(2013/01) Jan 2013

Freesia, now i'm so tempted to get the pumpin pal super shields (angled flange). Thks for sharing! Softfit Medela breastshield is so ex nowadays... this is a good alternative!

Looked like Goo.N and mamy poko not that good? I still thought of buying Goo.N from gmarket as sometime they have promotion ..
But my colleague said initial stage of newborn baby need to change very frequently, may be 8 times per day. So may be can get cheaper brand because change very fast and baby might not have any feeling to the diapers.
ctrus : you so fast to take maternity photoshooting? I thought normally will take during end of pregnancy so can see bigger tummy? Are you in your 3rd trimester now?

I didn't pay for professional photoshooting but just asked my husband to take some photos for me during different stages - first trimester done in hotel room and second trimester done in east coast.
For third trimester, I planned to take in my new home .. around december time and prefer wearing dress one. I paiseh to show off my tummy.
Can see my blog http://pocketpigdiary.wordpress.com/ for more photos ...

Avent coming up with new design of teats..

nickole : yes, checked, can't order from my breastpump anymore.

fressia : Thanks for the link. I think i still opt for medela soft funnel.

On half day leave today, keeping hubby company as he is flying off to Aussie tonight. Anyway, anyone keen to meet up on this Wed? I will be on leave as picking hubby from the airport in the evening.
Pumping pal,
I used it during my #1 time and I liked it, quite helpful I think, I can lean back when I pump...

Milk sample from hospital
My friend just gave birth at Mt A and I checked with the nurse that they do not give out instant milk anymore, they stopped it abt 1 yr ago, can even buy, they only sell the milk powder.
My neighbour is using these new bottles already, she says they r much better than the honey coloured range. They don't leak and are easier to hold.
I saw them sold in robinsons so should be widely available.
Welcome xinyue.. U be getting it?

@ LM, do u realise that they look abit like pigeon teat? I think the design even the bottle seems like one too.

I still not sure whether to get pigeon wide neck / nuk / Avent..
haha xinyue i also have stretch marks but its silvery white and im fair so not that visible now, during my first pregnancy,the lines are red so looks like water melon
bliss > no. as i had quite a no of hand me down bottles + some new avent bottles during #1's bb shower. personally prefers wide neck. as easy to scoop milk powder into the bottle. for standard neck, making FM is quite messy.. or maybe i clumsy :p

aspialle > still nice nice. for my #1, i had red purplish line, now, also have.

cheese > wa.. another nice bump..
I am in my 28 weeks and don't feel baby kicking much due to my anterior (front) placenta.
Even when I lie down and monitor the kicks, I don't feel / get regular kicks.
Should I be concerned? I read on babycenter kick counting is not that accurate.
I have a fetal doppler and can hear baby's clear and loud heartbeat. Does that precedes over kick counting? Any mummy can advise me?
So good, mount A will give baby bath tub .. I still think of getting one from Nex shopping center, now I can save first .. hehe.

Btw, this was what I got from my friend on the Hospital Bag Checklist.

• Your Gynae's Letter
• Hospital Admission Form
• NRIC of husband and wife
• Receipts of your outpatient visits to gynae (to claim Medisave)

For Newborn
• Baby receiving blanket (to wrap baby when going home)
• Clothing - top / bottom or romper
• Mittens
• Booties
• Newborn diaper (sometimes hospital do provide that)

For mummy
• Disposable breast pads (to absorb colostrum)
• Nursing Bra
• Maternity Pads (hospital usually provide this but you may like to bring extras)
• Disposble cotton panties (you can get these from departmental stores such as Robinson, Quite affordable and save alots of trouble on cleaning up. Believe me, it can be quite messy)
• 3 days or 5 days (if u are going for caeseran delivery) of clothing for wearing while staying in hospital (some hospital do not provide mummies with clothing during their stay)
• Toiletries such as shampoo, soap, facial foam, toothbrush, toothpaste, face towel, hair comb and hair band
• Mobile phone and its charger (remember to bring for yourself and your hubby too!!)
• Dress for going home (to wear on day of discharge)
• Spare plastic bags (to store soiled clothing and towels)
• Spectacles and its box
• Socks (If you tend to feel cold very easily)

For daddy
• Toiletries such as shampoo, soap, facial foam, toothbrush, toothpaste, face towel, hair comb
• Face Towel
• Video Camera or Digital Camera and its charger or spare batteries
• Sweater or Windbreaker
• Additional clothing if your hubby intends to stay overnight
• Magazines or books to read while waiting
• Laptop if neccessary (you can check with hospital whether they provide wi-fi
• Snacks (especially for long labour)
aspialle and cheese, you 2 have nice bump .. mine is fat fat tummy. Husband said cannot see my belly button coz too many fat to cover it, but yours all can see clearly.
Canopyhaze, ok noted. thanks! i try ask if my fren can help me to buy from US then ship over.

Bliss, Medela softfit can fit PISA bah.. i tried softfit for mini electric plus. so supposed to work too. haha..
@Pocketpig: haha thanks for the list! I read somewhere for dads, they ned to make sure got coins too, to get drinks from vending machine, which my hubby says its impt!

On photos, I'm too lazy to take them.. And on hindsight after seeing your nice photos, I think I should start taking..

Anyone has experienced huge baby movements? My cute baby loves to move from side to side.. And at nights we enjoy looking at my tummy change shape! Baby likes music too, took a video of her kicking to the beat of "bad romance" haha!
@pocketpig: My PG's wife is due in Dec. Also he is busy with wkn wedding jobs. Hence we're mutually free on 28/10(sun)
@elp mum: Yes. My bb move to the rhythm of music too. BB likes to play hide and seek with hubby esp when he want to take video. BB is still when recording. But start moving when he switch off the recording. *camera shy*
Hi Nickole
If u ordering from US, can I tag along to get spareparts for my Freestyle????
We can share the shipping charges.
Wahha u all got so nice bump. Mine actually nice nice one but last week while cooking bird nest and I open the shimmer pot cover and a little hot water drip on my tummy and got scalded. Now my tummy got a ugly mark. Now is healing up but very itchy.... Haiizz.... I now got a ugly bump.
Hi.. I'm from the June 2012 thread

I've got an opened pack of Goon S52 to sell at a low price of $15. Only used less than 5 pcs as my baby outgrew it. Usual price is $21-23 so this is a great deal. Do PM me for fast deal. Self collect at Cityhall or Bedok.
hehehe, haven't log in here for a few days...how's everyone?

Bump looks good! Mine have silvery stretchmarks from previous 2 pregnancies....ewww...

Going to see gynae today, in my 25 week i think..
Avent new teat
I saw the new range in Kiddy palace @ TYP. For mummies using/intend to use it, u all be getting it or still stick to the old range?

Overheard a mummy talking to her hub on that day, she mentioned that the milky white bottle will leak but not the honey colour bottle.

Have a closer look at the new range and realise that it really looks like pigeon wide neck teat..
Avent new teat
I hope they dun discontinue the old range. Coz i'll be re-using the bottles and spare parts for my new born.
@ Shice, just to check will u be storing EBM in Avent bottle?

Dear mummies,
Another thing I need to check is the storage of milk / bottle.

When we pump the milk into milk bag, do we pump into the bottle then pour in milk bag? I used to pump into milk bag directly but find that there might be some air going straight into the bag cos it not fully sealed ard the pump.

Any advise?

I am also recycling my old Avent bottles. The teats need not worry, can still get from Avent Philips.

For EBM, I normally store in glass bottles, got plenty from a gal friend who passed to me. But from what they taught me, I pump to bottle first then pour into bag.
Re : Milk bags
I didn't manage to store any during my #1 time, cos my supply was just enough for daily consumption. End up i gotta give away a few boxes of milk bags. This time round, i didn't buy any bags, my colleague who just came back from maternity leave, gave me about 6 boxes, so will be using that if i got any surplus.

So like what Bliss has asked, should we pump into the bags directly or into the pump bottle first then pour into the bags? Am cluelss with this.
Bliss, i'll be storing in medela bottles which can connect directly to my breast pumps. When feeding, I will pour into avent bottles to feed.

I usually pump into the bottle then pour into milk bag for freezing. I've never tried pumping directly into milk bags before (not sure how u do that too unless it's a special milk bag that fits to the pump). But before you freeze, u can press out the air first. It's good to freeze without the extra air inside the milk bag.
I prefer to pump into bottles and then transfer to milk bags for freezing. Coz will store up to max that the milk bag allows so may combiine from 2 rounds of pumping if needed. Like what shice says, needs to press out the air from the bag first so that the bag will not burst/leak easily.

Tmr need to take glucose test. Need to remember to fast tonight from 12 midenight! Hope results will be ok!
Jan, my fren pumped into the glass bottle which attached to the pump. She used Medela pump. Wondering will it be different for Avent pump user.

@ canopy, time time round you will be able to store more bm ya. Faith works when we believe we can =)

@ shice, it was messy when I tried to hold the bag with the tape of the bag ard the pump.

@ bdmummy, hehehee... I press the air out from bag too so am thinking to use Jan, shice and ur method.. easier... hhohoohohh
bliss.. I also pump into bottles than storage into milk bag, i will try press out all the air before freezing!

Since we are on the topic of milk bags, what milk bags do you all use??
Also coming nearer to date, will ask u ladies again on the duration to use EBM in bottle/ thaw the milk etc.. ehheehe

Any mummies taking til in 2nd trim? According to my gyane, he caution the usage of it esp the last 2 months before EDD. Reason: will cause bleeding/ blood clot (either one) which I cant rem.. Will rem to ask him this wed.

According to the advise given, after we drink this, we need to avoid cold drinks, chai bo (the veg on the chwee Kuey), chilli, kang kong etc...
Anyone hear of this before?

Is it proven that once we drink it, baby lung will be strengthen and will not prone to sensitive lung/cough etc??
another thing
How long do u all take to change the milk bottle? 6 months?

For me, 6 months for bottle and teat ard 1 month cos sometimes the teat collapse while drinking... I still using the sterilizing method.
Thanks Tres.. Think it better and less messy. For milk bag, I used Medela and it ex.. So this time round am also looking into which brand of milk bag is better.

For storage in bottle, i rem once during my time, my fren recommended using brand chicken bottle, i thought it yucky and wonder can i wash it clean enough not to have the smell in the bottle?

Heard that can use the glass bottle to put in warmer.

I pump into Avent bottles then transfer to glass bottles. I didn't get the adapter so its double job for me.

For me, bottles, once it turns yellowish I will change otherwise if still can use I use. For teats the same. I also using sterilizer to do it.

For the glass bottles, you can get from the hospital, just inform them prior to your discharge that the discarded glass bottles don't throw, you want. Then you just go to Toyrus to get the cover. 10 for $5 or $6 I recall.
I also change the bottles / teats every 3 -4 months, coz regular sterilizing dun know will compromise on the plastic bottles or not.

But after 1 year old, I kinda.... relak a little!

hmmm.. medela milk bags are so so ex. Heard of Nanny bag? I was thinking to trying out? USed Lansinoh last time, not sure if I should stick w it?
Good morning mummies..

Bliss_Ling: no I m not in FB...anyway I hv seen Dr Lim last Fri...wow super crowded. I waited for 4 hours before seeing him
He came in at abt 2.30pm and I m in quene no. 15... My bb weighs abt 1.7kg at Week 29 (as usual dr lim commented bb is one week bigger). At the same time, he also explained to me my gluose result that I did last month....Everything is fine and I m not diabetic...thank God. However, he reminded me to avoid sugary thing....I will see him again sometime mid Nov and after that hv to see him every 8 to 10 days prior to my delivery on last week of Dec.

JTS: My son is so sensible and really sayang me.When I asked him (jokingly) that I will give birth to a didi next year after my delivery of his meimei...he told me he dont want a didi as he doesnt want mummy to vomit. Really very sweet of him to say that. He saw me vomitting almost everyday when I was in my 1st trimester

Talking abt toal breast feeding...i hv never been successful so far...after 1 to 2 mths, my breast milk always not enough..sigh
Bliss, I'm still taking Cordyceps, once weekly/bi-weekly. Usually boiled 5-8 pieces with meat and 3 cups of water. My boy and I will only drink the soup and hubby will eat the cordyceps with the soup. Hock Hua (place where I bought it) said to stop all the 'bu' stuff during the last mth (so I assumed to stop it by 36 weeks).

bliss, canopy > i will also pump milk into avent bottles, before pouring into the bags. that way, i can combine 2 rounds of pump

Had not change the bottles at all. They were passed down to me. So long there is no crack, u can re-use them. Mine is the old old version, very sturdy plastic. not the milky nor honey colored one.

Teats wise, recommended to change them every 3-4 months.

Re : Cordyceps

Yup, I started taking that in 2nd tri onwards. It is recommended by my chinese sinseh who specialise in fertility issues..
She told me it is good for baby. Yup, we need to avoid cold drinks. In fact, I was adv to avoid cold stuffs through out my pregnancy.

After consuming the Cordyceps, cannot eat the chai bo, soya related stuffs (soya bean drink, bean curd), in fact all yellow bean related food, and carrot cake for 3 hours.

Which means to say, u consumed the Cordyceps at 8am, only after 11am then u can consumed the mentioned food stuffs.

hmm.. my #1 does have slightly sensitive lungs when he was a newborn. Now, not sure as didnt check.

Milk bags > I used lansinoh, nanny and farlin before. Would give farlin the thumbs up as it doesnt leak. Next will be lansinoh follow by nanny.

nanny is the cheapest of them all and it frequently leaks. I do wonder is it because of my kiasu-ness that causes the leakage. I would store 300ml of milk instead of the stated 180ml. :p

Brands glass bottles, the smell will go away after washing, i think. If not, u can consider using the glass bottles from eu yan sang? Think the smell not that bad. personally, i find that i can easily screw back the cap after consuming the eu yan sang essence. cant do the same for brands essence.

yup, last time, i got some glass bottles from hospital. the caps, u can always get from kiddy palace or the WTS/WTB threads.
