(2013/01) Jan 2013

AhBui, will try to train my #1 to sleep on mattress earlier.. there's some plans every month.. haha and need to clear up his toy int he room first!!

I'm going for my Oscar on 24th.. hope can see gender! hahaha

daisybuttons, I'm sure the bellaband will be very useful. For me, already started to wear my smaller sized maternity pants liao.

Batikid, my Oscar scan took about 2+ hours because baby not in right position to scan.

Jocelyn, for Oscar test, for Oscar test, the sonographer will require not empty bladder. They didn't state full or empty stomach so that shouldn't matter.

Re: baby gender
My DDs didn't predict, they just say they will like girls as boys very naughty.. hehee... However, for prediction purpose, my dream happen to be accurate for no. 1 & 2. This no. 3, I'm still waiting to see if my dream is correct again. ;)
Batikid: sorry if I misled u.. Haa.. It's the soya bean pudding (tou hua) I'm referring too.

For Oscar scan, u can eat ur meal (no need empty stomach), and also full bladder. So try to drink more water before yr turn to scan. Usually at 3rd mth Oscar scan, the sonographer won't tell u the gender, they will ask u to wait till 4th or 5th mth.

Any idea can we sew during preg and attend bb shower, wedding, 1st yr birthday? I remembered I attended weddings and bb showers, now my mil said cannot attend wedding.. Puzzled!
chloe, we can do sewing but not on the bed. I didnt attend bb shower and 1st yr birthday coz somehow i juz feel uneasy to attend but still attend wedding.. mayb u chk with the wedding couple to see if they are okay coz some might not lk to see preg mummies in their wedding..
Good morning ladies.
Today is a happy day as my #1 turns two today!

How times flies..last time he was only 48cm.. now coming to 90cm.

I hope he will be healthy and happy! Oh and of course, handsome and full of wisdsom
Cheese, happy birthday to your little prince!

I always thought can see gender during OSCAR, but I was wrong. It was detailed scan for my #1, I rem wrongly. But my Gynae told me should be able to tell around WK16-17. So hopefully, I will know the gender by this month-end so that I can start on my shopping spree!
Cheese, happy birthday to your little prince!

I always thought can see gender during OSCAR, but I was wrong. It was detailed scan for my #1, I rem wrongly. But my Gynae told me should be able to tell around WK16-17. So hopefully, I will know the gender by this month-end so that I can start on my shopping spree!
goooood mrng ladies~~~~

*happy 2nd birthday lil cheesie boy*

just finished my fishball noodle... feel like i need something else to 'remove' a certain taste lingering in the mouth.. prolly a cup of teh.
Gender: during the Oscar scan for my no 1 @ Kk, the sterographer did tell me that my no 1 is a boy... But TMC sterographer like a bit kiasee... don't even dare to breathe a clue... So I'm hoping can know the gender during the next gynae visit in two weeks' time.
Thk u!

Btw ladies, yesterday i had a big scare.
The mrt was too hot and when i reach my destination, suddenly saw my image so blurred.

I scare i really fainted.
Then I hold one to an auntie and tell her that i need her help to hold on to me for a while.

this is my first encounter, nv in my 1st preg..
wonder why... the mrt like no aircon and i got no seat and really wanna faint liao..

Heng i manage to cool myself down.
syyy, i let the pd know on the 1st day he visited my baby after i deliver. then he arrange for circumcision on the next day.

chloe mummy, i still attend weddings and bb showers regardless. Just feel that it's a happy occasion and it's meaningful to go and celebrate their joy together. but i will check with the couple if they are okay for me to go. Whereas funeral, i would avoid. but will give white envelop.

s_loh, so funny.. "cheese's boy" lol

Cheese, happy birthday to your boy!! May he grow up healthy and cheerful!

tigress, yeah.. i also looking forward to find out the gender by end of this month. after that it's shopping time (more shopping if it's a ger!) heh..
oh my... hope u are feeling better today cheese....

shice, hehehe.. i tot it's quite cute loh.. =P

cheese, have u try asking your boy issit didi or mei mei??
@ cheese, Happy Birthday to your handsome prince..lots of hugs

Where do you intend to bring him for a celebration? Your boy is younger than mine by 1 mth, 6 days = )
cheese:: oh my! luckily ur ok.. n hope ur feeling better already. ur already quite obvious..n no one gives up seat to u! ugly sporeans and foreigners!!!!

me too, 1st preg.. no such experience... but for this preg.. so far already had bad giddy spells on few occassions le. however, blood pressure ok..etc. so sometimes i try to take more sweet stuffs.. hv some chewing gums in my bag.. n hope i dun get another spell of giddiness at the wrong time wrong plc!!
Cheese, happy birthday to your handsome boy!!

My friend's gynae was able to tell her gender of her bb at week 8 scan... Dont know how the gynae managed to do it, when I see my own scan... 8 weeks can't see anything!! So I hope mine can know gender soon!! Wanna go shopping!! Haha
cheese, your boy is so cute. He is at the most adorable stage now.

I asked my boy if the baby in my tummy is didi or mei mei, he will say BOTH! How to have both, confirmed I'm not having twins lor.
Sloh- I ask him he say didi didi didi, mei mei..

Blissling, am working today. later take time off to buy lil cake for him only leh...
But will be bringing him to go POLW on 20 July, duck tour, and sg flyer

ah bui, yalo. hai no one offer seat to me..
i tink soon i need to beg for one..

thks hammiebao and tres!

haha Tigeress.. he is hinting for more siblings! LOL! Ya i agree.. very cute now. Loving him so much! That time I emo and cry.. he really stand there and give me a ker lian look and gave me a big hug... that is what I need that time.
Hi ladies!

Good morning! Now at my gynae's clinic for my outpatient review. Hopefully the cyst was not cancerous. Fingers crossed. Will talk to dr paul abt my oscars result as well. Appt at 11.35, but still got 8 mummies in front of me.

Happy birthday to cheese's boy!!!!!
Happy birthday to your pretty boy! May your wish for a little girl come true!

Gynae visit
Just had mine today! Chop chop coz didn't do Oscar. Saw the legs kicking and arms flailing, so cute! I'm a very easy and good patient heeee ere...

Chloe mummy
I attended everything from wakes to funerals, to weddings to full months for past pregnancies and this.

A few things to note: are your friends superstitious? Are your closed ones (Hb, mil etc) superstitious?

To me, all celebrations are blessing ceremonies, even funerals. Death brings on another life, so it's very very good for the mother and bb! :D
At least some of your kids said 'di di' and 'mei mei'. For mine, he straightaway said 'don't want'! Asked him to sayang my tummy also don't want. Asked him whether he wants baby also said 'don't want'. I foresee that he will be very jealous later on... Told my hubby to bring him along for subsequent gynae checkup... Hope that by getting him involved, situation will be better....
how about starting with didi meimei say goodnight to gorgor and didi meimei say i love you gorgor? it works for my boy. then he will catch fish from the air and said it's meant for didi meimei. haahaa... and reassure him that he's still your little darling.
My boy just turn 2 yrs old. He is the only kid in the family and has been getting full attention from inlaws, BIL and us. So resulted him being possessive since young. That's also the reason y I agreed to no 2 cos I want him to learn about caring and sharing for others....
How's all mummies doing! I am going for my Oscar test @ TMC this month end. Went for 2 gynae check ups so far and little one is developing well! ^.^

Kiasu me already booked TMC Mrs Wong Boh Boi's childbirth education course - Oct class!

Mummies who want to go for prenatal classes, please book early cos Mrs Wong's classes are super popular!

Though I am delivering in Mt A, Mrs Wong's classes are most educational from many feedbacks!

Also will be going for hospital tour at Mt A next month. =)
Old folks told me cannot sew / hold scissors while seated on our bed! Must follow this taboo!

I still attend weddings as usual despite being pregnant! As long as families and friends are not pantang then alright! =)
Btw mummies, has anyone started drinking those mummies milk powder? I have samples for Friso Mum and Nan Mom.

Gynae said it's alright to start drinking but then cos I usually drink HL milk and dont really drink milk powder.

Can anyone advise me how's the taste like? Very yucky?
i bought (forgot the brand - will go back chk) chocolate flavour.. but i stopped drinking le.. so lazy to make.. HAHAHAHA so now i drink HL milk...
jermjerm, I'm drinking similac mum for 3 weeks and it doesn't taste yucky but then I'm a person who loves milk. I used to drink HL milk but find it too cold as straight from the fridge.

Averie, are you still with Dr JJ Chee?
i try to take HL milk but then i got loose stools.. cannot take so much milk.. in the end, I nv drink.. haha.

Just took mamil sample.. hope to try.. but i will put some milo as I dont like the taste of milk.
@ cheese, POLW is fun... my girl been there with her cc.. Next time lets meet up and get these 2 kiddos to play.. same age...

Anyone has kids abt the same as both of us?
I'm drinking Similac Mum too. Recommended is twice daily but I only drink once a day. Generally I find it is quite hard to mix the power well.

I went Robinson to check out breast pump earlier. May I know what is the difference between Medela Mini Electric and Swing? For the Mini Electric, they bundled with other freebies (e.g. thermometer) and it cost $169. But the Swing already cost $336!!!
Friend, I tried to carry my friend's bb last week.. Guess what she was screaming and kept telling us " dont carry baby, can only carry Kyra"... lol

I can forsee that once #2 is out, she will beat baby de lor...

dont know what happen, every morning go cc, she will scream and cry.. guess seperation anxiety.. she in this cc since Jan 12.. Everything ok except after I preggy, she becomes cranky.. Jealous i pressume..

Last night, she held my hand to sleep. touched my face and then slept on my pillow.. hehehhee...
i used to buy a tin of maternal milk for my first preg.. but never did finish it. this time, smart liao, dun wana waste money.. bahaha~ took couple of sample packs from clinic... so far.. oni took twice last mth.. mixed into coffee (substiture the milk & sugar).. cos i cld nvr drink it on its own.

i never liked HL.. cos im not a milk person.. i find HL too rich. but so smtimes now, i will get magnolia or meiji. i will let it sit awhile, not as chilled le then drink.

aiya.. i this preg really very relak (or rather..lazy)!!! n perhaps cos previous preg i owas tink that watever i eat/drink i need to provide for 2 bbs..so i tried to be disciplined n diligetn bah.

canopy:: trust that everything is a-ok! jia you.
Bliss, our kids same age so same jealous reaction?! Hope our tiger babies can tolerate the dragon LOs. My hubby was saying to be prepared for 龙争虎斗. Lol!
bliss and FRIENDS, i think the older the kid, they willbe more resistent to have other siblings... guess you must involve them in every way and explain to them lor.....

So far, mu dd is ok with me carrying other babies, perhaps she is till young, dun know anything yet!

on maternal milk powder, my gynae ask me not to drink unless I wanna put on more weight, ahahah he says those milk are nutritious to the mum, not really the baby and fattening.....

ctrus, not too sure abut the other Medela models but i know fresstyle and PISA is strongly recommended by lotsa of lactation consultants and from reviews as one of the best. But these models are expensive! But serve as good investment!

With regards to circumsion, I am nt sure if u wanan let yr bb do it before he's discharged. I read somewhere that its better to do so at a later stage, preferably after he's learned to breastfeed successfully. Else, imagine u bring back a newborn home who is in pain and discomfort. BF may be a problem thereafter.

I will probably do it after 6 months onwards.
Given our financial, think will just be 1-child policy. Cannot afford for #2 so don't want to spend so much on breast pump.
friends, i had the same thought as u.. to have another one to teach sharing and caring. coz my boy really getting spoilt i feel.

jerm jerm, so fast! book pre-natal and gg hospital tour next month! think i'm still slowly dilly dallying. haha.

re: milk
I also drink HL milk, but currently twice a week only. Gynae gave calcium pills, plus i do eat alot of ikan bilis. So not very worried abt lack of calcium. Abt mixing milk, someone told me to put water first, after that then pour milk powder on top so that it can dissolve better.

re: indoor playground
I went for hokey pokey. it's fun too. my boy loves the big slides there! Never try POLW yet. How much is it per entry?

ctrus, thenmaybe you source around for 2nd hand pumps from those WTS thread....
I believe good pump = easier breastfeeding ritual ;-)
