(2013/01) Jan 2013

hey ladies

recently i tried to buy from Osh'Kosh online and was rejected reason being it shows that my ip address is outside USA. Anyone encounter this before?

Baby detergent,
Am still using it, my boy now 23months old.. I like the smell!! Haha

Nb clothing when going home
I heard both story to wear brand new and hand me down... Don't know what is what, my #1 wore hand me down. Now my friends tell me to get new one.. Hahah

Washing baby clothings
U ladies are so fast!! I haven't sort out anything!! But maybe my edd end Jan so I'm more relax.. Hee
@ snowger / canopy, oh i wash it with mine cos it cleaner plus sometimes my hub..

For my parents, they bo chap and wash it together.. i dont like the idea cos sometime underwear / panty they dont rinse off first.. My child cc clothes are washed by them cos my mum will bring back the clothes bag together with her bag.

As I living with mil, she also washes their clothes so I have limited bamboo sticks to hang mine and my gal clothes. At times need to be fast to throw the clothes into washing machine cos she will be the first to wash her youngest son stuff etc..
Bliss, my inlaws wash my boy's clothes separately
using washing machine. Two separate loads daily...

Snowger, my inlaws also less enthu too. We haven't even discussed about the caring of my baby ger when i return to work loh. Sigh... They never once ask me about my checkup/ health this time round. Told them last week I got GD, no need to cook for me liao cos I can't take rice, carbo stuff and on special diet plan. So I cook for myself everyday and yet yesterday still cooked my dinner and show a bit of 'black face' hinting that I never told them not to cook dinner. Said I shdn't trust gynae about my sugar level thingy. Shd continue with normal diet... Wah lau...
noted! tks for the awareness.

I wash bb clothese seperately. For me, it's 1 day hubby, 1 day kid, 1 day my clothes. '
Then nw is find extra 1 day for #2. Usually hv to plan well to wash if nt hv to push next week.

osh kosh only delivered to USA address, so u need singpost to collect ur items and send back to sg. orelse they will reject.

I think I saw u in the same spree with me buying same size 12-18mths!! LOl!!!
I bought from 3-6, 9-12, 12-18. Cardigan, I buy from 12 mths so can wear from nb onwards! LOL!!
Friends, sian one right? My hb this time oso never say anything who to take care. I am naturally not going to quit my job, so either MIL take care, if not I having helper soon.

Actually my inlaws was already not enthu for my #1. I never got any bu-tang or bird nest. My MIL can actually double boil bird nest but it's only for her son to drink. So lucky still got my own mummy who makes me bu-tang and the fu-chok w Gingko (for good bb skin).

I think u btr listen to the doctor. GD got consequences (cos it can lead to stress on the fetus/baby) dun play play...

how come they forgot n tell u dun trust gynae.

Anyone eating 2-4 pax qty per meal? Just heard a mum sharing she ate 2 bowls of rice plus half chicken,etc,etc.
I like o_O coz she told me ur tummy bigger, ur bust bigger, ur shoulder bigger & ur face bigger..... i tot all preg mums will?!

Snowger, luckily u still hv ur mum to take care of u, so MIL dun care, nevermind.
Snowger and Sylvia, don't worry lah. Of cse I will listen to gynae. Now have to do the prick test 2 hrs after meal and results cannot be bluff... They won't admit they forgetful mah so 'change topic' machiam I'm making a big fuss over my GD. Sigh...
sylvia" i tried using my vpost address in usa but still got rejected as they can detect my ip address is not in USA.
I didnt have such problem previously dunno y now so stringent.

i think sometimes some cases so they become strict. last time cant even use international CC/DC, nw at least still can.

I also know sometimes even singpost usa add also rejected.

can chk if singpost can order for u?
Or u change ip address n see if it works?

Think Gap, ON, gymboree are more lenient. Even children's place also getting stringent.
Bliss, will ask if my mum will make more of the red rice wine. How many bottles do u intend to get? I think I won't take alot of rice wine, as I also have DOM & Wincarins.

LDG, maybe u need to get someone to smell/test whether your rice wine is sour or not, before using. If turned sour, then is no good already.

Sylvia, rice wine usually 10+% alcohol content.

Canopyhaze, do u find using dryer immediately after washing makes the clothes look worn out fast?
Piscean: for me its still ok, but at times hubby will say that some of his shirts have shrunk a little. He reckons our dryer is too powerful. No choice, not much sunlight in our area as we are surrendered by lots of trees, hence a dryer is a must, esp in raining season. We love the hot crisp laundry freshly out from the dryer.
One thing when using using dryer, never dry in full load and always turn your clothes inside out when washing so you can load them directly, this way, the clothes will be less worn out and color will retent better. And try using washing powder instead of liquid laundry solution to protect your dryer.
Good morning mummies,

Then when you intend to check with MIL on bb's care arrangement? If you intend to take a helper, you need to start sourcing so that you can train during your confinment period.
Is your hubby the only son in the family? Would you be going for a #3?

Just ignore them. Sometime they need to find excuses to save their face bah.
Not sure if there is any expiry date for red rice wine but some old ppl say the longer the better. Guess you may wish to get someone to taste it before using.
on the subject of GD, anybody watched the taiwan variety last night? the 2 celebrities claimed they passed the GTT 2nd round after consuming some green bean water. But my mum say green bean too cooling very dangerous. Very tempted to try...

by the way i posted some safe food on my blog www.lifeafterbfp.blogspot.sg for those who want to share please leave me comments on what you eat too
sylvia, that's why shi shang zhi you ma ma hao. Lolz especially those who bring you up one. No matter what the MIL will never treat u like they will their own dotter (of cos there are exceptions to this type of MIL la). :p

bbjoy, hb is suppose to go ask his mum. My gal's childcare arrangement was not something of "my choice". So this time I will just relax one corner.
As for my helper, her expected date of arrival is mid Nov. I will take leave to train her as well as on and off in Dec. And then during my confinement. No matter what, I hope she will be good cos my dotter will be going to normal kindy starting next year. That's because the CC she goes to informed us in Sept that they are ceasing operations at the end of the year. Lucky, my neighbour manage to secure 2 spaces at the kindy for her son and my gal.
<font color="119911">piscean and BBlove: ok, will get someone to try the rice wine!
Only managed to consume for 3 days in my prev confinement as I ended up having "jiu-mo" on my legs so made my CL stopped using...
Cant stand the itch!
Hopefully I won't get it again as really hope to "bu" back my body! :D</font>
Wow my email messages came in, these few days heheheh many topic to talk but I can't come in until now....hectic work schedule.

- Stains on baby clothes - I passed some clothes to my gf few months ago and they had stains, what my gf did was she applied dynamo and the stains went off, after that she re-washed it with baby detergent so that dynamo would not be harmful to baby's skin.

- Rice wine - understand not many ppl do this and you can get them at Malaysia (heard from my colleagues). I been using Wincarnis since my #1

- MIL - For mine, she don't bother about my kids, if she does, she know my temper, we will have hell every day.

- 1st month celebrations - I did for my #1 and #2 but #3 happens to fall after CNY and still contemplating whether to do it or not, might not be cheap especially buffets catered during these times....sianz...

- Meals - I am still not eating much except that I have more meals but not big meals. Not sure if it still happens to some of you, GOodness, I still have those morning sickness symptoms in the morning and sometimes evening. All my pregnancies I have MS but this one seems to be worst than the 1st and 2nd. Its like even washing my hair by tilting my head backwards can trigger the puking in the morning.

- Detergent for kids clothes - I used the baby powder detergent until my kids turn 2 years old and their clothings would be washed together with us thereafter.

- Clothes for bb - haven't even take out the packed clothes to wash but did prepare new clothes for baby to come home in

except that most of the baby stuff are prepared already like baby cot, mittens bought, bottles kept one side and teats bought, breast pump ready. Just short of bath tub not yet.
Hi all, I'm a silent reader. Joining in to chat now cos I'm more free now at work. Aldy handled over most of my work to my colleague who will be taking over.

My EDD: 1 Jan 2013
Gender: Girl
Hospital: KKH
Hello dragontail

hehehhehe...ya my #3 will be dragontail too..."Long wei".

At least you have someone to hand over to...my replacement no sound no picture...even told by my boss, can take only 2 months.....

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bblove > yup, well said. no matter what gender, it is still our bb, as long as they are normal and healthy..we as parents, are happy. So long we love our bb and they can feel our love, ok already.
luckily for me, i had some hand me down from relatives. so bb went home in old clothings.

ah bui > me too yet to get anything done!

bliss > i guess 3-6 months should be ok. but do note, at times, the labeling at the back of the clothes quite misleading. anyway, bb will be swaddled up when discharged. so my opinion is, u can get few sizes bigger for bb?
snowger > ops.. why not do the 1yr old celebration at a function hall/room? if u r doing at chalet, then u have to face the relatives for a longer period if they staying over? ya, this time round, no sound no shadow from MIL on my #2. better still.. let other ppl see and gossip about her

for me, #1 had baby shower (buffet at my place), then 1yr old celebration with an aunt.

canopy > nope, as normally i joined spree..
snowger > sigh.. for my #1, there was still a few rounds of chicken soup from MIL (soup of course to be shared with hubby). Thereafter, is bu tang, ginko nuts and beancurd, bird nest done mostly by my mom. Cordycepts and chicken (by aunt).
this round, 屁都没有 from MIL。MIL is overbearing. for #1, every thing also wants to poke her nose in, from buying of bb cot, milk bottles, clothings, what wipes and diaper to use for bb to decoration of bb room.. she even took initative to select name for my #1 and told my mom about the select name and whether we will take her selection! :mad: 
sigh.. think we should bear in mind what we dislike about our MILs.. so that when we become one in future, we wont be labelled as MONSTER IN LAW.. ops. think too far already :p
Throughout my pregnancy, MIL neither prepare tonic soup nor bird nest for me. Is all by my mum. Though the bird nest is those concentrated type (1 teaspoon every day/night). At least she made the effort to buy for me.

What MIL did was to ask relatives to hand-me down clothes. But is as good as dumping their rubbish to us. Majority of the clothes got yellow stains (they nv QC). Toys have discolored or spoilt.
In the end, I QC-ed when MIL is not ard and threw away almost 50% of it.

And also how frequent do we need to drink coconut juice (e.g. once a week??) Is it the small type of coconut available at NTUC or those big type at hawker centre?
Feeling quite sian now because KKH just called to say that got borderline GD (reading after 2 hrs was 8+ versus the normal max reading of 7+). So need to attend full day course next week on what to do/not do and eat/not eat and how to do the testing etc.

Lil Olive,
Thanks for your blog, it is very informative! Yes, we hv to control our diet and jia you for the sake of baby
ctrus, i know best to drink once every week during the last stretch of preg. But can't remember starting from which week. It's the young coconut (small one) which some NTUC sells. Not the big type. It's ard $1.20.
if not wrong, drink coconut 2 weeks before delivery. yes, young coconut! i think so that baby can come out clean clean.. haha.. dun drink too early yah! cos very liang!

u all so on in preparing all the baby stuff liao.. i haven get started yet. my house very messy. need to get more storage space before we wash those baby clothes. haiz!!

as for the clothes that baby wear when going home, heard need to get new ones for going home. but for hand-me-downs, can wear at home. did that for #1, will do so for #2 as well.. will prepare new clothes for baby when going home and for full month

for hand-me-down clothes, my mil passed us what hb's nieces and newphew wore. mostly in pink, so my boy at home most of the time in pink too.. haha.. but those super pink ones, my hb rejected!! so all in the bag. my mil think its all 宝, so cannot throw lor. will keep then next time pass it back to my bil. haha..

u all so good, still got bu tang. i dun even have any. i think my mil totally opp from ur mils. cos she like gals more than boys as she got 3 sons! so no impact whether i have boys!!

Friends, the other day i was asking my mum abt GD, then she told me my aunt before she got preg, not diabetic. then preg, got GD, after giving birth, her sugar level din drop very much. so after that, she is diabetic till now 20 over years liao. so do watch out ok!
Read that there is higher chance to develop Type 2 diabete within 5-10 years after pregnancy, so yes indeed must take care... haha, try to look on positive side that no carbo/sugar sure can lose weight!
nickole > my MIL has 2 sons.. she claimed she likes girls more. if so, how come doesnt treat her daughter in law better?? i dont expect to have similar treatment as her son.. but at least, half the treatment?? so to me, her saying that she prefer grand daughter is bullshit to me!

as DIL is like half a daughter?

heard that drinking coconut is supposed to have a cleaner bb and also speed up labour process or to have an easier labour. cant remember how many times or when to start drinking.. definitely is somewhere in mid or end third tri
Topics on MILs alwaz so interesting.. Bt i find myself lucky coz my MIL bochup us 1.. Even her own son.. The most onli 'dinner ready' or 'eat fruits'. She never once asked bout my pregnancy.. Now or even during #1. Even my ger oso seldom look for her coz she looks and sound fierce. Onli when me n hubby busy than she no choice than go look for granny for snacks. Haha!! Tink she sian i gt ger.. Coz hubby sis oso gt 2gers.. Bt she oso no say anything.. So for those who have MILs complaining no boy.. I pity u.. Consider myself lucky. Thou no conflicts wif MIL, i still pray for my BTO to be done soon!!!
The purpose of the coconut is to "tao liang" (in hokkien) - cool down the mummy's body in preparation for birth. There are some people who say is for cleaner baby and some say is for easier labour.

Can start drink from Wk 35 onwards, limited to once a week (by 39 weeks, can drink alternate days).

The type to take is the green big kind not the small one from NTUC/pasar malam. This is because the green big kind is more cooling than the samll one.
As for coconut.. Heard is about 2wks before delivery or so. Heard delivery will be cleaner, as in nt so bloody. Bt for my #1, i onli drank once, on the day i was induced.. Coz i hate coconuts!! Haha!!
Snowger, thanks for the info, will start drinking from wk 35.
btw, I thought it's young coconut (small kind)? my #1 thread mentioned small coconut, so i took for #1.
xinyue, if I do in chalet will most prob book in on Friday and leave on Sunday. In all likelihood, the buffet would be on a Saturday. If not I will book Friday to Monday, have the buffet on Sunday. Evil leh. They at most come in on Saturday night, Sunday they gotta leave and go back to Msia (since it is in Jan - kids gotta go sch ma). LOLZ.

Anyway nowadays I very see open when it comes to my MIL. I always tell my hb, my niece and nephew are yes half his surname blood. I will not mistreat them but I will never treat them like my own children. The reason being no matter what, whether their parents divorced or not, we have little or no say and can be overuled anytime when their blood parents step in. So why bother so much? I rather pool resources in just for my own children. zi sao men qian xue (sweep the snow in front of ur own door). ;P
Coconut I know must drink during last few weeks of pregnancy. I started about week 34. And was told only to consume young coconut.
Shice, apparently they are different. The green big ones are the older coconuts while the small ones are "young coconut". My dad told me the effect would be different. So he say must take the GREEN BIG ONES and not those small small one... lolz.
Haiz, I really agree, when it comes to MIL, we DIL sure have never ending stories about them. They are no matter what not our own dearie mummy who knows us so much more.

I always have hatred towards my MIL after I received a "threatened" letter from her 4 years ago on 1st day 7th lunar month.

Initially didn't know who was the prankster but later found out clues from her home and know it was her. How evil can MIL be? Haiz..
jan11325, Hi! Yup, I'm lucky to hav a gd boss.

But for me I'm likely to deliver in Dec. Usually will be early rite?

Tis is my #1. Was told to drink coconut only at last mth of pregnancy. I will start at 36wks bah.
Oh yah, I wanted to check, is anyone having BH recently? I kept getting sudden pulling pain on the sides of the tummy, is it normal or too early? I am in my 25th week.

Not even that, I also experienced what they called ligament stretching. That is really OUCH at near the groin area. The pain will linger for a few minutes especially when I sit down and trying to get up....

Yes, I have frd last mth drink coconut weekly and bb very clean

but I cant.. i drink and will feel giddy.

MIL.... think bo chap better? Coz no conflict. For me, I hv only myself to prepare all the soup and birdnest for myself. So I hv to prep n learn all info as no one to help too. That's y SAHM too.

yes... 世上只有妈妈好。as u said the one who brought u up.
