(2013/01) Jan 2013


saw the nail scissors........ have to go thru the super careful of cutting nails again... so scare as anytime can cut the skin ard the nails too.

usually hospital use pamper for NB. For me, for a start, will continue to use pamper for 1st mth. then start to get sample diaper to test. All bb have diff bum, etc, must chk nappy rashes and also leakage.

Dun buy dryper NB, cut tummy. Mine too.

there is no sample formula milk for newborn - 6mth as they dun recommend and support breastfeeding. but u can buy and try each brand or if the one u bought is ok, just stick to it.
@Yiping - diapers, if cheaper option, PET PET is good enough. if expensive option, MamyPOKO is comfy.

@sushi - It depends if you and your hubby have any allergies. For me, my hubby have asthma and I have enzema, so both my kids were fed NAN HA1 all the way to NAN HA3.

@bliss_ling - feeding, I still feed on demand. If baby wants to eat, they really wants to eat. I don't quite agree on the water part, because water will make them bloat and that's solving the hunger issue. for my 1st, I feed every 3-4 hours diligently, for my 2nd, I feed on demand, sometimes 2 hours, sometimes can extend up till 5 hours.
jan > same same.. still feeding on demand, esp at night even though #1 already 16months.

sylvia > hospitals nowadays no longer provide sample of instant formula milk for newborns? erm.. my hospital use Huggies for newborns..

snowger > yeah that really sux! personally for me, so long our bb/toddlers/kids not crying out for me or hubby, i feel sucky.. even if they are crying out for our parents or inlaws..
In-laws taking care

My #1 used to be taken care of by my SIL until he's about 20 mths. He was super close to her, will cry badly when we fetch him home every evening. Really heartpain for me cos' I'm always his last choice. My SIL and MIL all pamper him so much that he became a spoilt brat and I became like the fierce disciplinarian. They also taught him to call my SIL "ibu" (mother in malay) which I was so unhappy about. Things only changed when we sent him to full day cc 2 months back cos' my SIL doesn't want to take care of him anymore. Now, it's daddy first (he's always been close to his daddy) and mummy next. Very tiring to take care of him after work but it's worth it cos' we are so much closer and he's more well-behaved now.

As for sleeping arrangement when #2 arrives, #2 will sleep with me. #1 with daddy. Haha, I hope I can manage #2 by myself. During #1's time, I couldn't latch. Only pumped exclusively so I needed hubby's help to feed bb if I'm pumping when he wakes up.
snowger > re ur list of essential bb items, maybe can get more sterilised wipes from hospital (not sure if they will charge)? since we also need them to clean bb's cord/belly button?
Snowger, lol! ur nursing bras cannot fit after ur delivery. haha.. cos u so busty!! ;p

Bliss, i m still lucky cos though my hub sleeps like a log at night, but i will wake him up to make milk. haha. when i was still bfding, he saw i pumped till so late and woke up so early, so he volunteered to do night duty. i will still wake up when i hear baby cries, then i wake hb up lor. lol!

For feeding wise, i oso dun agree to just feed water at night at this young age! my boy was feeding for every 2 hrsly during the first mth, i was bfding, then he slept thru for 6 hrs after 1st mth.. but then i still continue to dreamfeed him before i sleep cos i feel he is not eating well in the day, so dun wan to shortchange him by letting go hungry in the night, and his weight gain not those alot kind, so i want to feed him more lor. but then i did try give him water. if water dun works, then will give him milk. when bfding, its feeding on demand esp before he starts semi solids. so only recently i stopped dream feeding him. let him sleep thru for more than 10hrs without feed.

Precious, not every Medela pump uses the same parts. only freestyle is different from the rest. else, the rest is abt the same.

Slyvia, drypers came out with new version. not those scotch tape kind. now is the reuseable tape like other brands.

Sushi, during my #1 thread, some mummies recommend Friso, Some say Enfa, my fren say Nan Pro. haha.. so end up i chose Nan Pro 1 for my boy at hospital. then came home, continue to drink that too. but apparently not all milk formulas is suitable for all babies. cos some milk can cause constipation some can cause LS, or wind. so go with the one u chose at hospital and stick to it if its suitable.
if u want to breastfeed, get a 400g tin to standby. cos once open the tin, can only last for 4 weeks then have to throw liao. i wasted 2 tins when i was still breastfeeding, cos Nan dun have 400g tin for stage 1.
Sylvia, actually i did not cut my gal's nails within that 1 mth cos it didn't really grow and half the time her hands are inside the mitten... It's so hard to cut and I very scared to cut her skin lor... :p

xinyue, ^5. I really hate it when my gal starts screaming for my MIL when me and hb wants her to do something she refuses!

re list of essential bb items, the sterilised cotton balls - if i am not wrong the hospital will usually send u back with it (most like 1-2 packs). I remember it was not enough cos I also use the sterilised cotton balls to clean bb eyes. So hb went to pharmacy to buy a few more packs (actually if not wrong quite cheap). :p

From my memory, the following is a list of stuff that the hospital will usually send u back with in a FOC Hospital Diaper Bag are:
1. Baby Top (worn on ur bb)
2. Recieving blanket (wrapped ard ur bb)
3. Mitten and Botties (worn on bb)
Left over from use at hospital
4. Diapers
5. Wet Tissue
6. Steriliser
7. Cord/belly spirit (the one to apply/clean the bb belly with until the cord falls off)
8. Cotton Balls
9. Baby Health Booklet (uh don't misplace this!)
Thanks, mummies for the advice. Think I will get one pack of petpet if its on offer, just in case. Won't stock up but think will need at least 1 pack..
Oh ya! Adding on to Snowger's post, first time mummies delivering at Mount Alvernia, dun have to buy baby bath tub. Mount A gives one for free, along with diaper bag and a small warmer bag.
But if i m not wrong, u have to bring ur own baby clothes to wear home. i din have any when i delivered there last yr. Bring ur own botties and mittens too.
nikole, I remember my bra size went up 2 or 3 cups during my breastfeeding journey. Yah so I land up buying bras through out the 1 yr of BF-ing...

Sushi, I think u can decide on which brand first on ur own, if you are not going to choose "Total BF" in the hopsital, the nursery will supplement ur baby's night feed with formula (and u can specify to them which brand u wan. If they have the sample, they can give it to bb). Based on my friend's analysis of the nutrients in the FMs, they are more or less the same. But again not all babies are the same, and they might have different reaction to the FM u choose.

Personal experience, I chose Similac for my dotter. But when I weaned her from EBM, she refused Similac. In fact, each time she only drank 20ml vs 90ml of EBM! Frustrating right? I changed to Enfalac and still same only 20ml. In the end, under a fellow mother's recommendation, my dotter tried the Japanese formula milk - Wakodo - sold at Isetan & Mediya supermarket. Yeah, it was on this formula that she started drinking more.

So eh, what I am trying to say, we can try to put them on FM brand of our choice first. Then after that we adjust/change brands according to bb's preference/reaction to the milk. Like what nickole said, some babies have adverse reactions (like watery poo, very hard poo, no poo, phelgm, etc).
Re : Pet Pet Diaper
I personally dont recommend Pet Pet diaper, it is cheap no doubt, but the scotch tape like fasteners will be very painful for newborn if u stick onto their skin accidentally. I actually used it for my #1 based on my friend's recommendation but after using a few pieces i sweared that i will not buy it again.
Yiping, yah... one pack of NB size should be enough for the shortwhile. Not enuf can always get hb to go buy. :p I haven't decided on brand... maybe huggies? hmmm...

Nikole, Mt A so good got give baby bath tub! ;p TMC no have, I bought the IKEA blue colour one (now is white). Also Mt A no provide the bb clothes? I remember my gal went home with a "I am TMC baby" top + recieving blanket (which was a hooded towel) & diapers (no shorts or pants). Botties and Mittens were "sponsored" by Enfa (It says I am an Enfa baby). LOL!
@ Sushi:

Diff babies react differently to the same formula, Nan was disaster for my girl, Mamil goes down well with her, it is important that upon baby's delivery, be sure to ask the hospital you are in for diff formula samples. Some will automatically ask you, but for my case at TMC, I need to ask myself, considering I've spent nearly 7K for a naturally induced birth, still got the feeling of being conned when my friends only spent abt 3K on the average. You can't get stage 1 from the manufacturer's online page so be sure to ask in hospital.

For stage 2, you can can get diff samples from the manufacturer's websites, I'm not sure if it's limited to 1 per residential address or 1 per name, I got many because all of my relatives been helping me to gather samples hahaha... best of all, my girl's insatiable appetite makes her drinks them all, no preferences... indeed a life saver for me... *Sweat*

Alternate places to get stage 2 and above samples are at your PD's clinic and those kid's GP clinics, try out all the diff brands, see which one is the best for your baby before deciding on one.
hi stefan, thanks for the reply. i heard that the hospital will ask which brand we want to try at the start, right? so, am just have no idea which brand should i start with.....1st time mum....no idea at all and there're too many brand out there.....
If I'm not wrong, nowadays hospitals do charge for stage 1 formula milk sample now. They can't give stage 1 milk sample freely cos due to some ruling to encourage bf below age of 6 mths. Anyone can confirm?
nickole > i delivered there last yr too! mount alvernia does give the free tub. but by time my #1 was 6 months old, need to change to another tub.. Re bb clothes, swaddle blanket, mittens and booties..
the nurse asked if i bring along bb clothes, if not, they will just let bb wear back the romper provided during bb's stay. Same goes for swaddle. Mittens and booties seems optional to the nurse as bb will be swaddled up most of the time. no 'space' for movements.

I did let bb wear mittens during his stay at MOunt A but nurses tend to just remove them..

The elderly will suggest to let bb wear hand-me-down clothes when discharging bb.

Mount A also included a sample bag in the free diaper bag. sample bag includes sample sizes of
- bb shower foam
- shampoo
- bb oil
- bb moisturiser
- bb clothes detergent and softener
- hand santitiser
- nipple cream
- some leaflets on claiming maternity leave n childcare leave
- leaflets on full month cakes and caterers
-some information on breastfeeding and also how to take care of self during confinement..

ops.. not sure did i miss anything out..

can mummies share what freebies will one get if one is delivering at GLenE? Thanks.
snowy, ya! i got one tub free from Mount A which i put at my hse. then the one i had for my wedding i put at my parents' hse. haha.. so dun nned buy another one. they will give for every baby. so i m going to have another one after i deliver too.. haha.. but for clothes, i see other ppl have, but dunnoe why at that period ours dun have. no mittens and booties too

anyway i did brought mine, so its not like he got no clothes to go home. haha.

i heard that hospitals dun provide the instant formula milk for babies now. can anyone verify this? i think need to pay, cos they encourage bf..
thank you nikole, snowger & sylvia for the reply. realy got no idea which to start off with cos so many brand. can to know if baby is suitable for a certain brand? the nurse there will tell you during your few days stay in hospital? then if not suitable, just ask them to give sample for other brand to try at home?

Mine was borned in Feb this yr and my cousin's in April the same yr as well, we weren't charged at all for that, not sure about now. But I don't think they will because the samples aren't those 400g tins that will last the baby for a week kind. They gave those instant feed bottles for stage 1, very convenient. They gave me 2 of Similac and 2 of Friso.

@ Sushi: Same as the clinics, they will definitely ask you which brand you prefer. For me, I asked them what are the main brands ppl go for and they'll name me some, then I just request for 2 diff brands which they've named to compare their differences.

When buying formula milk, don't just grab and go in any supermarkets, scout around first. My neighbourhood provision shop sells just about any brands at least S$5.00 cheaper than NTUC or Giant... Go visit those TCM medical halls as well, my friend's supply came from such medical halls. I was looking for bulk group buys for milk powders initially but since I got so much help from my relatives and now that my girl is going more onto porridge stuff, I've dropped that idea.

Diapers wise, Giant or particularly the Cold Storage group has Drypers promo every now and then, usually twin pack bundle price with additional few bucks off, making each pc of diaper cost ard 13-16cts depending on the promo, very worth it. But Drypers has a smaller cutting than the rest of the brands out there, so if your baby is like mine at birth (mine was 3.7kg at birth), you may need to buy 1 size up. Mine was wearing S at birth, fit her just nice, now she's wearing L when rightfully she's suppose to wear M. If we follow the same size, her inner thighs will develop redness.

Hope my shopping experience can be useful for you as well... haha
xinyue, the last I gave birth at TMC (which is in 2008), they might have given us sample too. I remember there was a J&J sample bag and a Kodomo sample bag. And the contents are wat u listed shower foam/shampoo/bb oil/bb lotion/ bb clothes detergent & softener. The hand sanitiser if the white bottle with pink colour words/labels (those used by doctors one) - I still have that! No nipple cream thou (if sore, have to buy)... :p

nickole, re instant formula milk: The companies (like Abbott, etc) are <u>not allowed to</u> provide powder samples to the mummies. As for hospitals, I am not sure if you can still ask them for 1-2 ready made bottles just to "tong". I know some hospitals may not give, some may just give one to 2 small bottles (enuf for 1-2 feeds).

sushi, the nurse won't be able to tell if ur baby is suitable for a certain brand. If mummy got no preference for brand, they will just 'random' choose a brand of FM which they have in stock. The hospital usually gets free ready made formula in bottles from the FM company. Upon discharge, the nurses will let u know which brand they feed the bb with. You won't know if the FM is suitable or not until some time later (e.g. 1 wk or even months later). So no the nurses will not give u samples for other brands of FM.
Hihi mummies!!

Seldom post in the thread usually silent reading...

Last year when I deliver my#1 at tmc they use huggies nb diapers... For thebenfit of 1st timer, use mamy poko nb diapers better as it is softer and has a cut out hole at the waist band so that it will not irritate bb's cord...

Starting this year, all hospital do not provide free FM for bb anymore, chargeable at $1 per bottle if I did not remember wrongly due to encouraging mothers to bf...
snowger > so actually we dont have to stock those bb toiletries! those sample bottles can last me quite a while.. hehe.. i remembered as my was spontaneous labour. when bb came home, there wasnt any bb toiletries nor formula milk nor diaper on standby!
No one reminded me of such too.. so we made do with what we had..
Snowger, Mount A dun even give a few to 'tong' when we were discharged. becos of the bf campaign, so they are not allowed to let us bring home the ready made milk, even though i requested. but they gave me the empty bottles which i asked for before discharge, to store breastmilk. so before we went home, and it was feeding time, i told them to feed my baby fm first. lol! so that hubby got enuff time to send us home then go out buy the milk powder. haha..
Nickole: I have checked my freestyle, think I will not buy the spare part replacements yet.... The current set seems quite ok. Will just get new Medela bottles myself. Thanks for offering to consolidate the orders!
xinyue, For me, I prefer to let my bb use organic stuff during their first one year. So I went ahead to buy GAIA products to use.

My personal thought is that these free samples are quite dependent on the companies sponsoring them to the hospital (Like J&amp;J/Kodomo). If one day they no longer give these samples, the daddies will have to run to the supermarket to stock it up... *haha*

Nickole, back in 08 maybe they still open/close on eye. I remember seeing TMC pharmacy got stock of the bb milk powder. So if really not convi to run to supermarket, can just buy from TMC pharmacy. ;p

xiaofeizhu, the pre-natal class/nurses at the hospital actually teach us to fold down the front of the diaper so that it does not agitate the cord. So got hole or not is ok la...

As for $1 per bottle, I will still buy lor... Still beats paying $20 for one tin for formula to tong the bb while waiting for my BM to come in. I will most likely not supplement my bb with FM.
@ Valerie, wow.. how everything... been awhile since last hear from u.. hehehehe..

@ Xinyue, well, he ok that his child is close to his own ppl rather than mine.. well, i will be sad if my child chooses other ppl other than me ..

@ snowger, i bet ur mil sure happy when ur ger runs to her.. For me, 100% bet she will be grining ear to ear cos it a boy this time round since she likes boy more than girl.

@ nickole, mine will "flare" up lor when beauty sleep is affected.. He realised how hard i tried to pump every 2-3 hrs during confinement and he said he encouraged me emotional and mentally and ask me to jia you so that I can lose the extra wt and fat... What an encouragement i had .. whahahhaa

@ friends, hehheheee... I need to relax and am glad to hear that it will work.. lol.. I ok with less sleep but not my hub..
xinyue : i have bought Mustela shampoo &amp; shower gel for baby to be used for my bb. I have used it for #1 during the 1st few months and absolutely love it. 1 bottle can last for a few months as you will only need a few drops each time.

Freesia : I also have a full set of spare parts for my freestyle which i have bought during my #1 bfing time. But i think still need 1 more set as the funnels will be deformed after usage. I actually bought 2 extra sets during that time, and this is the balance set.
There wasn't any difference when I used it last time when latching my boy. After that, I switched to total pumping and no latching, so my sore nipples recovered by itself.

But I have totally stopped breast feeding already, my boy is 2.5yo now!

This time round, wonder what brand of nipple cream I should buy....
thanks mummies for the advise / take on the wean off milk in wee hrs for bb when barely less than 2 mth..

I can do it unless the child is more than 1 yr old.. My #1 wean off at 19 mths for her wee hrs feedings.. All these while, it was done by me / my mother whom i stayed with her during that time.

Hub, better dont ask him to do night feed cos he will still say his friend method of weaning bb off wee hrs feed before 2 months is still the best choice..
Re : nb milk powder
Agreed with most mummies, don't stock up on the nb milk powder as your bb may not be suitable. Just buy a tin to try out and for stand by as we might not have full milk supply within the few days. I used Mamil Gold for my #1, and luckily he is able to take any brand.
canopy > ok, thanks.. is it better than J&amp;J?
bliss >
dont let ur boy run to MIL.. instead make sure ur boy runs to u or ur mama! make her piss more! who ask her to be bias! she herself is a female!
Canopy haze: ya, I changed the soft fit funnels a few times for #1. Quite irritated that the funnels get yellowish and deformed after a few rounds of use. I even stopped putting them into the sterilizer and just pour boiling water over them to slow down the wear and tear, but they still get deformed. And being kiasu, I was scared that the funnels will not be "clean" enough without proper sterilization. Hahaha...

Eventually, a forum mummy recommended the pumpin pal funnels.. It was really very good. Can fit into freestyle and can be put inside the steam sterilizer as well. Best thing is, I used to have a bit of sore pain during the first few seconds of pumping, but with the pumpin pal funnels, the whole pumping process was painless.
bliss : i don't support your hubby's friend's idea of giving just water to wean off bb. I was lucky that my #1 has slept thru' (from 10pm to 7am) after 2mths. I believe that bb needs most nutrients during the few months so feed them when they are hungry.
Freesia : where can i get the pumpin pal funnel?Am quite interested.

xinyue : i personally think it is better and the scent is lovely, but the price is quite steep tho. about $28/bottle.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mumm-to-be,

I am a July 2012 mummy, I have create a group is for mummies group buy, the price is lower then u can find in sg. Any one interested can request to join. Can even request for the things u interested and i will see if i can get it in the lower price. Group name: Sg Mummies Group buy</font>
Bliss, haha.. mothers always 最伟大!!

Xinyue, i believe that if ur baby is fed well in the day, then he shld be able to sleep thru in the night. so thats y i kept dreamfeeding my boy until recent 2 weeks! he is oso 16mths. but i feel he is not eating alot, so i 'squeezed' in the additional feed for him, i order to let him gain more weight. lol! until one day we were lazy, my hb said let him sleep then later he cry then make milk for him. then we realised he dun need that feed liao. he could sleep till morning. so i dropped that feed lor. but i try to feed him more often during the day so that his intake increase in the day, no matter milk or solids, or just biscuits or puffs..

Freesia, haha.. same here, i oso kiasu. i will put the softfit funnels into steriliser, thinking it will be cleaner. same goes for the bottles and teats that my boy is using now.. haha..
the pumping pals funnels is it the same size as softfit, as in 24mm? cos maybe the size is not suitable for u, so thats y u feel pain during pumping.
xinyue/canopy, the mustela is claimed to be "better" than J&amp;J because it is paraben free (and free of additives and other stuff I think). If you google the word paraben, its suppose to be some chemicals that is cancer causing... I personally used the Mustela bodywash cum shampoo on my gal. It's really good especially if ur kiddo has the propensity for dry and tangled hair... :p

Agree with canopy, the bottle is pretty big (bigger than those GAIA ones but still smaller than J&amp;J la). If you buy it at offer, each bottle can cost about $23. And if I am not wrong, Mustela has two different types of body wash... so don't get the wrong one.

they hv new rules this year on the instant FM. I asked Abbott about it. Last time nurses can recommend or just push wat they hv to you. Now they cant, unless u request.

Now they hv a range in the ward just for you to ask.

Snowger, $1 per bottle of the instant FM? ooooo

ur diaper bag from TMC look interesting. I forgot what I hv. dun hv receving blanket, but alot of samples body soap,etc.

Similac is more heaty and can cause constipation.
Nan pro is recommend for allegry or sensitive bb.
Friso is supposed to be the mild.

For sensitive bb, U can try Karihome ( goat milk)

Samples link:
Diaper Sample
Drypantz / Drypers Diaper 1800 466 3002
Fitti / Pet Pet Diaper 6861 9155
Huggies / Pull Up Pants / Little Swimmers Diaper 1800 484 4437
Mamypoko / Pull Up Pants Diaper 6265 1648

Milk Powder Sample
Dumex (Mamil series) Milk Dumex - A world of advice from pregnancy to parenthood
NutriLine at 1800 265 3188
Friso Milk Friso Singapore | Curious Kids Need To Be Tough Inside!
Friso hotline at 64198484
[email protected]
Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/free_sample.asp Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk http://www.wyethnutrition.com.sg
Nestle Milk 800-6011633
Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk http://www.meadjohnsonasia.com/
Karihome goats milk Milk Punggol Plaza 2nd floor kids shop
The worst mum I heard so far is bo chap till only feed water a few days and claimed bb don't FM, only water......

&amp; then when bb 3-4mths, asked if anyone can help take care so that she can go travel with friends.....

Lucky the bb still alive and eating solid nw. If nt, really pity the child.
Thanks snowger for the list. I am starting to do up my nb list t of things to get ready.

Re: nipple cream.
At the prenatal class, the trainer did mention that just rub with BM, will help to ease the pain.

Re: night feeds,
Both my #1 and #2 took up to 2 yrs plus to wean off.... Then before long, the night wee wees come along... Must wake up to help them pass urine..... Sign.... But good thing with interrupted sleep = can loose weight......

I love that loosing weight part!! LOL!!!!

Eh... why must wake them up? in the midst of toilet training? I know boys are later in bladder maturity.

I read some mums wake up their kids every 2 hours to pee, isn't it strange to try to make them sleep thru when very young and then keep waking them up to pee?

It's also very stress for mum as hv to keep wake up herself n wake up kids to pee. Wei da mummy!

I am lucky as my night feeding &amp; night toilet training ended around the same time - 23th mth.
Then diaper all dry thru night except 3 accidents, then dry all the way.
Hello mummies! am back from my short short short trip!!

#1 is down with coughing and running nose.. super cranky...

Nipple Cream
My friends recommended Avent one, will buy it during Xmas sales..

Night feed
My #1 wean off when he was around 1+, I can't rem exactly when.. haha

Milk powder,
My #1 is drinking Enfa, I let him tried Similac but he don't like it.. Similac is thicker than Enfa.
hi hi mummies...

nipple cream: I used MEdela for #1, but will be trying our Earth Mama Nipple butter this time around!

NB FM : As I intened to BF, i will purchase NAN HA for standby and hopefully I won;t get to use it lah! hahah!

Bratons Hicks : any mummies experiencing it alr? Me do, once a day... i hope this is fine!
sylvia, I understand that even if you call the FM companies. They can only give samples for the beyond 6 mths milk powder. The NB powder cannot give any sample at all.

Back in 2008, the diaper bag is square square one (i think). Green in colour. The recieving blanket is actually a hooded towel. On the hood it says I am a TMC baby...

piyoz, u welcome... My list got some stuff that are seriously optional. You can consider getting after trying it at the hospital. The TMC parentcraft centre has the BF-ing pillow that you can try before buying. Then again it's a white elephant for me lor.
