(2013/01) Jan 2013

Shasha : oh? but i thot u said tcm said u are 5 weeks preggie ? nv mind nv mind jia you jia you!! your bb is coming to find u soon, a snake bb.. heehee.. Honestly after i see your posting hor i think i better wait for my af t come. mayb my 6th sense ask me nt to go for blood test is a waste of money lol..we jia you together!!

blurblur, ya !he also got tell me. this week is the more critical week, if AF come. mean my body is not able to "hold" the baby. my menses is late for 9days.
Just visited my gynae and heard bb heartbeat! :D
Finally got an EDD at 5 Jan 2013, but thk will most prob be earlier as my 1st was delivered at week38. Hope bb can dong in mummy womb till jan though!
Hi all, I just tested and is positive. But intend to see gynae much later. I just had a mc end Jan. Thinking if I should visit gynae early June? Kinda fearful. My last menses date is 6 April.
Shasha : that means u r preggie before?? sori i dont reli get wat u mean.. Anyway dont think too much ya new cycle new hopes.. Like berries she is so optimistic abt it.. I dunno if my af comes hw wld i react cos i gt so many "suspecting" symptoms which are so similar to pregnancy. think i will bang wall lo.. and next time if i ttc im certainly nt gg to believe watsoever symptoms liao cos they are nt reliable at all!!!
Blurblur, ya. my chinese doc say. base on my last period 6April. if AF didnt come last week. mean i should be 5weeks preg. for the pass 9days i really been through the hardest time in my life. hate being suspecting everyday & keep on testing on the kit. even my hb also thinking that i'm over react.
When's your lmp?

Sunset grill level30????? I keel over at level 3!! So you are the one they put up at the board? Wow! I finally got to know the person who ate level 30!!!
I am quite fearful though cos I just had a MC in Jan as bb no heartbeat. So I thought, what yours will be yours and is really the act of nature. We just do our best, god do the rest, ya? For the first one, i spent so much at TMC, injection, pills and all, and in the end, bb no heartbeat. So I tot this time round, i dun wan to see gynae so early. May consider gleneagles though.
ya lor shasha... dun upset bout it ok?
like wat blurblur and dorie said, new cycle new hope... lets have faith tgt..

i also tot i preg but then AF report before i could do anything.. so sad.. plus i keep asking my #1 wan a didi or meimei.. end up disappointment.. lets grab bb dust here..
congrats courgeous81!!

littledragongirl, so nice to hear bb heartbeat rite? happy for you.. u wan a jan BB? hope bb can tong till jan as wat u wan..
courgeous81: yes i totally agree with wat you say.. we do our best.. god do the rest!! Dat wat i told my bf but she say nonsense. To me we really dunnno wat happen next we just need to take good care of our body during the pregnancy all other lays in the hand of GOD.
Thanks Alot Berries & Blurblur, i will 加油 again. like what (courgeous81) say what yours will be yours and is really the act of nature.
komathi and dorie i also prefer KKH leh. my gynae went private no choice have to change new gynae, seeing her next fri...like waiting for so long

i feel like vomiting ....haiz v sleepy, no energy...
jlau, for my first preggy. I also took but din make me dizzy or naseous. If memory did not fail me, I think it is a symptom some mommies will experience. maybe MS setting in?
Jiau, yes it will make you feel drowsy after taking the pill cos i heard from dr that it will expand your veins to allow blood flow to the bb, that why you will feel relaxed and drowsy.
bliss_ling, you said TMC standard drop. Can elaborate? Cos I'm thinking using TMC again. I had Dr Ang as the PD last round and thinking of getting her again.
@snowhopes~ i m feelg very uncomfy esp at night. losing all appetite n absolute no cravings for sweet/sour stuff..

@babykk~ omg... i cannt imagine if this is gg to last till end of 1st trimester...

arghh im still tinking abt the oscar test... oh no...
Fullhouse: Yes! Itried it and my bf recorded down when I was eating.. It was so funny, the only word I could pronunce that time was "LA!" Hahaha.. But I guess I can't do it again.. Haha..

Congrats to Courgeous n LittleDragon!! =D But Courgeous, why if MC in Jan then cant MC now?

LittleDragon, I went to see gynae yest but I cannot hear bb heartbeat.. cos the machine is old one.. How? If I wanna hear what should I do other than changing gynae?

Oh ya.. My gynae is attached to TMC.. So I guess I would have no other choice right?
DM(Dragonmummy), i mean i suffered from miscarriage in Jan. So now feeling so paranoid, esp the tot of going to see gynae. Very scary and fearful.
Courgeous: Oh so sorry to hear that.. I tot you are talking about the Medical Cert.. But isn't that shouldn't you go n see gynae earlier to secure the baby better? I heard Folic Acid is a must!
yes. i have already started my folic acid when i am trying to ttc.
i am worried esp the scanning part, when doc revealed the bad news to mi.
Fullhouse : my lmp is 6apr.. like some of the ladies.. but actuali im nt v sure if i.have remember wrongly lei..haa actuali is i agar agar de..but gp assume if my lmp is 10apr nw i.shld be able to.test positive by today..so he said shld be my af lo..then nw i see berries n shasha thinking mayb the gp is right.. i shld wait for my af haizzzz
Hi everyone.. I am new to this thread.. has been reading up silently. Hope to get lots of baby dusts from here..

Congrats to all mummies that gotten BFP..

Courageous81: I know how you feel. i suffered from mc just two months back. The amount of money spent for the baby/foetus ended up not being able stay with us. That's feeling sucks totally.. My hubby console me saying "God wouldn't take anything from us without giving us something even better". I believe that this time round pregnancy will be good. so look on the bright side. ok?
think positive!!

A lIttle Abt me.. My lmp was on 22 Apr.. Was experienciIng some sort of breast soreness.. and constantly hungry.. I was thinking if I should go test or not or its ways too early to test.. *think too much already
Bliss ling
I wouldn't opt for TMC. A friend of mine delivered at TMC and after 6 hrs she asked for epidural, and was told the anesthetist not around! So she suay suay continued through the next 2 hours wo epi.. That's the thing about pte hospitals. They don't have own in house anaesthetist (they share anaesthetists), don't have junior doctors to jaga wards, delivery suites, don't have junior nurses to jaga Nursery...putting it nicely they have all the senior personnels but very little frontline safety net (okok I'm paranoid, the nurses will do the job of junior docs in pte hospitals).



New cycle new hope!
komathi: thanks!

blur: mmmm, i think if BD... up to three weeks still got chance bah... after that if BFN should be BFN liao...

try not to worry whether it's your health or not lah. but if three wks liao still BFN then maybe go do a blood test to have peace of mind?

annie: cp at 26wks should be ok right? cos baby already mostly developed, so won't affect much. dunno... that's what I thought. anyway, yah, the maid thing really depends on what kind of maid you get lor.

bliss: wah, chum, you want one hospital, DH want another... maybe ask around for review? or compare package prices?

why everyone say standard for TMC drop ah? when I go and visit my friends who give birth there, I not very impressed with their rooms and things ley. I still like KKH wards... granted i always take A ward lah... so maybe that's why.

blur: wah! so qiao?!?!?! as I'm sitting here typing, my nose is running and my eyes are watering... pengsan... but I don't think I am sick. I think just my usual morning sinusy thing...

blur: yah, temp supposed to be higher if you preggy. when i preggy i very hot one.

shasha: *hugs* never mind la... got baby can liao... regardless what kind la... jiayou ok?

LDG: congrats! lovely to hear the heartbeat right? hopefully your bb can dong until jan lah...

courageous: congratulations! you are fearful of mc again? thought if you fearful of mc should go see gyn earlier so he can give you meds to "support" the pregnancy? dunno. for me, i always go at 6wks so that i can straightaway hear bb's heartbeat. :p

oh, just read your second post. i see. then maybe just wait lor... but will that make you even more fearful? not knowing? stress is also no good for the baby and the body yah?

jlau: doc gave you hormones ah? why? you got spotting? i personally never experience before, but my SIL ever complain all that...

berries: what did your #1 reply? want didi or meimei? my #1 (almost 12yo) is moaning and groaning that he doesn't want another sibling cos he thinks his sisters are very irritating... then I reminded him that when he was about 3, I asked him if he wanted another meimei, or if he wants a didi, he said he wants both, another meimei and a didi... so funny... then now he will like, aiyoh, i was so young... i didn't know better!!! hahahahahaha, like old man liddat. but the girls would really like to have a baby "doll" to play with. hahahaha.

aspialle: you change gyn? change to who? i don't even know who is left in kkh liao. the last round I went to TPS... shiok only... but end up so ex!!! hahahaha.

hi babykk... are you also expecting a jan baby? must be i never pay attention, haven't noticed your nick before... hurhur... peng san.

snow and bless: yah, i also want to know why you all say tmc std drop... heehee.

courageous: must be courageous like your nick... not everytime will be the same one... *hugs*

blurblur... just wait one more week then test again bah. then don't have means really don't have liao. then wait for new cycle then jiayou lor!

shirley: hahahaha welcome.... and you can join the "think too much club" that blur and I are in... heehee... try not to think too much ah, can go crazy one... just wait... if your cycle regular, missed period can test, if not, then just keep testing until BFP or AF come... *fingers crossed* for you!!!!

Shirley: yes, if it's ours it's ours... we just keep looking to God...
wah, super long post... now must go and bathe and get ready to get out of the house. going for girl's choir prac... tired... ah well. tonight got ballet some more. ok lah... talk to you girls again later tonight bah... take care all! muacks!
Fullhouse: hi!! my cycles is usually 28 days.. but I went to Google. they say that can check 3 - 5 days before period arrives. Sounds abit kiasu but dun want history repeat itself.. any suggestion? r u a first time mummy? This is my first. so abit paranoid and clueless.
Hi Shirley, I did experienced similar symptoms as u before my period due.. I knw how u feel nw but it's gd to wait & test at least one day after the due period..I tested it on day of my missed period & ganna one '-', made me more worry!!! Re-tested 3 days later, Me kaisu, bought 3 kits to test & got '+'!!!
Most imptly nw- Stay positive!!! Baby dust to u!!
Can I check if I still ned to re-confirm on my pregnancy again with any home clinic(Me has tested wif 3 BFP) before appt wif gynae? 1st appt on 25-may. Thks all;)
Hi dorime!! Think I think too much.. but again worry that might my af symptoms. feeling hungry constantly.. appetite quite big nowadays. Hungry plus bloated.. Haix..
4 season: 3 BFP no need to reconfirm liao bah... my GYN will say, tested positive right?! then congratulations!!! usually no wrong one!!! liddat... hahaha... that's wat we kena first time we test positive only quickly go see GYN. hehe.

shirley... hahaha... i think it's quite normal bah...

jlau: no leh... i never take hormone pills before... cos i no spotting nothing... if all is well, should be no need to take bah. not meh?
Hi Shirley, u can wait a while till 1 day after ur missed period, then u try test? pms and preg symptoms is v similar but usually for my case, preg symptoms such as sore breast, bloatedness, showed up earlier than pms. how abt urs? hope to hear good news from u too. and i understand how paranoid one can be, esp when we suffered a miscarriage before
Berries: so sorry, didnt have the chance to go and find the name of the shop cos maid kept all my maternity clothes on top of the wardrobe.. will find it asap and update u ok ok?
Now Mt A is undergoing major reno... building new wing and CP.. its very messy and quite difficult to find a parking lot.. unless before 6pm can ask valet parking... But overall i still love that plc...
jlau, I thought oscar is compulsory. It's the amonic fluid test that is dependent on the mother's age and history of other children's condition. OSCAR itself is non-invasive procedure to determine if the child has any down syndrom. It is a very clear scan that allows the sonographer to measure a fluid that is found on the neck as well as check out features of the child...
Snowhopes: You said it's compulsory? So I do not need to request for the test for my baby? In which stage the test would be done? First time hearing this.. Paiseh..

I think I heard from here, someone said weeks 7-10 is the peak? Now I believe liao.. I do not feel like to eat anything and feel wanna vomit! Haiz..
dorie, my #1 still dunno how to ans.. wen i ask wan meimei or didi, he repeat meimei, didi back to me.. LOL!!! coz he is only 22mths.. tink dun really understand wat i mean yet..

purplewish, no worries.. wen u get to see the name or rem it then u post and let me know..

u no mood? tink coz u tired and sleepy rite?
snowhopes, i tink oscar is compulsory.. i went for oscar tat time wen i got my #1 coz the gynae say compulsory leh.. maybe for different gynae different point of view?
DM, based on my recollection, i thought other than detailed scan in 2nd trim, oscar is also compulsory... :p Since you no hear before then it could be highly recommended?

I only remember my gynae giving me a phamplet to learn what OSCAR is all about. The test is done sometime in first trimester between 11-14 weeks. Other than the blood test on mummy, OSCAR is non-avasive but not 100% accurate (as compared to the amonic fluid test where they will stick in the needle to extract the water bag fluid for test - this procedure is usually not recommended unless due to age/bad OSCAR readings/other concerns as it carries some degree of possible miscarriage).

To read more, you can refer to:
Hi 4season: thanks for sharing.. I nearly wanted to get the kit during lunch break.. but didn't In the end.. I guess I will wait till next week or what den test.. one kit can be costly..
Congrats to you.. I need lots of baby dust.. how's many weeks r u now?

courageous81: yeah.. totally understand how you feel.. everything super paranoid.. even the food that goes into my mouth also scare...
berries, I oso thought it's compulsory. The amonic fluid test is however not compulsory and not recommended unless due to age or other concerns.

That's why I very puzzled when DM say she never heard of OSCAR before. My gynae gave me the impression that it is compulsory leh... I did it anyway since it can rule out down syndrome. :p
oscar test

i tot it is not compulsory. when i was preg with my son, i fail my NT (Nuchal translucency) test, thus gynae advise to go for oscar test.
