(2013/01) Jan 2013

Nickole > I think bb is fed well during the day.. during night time, i feed on demand, i.e. only make milk when he cry for it. Tried replacing milk with water, but he simply refuses and continue crying..

Snowger > ok, thanks for info..

Sylvia > ok, thanks. I tried emailing Wyeth for samples and got no reply from them. zZZ

Tres > Bratons Hicks is the harden of the stomach? If yes, I do have it.. Is that normal for the BH to occur so early? I dont think I experience it so early for #1

@ Xinyue, we fed her ard 11.30pm thru dream fed.. During daytime, she takes more solid food thus as times goes by, she can sleep thru out the night til next morn 7.30am.

Yes, will try to bond with my boy more before ML ends... ehheee... thou she takes care of him day and night due to hub who dont want to help to take care of him at night..

@ canopy, wow so good .. hehehee
Strongly hands and legs up to agree with nickole that mothers are 最伟大... I dun mind losing my sleep so long my bb is healthy and sleeping well..

@ Sylvia, aiyo.. how come the mother like that.. Pity the baby = (

Body wash for bb,
I using Mustela bodywash cum shampoo (the one in tube form) for my gal. Heard from a supervisor who used to be stationed in Bishan Kiddy palace that Mustela is better than J & J as some ppl claimed J&J will cause dryness..
y a i know, but for NB, i think HA is better choice ba! (for me lah), once they turn 6 months, then I will switch to Pro ba!

Ya, Braton hicks is the hardening of the tummy lor! I also dun remember having so early for #1, so dun know if I should worry abt it or not?

But reading up from Babycenter, they mentioned as long as it is not more than 4 times within 1 hr, it should be fine! Too often will trigger labour wor!
@ Xinyue, I tried to replace water in wee hrs when she was 16 months plus and was "rejected".. she cried til she got her milk. My girl FM intake not alot ard 150ml each time back then.

Now at 28 months, intake is 240ml for 3 feeds.. Sometimes morn, she can finishes all but sometimes left abt 30-40ml.
Some PDs will recommend HA milk for nb so that it lessen allergy.

For me, i tried giving Similac, enfa, mamil and Karihome goats milk (when she had colic), isomil soya..

In the end, she still prefers Similac which I gave when she was 5 days old for night feed. I was partially breastfeeding back then.

Thereafter, proceed from Similac stage 1, 2 then now Gain IQ 3. Intend to let her stay on for Gain IQ 3 til she is 4 yrs old cos it for 1-3 yrs old = )
I like Medela PureLan nipple cream. Will use the ebm to first coz it is supposed to be moisturizing, air dry, then apply Purelan. For #1 did not hv any cracks etc.
Hi bliss ling,

Thanks I m fine but stress now coz tomorrow going to see Dr Lim and I know he is going to tell me to cut down on carbo/sugar stuff as my bb is bigg

I hv changed my appt as my hubby is going for biz trip next week so bring forward my appt to tomorrow
Bliss > I see.. My boy, he cant take in too much food/milk at one go else he will puke. Hubby doesnt want me to give boy milk before sleeping..

Is porridge consider solid or semi solid food?

Yup, try to bond more with ur #2. As #1 sleeping through, why not take care of #2 on Fri n Sat night, so u will have slightly more bonding time and it would seem to hubby that u are giving the MIL some resting period?

Same same.. replaced milk with water in wee hours and was rejected. My boy's intake also not much. 120ml each feed whether is during day or night time. At times, he too will left a bit (20-40ml)

So i guess still some way before my boy actually sleeps through the night..
@ valerie, I seeing Dr Lim next wed.. I know it stress when he said cut carbo / sugar..
Are u in our chat list in FB?

@ Xinyue, high 5.. hub afraid she will cough and vomit milk, he said dont give milk cos later need to clean the mess...

Mine is having rice in cc and sometimes dinner porridge / mee hoon soup.. depending.. For porridge it is easier to digest and will feel hungry ..

Some consider porridge as solid food.. Will have to ask the rest of the mummies..

yes, will 100% take care of #2 on fri and sat = )
also tell hub that his mum need "rest" too... hehehee

No worries, I believe ur boy will sleep thru latest by 19 mths k.. Just let him have some food like egg, cereal for all this provide nutritional benefits too.

At night ard 8pm, she will eat apple, after that she ask for a piece of bread and cheese then ard 9.45 - 10pm, i give her milk... lol.. This will allow me to know whether she hungry anot in case she dont want to sleep and using it as an excuse..

I follow stictly on cc time table meal routine thou will bend here and there by an hr. Eg, Morn bkfast at 8.30am, lunch at 11am, milk at 12.30pm, nap time , tea break at 3.30pm then for dinner i give ard 6.30pm.. sometimes she ask for apple before 7.45pm..

Will standby some baby biscuit too.. last 2 days, she asked for cereal at 9.30pm, i told her cereal i will give her in morn / noon when I not working / weekends. Distract her by telling her to go brush teeth, she likes it cos she can lick the tooth paste

I like routine for my gal.. Guess it the upbringing... Time for bkfast, lunch / dinner etc.. Fruit is a must for my parents side..
my gal had small appetite for milk.. She drinks only 50ml per feed when she was nb til 3 months old.. 3 mths old she drinks 80ml only..
Bliss > noted, thanks for sharing about ur meal routine..
yes, routine is good.. so healthy. My boy only seems to like certain fruits..

For mine, bkfast time is normally between 830-930am (milk), lunch at 12pm (porridge), tbreak of milk + yogurt (3pm or 330pm), dinner at 6pm (porridge). In between his meals, he might have baby biscuits, fruits, soup, etc.

That is why, i believe he is well fed during the day. Sometimes, I wonder is it that my boy is 'addicted' to milk feeds at night..
Xinyue, how old is yr #1? Porridge is considered part of solids bah. Jus that where possible try to intro him soft rice w soup & minced meat. ;) then slowly he can start eating rice together wthe adults le.
<font color="119911">Mummies, does the mustela cleansing gel needs washing off thoroughly?
Or ok to pump into water for cleansing without rinsing? </font>

yes, the FM companies only give 6mths and above samples. They will reply that u hv to bf 1st..... :p


porridge is semi solid food , also depends on the texture of the porridge - puree/ congee type or more solid/chewing type similar to rice.

Usually i cook ingredients to the porridge/ soft rice so that all nutrients are into the rice even the kids nt eating much of meat &amp; vege.

snowger > 16 months.. Ok, will try that soon..

Ssylvia > Yup, my mom did cook ingredients to the porridge.. erm, i would say is more towards congee type.
Should i upgrade to the more solid chewing type before giving soft rice with soup?
FM for 0-6mths > aiyo.. so that means if bb doesnt like or unsuitable to a certain brand, whole can wasted? no doubt only 400g but still, is $$..

and hospital no longer freely give out instant FM..

I actually upgrade to the chewing type before to soft rice.

There was never free samples for 0-6mths since many years ago. All samples start from 6mths.
I wasted a few tins as bb dun like and only can last 30days.
Thanks for sharing Sylvia - ELC toys are nice, but usually so exp!

Xiaofeizhu 83- your feedback about hosp not providing FM for NB. is that applicable for TMC as well?
Medela nipple cream > There's PureLan and another one is Tender Care Lanolin, i think. I prefer the Tender Care one as I found PureLan very sticky even though it's good.

Milk feed for #1 > I find that if my boy is well-fed in the day and eats quite a lot for dinner, he won't wake up for milk at night. He will still drink once before he sleeps around 9 plus.My #1 dislike porridge so he only eats rice since 1 yo, unless he's forced to in cc.

Xinyue > Yes, I think you should gradually thicken the porridge texture before starting on rice + soup etc, else they will have a hard time chewing and swallowing.
chin, i think it is for Mt A, when i delivered #1 there, i also asked for extra bottles of FM, they dun give and ask you to BF.. Mt A is very very pro BF to the extend they will come to your room at interval and see you BF lor! hahah
thanks for the reply on Medela nipple cream. i had used Purelan before and yes, it was very sticky, even to the extend i m thinking whether is it safe for baby to bf anot? haha. i will wipe off before feeding.

Xinyue, i gave my #1 rice a few months back, considering both our #1 at the same age. i will add soup to rice. cos he dun like porridge. for porridge he only eat a few mouths then dun wan liao. for rice, still can eat abit more. but then again i said he is not feeding well cos its quite hard to feed him as he always clamped his mouth tight or turn away whenever he sees the spoon coming! its a 'battle' to feed him everyday. luckily he still likes his cereals! occasionally i gave him baby pasta and he still eat lor. and now sometimes will just give him mee sua, beehoon, noodles... for milk, he is drinking between 220-240ml per day for 3 times. sometimes left 30ml. because got other distractions!
hmm.. Mount A did give me a bottle of FM to standby, as it was nearing my bb's feeding time during discharge.

Yes, they are pro-breastfeeding. I requested them to feed my bb FM as I had problems getting bb to latch on initially. They do come to ur room during feeding time to see if u need help in breastfeeding.

my latching problem was solved when the LC came down to visit me.

bliss > maybe..

nickole > hmm, for me, my boy needs toys to distract him during meal times. the initial transition periods (from milk to cereals, cereals to porridge) are tough. Every meal time is like a battle, he too, will clamp his mouth tight or turn away whenever he sees the spoon coming..

my mom tried feeding him the chewing type porridge and it took quite long for him to finish it.. Battle time again! @_@

where to get baby pasta? isnt mee sua salty? how do u serve the bee hoon and noodles? cut them up? whoa.. seems like my #1 missing out alot of food!

for milk, he is drinking 120ml per feed, up to 6 feeds a day.
xinyue > i don't know about those baby pasta but i used to buy those ABC pasta from the normal supermarkets. Cook them in chicken soup with minced chicken + vege, my boy used to love it. The ABC pasta is very soft and easy to chew.
Chin - I would think is across all hospitals cos I heard it from the FRISO promoter at my gynae's clinic... even during my #1 time at TMC in 2011, I tried asking for extra FM to bring home and they do not allow, the nurse say max 2 bottles per bb thous I ever heard some manage to bring home quite alot... anyway with the charges being applied definitely no more free bottles to bring home...
Xinyue, u can get baby pasta at supermarkets.. I bought Heinz baby stars. looks like this packaging. http://www.tesco.com/groceries/Product/Details/?id=266864704
there are some mee sua no taste one. can use those traditional typee, no flavouring. we cut up the noddles, beehoon lor. sometimes just give him one two strands to bite. of cos too long he will gag. then we cut lor. else if he can chew then just let him chew. of cos we feed, then monitor he eat lah. and yes, u can use the normal ABC ones. i m going to get ABC ones after he finish this pack of pasta stars.
tres &amp; nickole > ahh.. ok,thanks thanks.. me so mountaini turtle.. heard about ppl feeding baby pasta but no idea where to get it..

Ooh.. so is just few strands.. thought is one whole bowl..

Do u also know where can i get rice crackers for bb to munch on? Tried finding in NTUC but only managed to see WANT WANT rice crackers.. the round and the oblong one. Felt that WANT WANT too salty..
Xinyue, i mean a few strands per mouth. sometimes he can eat half bowl i very happy liao. lol!
teething rusks, baby bites u can get from supermarket, u find at baby food section. or can get biscotti.
quite a few types of biscuits u can choose from

nickole > few strands perr mouth! ok.. yup, did give baby bites, biscotti and those jar food.. just want more variety

thanks for the guidance!
Canopyhaze: you can read more abt the pumpin pal funnels from this website www.mumsfairy.com. It's called the pumpin pal super shields (angled flange). Those BP threads that sell the pump accessories carry this brand too.

Nickole: for soft fit, I was using the standard size that comes w the freestyle pump. For pumpin pal, I used the smallest size which is medium. The pain comes only in the first few secs of pumping when using the soft fit....
hi mummies, is it useful to get waterproof sheets to lay on bb's mattress for prevention? if so, any recommendations for good ones? thanks!

it will be hot if u put waterproof sheet. But it save u alot of changing of bedsheet if u put on top. Or it prevent the mattress from getting wet.

I bought from kidzloft when having 50% sales.
The other type is 1 side is cotton, the bottm layer is water proof.
or u can see the change mat ( blue bubble rubber type)
I have bought the waterproof mattress protector from Qoo10. Bamboo fabric on one side and the bottom is waterproof sheet. I bought <$16. Good and cheap!
Ya, agree that waterproof mattress will be hot. I only use it when my boy is sick... In case he vomits in the middle of the night. But if he is well, I usually don't put the waterproof protector.
Thanks Xiaofeizhu83, Tres - I last stayed at TMC in late 2010 - no extra charge and we brought home quite a lot of milk (met some kind nurses). However, there is now a new management at TMC, so my gynae's nurses were also warning me the other day that there are quite a lot of changes (not nec for the better).

Anyone still having nausea? At almost 29 weeks, I still get them - in the evenings. I wonder if this is going to continue till I deliver. It seems to get more uncomfy with each pregnancy.

sylvia &amp; Nickole > thanks for the guidance!

freesia > re mattress protector. i used those underpad, if dirty just throw.. sometimes i used diaper changing mat (those bigger ones)
