(2013/01) Jan 2013

Re : Cordyceps

I was told I can consume it all the way till birth and it would be good if i continue taking after birth.

Wasnt told to stop the bu stuffs one month before birth.

bliss ling, the glass bottles are usually standard size necks, so can be connected to the Medela pump. But for avent, the connection to bottle is wide neck so glass bottles cannot fit. I tried using chicken essense bottles before! - washed them and sterilised but no good leh, cos the chick essense caps cannot screw as "tight" as the caps we buy to screw those glass bottles we get from hospital.

During the 1st month, I will pump directly into the sterilised & dried glass bottles. Back at work, I will pump directly into the sterilsed & dried Medela/Avent plastic bottles. Bring home, I will pour out into sterilised and dried glass bottles for drinking for the next day. Left overs will be poured into milk bags for freezing minus the "air". When using milk bags, try to keep within the recommended volume. Cos frozen milk expands in volume, u don't want to "burst" the milk bags... :p

tres, I like Lanisoh and will continue with that version of milk bags. Cos in terms of cost and volume, it's still better. and I can stack them better than the other brands.
Re: Breast/bottle/Cup feeding

I attended an antenatal class on breastfeeding over the weekend and the consultant was telling us that for newborns, if we are not feeding from the breast because the baby don't know how to latch yet, we should let the baby drink from the cup (cos once we use bottle, the baby will be used to drinking from the teats, and it will be harder to latch later).
If really need to feed using bottle, she suggested that we use a latex teat (instead of silicon teat) as it latex requires more sucking, which resembles the breast...

Anyone has comments on the above? It kind of makes sense to me, but I'm just thinking how practical is it in reality?

It'll be good for fathers to feed the baby sometimes for bonding, and at night when mummy is really tired. So I'm wondering what works...
Milk bags:
I like Lansinoh as well, great to be able to freeze flat and stack up. From BP, prices are similar at Megababystore, Little Thinkies and Agape Babies. Think will stock up only when I need coz no idea if will hv more/less ebm till bb is born

Any mummies tried these brands of Korean milk bags before: Babyone, HiBee, Jaco Perfection and Jaco Special Nano Silver; these are available from BP (The Milky Baby and Limebb) and are very affordable so wondering if they good? haha with #2 I am looking for cheaper alternatives to everything!
Elp mum:
My #1 was in NICU/hospital for 3.5 mth coz preemie, but there was never problem with nipple confusion. He could switch easily between latching or drink from bottle teat. Haha, some nurses tell me no such thing as nipple confusion, so I guess there are diff schools of thought and also depends on how hungry/fussy baby is. KKH lactation consultant advised that the Pigeon peristaltic teat is closest to nipple, so maybe you can try that. I used that for my #1.
@ thanks canopy, Tres, Jan, xinyue on the bottle = )

Re : Cordyceps
Thanks mummies, will rem what not to eat...

@ Xinyue and snowger, i think i better get more glass bottles if not milk bags.. hehee.. Most prob will get eys if i buying it to drink then keep the bottle.. Guess all these will have to source and be ready by dec.

@ snowger, i agree with u on Brand chicken essence bottle, once unscrew, the cap cant be close tigh anymore..

For those mummies who has alot of stored EBM, can consider EYS / Lo hai ka bird nest glass bottle

@ Valerie, glad the result is good... wow 4 hrs... oh mine, i wonder how long do i need to wait these coming Wed. Heard Dr Lim is goin o/s this wen night onward...
Bliss Ling: I think you call the clinic first before going down. I heard from Jia Ling that these few months they have been working till quite late, 8 to 9pm. I guess probably due to many bb deliveries in dragon year.

Last fri, I was there too early...should hv reached there after 5pm....wasted my half day leave.
@ Valerie, ok... Will call them before goin down.. Guess by end dec, most babies are out.. Since mine is in Jan 13, hopefully not many ppl then..

I thought u are SAHM? cos u mentioned half day leave.

Ur boy is sweet, mummy's boy who has mummy heart..
re latching on direct vs bottle feeding

quite a no of mummies (from my #1's thread) practice direct latching when breast feeding. they have problems feeding bb with bottles towards the end of the maternity leave.. bb simply refuse to feed using bottles..

my massage lady told me no such thing as nipple confusion. I latch on and bottle feed bb few days after he was discharged from hospital. continued to bottle feed bb once a day and no nipple confusion for my case.. hope it stays that way for #2.
anyone know where i can get latido playpen? the outlets i've been to either run out of stocks or only left with pink. i wanted grey or blue
Hi mummies...
Been some time since i logged into this forum. Any1 ordering confinement catering? Am going to order catering coz will be staying 2wks at mum place 2 wks in-laws place.. troublesome for my mum to cook. Any1 tried?? Considering between Natalessentials and newbaby. Thanks!!
bliss_ling, can try asking from the hospital lah... :p

Julie, i heard they usually got trial meals so u can just test it out. My neighbour ordered from Natal essentials.
Snowger: Not all provide trial meals thou.. how's ur neighbour's feedback? coz natal essentials is a weekly menu while others have a 2-weekly menu.. still considering...

I have confirmed natal essentials for my confinement meal and I chose them for my first pregnancy confinement meal too. You can try their trial meal. Both natal and newbaby have trial meal.
Ooo.. Seems like more order fm natal essentials. Any complaints when u ordered during ur #1 confinement time? If nt mayb i'll nt get the trial. Coz MIL cooks. Nt nice i i say don cook mine bt end up gt food ordered fm outside. Hehe!! Thanks anywaz...
I remember my lunch came at around 11+ to 12pm and dinner at around 5+ to 6pm but I think it depends on where you stay. I like their food and portion is good also. Perhaps, you might wanna try their trial meal? One of my friend took their confinement meal 3 mths ago and she found the menu repetitive and requested to stop the meal after 3 weeks. Personally, I find the menu ok.
Pumping during hospital stay
Will any mummies try pumping during the hospital stay after delivery? I'm thinking if i should try to pump after latching the baby. My hospital stay would be 3 nights (maybe 4 days?) due to c-sec. If yes, how to store the ebm after pumping in hospital? Then again, is there any benefit if i were to start pumping so early? Coz I heard other mummies (from #1 forum) started pumping in hospital. But when will they give these EBM to their baby? Few days later or within the day of pumping itself?
JTS: rice wine
Recently i posted in FB asking where to buy rice wine. Just to share that one of the mummies mentioned can try getting from those old provision shop in the markets. I found my rice wine from my nearby market. Stocks will arrive next week. Hopefully the quality is good.
Julie, no complains from her. So I guess should be ok. I think its btr to just get a trial since it's only for one meal. I am particular about food. So another man's meat may be my poison. But if you are a "chin-chai" person, then i guess it's ok to just go for the menu/price u find comfortable.

shice, I would rather latch the baby in hospital (it's bonding and it induces milk) as much as she wants than I "latch" the pump... :p unless u intend to ask the LCs there (how often u should pump,etc whether u are using the pump correctly) or the baby really die die refuse to latch.

For your #1, ur milk came on day 1? On the first 2 days, I only had collostrum (honey like - clear thick thick discharge). The collostrum was erm pathetic like less than one teaspoon amt? my milk only came in on the night I was discharged. My neighbour tells me that for both her kids, the milk only came in ard day 10 after birth... She tried latch & pump but effect sama sama i.e. milk did not come in earlier or supply came in btr.

U found ur rice wine! Good good... haha I dunno if I have rice wine or not. But is ok... at most I just buy from NTUC lor.
no problem, elp_mum .. hope the list can help.
Nowadays, I also always experienced huge baby movements .. especially in the evening while I m watching the tv show.

Averie, dun be sad, the mark will be gone .. Be careful, ask your husband to cook bird nest for you next time.

it is known that preg mums cant eat Cordyceps leh

Once preg, nt to touch wor.
Confinement also cant eat leh.

It is written in TCM doctor information.

How come ur doctor said that......
I agree with snowger on latch bb than latch pump.

Bf is 1st natural thing plus bonding.

I know mums who had bb with nipple confusion ard 3-4mths as no need to suck so much and just drink from bottle. I think the sucking is good for bb in development as I read somewhere.

usually Avent will stop old version of milk bottles. but u can still buy in USA even the 1st generation one.
I think the honey colour & milky colour bottles are cheaper overseas.

On the leaking part, it's due to over tightening of the bottle. nt the prob of the bottle. Some dads love to turn till cant turn and it is actually over tightening.


藏善冬虫夏草 2011-08-06


《本草从新》记载:冬虫夏草有滋肺阴、补肾阳、止咳化痰奇效”。中医学认为,其味甘,性平,归肺,肾经。具有益肾壮阳,补肺平喘,止血化痰的功效,亦有补虚扶弱之效。主要用于肾虚腰痛, 阳痿遗精,肺虚及肺肾两虚之久咳虚喘,劳嗽痰血等证。现代医学研究表明,冬虫夏草含有大量的虫草多糖类、20种氨基酸、腺苷、17种无机元素、维生素及其他活性物质。这些活性成分对人体各系统产生广泛的药理作用。对中枢神经系统能起镇静、抗惊厥、降温作用;对心血管系统有降压、降低心肌耗氧量,改善心肌缺血,抗心律失常作用;对呼吸系统能扩张支气管、祛痰平喘,对慢性肾炎、肾功能衰竭都有显著疗效。另外还有抗癌肿、抗传染病的效能。近代医学研究权威还发现:虫草确能提高机体免疫功能,增强抗病能力,是一种不可多得的珍贵中药材。




<font color="119911">mil has been brewing chic soup with cordyceps for me to drink and I have also been drinking soups with that during my previous confinement when I am breastfeeding...
Article only says not suitable for preg, breastfeeding and kids...
I wonder what's the negative effects....
Anyone knows?</font>
Snowger, I can't rem when my milk come in, coz that time first time mum, can't really differentiate colostrum from milk. Haha.. I'll try to latch in hospital then. Btw if u wan the rice wine, I can help u buy. Anyway u stay nearby also.
Shice, where did you buy the rice wine? I didn't know it's sold here also. the rice wine that these provision stores sell is from which country? during my first pregnancy, my mil made the rice wine herself for me. how do you eat the rice wine? for me, i boil it with an egg.
Yah, the article didn't state y cannot eat. Most mummies I know take tt when preggie as tonic. My mum has been cooking it and the Chinese medicinal halls also recommend. Anyone else knows y we can't eat cordyceps when pregnant?
I also take black chicken with cordeceps. But I take once very two week. Alternate with with bird nest on the next following week. My cousins and many friends took cordeceps during their pregnancy and they find their babies are very healthy and hardly fall sick. I think is good to have abit of cordeceps but not too much.
This is what I goggled:

I met a jamu massage lady in market, she passed me her name card n said her charges is $450 for 7 days .. Doing massage n take care of bb. Anyone engage before n what is their scope of work? I'm little scared abt massage... Need to remove all clothes? So paiseh leh
Re: cordyceps. Been taking it since yound and during my 1st preg. No one ever mentioned that not suitable for preg woman r young kid. In fact, most encourage it. The only cons is that it's very ex nowadays... sometime i 'bo' budget for it :p

Aspialle, for my last post natal massage, need to remove clothes, leaving the panty on.
aspialle, usually for all massages, they need to remove clothes. But they will put towel over you and only reveal parts which they are working on. Otherwise very cold... no need paiseh la... all woman.
Hello mummies,
Long time since I last login. Down with flu and cough for the longest time. Things are not helping with a boss that like to give me super last mins things to rush out for my DD's level.

Had a long time reading through all the posts and I think our thread seems to be the most active compared to the rest - it's good cos that is the purpose of the forum yah.

Re: Discipline
My hubby is totally opposite compared to yours. He has never beat them before. Even come to scolding, it is olso normal tone, never raise his voice before. Therefore kids and him are like best buddies and many of my friend envy that. However to me is like I wish he is a like fiercer or stricter than me, cos now I have 2 roles to play in the family. 1 is motherly figure &amp; another a disciplainarian which I feel confuse them.

Re: Pumping
I usually pump into bottle before transfering to milk bag for easy manage purpose. Even for glass botttles, hospital give out on budget cos they mentioned almost all mummies getting from them before discharge and they dun have enough to go around. As for the cap, I got mine at phamancy at Mt A for $7 (10 pcs. It is similar to tollyjoy cap.

Re: Pumping in hospital
For c-sect mummies may want to consider bring it. For my #1, milk din came in untill after 5th day and by then I was already discharged. For my #2, milk was in after I gave birth (cos all the while doing tandem breastfeeding for #1 through whole pregnancy. But #2 was too sleepy to suckle and I had bad engorgement so had to borrow pump from hospital and after pumping, they labelled and cup feed her and she was mpre awake.
1 point to note, if you are bringing your own pump, hospital dun not sterilized for you for your next usage. My friend prefer to borrow from hospital to stimulate milk flow but do check if there was a charge imposed.

Re: Cordyceps
I think it is up to individual if they wants to take. Agreed with friends that last time it was good esp from young kids. But since supply was low from 2008, it was always on the high side. If money can get good stuff than it is not an issue but there are so many cases and news reported cordyceps are fake and some even had dyes added etc...
For me, I din not take any for both my #1 &amp; #2. Instead I go for Ginseng (check with medical shop) which is more for 'qi' and my #1 &amp; #2 hardy fall sick till they are exposed to cc at 2.5 yrs.
averie, you got a "scar" from boiling water? I also had a burnt scar during my first preggy. Was super into baking then, so during one baking session, I removed the hot rack with the cake from the oven. Left the hot rack w cake to cool. Then clumsy, I was wearing those normal spag so my tummy was exposed. the tummuy actually came in contact w the HOT RACK! URGH!!! I got one long brown line across the bottom of my tummy lor... :'( SOBS... But it became lighter and now I cannot see it anymore. ;) So dun worry ya?
Re: Cordyceps
The only reason why a lot of websites do not recommend herbs is because there is insufficient scientific research to indicate that it is safe for pregnancy or the effects on the feutus if you were to take it regularly or duing pregnancy. Cordyceps is supposedly bu? So while it may be suitable for most mummies, it may not be suitable for mummies with specific/underlying medical conditions/body constitution - that said a lot of medical halls just say can take is it really for the mother's well being or is it for their sales (since cordyceps are expensive?). The other thing is like what bbjoy says, chinese medicine has to be buy from trusted source to ensure they are not "fake" since most come from China which is damn good at imitation of every single thing that you can cook or eat. :p

bbjoy, my mum has been cooking dang gui (a type of ginseng - or rather it's called the "poor man's ginseng") for me to bu "qi".
@ snowger, now FM in hospital need to pay and I guess not many bottles of FM are available..hehehe.. BUT I will try asking for it... hheheee...

@ Sylvia, not sure why doctor said so.. hehehe... thanks for the link, reading it now.

@ bblove, long time never hear from you...it a rsuh for u and hectic especially with ur boss.. Never mind, lets count down to "D" date..
belle, i bought the rice wine from an old provision shop near my place, queenstown area. It's usually from malaysia, home made kind. Can be used for cooking with dishes, noodle soups, etc.

snowger, i heard preg cannot eat dang gui wor.. but then again there's always insufficient evidence. everything is hearsay one. haha.. i just avoid to be safe. even if eat, also take moderately.
Good morning ladies

Do u ladies start to feel contractions these days? I thought i felt it last night after coughing badly. Been coughing for the past 4weeks and still counting...

Cought till i couldn't sleep, urine leak and tummy pain, am worried if the persistent coughing will induce the bb to come out early.
Re: Cordyceps
My fren has been giving to her kid this and the child also keep falling sick quite often eg. cough, flu etc. I asked EYS physician and was told that if a child's constitution is heaty base then it not suitable..

For preggy, most medical halls will recommend it cos it will like having more sales to them when we buy the stuff..

Re: rice wine
What is the benefit of rice wine and hong shao jiu (red rice wine). I totally clueless abt it cos I never take any of these during #1 confinement.. Not even ginger... cos I KS afraid bb will drink thru my bm... silly me
shice, yah I also read that on the internet. There are conflicting contents in the website, some is strong no, some say yes. My mum actually checked with EYS and they say can take but only 2nd trimster onwards. My last preggy I also got take and is occassionally. So far I drank it 3 times during my pregnancy (abt once a month only). Partly cos I keep getting fainting spells and it does help me feel btr aft taking. I also read that cannot take dang gui/ginseng while BF-ing cos it will reduce milk ss. But I took it during my confinement and my milk ss was still ok. lol...

bliss_ling, but the babies still gotta drink FM mah... if the mummies choose "breastfeeding"/ "no breastfeeding" over "total breastfeeding"... :p So still have de la.
bliss_ling, rice wine is supposed to be a form of "bu" partly because of alcohol content, it's warming up the body in general. Some mummies actually use DOM, brandy or congnac (but these are much more ex than rice wine or red rice wine). Ginger is also same - warming of the body and removing "wind".

It is believed that if you do a confinement very very well, it's equivalent to being reborn into a new healthy body (i.e. it's like re-setting your whole body system). Haha I wonder how true it really is lor... :p
@ canopy, will let u know by 5pm today.. will sms u = )

most prob cos I waiting for my boss approval not to come in morn...today i late and bumped into him, reached office at 9.20am whereas I start work at 8.30am.. Oh gosh...

@ snowger, yes yes,.. agree...
bliss, i only know if baby has jaundice, the breastfeeding mummy should avoid ginger for the first few days. Until jaundice is better then mummy can continue to take ginger for the rest of the confinement.

Snowger, i actually quite believe with the part on doing confinement well to "re-set" the whole body system. First time, i din rest properly and do a good confinement. This time, I will try my best to bu as much as possible. Hopefully can "renew" my body. haha..
dang gui, yup my gynae says not withini the first trimster but after that no prob!
Actually, if wanna take abt scientic studies on the benefits of cordyceps and other chinese herbs, there is not much evidence ba.
Form the Chinese point of view, it really depends on the 'qi' of the person. So if you believe in it, just take in moderation or what your body / wallet can afford lor!!

Rice wine, my previous CL insist that I should take coz it helps to get rid of body wind, but always cook before consuming so that the alcohol content will be gone by the time we eat so that when BF, the alcohol doesn't leech into the BM.

I Like rice wine! yummy! Taste so much better than DOM, brandy... Can finish up the whole pot of chicken with two bowls of rice.. Can't wait for confinement...

Shice, how much u paid for per bottle. My relative charging me $15 and she will only start making it in Nov..
