(2013/01) Jan 2013

I've tried to contact a few confinement ladies since I knew I was pregnant and gosh the rates they charge is riddiculous! $4k-$5K just becos it will cross over to CNY.

So in the end give up and my mum will help w confinement. Then I'll order the confinement food from the caterers. But will take a 1 day trial meal and see if it suits my taste first. From the online reviews, Natal Essential, Rich Food & Newbaby are quite positive...

@ Valerie, thanks .. at week 14, Dr Lim told me the most likely gender and earlier on this week on Mon, he told me 90% and said I can wait for amnio result since I not in the rush. i be seeing Dr Lim on 29/8 after detailed scan.
Wendy, your review is very detailed, thanks for the info. Hope all is well for you now.

Etirine, have you heard of confinement food caterer, happy mums and babies? When I'm googling for confinement food, came across them. I will try trial meal from newbaby and this happy mums n babies. Do update me on your trial meal of rich food. I chose natal essential during my first pregnancy and I like their food but now they no longer deliver to my area.
Dear Mummies

Care to share on the current rate of the CL that you hv booked thru confinement agencies? Thanks in advance!!
got a quotation $2050 but cl will leave by 2nd feb. if wana stay after 2 feb is 2950. also need to pay 157 for foreign worker levy and give angbaos when cl come n leave..
Just went thru detailed scan. Favorable results. Baby no cleft lips and no hole in the heart. I was born with hole in the heart and went thru heart operation so this is my greatest fear. Now can eat lunch to celebrate liao..,
Hi mummies,
How's everyone. long time since i last logged in. Had bad MS then. Just when it better, dd down with fever n cough for 2 weeks n passed to me. I was only getting slight better and now passed to #1. Tiring.

So many mummies already know the gender but not me. I also never ask. All relatives were hopping for a boy dince i already have 2 gals but i just wanna enjoy my pregnancy instead of hearing those stupid remarks. When i knew #2 was a gal, hubby tactless cousin commented " it fated that you will only have daughters in ur life la. some even commentrd maybe it will turn out to be a boi lay" I wsa damn pissed off cos what wrong with having gers. Now they see my gers, wanna carry. my gers also dun want them.

Confirmed a malaysian CL who is a PR. She quoted me $2000 for a 30 days confinment. She will cook for me, do my laudry n take care of bb. she will also cook separate food for hubby, my gers n herself. It much worth it after i compared the price with a day time CL who charge me @$15 per hour. I already paid her $500 deposit liao.
Thks mummies!

Yes, can close shop!
even if is number 2 is boy also bo bian..
but heng!

Thats goodnews friend!
Ya.. i only waited for sonographer say everything's fine.. then its a girl! But on a smaller side but still acceptable by my gynae..

Think i really will have baby always smaller than 3kg.

Here's my latest boy! i hope my girl also like him! eh. in girly version!


Hai, but now going to bring him go mount A see doc... he cough..
Anyone delivered at mt A previously? I Wang to know the diff btw their family suite and super deluxe single. The cheaper option looks better.

Anyone going got Mt A's ward tour? Want to go ttogether?
Hihihi, really long time no see!!

Yes i understand those tactless remarks. You know huh, it's my dream to have 2 girls, so I'm really excited to have another girl on the way!! I love the way girls play together, awww... Can't wait for bb to be born and grow up a little!!

At least you can be gauranteed 2 more sons in the future! Heehee.. I always tell my friends: your son is your son for a season, your daughter is yours for life. And my friend jokingly said: so I should enjoy my season now and worry about my life next time :D

Mummies with girls already
You've seen the mothers' garden toys? We have a small one and I'm thinking of getting the kitchen set for my girl's fourth birthday (worth to get now coz another girl on the way!!). You know any speeist selling them?
Charming boi, your gal will definitely be sweet like him.
Take care. My gals also been having cough n flu till like nobody's biz. See doc so many times also not recover. Sianz
Any one has review on WJ confinement nanny, PEM agency? Or any recommendation?

I've talked to a few agencies. Here's a summary of things they don't put on website:

1. The rate for January is around SGD 2000 - 2200 for 28 day confinement.
2. Most nannies will leave by 2 - 7 Feb.
3. Some agencies allow pro-rate if confinement period is less than 28 days.
4. Non refundable deposit of $600
5. Need to pay work permit levy. ($5 - $7/day, can't remember)
6. Some agencies allow replacement of nanny if current one is unsuitable
7. Need to pay nanny two angpaos - one when she comes and one when she leaves.
8. No interview of nanny because agency will not assign one to you until you have delivered.
9. If the nanny's stay cross over to CNY, then the rates will be around $3000.

Feel free to correct if I'm wrong.
Friends, congrats on your good detailed scan.

BBlove, I can understand how you feel. Before I know the gender of my baby, my mil keeps saying hope that I will have a son and I was quite pressurized. Actually I have no preference but my first girl wants a meimei. Fullhouse, like you, I would love to have 2 girls

Cheese, your son is really cute and handsome, he looks like you? Sure your girl will be as pretty.
thanks valerie and bliss ling for ur reply.

Valerie: my amnio will be done by my gynae. i actually paid extra for Dr TC Chang to do detailed scanning. I tot he will scan throughout the whole process, who knows it's the sonographer who did all the scanning and measurement and he only came in after that to look at the measurement and roughly scan again to confirm no marker for DS and sign off the report. Quite disappointed, if i know i will just opt for sonographer.
@ Valerie, yes Dr Lim reveal the gender. Guess inlaws want a boy badly and I ask my hub, he told me gal will be better cos she will be daddy plaster..lol.. Having a boy is like complete the family line cos hub hopes to have a son to carry on the line. Traditional mindset in a young man body.

For me, I like gal thou i have a daughter. Gals are generally sweet and can doll them up.. lol
However, growing up, all genders will face same issue as like emotional etc
Friend, great and hear that your baby is doing well. That's call for a celebration = )

@ Precious, my detailed scan will be done by Dr TC Chang. According to my gynae, Dr Chang will do the detailed scan since we had amnio done by him.

You have done the detailed scan? wow, i didnt know that it the sonographer who did it and Dr Chang just look at the scan.

@ cheese and bb love, my child is on EYS tcm. Result definetely slower but at least she dont feel cold at body / feet after taking too much western medication.

@ bblove, can understand how u feel thou i have 1 gal. Gender bias is the worst among ppl. Gals are generally good too but the elderly deem them as "water in pail been pour out" once married. I had a shock too when mil told hub and my mother that no need to celebrate full mth (mainly she is gal). Nevertheless we went ahead to celebrate. My mummy teared when she heard it in hub car when mil said such thing. Imagine my girl and I was still in tmc as she needed to stay for additional 2 days.

My gal is their 1st grandchild and can u imagined the hurt i have even til nw. Some things can be forgiven but can never forget.
bliss_ling: Dr Chang did scan abit here n there.. look at bb's heart and some parts which are marker for DS.. but most of scanning is done by sonographer. Maybe urs will be different since ur amnio is done by him.

check with u, did u opt for express result? What does express result tell us? What other things will be in the full report? How long does full report takes?
@ precious, I didnt opt for express result cos it is an additonal cost. Canopy opted for that and perhaps can ask her = )

My result should be out by next fri cos I did mine on 8/8 (wed) at 3.30pm thus I guess the processing of the stuff will be on the next day
Fullhouse/ belle2006/ bliss_ling,
Hubby n I love gers too. Our 2 gers are difference by 1 yr old n they are so close together. They are used to doing everything together as what we had wished n often been mistaken as twin. So if ppl ask if they are twin, I would say yes and i do hope tt they remains such good sibling relationship when older.

Seriously we cant choose the gender of our kids but we wouldnt mind another gal. I dun want to hear all those sacarstic remarks thus i will opt not to know the gender. As long as bb is healthy i'm happy.
so many boys and girls discussion here!

In my case, the irony is both my parents and inlaws pray for a girl! Even my hubby and I prefer girl.

At 17th week ultrasound, dr say likely a boy. Sigh.. But I am not losing hope! Pinning a tiny hope that coming detailed scan at 21th week will show a girl's parts. Kekee.

There's GPLS which is good. Cross CNY, have quote at$4.5K and as #2, become $5k.

think alot of family hv this boy concept. I know lady 3girls and 4th one is accidental which is a boy n she finally close shop. but u always see girls with her, boys dunno where coz MIL only take care n only willing to take care of boy.

The other one stop at 1 as thinking if 2nd one is boy, then #1 will be avoid by MIL.

I agreed with the daddy plaster!! LOL!!

When my frd knew I was preg, 1st qu is u trying to aim boy??
I told her no. I just want to have min 2 , max 4. as long as healthy n safely delivered is more impot.
@ bblove, yes i also dont wish to hear those remark .. haizzz.. especially during CNY/ relative gathering. Not much issue on my parents side but it the inlaw side which will say things ..
bliss_ling: so what is your bb gender according to Dr Lim??

Detailed scanning done by Dr Chang ~ What Precious said is right. I just did mine yesterday. most of the scanning and taking down the measurement were done by sonographer and I m ok with that.
@ bblove, hahhahaha.. my frens and urs are the same.. Also asking me whether am i trying for a boy and they have very curious .. Looking at my tummy to guess whether boy / gal.. lol

my girl is daddy's plaster thou I take care of her most of the time.
I afraid he makes a wrong guess like what he did when he told my fren is a boy then detailed scan is a girl.. didnt want to put my hope too high
Thks baby love
I back from mount A
My boy will be on one month singular n dhatifen to boost his lungs n will go for review in a month time. Hai heartache to let him eat med for so long.. After much months of eating the exp cordycep still cough but this time good news is his lungs is clear unlike last time he always kana lungs.

Hope he get well soon. Very heartache
Sylvia, I emailed GPLS, but no reply. Are they still in operation?

I think anything over $3000 is grossly over my head. Haiz, tempted to DIY..
Thks belle! My boy look like my hubby but mouth like me so small.. Hahaha everytime go out sure gt ppl ask his gender...

Bliss ling he is on cordycep for few months Liao still.. Hai Like that but this time his lungs is ok so don't know If this help a not.. He is super naughty I think he behave more than he does when he is outside!

Thks LM! Am always the one posting his pic one haha
He is even popular outside

The other mummies regconise him instead of me
Belle2006, Thks

Gender, 100% confirmed it's a ger for me too. Very happy. Hope my boy won't be too disappointed. Every night when asked him to sayang mei mei, he will sort of become agitated and insisted it's di di. We always spent the next few mins arguing over the gender. He said he want di di not mei mei. Oh well.....

Bliss, good luck to your result! Based on what u have posted, I think it's a boy right? Don't be stressed over your inlaws' comments.... Old people is like that wan... My Inlaws and mum also the bias type... So I know how stressful it is...
@ cheese, mine was on dhatifen but pd said side effect on ling term will be weight gain cos appetite good when taken this med.
@ friend, u are right ...smart : )

@ valerie, u make the right gender guess too
Had my check-up last sat, bb is shy... blocked the private part with his/her legs. Will be doing detailed scan on 10 Sep.

I experienced brownish discharge, immediately called clinic. The nurse advises me to avoid walking too much and to rest more *scare*
Bliss ling I ask doc he nv say anything leh
U mean appetite will be good? Ah work like Shi sheng fen for me.. But If can at least help him to boost his lung
I have to try.. He is going pg soon le.. Don't wanna him to feel abandon cos Mei Mei coming out in jan
Precious & bliss: I opt for express result ($350), got my result within 72hrs, clinic nurse will just call and inform everything is ok and the gender; full report or culture as they called, will only be ready abt 2wks later. Same clinic nurse will call n inform. My gynae has given me the full report when I visited
Him 3wks after amnio test, explaining that everything is ok and the gender. The report is 3 pages, with xy chromo pics, and the confirmed gender.
My son also said he want didi and not MEI MEI
I still remember before my amnio test result, he will always ask me if can see birdie from the scan after my visit to see my GYNAE

Actually when I was expecting my son, my GYNAE has mentioned that he can see the birdie from the scan and likely I m expecting a boy. That was before my amnio test and true enough I got a boy when I received my amnio test result.
Thanks Canopy for your explanation = )

@ cheese, my pd said that due to good appetite, they will want to eat many food and always hungry. Side effect is getting fat ..lol.. for that would imply for kids who took it on long term basic eg, 3-4 yrs .. For 1 month, it should be ok.. my gal took it last yr dec for 1 month too

@ Val, heeheheh.. Then i should rest my heart and soul in Dr Lim abt the gender
Canopy, Bliss, my boy was on dhatifen for 1 mth also due to persistent cough... he ate a lot! but I did not know that that was a side effect, anyway happy to see his thighs becoming plump plump once again
I opted for normal Amnio results. Took less than 2 weeks (13 days to be exact) for nurse to call me with the results.
Luckily my mil is very open minded n she prefers girl as she has none. She dotes on my 2 gers.

I also did not celebrate my#1 fulll month too. My sil (hubby's brother's wife) wants to celebrate her son's 7 yrs old birthday just the day before my gal full month. Mil wasit commenting tt it not so nice to have the same set of relatives to attend our family celebration for a continously 2 days (maybe she was afraid ppl say we are after the gift/ang bao). So in the end we gave in to them n do away with it.

Worse is sil's mother even instructed her to call us n tell us we are still doing confinment thus considered 'dirty'. remind us not to go for her boi's birthday in case we 'chiong' with the birthday boi. Super pissed off. After a few months stillgot relative come n ask is it becos ours is a gal so never celebrate full month.
We did had a grand celebration of 100 over guests for her 1st bday though.

When we had #2 gal, sil asked if we are doing full month celebration. we told her no but she will be celebrating her 1st bday like jiejie n she immediately say she wants to celebrate her gal's bday if we are not celebrating tt month. So for all my kids they will have a grand 1st birthday celebratoon n the next will be their 21st bday. But their bday we will still buy a cake n let them blow candles with my own family. I will also make it a point to celebrate their lunar bday as well.

@ cheese, I tried to give Sambulco as my pd said it can help to build immunity system. She had it for 3 days then 1 day never give, next day rejected, I drank it, it taste nice like ribbeana.. coax also no use. She only drink her dha which is orange flavour.

I going to faint... everyday ask me for hot dog.
