(2013/01) Jan 2013

dear mummies, you might wanna consider having delayed cord clamping instead. the benefits are:

" · baby receives up to 20-50% more blood (54-160ml) than if clamped prematurely · boosts iron levels and prevents anemia up to the first year of life baby receives all their stem cells · better oxygen levels, decreasing need for supplemental oxygen no need to worry if baby isn't "breathing" immediately because the placenta/cord is supplying oxygen to the baby · reduces incidence of bleeding in the brain and the need for blood transfusion · decrease risk of Birth Injuries, specifically those associated with the brain/IQ · decreases risk of maternal postpartum hemorrhage and retained placenta."

this video is very informative too!



so can I say must hv siblings to help? Leukemia though blood cancer is mutant blood, so maybe can use cordblood since it was initially good blood?

I stored #1, nw thinking #2 or nt.
Actually I'm not really sure either, just reading up and sharing what I found..

I'm going to ask my gynae for his opinion when I next see him and I'll share that with you guys after that..
sylvia/Tres, like what canopy said - I also read that up in several articles. The cordblood likely to be used for "self" is super low(i.e. cordblood harvested from baby A, baby A cannot use it). This is due to the inherent genetic defects already found in the stemcells in the cord blood.

The match to siblings and parents are also not guaranteed. I understand that the match for grandparents, aunts, uncles are even more remote.

Other than the above reasons, I read that cord blood banking (private) is banned in some European countries. This is because they are expensive and the use of cordblood to "cure" illnesses are oversold by these companies.

Another reason why I chose to donate is because the stemcells which are stored are confirm not enough to use for therapy...

I havent gone to sit in for any of the talks but what I read online is enuf to put me off private cord blood banking. I rather just spend the $ on insurance and pray for my children's health... :p

Here is a link (I suggest parents do a bit more reasearch on finding the best such as whether cord blood is kept in different vales and unfrozen for test purposes, etc):
went for my routine check up yesterday and was being told that my amnioitc fluid level was abit to high..not is not so good.
Any mummies here has the facing the same thing as me.
Hi mummies,

Anybody want order stuff from iherb.com? if so, u may enter my coupon code: ZZQ893 to enjoy the promo! Abv US$40 can get $10off if u enter my code. And now there is a new service shipping to singapore "EUROASIA" at flat rate $8 only. CHEAP!! Enjoy shopping mummies!
Morning mummies, have called the private cord blood hotlines yesterday and here's the rates:

(1) Upfront one-time payment $1380; subsequent annual fee $275/yr.
(2) Also can opt to (a) pay 5 yr annual fee upfront at $250/yr for 5 yrs or (b) pay 10 yr annual fee upfront at $250/yr for 10 yrs; subsequent annual fee $275/yr.
(3) Referral prog will have $50 off each for both you and your friend who referred you

Cordlife - for existing parent who already have banked with them:
(1) Upfront one-time payment $1950 less $550 discount; subsequent annual fee $250/yr.
(2) 10 year plan with upfront one-time payment $4200 less $600 discount; subsequent annual fee $250/yr from Year 11 onwards.
* for first time customers will depend on the tie-ups they hv w various cards/hospitals etc. But rate should be good at the bbay fair in expo this weekend.
Thanks Sylvia = ).. was reading it last night and was impressed...was back to my mum place with my girl cos hub sick.. surprising, she didnt bullied me and slept before 11.20pm.. a break through..she is closer to my parents cos we been living with them since she was a newborn.

I was having peace at my place and she played with my mum.. no yelling at her which it really bad for #2 when i get angry..

@ LDG, thanks for the sayang.. badly need it... hehehehe
@BP,for me my fluid is much higher and i need to control my carbo and sugar food.. did ur gynae mentioned anything to u with regards to this? U can check with him.
BP: me too having too much amniotic fluid based on my checkup last month. Went for gluose test last week and my result are negative....I was told to avoid sugary thing too.
Valerie: My glucose test results no good too, got gestational diabetes. Need to control my diet and do DIY blood test (2 consecutive days/ 7x each day). Will be dishearten esp when my reading is not within ideal range.

Bliss_Ling: Unfortunately I cannot take leave. Enjoy the outing
my glucose test is negative too. My gynae told me to watch my diet coz i put on 4kg within a month..too much lready...must really cut down on all sugary and high carbo food.
Anyone went for prenatal massage or have any to recommend? I have been experiencing lower backache, near tailbone area.
Hi ladies,

Been a long time. Can someone help me update when free?

Nick: clewlezz (not sure which no. am I in the list)
Baby: #2
Gender: Girl
Doc: Dr Jasmine Mohd
EDD: 21 Jan 2013
Hospital: TMC or Mt A

Cordblood banking > It's a personal decision. I donated my #1's to SCBB, will likely do the same for #2 as well. As the others mentioned, the possibily of bb using his/her own cordblood is very low cos' the defective genes are already inherent in the blood. As for siblings using it, the probability is 25%, i think. If donate to SCBB, in the event bb or sibling needs to use, we can can still request to retrieve it if it's still available.

Baby's weight > Yesterday I went for my 24 wk checkup. Baby is only 585g, my gynae said a bit on the small side. Have to monitor every 3 wks from now. I'm a bit worried now, dunno whether to resort to eating more/durians etc but the weight will likely go to me instead..haha..
Cord blood, i donated for my #1 to SCBB.in the end, i called them and they said the amount is not enuff to store.
for #2, i will be donating it again. cos i asked my gynae before delivering #1 and he said not point storing too. so my hb and i decided to spend that money on insurance better.

Bliss, can pm me ur number thru fb? i sms u tmr if i m joining.. thanks
Hi all,

I have a random question. I heard if you want hubby to stay over you need to get 1 bedded only. Is that true?

Anyone knows when Mt. A major reno is going to end? Thanks!
DM, yes it is true. The patient need to get a one bedded in order for Hb to stay over. This is to be considerate to the other lady sharing ur room. ;p

nt a prob. I find the info in the website very practical and child's well-being oriented.

it really depends, I ate alot of durian the last preg, like "pu". Almost seemed to went to bb. Presently, are u putting on alot of weight? U can try beef or soup

Cord blood
ok..... think hv to discuss with hub.

Yes, must be 1 bedded if hubby stay with u.
Cord blood banking
Ya, it's like an insurance.. But since both our family have some medical history.. I guess we will store the cord blood (my family has history of heart disease and Jun's family got cancer history) so just to be Kiasu.. Hahha

Yes must be single room, renovation in Mt A will only end in 2014...
my #1 i donate the cordblood and they even called up and say my cordblood can be use and can save life! Im sooo happy to hear that.

26 weeks 4days .
I love this top cos i look like big present..(its a big ribbon infront) haha
Thanks all for the answer. Haha.. I wana go Mt. A for delivery but scare the reno would be too noisy. Haha..

I am in dilemma too.. I so scare that I am going to be cut! But when I see my baby moving in my tummy, she is so cute! I am still trying to calm myself. Haha..

Cheese: I love your dress.. So cute.. And your kid is just 2 days onlder than mine.. I am already 26weeks 2days! Hee hee~
DM- i super scare bb wanna come out early..
Doc ask me dont walk so much during dec

#1 come out when he is 37 week 1 day
Cheese: I tot must walk more towards the end of pregnancy? But only for mummies who wanna go for normal delivery. I heard.

Xinyue: I also want leh.. But hubby said see or not see also Mt. A. LoL~ Cos my gynae deliver at TMC or Mt. A only. TMC now all nurses v unfriendly. 10 of 10 friends said that. Haha..
DM > hmm.. well, few months back, I went to Mount A for some consultation. Went down to take a peek at the maternity wards.. It wasnt affected by renovation, didnt hear noises due to reno..

Previously for my #1, I took single bedded at Mount A, hubby stayed over with me.. I find the Service good.

Personally, Which hopsital are u more comfortable with? Am still deciding between gleneagles and Mount A..

BUt my recent exp with Gleneagles, only so so.. And I cant compare since was at Gleneagles 2 bedded.
I wanted Mt A as they have confinement soup but my gynae only in GlenEagles now. So hv to follow him.

Still nt bad, I can go n get milo anytime and nurses very friendly n helpful for 2 incidents, so going back is fine for me. Esp this time is 1 bedded for #1 to stay.
Dm, dont know leh. Doc said so..
maybe cos he going holiday on end dec.. if he not there.. the other doc should be adrian will help me delivery.. my #1 is natural. hope this one also
Xinyue: That's a good news for me! Thanks! I think most prob I would go to Mt. A lo.. For your case, I think if can you should go back to Mt. A since you think they are good!

Gleneagles is expected to be good since they charged more. So if the service is same or slightly lower tahn Mt. A, then it'd be not worth the money already. So I think (for me), unless I have bad experience w my previous hospital if not I would go back to the "good" one. Hee Hee~ Just my opinion.

Oh need to follow your gynae also.. Hee~
Cheese: Haha.. Oh ya! I need to jot down this question for my gynae also.. "Will you be away in Dec/Jan?" Haha.. I always ask my gynae weird questions. Haha..

Sylvia: You meant you can get milo anytime? In Gleneagles or Mt. A? Milo now is my fave drink lo.. Hee Hee~ Hear milo only will droll! LoL~
DM > despite having said that, i would still encourage u to find out more.. though it is just a short stay, we still hope it is a pleasant one...

sigh.. my gynae can deliver in both gleneagles and mount a. But his clinic in gleneagles.. He told me before, if *touchwood* there is an emergency and I need him, it would take him at least 20min to reach mount A.

Why I said I Cant compare, I was in single bedded in Mount A whereas in Gleneagles, I was in 2 bedded.. Difference in bedded wards, so cant compare?

Sylvia > yeah.. can get milo anytime, gleneagles also have confinement food on their menue.. The nurses are friendly but mostly all foreigners?

Can I ask about billing system for Gleneagles? Heard they will do a single bill for both mummy and baby?

It was separate bills for mummy and baby in Mount A.
DM> can get milo anytime in Gleneagles. Not so for Mount A.

Milo was my favourite drink during #1's time. It is also the case now.. Can really drink milo like plain water ^^

Cheese > maybe ur #1 was early and gynae afraid #2 will also be early?
Haha.. True. For me, only Mt. A or TMC. I kena scare off by the TMC story after the management changes liao. So even w a little bit of noise, I guess I would still choose Mt. A. Ermz, will try to drag hubby to go Mt. A for the tour. Haha.. I am just too lazy to do that.

Billing also diff? Which on eis better? Tot the "pay by medisave" part is fixed? So basically is no diff?

GlenEagles is anytime even at 2am also can get Milo & biscuits.

my gynae nearly had accident last time to Mt A as the 2nd time mum only went to Mt A just before delivery, so after that, no more Mt A. So that mum spolit the market loh.

Glen Eagles had confinement menu? Oo... good good, then I will request.
Nurses... I saw alot of locals be it at baby ward, op ward,etc.

Eh... the billing is divided into mummy then baby charges.
Cheese: My gynae said if #1 is early, #2 would not be later that #1's. Not scaring you but I was told like that.

Cos we are still hoping for January baby but my due date is 31.12.12. So we asked if there was any case noted baby comes out later than due date. So my gynae said that for my case, #1 got chance. But dunno still, depends.. Haha..

the last time due to new regulations, I ask gynae if can help me delay so that I can enjoy new system. gynae laughed and said cant delay too long as no good for kid,

I hv a frd delay 1wk+ before contraction.
maybe urs 1st Jan2013?
DM> my experience, for mount A billing, u have 2 separate bills, so u can claim 2 times from medi-save.

What I heard was, since gleneagles only has one bill, u only claim 1 time.. thus, expect to pay more cash..

Mummies, can pls confirm?

Sylvia > During my stay at GlenE 2 mths back. I saw that u can select POST Natal on the food menu.. Ops, I was at the surgical ward.. and mostly foreigners there. So is just one bill?

DM > My #1 was out at 37+ weeks. Asked gynae if #2 will be early, he said it depends..
I dunno leh, she said baby can come out +/- 2 weeks.. I just need to delay 2 days.. Haha. You know I am so lazy (her daddy also).. It's mainly for the schooling stuff.. Haha..
that is why i also scare.. #1 37weeks 1 day 2.56kg only le, so small..i so fat...

I hope mei mei can be at least 38weeks...
Maybe he see my #1 come out at wk37 so ask me not to walk so much liao... when im in his clinic i already 3cm dilate.. wait for 20mins later, am already 4cm dilate
Xinyue: I asked my gynae that time on my first visit.. She told me my baby due date is 31.12.12 that time. Then we told her our concern.. So she said, for first kid is possible.. But if second kid would not be later than the first one. That's what she said lo.. Then since I am in my #1 so I said ohh okie~ Hee hee..

My friend told me even you split the bill into two bills but the medisave can claim up to certain amount only (which I dunno what is the amount, forgot) so you split the bill or never split the bill also same? Not too sure.. GOtta find out more.
For those who opted to deliver in Mt A. Did you all received an admission form? To be filled up and submit prior to admission. And 1 of the sections need to choose which ward/bed u want. As I've no idea how it will be like so I've made an appt for the hospital tour.
To prevent water retention is to drink more water. However I need to go toilet more frequently like every 30min. It's so frustrating. Haiz

DM > Not sure, as for my bill, I was able to claim the maximum amount as shown in my package.. and same time, i can also claim for my baby..

ctrus > I received the admission form during my prenatal class with Mt A. Even though i submitted the form personally at Mt A, there was no confirmation from their end and I had lots of paperwork to handle during my admission.. Imagine, lying alone in pain in delivery suite while hubby was bz with the admission procedure.

The form, need to fill in what type of delivery r u going for, what bed do u want. but still.. bed type is strictly depends on available at time of ur admission..
