(2013/01) Jan 2013

Btw, is there a FB group for Jan 2013 mummies?

My "proposed C-sect" is on 15th Jan 2013.
Hospital: TMC
Dr: Lawrence Ang

P.S - Any mummies experiencing swelling of the feet if we walk too much?

Nickole, I want to get the FS softfit breast shield. It's at $40 plus (!) at megababystore. If can get discount, wld be good loh...

Re GD: Dr Tham gave me a diet plan to follow... Pathetic loh... Rice only 12 tablespoons allowed. Meat or fish is 100 grams per lunch/dinner. Only vegetables can eat with no limit... Snack is 3 pcs of wholewheat crackers and a cup of milk. No cakes, desserts, sweet drink allowed. i substituted milk with unsweetened soymilk. My stomach cannot take too much milk, wait 'lao sai' more jialat... Outside fish soup and Yong Tau Fu soup cannot drink a lot cos stall owners usually add a lot of rock sugar and MSG in it.
Heng only left with less than 3 mths to EDD... Cannot survive with this kind of meal plan...
Canopyhaze, i haven order yet. i m 'sourcing' for cheapest prices. lol! i think i have to get it done by beginning Dec. so that all the parts can reach u all in time before delivery.
U let me know which parts u want

Jan11325, u let me know what are the parts u need. then i consolidate the list first.
Thanks Nickole

If I am not wrong, cuz I am totally new to this Medela breast pump (I used to use Avent Manual Pump) only I only need ...

Friends, softfit so ex now?? last yr i bought was $22 per pair! i think its discontinued oredi, so thats y the leftover limited stock is ex!

Jan, ok, noted. will update again on the prices before ordering.
Jan11325: Avent breast pump also need to buy the membrance right? Does it break easily? Where can I buy the parts... at the TPY Philips office?
Hi Celia

My first 2 was C-sect although I wanted natural this time round, but Gynae suggested better not..heheheh. So no choice, gotta cut me up again :p
Last Friday supposed to attend the first class of Child Education Course at Thomson but it was cancelled without notifying .. so we re-scheduled to Saturday class. The first course is about (1) Physical & Mental Preparation, the nurse name is Rosaline and there are around 15 couples inside the class ... not sure if anyone of you are one of them?

The nurse was not bad, quite interactive and show us few exercises and examples during the course. She even overrun the class ... some exercises are pelvic floor exercise which I think it was quite important for pregnancy. She also thought the husband how to massage the wife if wife leg cramp etc. Overall, it was not bad to learn all these especially for first time mummy ~
Nickole :Thanks! Which website can i take a look of the medela items? I used to order from a website called "my breastpump" during my 1st pregnancy.

Celia : my edd is 14 Jan as well.
Nickole, yes, I'm shocked when I saw the price cos i remember i didn't pay so much for the spare ones too... But mine kept too long liao, cannot be used this time round...

eh... very funny MIL. why make the mum an enemy of the child when she is carrying for 9 mths??

& somemore weekend... then parents are like vistors n parents. education n growing up all she do?? so all strange theories pass down to next generation?

Hmm... I shld be lucky in a way as got bo chap MIL then. I will really fire her if all these happ.

But the SAHM issue, I also kanna. I like ill treat her son! and made him a slave while I shake legs at home. ...


somehow I feel like they trying to be the power control person. like MIL dun like DIL coz snatch away son, so they snatch away their children.......
Syvia I got v bad experience since I had no1 so my phobia is coming back, sometimes hesitating whether I shld break my silence all these years... I dun tink she is a person who can accept dialogue.
Hi Ctrus

Yes, the Manual Avent Breast Pump have the white membrane (the small circle thing that looks like windmill) that needs to be changed. It can be purchased at TPY Showroom.

I last asked about the cost of the soft petals cushion for the pump and they said it cost $10.
Hi Jan11325,
My gynae says ok for me to try VBAC. My #1 is a April 2010 baby, and I had to undergo emergency c-sec under GA. I guess maybe coz both your #1 and #2 both c-sec so gynae propose the same for #3? BTW, when you had c-sec, did you opt for epidual or GA? I am not sure what to expect for c-sec under epidural!
nickole : my forum mummies from dec09 ordered from the "mu breastpump" website, i ordered it thru' them. Let me try to figure it out when i'm home, not nice to shop in office.
Can no longer buy from mybreastpump coz it seems they no longer ship to greight forwarders etc nor outside USA. I've been 'tracking' overseas BP for a while now but it seems they only bring in complete pumps and there are no more sprees on medela accessories, so ended by buying from BP section. Still good savings versus buying for stores through! haha I am scared #2 will be preemie like #1 for KS and already order now!
by the way, i bought 3 5oz medela bottles ($15 each), 1 pack of 3 medela bottles with caps but no teats ($33 per box) from robinson sales. This is before the 25% discount.
@bd mummy - Yes, my previous 2 was C-sect, No. 1 was breech and No. 2 - because gynae explained the risk that the womb will break, baby will die, thus hb kan cheong, so better C-sect.

As for No. 3 I so wanted to have natural after watching Home and Health every day Channel 425 of Starhub, its really encouraging but due to the fact that after 2 C-sects, gynae says its still better for me to go for C-sect to lessen the risk

I am put on epidural for both C-sect. You will feel small prick on your back and then later another pock and then your legs will start to numb. After that the numbness will go to just under the breasts. During the operation, what you feel will be your lower part of your body moving left and right, as if you are swaying your bums but you got no feel of what's happening except the movement. Hahah...

What frightens you might be the sounds of the equipments they are using but baby comes out real fast! No need to wait hehehehe...
@Ctrus - I bought my breast pump in 2005 and I did not change it until 2010. When I used it in 2010, it was still ok but due to the yellowish stain, I changed it.

I saw from a post in FB, Avent actually recommends to change the parts every 4-5 months. But I guess it really depends on the usage.
@ Jan11325, did u put the Avent membrance inside the sterlizer? I used Avent manual before and the white triangle whereby the milk flows into the bottle get loose and will drop it while pumping..

Seems like many mummies are using Medela...
Canopy, ok, u help me check.. thanks

Bdmummy, cannot buy direct ah? hmm.. i see if i can ask my fren who is in USA to help me buy then ship back?? haha.. have to check out shippings too..
how much shipping u paid for overseas bp??

Jan, i din noe Zalora sells these too.. haha.. but the prices is abt the same as retail shops, so not cheap either.
Hi bliss_ling

For breast pump, I sterlise using a rectangle container and pour hot water instead of putting it into the sterilizer, for fear that if it "melts", my bottles are still saved.

For the valve (the white triangle thing), you would have to change it because, pulling it in and out for washing will loosen the rubber, thus that's why yours kept dropping out when pumping
For USA shipping, we can use VPOST, then maybe can share shipping costs? I used to order items from USA and use VPost to do the shipping

@Nickole - apparently I saw many USA websites sell cheaper, even drugstore sells it.

@bliss_ling - I just bought a 2nd hand PIS Advanced (whatever that is called) with a backpack and know nuts about it and hope to gain knowledge on how to use it and what parts to change etc. Heard its quite good. For me, I use manual to stimulate the first milk flow then subsequently when the flow is smooth, I will use the electric. I used to own NUK but that machine kills me, pulling my nipples till it hurts so I gave up on that and was diligently using my 7 years old Manual Avent Pump until I decided on Medela for my 3rd one. :p
@aspialle - not really that painful as long as you don't carry heavy things. The scar is like a smiley face at slightly above the pubic hair.

No problems for my breastfeeding though
wow.... Thanks Jan = )
Urs is Medela PISA and suppose the suction is stronger. When I visited TMC parentcraft for engorement, they used Medela PISA too = )
aspialle : yes, the scar is something like what JAn11325 has shown. I got it due to my operation in July. I would prefer natural after going thru' it. No painful since this is full GA, but the recovery is slow and slightly painful than natural after the painkiller has worn off. I felt pain when trying to get out of bed.
Hi mummies,

Haven been posting for quite sometime, super busy this period.
Just went for the long awaited gynae checkup today.
Bb is 1.26kg today at 27 weeks. Doc said a bit on the heavy side. I put on abt 8kg to date.
Hmm...but doc said my amniotic fluid is on the high side so I need to take the Glucose test next week too!

Hope I dun have GD, no family history so far...
But am happy with the visit today as BBis in a good position so I managed to get the gynae to take a 3D photo of BB's face! Finally can see how the BB looks like. Super excited!
Serene! I also manage to take Mei Mei 3d scan
Doc say try for fun n really can see her! She look like girl version of my boy!
so happy!

But why my edd kept changing? Frm 6 to 8 n now 16 jan leh omg.. I tot I'm 28 weeks but only 26 weeks 5 days leh.
Cheese, my edd is 16 Jan too!
And got a 4D scan done at week 23, it's just wonderful to be able to see the baby's features. Can't wait to do it again after 30 weeks..
Jan, Nickole,
I read from this thread http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/590029/4453227.html?1350119590 that mybreastpump no longer can ship to vpost or distribution centres. Maybe you can try other sites if there is any loophole? Best if friends in USA can help order n ship back. With enough bulk orders should be at least comparable in price to BP I believe.

Think the edd date is dependent on size of baby detected via scan ie if baby bigger than averagel, edd will be estimated to be earlier, whereas if smaller or lighter than average, will be later edd. But last time my gynae tells me such estimates not very accurate, most accurate is the first dating scan or based on first edd that gynae calculates on your initial visit.
Cheese, it's the size of the baby that determines the EDD but gynae also said the first or second scan is the most accurate date. Mine has been hovering between 31 dec to 2 jan. Only a matter or 2-3 days so no difference to me...

Just like what the other mummies said, the EDD during scans will keep changing depending on the BB's measurements and weight but usually the first EDD given by the gynae will be more accurate.
My first calculated EDD is 14jan, today's scan shows 1 Jan cos bb a bit bigger than expected.
N yes so fun n excited to see bb features. Was wondering whether he look more like me or hubby. Hee
Cos my varies about 10 days so scary.. N some more I got a problem in confinement if baby come out so late.. Well then it's fated... Lol

My babies all small small One
If base on first edd, am 28 weeks already n she is 1009gram
It's the same as khor khor! Seems like I'm going to have smallie also, but I weigh like a giant dolphin hahaha
Expo John Little sale

Pampers NB (24 pces) $6.80 per pack.

I grabbed some maternity pads too - Mdm Pureen brand (or something like that)
cheese, my EDD was 16 Jan, but latest scan shows 28 Jan! My hope is, as long as it's a Jan baby, I'm happy cos we planned for a Jan baby. Maybe we are fated to have small babies

Cheerios to all mummies who have/are entering their 3rd Trimester! What would be the most stark difference you will feel between 2nd and 3rd trimester?
Will be wise not to get so many NB as baby will outgrown it very fast. Will recommend to buy size S.

TMC diapers
Hope during my delivery, the diapers will be either pamper / huggies..
Diapers - normally I will get Fitti/Pet Pet/Drypers for NB, one thing is because they need to change couple of times a day in case they poo poo and the quality is good too.
I think mine is the "smallest" (now 24 weeks) My EDD is actually 7th Feb but because I am having C-Sect, will be putting it forward to Jan 15 (hopefully).

Will be at TMC, if then anyone give birth, maybe we can meet there ehehheheheh

pamper NB is $6.80 per pack. So I guess I buy from Kiddy palace then since it's $6.63 per pack n i dun hv to go so far.

Bliss, 1st mth use NB shld be enough then upgrade to S? I rem I bought 1 pack & 1 from hospital, then I upgrade to S. Then shortly upgrade size M. Trying to rem wat happ then.....

@ Sylvia, for #1 first mth, we used up ard 6-7 packs of Size S pampers.. hehehee... cos baby poo and we changed it every 3-4 hrs when it just only urine except at night..

@ Jan, tried Fitti before cos during that time TMC gave 1 pack of Fitti.. Was telling hub that how come no huggies / pampers cos we paid for it as it came togther with nursery charges.. abit bo hua lor... whahahhahaha

Ne Drypers seems good... It is a waste to get good diapers especially they poo / pee often.. But I like Pampers and Huggies alot.. Have bought 3 packs of Huggies and nw it in my cupboard
