severe. =p but i cant seemed to gain weight.

karen: me with dr adrian at SK too. just went to him on tues. quiet guy. few words. its my hubby who kept asking qns.

snowhopes: i think for us Jan 2013 delivering mums will have to pay the CNY surcharge.. extra costs added onto the usual charges. headache. and i read in straits times. there's a shortage of confinement ladies. due to increase dragon babies.
twinkle:: :) thanx. heee~

re: cravings
wah.. buey tahan.. everyday i crave for chocolates! how!!?!! im not really a choc prsn de. but these days.. im really owas wanting to hv some. ystrday took snickers. today had timtam. i muz stock up more chocs le.
Canny.. i was there for Dr Woodsworth this tue too... hahaha.. but i was alone bcos hubby not free. my 1st visit to see the gynae, so i was quite lost on wat to ask.. lol
karen: when's your next appt with dr adrian? maybe i will see u there..
mine is next tuesday.
we also have our problem. underweight. low blood count. cannot buy clothes.
<font color="fc0066"> I'll stick to pink then...hahaaha

I paktor with hubby since sec 1.. different sch but still managed to get together... hahaha..amazing huh...

i think all mummies will be worry for their kids..hahaha..i scare i not enough fats for them...i'm so going to eat until i'm fat...don't bother abt the scales liaoz...

i'm abt 1.62m... hehehe..went to take pic..but too many ppl in toilet..hahaha..paisey...</font>
<font color="fc0066"> haizzzz... typing my reply halfway and got called up for something urgent... now then come back..pack up laptop..and get ready to go meeting again.., so i'll disappear now liaoz..hahhaa... hopefully meeting will end before 8pm... </font>
ally >
oh haha... same leh my hb &amp; I also nt same sch, tgt since sec4.. lidat count same wo, we both officially M&amp;W after 8yr paktor. but my case is last yr then only we hold customary.. in bwt drag 3 yrs after rom. lol~
<font color="ff0066"> hahaha... sneak in while in meeting... not interested ...hahaha...

me and hubby count ah... together since 13... so that means 13 years together ...8 yrs paktor plus 5 yrs marriage..hehehe... that's why it's "lau fu lau qi" already...</font>

<font color="ef2266"> TwinkleStar
ur #1 is a boi??? </font>
Jocelyn: as long as its pasteurized then its save to eat..unpasteurized yogurt or dairy pdts contain bacteria and will be harmful for bb...
I have lots of things to buy during weekend, gotta stock up food else feeling uncomfortable in office, so bloated &amp; yet wan to munch on something. Nothing to eat now, so pathetic...

Chocolate milk
Soya Bean milk

Any other healthy food/snack to recommend?

those raw nuts/seeks eg almonds, pumpkin seeds
or dried fruits eg dried camberry, peach, mango (best to be non sugar coated)
