(2013/01) Jan 2013

bliss_ling, berries: i dink Thomson charges more.. yeah i heard alot of good review of MT A. dunno wanna go there dis time but PD i wanna get Dr Ang from TMC lei.
Komathi: Mi in Gleneagles for my both gals cos my gynea is stationed at this hospital. I found it ok lah, the food so-so only. Think if i remember correctly my hub only paid $1k+ cash. i think depends on the gynae fees too. If the gynae fees is ex, the bill will more ex.

Shasha : is ok. What brands of kits did u check with? U wanna try with clearblue?? Many ppl said is v sensitive.
annie, i got 2 frens gave birth at TMC, they say is gd as well..but i still choose MT A coz maybe i'm a christian, and i know MT A got prayer room tat is the main reason i opt for MT A instead of TMC even thou my gynae gave me these two options...

kom, u choose the one u tink is more suitable for u / the one tat u will luv to go.. then maybe wont so confused already..
blurblur: thanks for the advise. Caz my ex gynae, shes moved to gleneagles medical centre. and will deliver only in glens or Mt A.

however, my #1 was delivered in KKH. I prefer KKH but have to take another gynae.Her appt. is like packed and only available on the 7th of june. That is apparently my 1st appt.
berries: my cousin say TMC standard drop.. cannot even remember how much my DH pay for my first preggie. TMC parking is terrible always full no parking lot den take the van to another place and get car.
kom : believe in ur choice..

annie, is it? so horrible? maybe now more ppl go there to deliver? coz 3 to 4 yrs back wen i visit my fren, the parking not as bad as wat u mentioned.. seems like now abit scary..
any mummies feeling hungry or wanna eat something all the time..

seems i am like hungry every 3-4 hrs..
worried bout weight gain..haha
DM: yay!!! heehee... good for you! so happy that DH now knows you don't have to be so restricted...
wah, 31.12.12.... got hope to be 2013 baby ah!!!! can lah!

blur: wah, you make me tempted to buy the digital one also leh.... ^$$^ money flying away....

blur: don't overdo the water, but don't deprive also... no good, must stay hydrated...

DM: wah! 7 wks liao... so exciting...eh, how come cannot hear heartbeat? so sad?

fullhouse!! heehee... i'm already here but not officially leh.... hahaha... but congrats again...
i also like KKH... good experiences there...

blur: no la no lah... you me the same... where got laugh at you?

Dm: then you say, "shhhhhh, don't ask, I don't wanna jinx it" liddat lah... hahahaha... or,
"ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies..."

annie: huh? hear what your hair stand? the studying thing ah?

annie: not everything can be seen via u/s one lor. the detailed scan done by the same gynae or done by u/s technician? if u/s technician, then shouldn't be GYN's fault bah?

berries: maybe not everybody go and do those tests? like me... i won't do any of those tests one. plus, some of those tests only test where you are at risk for the problems, it is not a diagnosis. only the amniocentesis will defnitively tell you if the baby's chromosomes are in disorder...

annie: what is CP? you said she has CP during her pregnancy?

annie: the child got special needs no special needs, born liao, the parents will just step up to the plate and deal with it one. just must not stress, adjust expctations only.

blur: yah, we all await your news!!! hopefully it's AWESOME news!!!

annie: i hope they are giving the baby the intervention it needs? early intervention for special needs children is the best...

errrr, you need to get those elastic waist pants liao bah... don't injure yourself by forcing the too tight pants on worh.

ok, gotta send my girl for her class... be back later...
Dorie: Your suggestion is so funny.. That that lady already spread the news to whole world without getting my confirmation.. I have to say no to her to stop her to spread the news.. A bit sianz w her.. Why so kpo? I cant to anything thou.. I just lied.. ='(
dorie: oh abt the test u say earlier... make my hair stand!!
CP is chicken pox. She mention that gynae told her not to go visit her in case pass to other pregnancy lady!! So after her CP she did go back gynae for check-up loi.
haha.. i super like this part dorie said...
"ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies..."

make me laugh!!! can shun off ppl jokingly..nice one!
annie: haha, maid issues i also cannot help you. i dare not hire maid. we only have a part time cleaner, and my mom comes to help me jaga the younger ones if i have the take the older ones out for class.
she also helps me to cook dinner on days that she comes over...

blur: oi, got BFP cannot anyhow jump jump hor! can yell, can woohoo!!! can liddat, cannot anyhow jump ah! heehee... i keep my fingers, toes, legs, eyes all crossed for you!!!!

berries: yah man, talk about prices.... my first one we paid like only about $1.5K in all, cos tried epidural didn't work... 2nd one, super short, deliver fast fast, hers only $1K... but my #3, wahseh, hubby said cost us close to $20K cos we were premier suite plus tried everything including epidural and then had to emnergency c-sec... ex man.

shasha: just go and see a GYN and do a blood test for HCG, should be the most accurate, then you don't have to worry?

yah, single bed the best, hubby can stay throughout... we farmed the kids who were already born to the grandparents... haha... so we had a wonderful time...

komathi: ^5 i also really really like KKH...

annie: yah, TMC parking is super irritating...

now everytime, must let them valet park, then must sit one van to get to your car... then must wait and wait until the van is full.... quite irritating. some more if you heavily pregnant, can just imagine trying to get into the van, so uncomfortable....

komathi: choose healthy snacks if your body can take it... then you don't have to worry so much about weight gain.

Dm: warrao... the lady very bo sui leh.... too much.

annie: orh... I think CP is only "dangerous" in first trimester... after that should not be a problem liao for the developing baby... when did she get the CP?

berries: hahahaha... that's a very useful line right?! heehee.... :p
Dorie: Ya lo.. Was so upset w her.. But anyways, after thinking I think I am going to honest w her and ask her to please please please stop discussing.. I said I know you meant well but please keep it to yourself and I would announce it after 3 months. One more month to go.. Haha.. I think bo pian leh.. If not I would feel bad then become moody.. Now good mood also very important hor.. Haha..

I am going to have my fave sayur soup from my mom.. DH never say cannot lo.. Wahaha~ =D
shasha: yup... so if you're very worried, then just do a blood test, you will know for sure...

DM: hopefully she will respect it... these ppl sometimes no control over their tongue one... you tell them don't tell, ppl will still know... sigh.

what is sayur soup? hahaha, i thot doc already told DH can eat anything? i suppose the only obvious things to avoid are those that are high risk for salmonella (so make sure chicken well cooked etc...) and other such infections. otherwise, no need to be so paranoid bah.
Dorie: Hahaha.. Ya lo.. I also cannot control her tongue.. LoL~

Sayur soup is just simple vege soup (malay version but custom to chinese taste).. My mom dish. Eat from young..

He worried cos I eat v spicy food.. But now I moderate it le.. Haha.. Imagine I take the sunset grill chicken wing at level 30 and I got the cert! Haa haa~
Haha.. Ya lor Dorie.. Now I am eating this plain fish soup.. Hee hee..

I moderate alot le.. Normally put 6 chili padis now only 1.. Haha..
wah!!! I am your opposite. I dunno how to eat hot and spicy food. mwahahahahahaha.

sian... just now buy dinner, now feeling bloated and pukey, don't feel like eating.
arrrrgggghhhh... the queasiness is getting worse... I think I'm hungry but the thought of eating is making me feel worse.... and DH is at a meeting tonight... all of a sudden, I feel like crying... :'[
Dorie : u pei mi test again tml mornie.. heehee mi aso after having dinner my stomach is like half full n half hungry like that arghh.. seems like ur hcg aso slowly increasing sia.. test test test!! Ask u all hor if i get a bfn tml, shld i test again? Or is there a need? as i know clearblue v accurate one right. Before i test tml mornin if is af i do hope it comes n find mi tonite so i wont waste the kit n or even see "not pregnant"..
Blur: I never buy the digital one leh... I think I test end of the week safer bah. I finally ate my beehoon by adding thousand island dressing on it. I only ate 2 pieces of my fishcake, and never touch my egg....
so sad. ate half the beehoon. no can eat liao. I also tempted to buy the digital one. see how. but I think I will wait. cos I don't want to test BFN then wonder still must test again. This weekend BFN then must be BFN liao... cos this weekend will be 3 weeks since I BD liao. confirm cannot be so long one.

Berries: hmmm, I scared... haha. silly hor. but I will wait. I wait for this weekend.
monday morning I tell you all result, OK?
Berries : U also think so hor?? Yalor dorie chances of BFP v high lei

Dorie : Like what u tell me maybe u drink too much water before u test or hcg not high enough.
For my case one more reason why i nv pin so much hopes cos my PMS symptoms also quite similar vvv hungry will eat a lot de. Hmm but ok tml will know le lah..

Yup once nia is ard 2 weeks ago nia lei hahaaa.
Sometimes really 没办法,硬着头皮也要撑下去。I should be worried, coz I'm considered over aged mother lol...

Bliss ling
So you are deciding which hospital only nearer the date? I'm thinking NUH, KKH, or Mt E. The first two gave me a better peace of mind...

Blurblur, shasha
I tested 4th time after my missed menses before bfp, at cd42 or 43... So you could ovulate late!
Fullhouse : Oh ok ok.. First 2 times u tested with what kits u still remember?? But what made u test, u got symptoms too?? heehee
Erhmmm three times bfn, Can't rem... From guardian and the forum ladies said super accurate kit, but still negative. It costs $12 and is those md stream ones.. I think it's the timing not the kit. I must have ovulated late (else I'm in deep trouble now, gynae told me 'eih only 5 weeks...')...
Fullhouse : Okok i see i see. That means if i test BFN again tml, i shld retest. oh dear. i bought the digital one lei haahaa, too bad cannot re use. If you post earlier, i will go n buy the watson cheap brands which had 2 kits, at least i can retest if BFN with the digital de. Now i only have the digital clearblue so i have to use to test it tml morning lolx..
i'm back!! Just saw gynae yesterday... confirm EDD on 01/01/13 ... also managed to "hear" heartbeat.... so i'm seeing gynae next mth..

how's everyone here??
blur: I ever liddat before, and BFN each time, so I dare not get my hopes up too high... in fact, when I was preggy with #3, I had absolutely no symptoms leh. So dunno lah.

I waiting for your news this morning ok? I will check the board on my ipad... cos I gotta go for bible study... so won't be able to sit at home and come in....

fullhouse... how old are you? but this is your #3 right? dunno... i always thought that the high risks are associated with having your first child late? dunno ah.

are you very near NUH? it's so far away for me. I like KKH too...

Blur: I'm waiting.....!!! excited for you!!!

Allyfan: Hello! congrats!!! so how far along are you? can hear heartbeat means at least 6wks bah...
me? no... I only planning to test end of this week. already tested once over the weekend... BFN
Halo all.. v early hor i cant sleep hahaa so wake up n test ..i get a BFN again!!! can anyone explain? Hahaa i dont think is my hcg not high enough lei.. Mi think is most probably my af coming le. Cos clearblue shld b v sensitive de right.. aiyooo made mi so sleepy lol
Wah, blur, you specially wake up so early to test!! So are you going to test again? But hor,if you bd only 2wks ago, then maybe still early? Dunno ah. You and me same boat lor... Symptoms galore, just dunno is real or imagined, or imagined until real... *faint*

For me, end of this week is three weeks Liao... If still bfn I will stop testing and hoping Liao.
Dorie : and hor dont u think my symptoms appear v early.. wahaha..see if my af still havent come im gg to test again lo..this is driving me crazy man.. i feel like crying lei not bcos i gt bfn is i scared somethin is wrong with my body .. U mean if bd 2 weeks ago still v early ah..
hi Ally, congrats!!

blurblur, maybe dorie is rite, if ur bd less than 3 weeks probably too early to test? dun worry, i dun tink is ur health, probably u try again tis weekend or next week if AF still did not report..
blurblur: u test wif ur first morning pee? try again end of this week ba if AF still havent come. nv come means still have hope!!! be positive..

Hi Ally: congrats.. wah hear heartbeat mean around 6weeks liao. ok i will wait patiently for my next visit.

dorie: yeah CP veri dangerous, she got it around 26weeks ba. fated liao.. all dis no choice.
sigh.. i dink of sourcing for maid i headache, alot of my friends say is really depend on your luck. can get good one or veri nasty one.

today i super tired and no appetite.. wanna take MC go hm sleep!!! wanna drink kopi to stay awake but cannot lei... sigh
@ Fullhouse, need to decide on which hosiptal to go as some gynae dont travel there. Hubby is keen to go either Mt E or TMC. I want to go Mt A. how how?? He likes the place in Mt E .

@ annie, #1 PD was Dr Ang from TMC. your is Dr Ang ai tin or the other male one? I delivered mine at TMC, it was good but i also heard that stamdard drop.
bliss_ling: my #1 is Dr Ang ai Tin.. the male dun really come in that often. since PD and gynae there i shd jus deliver there for #2.
Berries : haa cos my symptoms so obvious mah.. so if preggie hcg shld be high right lol.. yaya i will test again.. im on mc aso morning i jus cant bring myself to work. plus suddenly dunno why i got flu .. So jus take mc n rest at hm..

Annie : yaya i tested with my first morning pee wor.. nt reli la cos midnite i gt wake up to pee once.. hey u all know i jus come to see gp then i tell him my last menses he said by nw shld be able to test positive if im reli preggie so he was saying he think is my menses is coming soon.. i nv tell him i bd 2wks ago lah
Ya i think why he thinks im nt preggie is cos of my temp??? If reli preggie temp is quite high one right.. mine only 36.7 nia..at this moment i feel like crying lo. i tell him if my af still havent come n i still haf these symptoms ? he ask mi go for diabetes test. cos i say my water intake is v scary...
Bliss ling : the gp i just went ask me to use morning urine.. aiya he already concluded mayb is my menses coming..so i shall wait n see lo. he ask mi to take blood test though but i.dont dare to take lolx

Morning Blurblur & dorie,
Last night went to Gynae to do Urine test & blood test. paying about $270 inclusive consultation fee. and end up Menses came in the Mid9, when i wake up. my tear drop.

my dragon's baby dream gone.....
