(2013/01) Jan 2013

Thks for welcoming & congrats to all & baby dust to blurblur; let us knw of ur gd news soon;)
I bought kits frm BBmaegan bulk purchase; cheap & reliable! Blurblur-share wif u my happening:When I tested on day when my period missed wif a kit frm Watson(more than $10) & cheap kit frm BBmaegan, u knw wat, '-' for Watson & '+' for cheap kit!!
I'm confused cos tot Watson one shd be accurate cos more ex mah...I tested 3 times of the cheap kits again & all '+'!!! Happy but scared 'false positive' result cos of Watson one tested (-).
Then nvm, I waited for 2 days & retested on sun wif 3- clearblue, cassette type n cheap kit, all positive so nw I confirmed pregnant!! The '-' really made me worried!!! Reali KNS!!
Proven that cheap one can be reliable!!!
U go test tmr am n remember to stay postitive ah!

wow purplewish, TPY central have alot? my gynae at TPY central leh.. i nv see before leh last time wen i having my #1.. i went thereso often got chkup.. is it newly open de?
4season : Oh the one im gg to buy is also those cheap ones. think 2 for $8, i saw it liao le.

I hope to see 2 dark lines tml
Then i can spread bb dust hehe..
Feeling very lousy today. I had fever last night, and is having a bad cough and sore throat now. This adds on to my morning sickness. I am a bit worried and thinking if I should call my Gynae for advise. My next appointment is this Friday.
tigress, poor thing.. try to drink more water.. u now preggy cannot anyhow eat medicine.. go see a doc to request some safe medicine for preggy woman to consume to recover faster...
Berries: yes, i cant remember that shop name.. start with C de.. they have alot.. cheap and nice too lah i find.. all my maternity clothes buy there de.. they have pants to hot pants, dress.. tonight i go back and see my clothes tmr i let u know the name..

They have models outside wearing those maternity tops too to tell pple that they sell maternity wear..
ok, going to just reply from my last reply... if you all asked me sonmething before that and I missed out, please ask again hor... lazy to switch back and forth to archived thread... haha... sorry, yesterday so busy no time to come in...

annie: yah, implantation can cause cramp.... experience before...

blur: you very funny... why you walk slowly? I yesterday still run here run there... haha... but I understand... must take precaution mah... with my #3, I even fell heavily on my knee when I was like 5 wks preggy with her... thank God for His protection...

wah blur, you gonna keep it a secret for the first tri? I think hard for me, though I will try to keep it a secret from my girl's choir teachers, cos I don't want them to worry about looking after me instead of me looking after the girls...

yesterday hubby so sweet, worried, ask if really have, then still can fly? cos of our Oz trip then later my Vienna trip... I reminded him that we have a stewardess friend who flew until her 20th week....

blur: we both hope together... but you test first... i think i wait for weekend... so tempted to get the more senstive digital one... but so ex... sekali see not pregnant... warraos.

blur: nono, i won't laugh... cos I also THE SAME!!!! wah.... we all must be very imaginative people!!!

jlau: this one your first one? I guess, the main question is, you test liao, what are you going to do with the results? for us, we refuse to do testing cos we know even if child has special needs, we will not abort. so to us, it makes no difference. also, many of these tests can have false negative... so worry for nothing. child come out liao then at least we can start doing concrete things for the child... we went through all this because at routine 20wk scan, both my #1 and #3 got red flag marker for down's... but in the end don't have. we don't want to do further test cos we want to keep the baby, and don't want to risk a m/c. my GYN also know, so he never even ask us to go after the first one.

annie: hahah, all small kids liddat one bah... that's how my mom found out about my #3... because my two gheenahs go and baotoh me to her... hahahahaha

annie: LOL... and now hor, the whole world also know!!! heehee

Liz: heehee, you're welcome...

whitecookies/4season: congrats to you!!!

heehee, like blur, i also don't have my coveted BFP yet... but hoping to be preggy... this will be #4 for me if I can get... I also old mummy... 39 this year... :p

blur: huh?! you going to test already?!?!?!?! okok, we wait for your good news ok?! *crosses fingers, toes, legs, eyes, everything for blurblur*

berries: AF come means new cycle new hope... jiayou!

purple: aiyoh, so poorthing... scared sibling run away... poor fella... scared until dare not say...

blur: don't count so much... just test and see how bah. If you BD more than just once... then for up to three week after your last BD, still got chance lor... heehee

annie: hugs....

annie: at least you got maternity clothes to dig out. Mine all given away liao. Although I have one or two pieces I kept to wear because it is so comfortable!!! that shows you how fat I am lor... hurhur

purple... yah, just wear slightly bigger tops lor... actually no need to buy the maternity type, just bigger will do...

annie: unlike you, I LURVE wearing maternity clothes... cos hor, I always look preggy, then those baby doll cutting and some other cutting cannot wear cos will look even mroe preggy... so when preggy got excuse to buy all that and wear! heehe... and I find maternity clothes so comfy!!!

blur: you and me really highfive all the way lor... I also BD once.. heehee... too tired, no energy to do like rabbit... so once enough. then just hope. hurhur.

ya blur, you come spread bbdust to me, then I also can go and get BFP ok? hurhur...
really really? thanks purplewish!
althou i not preggy now.. but i wan to knw the shop name...so i knw wer to shop for nice MW not time.. ^^
tigress, sick just see doc tell them you preggy so can give preggy safe meds... don't worry... unless got cramping or bleeding... *hugs* get better soon...

berries, we all wait for your good news ah!
Hi dorie~ yup my first one if I dnt count the ectopic.. The an u posted was exactly wad my hub asked me. I tell him if test results nt favorable I will cry lor.. Then he ask after tt? I said I dnt knw cos if tt happens I doubt I will b able to tink so jux cry n cry lor... He said we stil hv was to decide bfre we make decision... I m nt keen to test cos I scared of blood test...
n of cos if the worst scenario does happen...

Can I chk with u wad abt extracting the amniotic fluid to test? Tt is optional too?
yes... that is the amniocentesis... it carries with it a small risk of miscarriage... it's optional because it is an invasive procedure...

you really need to go and think about it now, before anything... so that you can think clearly and logically. If abortion is an option, then it makes sense to do the test... if you are the type that can take a step back and start preparing for a special needs baby by reading up and doing things, then it also makes sense to test... but if you know you are just going to fall apart and cry and worry for the next 35 weeks, then it's probably not a good idea... as you go along, the normal scans will show up if there are any "red flag" markers to indicate that baby might not be alright... but those are just red flags... meaning it just usually one sign, but to be a real indication, usually the baby will have many many signs... so if only one sign, then usually is not lor.

like for example, if downs syndrome, baby should have multiple markers like the nuchal trans-something something.... that will be thick, and they will usually make fist, not an open hand, and they might have hole in the heart and other sign... but if they only see one sign, but all the other signs are negative... then should be ok de.

so end of the day, it boils down to if you are 100% not going to abort, if it's not even an option, then there's no point, because they offer this test so that those who want to abort can abort early....
Hi all, I am back! Just gone to gynae.. LoL~ I am very happy cos now my DH is convinced by gynae that I can eat everything.. LoL~

Berries: BB dust for you! Waiting for your good news soon..

Blur: BB dust for you too! Quick go n test! I also have a feeling yours would be BFP~ =D

Congrats to newly announced mummies.. =D

Oh ya.. Btw, my gynae told me my due date is on 31.12.12.. LoL~ My DH n me look at each other.. Haa haa.. Now depends on our baby lo~ Haa Haa..
Dragonmummy : haha even u had high hopes in me lolx. but me myself dont have high hopes cos i scared will end up in more disappointment. By the way i have decided to buy the digital one showing the no of weeks preggie de. Can show my dh directly.. Cos i dont think my hub will know how to see the 2 lines is preggie, im so crazy lah even thinking of how to break the news to my hub liao... hahaa.. After having lunch, i hate that feeling.. Duno is full or hungry weird feeling arghhh..
I have been taking great intakes of water. So if im testing tml, shld i decrease my intake now?? Scared it will affect the test tml.. haaa
Blur: Haha.. Yeah leh.. I think your symptoms leh.. And you missed your AF 10 days le.. Haha.. BUt no worries so much first bah.. You would find out tonight anyway! =D

Purple: 7 weeks 1 day.. Hee hee..

You know what I can see my baby heartbeat only can't hear.. OCs the machine can't do it.. Errr... How? Hmph!
Hi all,
Fresh from the TTC thread :D. Been to gynae and edd is mid Jan, too early to tell. Was hoping for year end bb, while Hb thought a Jan bb is a good change.

This is my #3, the first two are year end bbs :D

Bb dust to all the mummies-to-be who are testing!!!!

I have not really decided. Sigh, should I stick with this one (nice neighborhood Gynae who doesn't say much) or go back to NUH or KKH.... Or?

I like public hospitals coz they offer more security. Heee... Just in case...
Dragonmummy : I mean if my AF is counted accurate worrrr.. My AF nt zhun one.. I will test tml morning bah. tonite i will try to decrease my water intake.

Dorie : Yalo if BFN i hope i wont be laughed by all of you hor haahaa.. got so many symptoms yet AF come.. think u all will not " trust" symptoms anymore.
Blur: I thin it doesn't matter morning or night leh.. I took mine at around 930 or 10pm at night after dinner.. Haha..

I am on MC today mah, then come those colleagues msg me asked if I am pregnant.. I dunno what should I say.. If I say I am (it's less than 3 months yet) if I said I am not (it's like a lie)..

If they know I cannot say anything within the first 3 months why must they ask? Haiz..
dorie: i hear all dis my hair stand..

mummies: i ask u all ah.. during our normal monthly check-up the doc will check for bb brain blar blar right. i so worried.. my sil having the same gynae as me.. den recently bb born problem wif the brain. Doc told them dis child will not be a normal child in future.. i so worried dunno shd change gynae. dunno y gynae nv tell her...
blur, i tink urs 99.9% is +ve lor.. we will only congrats u and not laugh at u...

annie, how come so scary? but before giving birth the gynae will ask to go for oscar scan etc de ma.. how come wait till born then knw de.. scary!
DM: wah cool.. maybe can ask bb tong till 1 Jan 2013 clock strike 12am!! woohoo.. den next day u see yourself and bb in the news..

now my #2 i oso nv wait till 3mths just announce a few days after i tested. Don't wan my colleague to stress me.

blurblur: i oso dink it's BFP lei.. jus my feeling, so go test ah and tell us immediately.
berries: i oso dunno lei.. err btw she has CP during her pregnancy dunno is dis the cause oso. i so worried!! dink every appt i will ask gynae.. bb ok right.. fingers, leg all dat normal right!!! Parent need to be brave to have a abnormal child..i'm not one of them loi!! *sigh*
annie, u are rite.. is not easy to bring up a abnormal child.. the parents need alot of effort and courage to bring them up...

then u sil how? she must be very upset bout it..
Berries & Annie : U both huh.. give me so much hopes worr.. I will test tml morning n update u all okie, be it it BFN or BFP. But hor if i use clearblue is BFN think shld be BFN liao hor...
berries: Initially she is upset and dun wan pple to visit her. bil worst.. bcos they're free-thinker so all family members and relative pray for them. My Fil call them, bil give him a big scolding!! sigh i know it's not easy but to me.. praying is the only hope for the bb loi. Now she ok.. i only saw her and bb once after bb born. bb is so cute.... but i don't want to interfere much.. bcos i really dunno wat to say when i see her.

blurblur: i find ur symptoms same as me loi. den at first i tot PMS so don't bother, my mense oso not zhun 28-32 days who know after late 5 days i go test. Preggie.. i told pple dis bb is an accident!!!
the more i say the more kan cheong i have for u... i pei fu you.. can tong so long!!! me one day oso cannot.
annie, hope things will be better for her now..
haha.. cannot zip and button? the pants can keep liao... cannot wear for the next 9mths...
time to shop for new clothes.. excuse for doing shopping..hee
berries: yeah pray loi
totally cannot zip and button loi after my heavy Turkish lunch. yeah last weekend started to keep those clothes that having sizing. Those free size one have already took out and wash.

Mummies: when is a good time to source and get a maid? i tot maybe get her in during sep. shd i get transfer or new? any good agency to recommend? kan cheong lei.. i heard alot abt maids!!! thanks..
Berries : Thanks thanks.. haa i dont pin so much hopes so if BFP i will jump to joy !!! heeee.

Annie : huh?? Lolxx. how how??
Annie : I got test last friday mah. is BFN, duno is HCG not high enough lei or im nt preggie at all. Cos i haf tested BFN once, so my hopes not so high le wahahhaa.. actually i have "bring forward" my testing date liao hor, wanna to test on thurs de, but bth liao le, shall test tml morning.
i delivered my #1 at MT A...
total bill was ard 4K plus.. deducting the govt subsidy of 2.1K we paid cash ard 2.5K ( 2K deposit upon admitted and the remaining upon discharge )

i opt of single bedded during tat time.
Hi Ladies out there,

Sorry for the sudden jump in to this topic, as i really feel lost. my TCM detected that i should be 5weeks preg. but after several test still BFN, really into depression & can't sleep since last week.
Fullhouse: busy reading the link you posted. So sad lei.. like i say i'm not brave. dont think i can take it loi.

blurblur: like u say maybe HCG not high. dont test first thing morning, test after 9am ba. To play safe.. and dun drink water before that. i help to see the BFP!!
haha u funny lei.. first my mense oso not zhun.. den feeling tired and thirsty.. no appetite.. jus have dis feeling you're preggie loi.
I delivered my 2 in Mt A.. I simply loved that plc.. nice food and nice nurses... i opt for 2 bedded and deposit pay abt 1.5k then the rest by medisave.. ttl is abt 3k plus cos i go for c section with epidural...
kom, if you opt for single bedded hb can stay..

i luv the place, i opt of single bedded tat time and my hb stay with me thruout till i discharge..
