(2013/01) Jan 2013

Snowger: I got tested for group B strep at 7 weeks and dr put me on antibiotics for a week... Yup, will need to be antibiotic drip during delivery... Need to go hospital immediately if water bag burst cos it will mean there is higher chance that the bacteria will go to baby when water bag burst..

If tested positive with strep B, as long as when we're put on antibiotic drip during delivery the baby will be fine? Tt's put a huge load off me. Alr kena GD, hope no more "surprises".

This pregnancy really enlighten me that 妈妈真伟大. This is my first pregnancy, it's taking a toll on me alr. Really salute those mummies with toddlers.
Snowger: yup, i don move tat much oso bt need turn coz sometimes lie 1 side too long will cramp.. N i get kicks alot on the right too!! Other than recently alot at the top of the bump as u said.. So amazing..

Strep B: i'll be doing the swab for test next visit at wk36. Was positive when i had #1 and took antibiotics then. As every1 said, will have antibiotic drip during delivery..

Juz had my lunch and feeling so very sleepy now..
julie : as mentioned by snowger ( we r with the same gynae), our gynae's scan machine cwn measure the length. furthermore, my gynae always uses a measuring tape to meas
ure the bb length by placing it on my tummy before the scan.

snow: dont worry too much abt bb weight; dr paul says still got time to gain weight; asked him if i m gonna deliver early but he says most likely not; probably like #1 abt 39wks+.

just had buffet with hubby; going grocery shopping now before picking our son from childcare.

yes, bb will be fine when on anti-bio drips.

9 mths journey is always up & down as it's a standby bed journey, however when bb comes healthy & everything ok, it's worth.
Thanks gals! Feel so relieved to hear that. Cos my 1st preggy I was never tested positive for strep b lor. Looks like I will kena poke on my hand for the anti-b drip (first time in my life!). T__T is it very painful?

elp_mum, so no time to pong pong then go uh? ok ok... will keep that in mind! Was telling hb must start packing my bag liao... GASP! Havent buy pressie (which is mei mei give che che one). I was thinking of buying the tricycle. Then I was thinking to myself: How to bring to hospital or pack in hospital bag???? *HMMMMMMMM*

canopy, hb is not worried, more like me being obsessed! Hb's reaction is: "aiyah, i got feeling it's going to be a bigger baby". LOL! And yeap, Dr Tseng says mine oso shouldn't be early - i.e. similar to #1 which is at Wk 39+ (and seriously - I really really hope so...).
Julie, friends, last preg my cl only say first 12 days cannot wash hair but can bath w herb water. Very terrible! Make my hair so itchy n oily. Dunno how to tahan this time. Hopefully everyday rain like now. Haha.. Think cannot 1 month dun bath. Depends on cl, usually first 7-12 days more strict.
shice, my first CL told me 1 whole month cannot wash hair!!! The second one I not so sure whether she will let me wash hair or not. 7 days still ok... 12 days is like pushing the limit. Beyond that, I feel sucidal! :p *opps too extreme*
Snowger: i was thinking of buying those kitchen play set.. Most prob fm ikea? Oso very big.. So was thinking buy liao leave it at hm, bt don open 1st.. Than buy another small item bring to hosp or put in car standby wif the hosp bag.. Bt till now still havent settle any of the 3 above mentioned items. Haha!! My #1 oso came out at 39wks.. So i hope this time oso at least 39wks!! Coz 39wk would be last wk of dec.. Than hopefully than tong till jan. haha!!

Shice: wow!! I sure cannot tahan.. Tink in hosp i onli bath, no wash hair.. Bt once discharged on 3rd day i go hm wash hair liao.. Cannot tahan so oily!! Yucks!! My mum oso gt niam me la, bt she end up oso give in la..
Shice & snowger, I standby dry shampoo to see how long I can tahan this time round not to wash hair. But hor my hairstylist said it is due to not washing hair during confinement that will result in drastic hair dropping after delivery. If we wash hair regularly, the hair loss will be minimized. Don't know true or not... As for the bath thingy, I think my max is 7 days. Lol...
Hi mummies,

It been awhile since log in here.
Today gg for my check up at week 33!

we have 1 more mth away to JAN, mummies! Excited? haha.. for me, i feel scare more than excited. hehe.. Have to gone through the process agn.

Do we have FB Chat group btw?
xinyue: thanks for sharing.
i will check it out.

oh, my edd is 3 jan. really have to get ready this month and standby.. :p nervous too.. no.1..
re : washing hair
i didnt wash my hair for 1m during confinement. i used dry shampoo; very easy to use; just spray n comb the hair. smell good too. just bought 2 bottles from guardian last week. the name is Kolane if i m not wrong.

re : strep b
just have to be on anti biotic thats all. can still go natural. i learnt from dr tseng as my friend kenna it and wanna me to ask him for opinion as her gynae insists her going fot c-sec.

snow: luckily i went to ask clinic how come i have yet to receive the admission letter from tmc; guess wat! they forgot to register for me! in the end; i went downstair to register with tmc admission myself! was told that tmc will send me the admission lette in a few weeks time. is that true?
<font color="119911">Talking abt loss of slp last night... #1 was real cranky last night, making HB and I can't sleep at all throughout... I am so very sleepy now lor!

Surprisingly my gynae haven't send me for any Strep B test yet last Fri at week 35 leh...
Maybe only will do so at my next appt at week 37? </font>
washing hair during Confinement

I bought a powder shampoo but end up I look like had paint on my hair &amp; it was even more itchy &amp; irritating!!


think if brand is trusted n well know for supplement , shld be ok.

The prob is dieting pill. Some even causes hallucination &amp; mental prob.

but woman wanna go slim, sometimes ai sui mai mia.
@ctrus: No1? Wa u must be really nervous..hehe.. i now having NO2. but still feel scare when thinking of the process agn cos lst experience was a long pain for me. As for coping, dun worry much. As long as u have prepare like read up magazine, online about bb stuff shd be no pro.. Here got alot of expert mummies too ^^

@Siewz: yr edd 3 jan also might be a dec 2012 baby too. when i give birth no1, was few days earlier than expected edd date. U get ready yr hospital bag?
Added you in fb. There is a close fb group but I'm not the admin and I think they have 'set' some rules before they can add ppl.

Jaslyn was from the same sec school if I do remember correctly. However we were never in the same class, just had common friends bah.

Even for extended family, none of my sil nor myself have any babies above 3kg. The biggest was 2.9kg. I dun expect much since hubby is only abt 165cm.

I dun have a built-in oven cos not into cooking and baking when I had my hse. The hobby was developed after that and now regret big time.
sweetdream: yeah, just got it ready during the last weekend. now just pending bb's stuff to pack in. did hear about bb coming earlier. going for checkup this wed and will ask gynae again.. haha!!

also have to get those herbs for bathing and for confinement soups. where you got urs?
sylvia, dry shampoo is spray liao, must comb outwards to remove the excess "powder".

Jarol, strep b is a swap test - i.e. a cotton wool stick collect "discharge" from down south... the closer to birth the test the better... so usually is 36 to 37 weeks ba. cos 37 weeks is considered full term le...

canopy, that time I posted on FB I thought u got check w the nurses. Shice oso got say that if u didn't recieve the admission form means no booking yet. But don't worry la, as long as you do it before u give birth should be ok. Cos the rooms will still be allocated based on first come first serve. And the pre-admission is so that ur hb can chop chop do finish the admin and go up to be with u.

Friends, that's why this time I am going to tahan for 1 week then wash my hair le... It's impossible for me to not wash esp when my scalp is the oily type lor.

Julie, I have two choices... one is a box of lego which I can wrap. Then the bicycle lor. Will most prob buy from Toys R Us since I have the "STAR" card.

shirleyjasmine, it is just a type of infection which ordinarily can be found in the vaginal track of the mother. However, this infection does not cause any form of discomfort to the mother. However, Strep B can be passed on from the mother to the baby during vaginal delivery and the consequences may be bad. So mummies with strep b positive tested during the procedure must get the anti-b drip. I know some gynae who play safe and "force" the mother to c-sec instead.
Sylvia: agree wif the ai sui mai mia.. Tat time oso read an article, a young woman tink 20s oso.. Gt photo of her, quite pretty already bt still went for plastic surgery, end up die during the surgery.. Haiz.. Never satisfied ah these pple.. Bt 1 interesting article i read today is a canadian woman saved due to boob job. She gt shot at the chest and if she did nt have the boob job would have died!! Life is such an irony..

Sweetdream,ctrus: i now nt much feeling, whether scared or excited.. Juz waiting for time to pass.. While shopping online n thinking if there's anything i left out preparing. Haha!! For me still ok on delivery process, coz quite smooth for my #1.. Mayb coz i took epidural? Tats y this time i insist on taking too.. My hubby say till like so easy, he say pop! Come out liao..

Bblove: so u tink having a built in oven better? I still thinking whether to make built in oven or nt for my new house. Coz my fren 1 tat time use halfway than the whole house electricity tripped. Say oven gonna spoil liao coz seldom use.. Bt if change built in oven shd be quite costly rite?

Juz shitted.. And ju realised whenever i walk now, the bottom of the baby bump so pain.. Dono issit due to the weight of the tummy?? Hopefully nt a sign of early labour!! No no no!!!
Snowger: i oso have the star card.. Last wkend went toys r us have a look. They oso have a kitchen set.. Bt seems like quite short as to wat i rem the ikea 1 to be.. Mayb will buy some other thing for the 'small' item to be brought to hosp for #1 to open.. Bt hard to go shopping now coz she's alwaz wif me.. The onli time nt wif me is during wkday when she in sch bt i'm working.. Haiz.. And my tummy hurts.. Dono issit the weight or issit the pants too tight?? Thou i use the maternity belt n zip all open..
julie, I rem reading that a woman got an early breast cancer detection after electing for a boob job. So sometimes being "hiao" is not such a bad thing eh!

bblove/julie, I don't think built in oven is better leh... unless u use the oven very frequently else it is quite a white elephant. If you do not use frequently, at least turn on for heating once a month. Else the next time u on, the whole house electricity will trip.

I regretted having a built in as my built in oven seem to have temperature control problem. i.e. the oven temp drops too quickly so my baking always sink, etc. And to change one I have to measure and buy one that is of similar size (cos I don't think all built in ovens are same sized?).

Oh not sure if built in ovens are also those with microwave function. If yes, might be btr off... at least u know u can "ting" hot ur food occassionally.
Julie, I am reminding myself not to wear those pants with the strechable cloth on top. For some reason, they end up too tight at the crotch area and it's really uncomfortable lor.
From now on, I will try to wear only dresses and skirts.

I did that &amp; comb struck while combing!! LOL!!

wahahaha!! so funny.

Just like korean stars... high percentage went for plastic surgery. I wonder if all will become look alike some days...... :p

Kitchen set are small except those ex ones like little tikes... costing $400 +++. orelse.. think height will be around 90cm &amp; can be fragile too.
Present for #1 > I bought a Ybike glider for my boy as 'present' from his upcoming little sis. Haha but he saw it the day it was bought and insisted on opening &amp; playing with it. So now got to find another small pressie for him to bring to hospital.

Can I ask, any of you mummies have experience with having a toddler + newborn bb at home at the same time? My #1 (now in terrible 2s) just got a place at my office childcare for Jan 2013 after 2 years of waiting. But it's inconvenient to send him everyday when i'm on ML. But since I need to 'chop' his place and therefore just paying the fees from Jan, I also have to withdraw him from his current cc by end of this month. So, he'll be at home with me throughout my ML. On and off, i can send him over to my in-laws though and my hubby works flexi-hours. But i'm so scared of handling both kiddos at same time!

yes, there is the microwave &amp; oven type. I 'smart aleck' last time dunna to buy thinking only use microwave, nw I regret.

U mean those maternity pants with extra stretchable piece ? I have but keep falling down falling down. so have to keep pulling up.

look like boob job is a good choice? either save life or discover lumps/cancer earlier? LOL!!
sylvia, mine no such problem. But I used the shampoo too late. Cos I only know on my 2nd week that I cannot wash hair. By then my hair is like coated together and greasy (DISGUSTING!). So the dry shampoo did little to help.

clewlezz, if ur boy is already in cc, it could be better to continue him in cc so that he will be used to the enviornment esp if he is the kind who does not adapt easily. As for handling both kids, I think it might be difficult if ur boi seeks ur attention and you don't give it to him. If you have a CL during the first month aft birth, this is the time for u to sought out how well u can handle. My gal is now 4 and quite independent and sensible (today she even raised her hands and waited for me to finish talking to the helper before answering her question).
Snowger, sylvia: ya, mayb boob job is a gd thing after all? Haha!! Bt cannot bf if gt boob job rite? And tat time i watch the taiwan variety show they tok bout boob job n the ger say her experience after the boob job need massage n keep pressing than say super pain. U hear liao oso can feel the pain!! Haha!!

Snowger: ya, my fren the whole house electricity trip!! Guess i wont get a built in then.. Scared the baking thingy will be a passing phase than get lazy after a while. Haha!! Yes, i wear dresses on wkends, bt when come work i wear jeans with the stretchable maternity belt. Bt think the end of the zip is pressing on the crotch area as u said.. Bt seems like no more pants to wear liao.. Haha!!

Sylvia: wow so ex ah!! The 1 at toysrus height onli 70+.. Haven go c the ikea 1 yet thou. Coz my ger seems to like playing wif cooking n stuff.. So buy tat better... Cultivate her to be ger.. If nt too tomboy.. Keep wanna play cars n guns.. Haha!!

Haiza: i don have the experience, bt will soon coz my ger will be 3 in feb. bt she will be attending cc, which my hubby will send. Ur hubby cannot send ur boy to sch? Coz actualli my mum oso suggested leaving my ger at hm during confinement coz hubby fetch her to cc oso nt say very convenient, bt i don wan coz scared if at hm everyday than after the 1 mth she don wanna go back sch. Than gotta start the 'orientation' all over again..
@siew: u can get those herbal from chinese medical hall. Confinement soup is all done by confinement lady i tot?

@Julie: I also kind of waiting for time to pass cos getting breatheless n tummy heavier ea day. so tired to go work everyday with bad backache too. my lst experience pain for 10 hrs before i took epidural cos i tot i can endure the pain but who knows i endure 10 hrs of pain only dilute 1cm !!! so had no choice to take epidural in the end. but only like 2 hrs no pain then after that gynae instruct to lower the dose of epidural n my pain back to normal. so am thinking if my 2nd still take epidural?? cos i heard 2nd will be faster since i had experience 10 hrs of pain before.
julie, actually oven can use to bake stuff like fish/chicken/potatoes, etc - other than cakes. Can also use to make roast pork! ;p

Built in ovens are not cheap lor. If u invest in one, try to turn it on every once a month for 15 mins or so.
Cos once it trips non stop, have to call in the service person to change some electrical coil which got wet from lack of use. :p

Sylvia, I regret not buying a 2 in 1, i.e. with microwave. Hb has been asking me to get one. Getting one is good so that if my helper need to heat up food, can just "ting" instead of putting into my tiered steamer for like 5-10mins...
Sweetdream: oooo reli? Eh i nt so bad la.. Tink onli pain the most 1hr i take epidural already.. Bt nothing done bout dosage.. Onli gt pain feeling when total dilated which is after 6hrs i tink.. So if u say #2 will be faster... Hmmm.. Can try without epidural? Bt i have a feeling i wont wanna try la.. Tat time no epidural pain till cannot open eyes cannot open mouth to tok.. After epidural than become like human..

eh... I bought those without zip ones, so dun hv that prob.

eh... the taiwan show dunno was it the one I saw, the doctor explain the prob like pull face, where they cut n wat happ. Boob wise... can still bf pah. heard is only affect partial. &amp; there r 2-3 types. silicon being v fake.

Then another one I saw abit was the lady is after boob job therapist, she explained and share how they hv to go for massage etc to ensure body is ok. sometimes so pain that the patient grab her arm till blue black or with scar.

Yes, kitchen set that is stable n big ex. The other cheap way is go salvation army or sell corner, some are cheap with full set of items.
unless u wait for warehouse sales for little tikes,etc. they sell display set cheap

usually they recommend not to move kid to new environment when new members join. too much changes will cause stress n sudden behaviour change.

I shld be leaving kid at home during confinement. see how #1 react and decide.

yes, much faster 2nd time. some only 3 hours.

can invest in Happy Call Pan.

can grill / fry food like fish/chicken/potatoes, pancake, cinnamon roll, muffin, cakes. roast pork also can. I did claypot rice too.

steam tiered is healthier compare to microwave unless u buy those with steam function.
snowger, julie, sylvia > my boy's current CC is near my place but not very convenient cos' sometimes it's a mad rush for hubby to fetch him in the midst of work. I also can't make it home in time by 7 pm to fetch. So my office CC is the best option in the long run. We finally got a place and cos' it's super full, they can't keep the place for us unless we officially enrol in Jan. So no choice, must withdraw from current CC, it's MCYS rule that we can't be enrolled at more than 1 place. As for adapting, haha, no difference actually. My boy hasn't adapted to his current cc even after 3 months, still fussing &amp; crying badly when we send him. Actually i can still send my #1 to my in-laws place during my ML but i don't like cos' they always spoil him. Think will only send him when i'm too tired and can't take it.

As for CL, i won't have one. Typically there are no CLs for us malays (how i wish there is!). My mum and in-laws will help during the first month lor.

Epidural > I also have super low pain tolerance. My #1 was induced labor, i asked for epi after 1 hour and it was happy-dural after that! I think epi also helped me to relax and dilate faster.
Sylvia: u mean happy call oso can use to make cakes?? Wah.. Bt not those big cakes i guess??

Haiza: totally agree!! Happy-dural, tat's cute.. Haha!! My #1 was also induced, and doc said i reacted well to the pill.. If this time not induced, i confirm + guarantee will wanna take epidural!! As for cc, my ger considered nt bad already, stopped crying after 2-3wks into the cc. I guess if reli can than can keep him at hm during 1st mth since u're still recovering if nt later he tot u abandoning him after delivery. Than mayb send him to cc fm 2nd mth onwards if nt later u send him onli when u start work like abit late.. Need time to adapt..
Sylvia: bt onli left 1mth, buy new pants to fit during preggy like waste $$ leh.. And i cant find those drawstring pants.. Haha!! Eh, wat's sell corner? Like no time to wait for warehouse sale leh.. Oso dono when, unless this mth have lor..

Snowger: mayb i'll convince hubby to let me put an in built oven in new house then. Since the most is 1mth at least once muz on rite? Shd b ok, coz i loveeeee to eat baked potatoes!!!! Than wkend gt those discount brochure fm wendys. Love their baked potato!!! Bt so ex, cannot alwaz eat.. It'd be gd to DIY!! Can save sooo much!!

yes, can make a cake as big as the size of the pan. I haven't try yet, but there's FB group - munich of chef, alot of recipes using Happy Call Pan.

drawstring pants - giant vivo has up till XXL. or those elastic 3/4 ones also hv at song &amp; song.

sell corner:


this mth will hv alot of warehouse sales but dunno when &amp; who are the factors.

Baked potatoes.... Happy call pan &amp; microwave can do.
Nickole : I just email you 2 days agp on the megababystore spree. Pls let me know if you are still tagging as the stock is available and I want to pay for my order soon so I can collect it next week.
Happy call
Don't buy! I'm paranoid. But hc pans are no different from Teflon pans! (we don't use Teflon coz it's been proven to be harmful to liver!). Hc has coating that is coated on by nano technology. They are very very small particles that can pass thru some internal organs. If you use your hc long enough, you'll notice it peels too

I bought something similar but gave it away some time ago!

If you want something that cooks well, cast iron is the best. Le Creuset is expensive but really really good! Perfect scrambled eggs snd dvdn sunny side ups! I use it to cook a dimple stew and even my hb says it tastes very different, the taste was more infused, though the ingredients remain nice!

Other brand is wmf. I have the pressure cooker which can bd used to cook rice, stews, chicken rice (less than 20 min) and claypot rice etc... Oxtail stew in less than 20 min...

Wmf is steel pot

I think built in is the best. Most brands are the same size except teka. I feel for large batches, the heat distribution is the best. And if you are cooking family meals like roast chicken with sides like baked potatoes everything can go in ttogether. Even roast duck or turkey with drippings on potatoes at the bottom..

Steam combination oven
Quite useful coz it steams, and even bake small batches. Even medium tenderloin steaks!

from what I read &amp; know Happy call pan is safe as the 5 layers are different, made of ceramic. Unless you bought from imitation ones from China then it will peel. I have frds who have been using it for many years. &amp; I also read up on how to identify the fake ones as a mum bought n realised hers was a fake.

Those I read in munch ministry, all emp right use and washing to protect the pan.

Just google to find out more


Standard Features

FDA approved, Dow Corning's food grade Silicon Tubing (Common known as sealer or rubber) and grooved rim to prevent leaking when flipping.
Ceratinium Coating (Ceramic &amp; Titanium Coating) for low nutrient lose cooking &amp; shorten cooking time, more resistant to abrasion &amp; corrosion coating.
Strong magnetic lock to the pan to prevent leaking and opening up of pan when flip.
Hook holes in handle. (Not available for earlier and domestic version)


Just like microwave, many said it'll cause cancer.

Need info to read up to decide as it's so much healthier as less oil less burnt, less mess. Can do pancake without blackening the pot like normal iron pot. easier washing as no need to scrub badly due to burnt. I even saw muah chee recipe &amp; curry puff using Happy Call Pan.

Sometimes like hot plate but using less oil.
Morning ladies

Didnt sleep last nite as #1 is having 39.6deg fever. Been keeping an eye on him and worst still hubby is having gout, can't walk or get outta bed to help. Gotta take urgent leave today and drive both of them to see docs when pd opens at 9am. Both of them r finally asleep after a nite of tossing n turning. Now eating my breakfast and waiting for them to wake up. Damn tired n sleepy now.
Morning everyone!

Canopy must b very tiring to watch temp esp temp always go up at night.. Take care and maybe nap later to catch up on rest..hope your kid recovers well..

On happy call pan I also thought of buying one for convenience but I have been quite lazy to cook lol.. Maybe during maternity then explore
Happy Call Pan- I have one... I don't use it that frequently since I prefer to steam than fry fishes. My new Indon helper over-fry the fish so that fish lands up pretty hard. So now I am trying to get her to cook using the oven. At least the baked "teriyaki salmon" tasted good - my gal had a huge serving of it.

haiza, I see... It's a dicey situation! Esp since ur boi finds it hard to adapt to the cc. But if possible, try to get ur mum or ur in laws to drop by your place to help you out as much as possible. Spoiling the child seems inevitable! Have the same problem with my MIL too! My daughter is essentially queen of household cos she rules over everyone including the older kids. It's only in recent days, my MIL "realised" this.
I also agree in laws will spoil child but really no choice as they are best caretakers who will make sure my child is fed well.. My ger is 2 and mil doesn't let her walk outside cos she scared floor too hot! I told her wear shoes Liao mah and it's good to let kids be a bit rugged.. And she carries my ger in the house very frequently too, even while peeling grapes lol.. Donno how she tahan. I already told her I don't carry my ger much at home.. Hope some day she realizes she's spoiling. But I appreciate all her help la

And now with recent relatives speaking to her she's thinking that baby either need pacifier or sarong. Must have 1.. Not that I'm against it but I rather go with the flow than to have such a preset mindset. She says pacifier very easy to wean off.. I ask her how the relative wean off .. She say ard 4 yo.. Lidat considered easy ar.. I didn't have such issues with number 1 cos she didnt like pacifier and also no need to zz in sarong. But with her constant reminder for this #2 I feel so compelled to use either one.. And also feel like #2 definitely will not be easy child, like pretagged. Hear until v irritated. Don't dare to tell hubby cos scared he not happy hiaz.

Full house,
Can the le creuset range be made non stick? They are insanely expensive!!

Maybe if I move house and get to redesign my kitchen I'll do a built in oven. I can't bake cakes and all but I like experimenting with western food. The current non built in one isn't as good.

I fully empathise. My dd has been down with fever and runny nose, now joined by a hacking cough. Every night I'm just waiting for her to wake up and cry once she starts coughing and can't get the phlegm out.

Mummies, any remedies for hacking cough with lots of phlegm? Think have to bring her to another pd later.
