(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

joyful... maybe ur body weak so will spotting..
last time I also like this... drink more plain water.. if spotting for more than 1 week need to see dr.

joyful, maybe its ovulation spotting...heard some ppl have that during ovulation. Implantation spotting shd be 5-6 days after ovulation....but anything can happen, just monitor again...good luck
wow! So many posts since my last visit! Big Congrats to those who had BFP!!!!
i'm quite keen on trying the honey mentioned here, what honey do you all buy? Maruka? How many times a day and is it only for men or is it good for ladies as well?
joyful: i'm no clomid too but so far didnt have early spotting leh.. have you check with your gynae?

Christy: so everyday for the whole cycle? coz EPO cant take after ovulation.. i'm afraid royal jelly might have the same function with EPO. Have not check with my gynae though.. haha
As expected, AF reported today. New cycle new hope. Going to see Gynae for the results of the fertility test in 2 weeks' time, keeping fingers crossed. Next month will mark 1 year of my TTC journey!

I check w Gynae.. He explained, some ppl get spotting during/after ovulation, can be up to 4-5days..

He just say kip trying n good luck..
those with a son, does making out on ovulation means the chances of having a son is there?

Saw an article must be doggy style and the woman must achieve "O" as it help to favor male sperm "Y" to survive in less acidic environment
Joyful, i had spotting during or after my O i thk for 2days..i saw red blood streaks from my discharge before think nothing serious. dun scare urself.
I agree with Cheri that it will happen when we least expected it!

I did the tubes X-ray in nov and dr foong told me that most likely my left side tube is blocked. Schedule a procedure in mid feb to unblock it already. last month during my mid cycle scan, there's no big follicle, only possible one is abt 8 mm but at the left side which is block! so conclusion was that my jan cycle was slim chance.

I justed tested +ve this afternoon for jan cycle and I still can't believe it! Went for blood test immediately and it's +ve too. Dr says hv to repeat on Monday again to confirm... So I can't really be too happy until the test is repeated on Monday...

Ok.. Too long winded...
What I waned to say is that don't give up trying, don't be too stress up. Keep on praying!
Thanks! It's still too early to be happy... Going for 2nd blood test tmr morning to confirm again. Don't really have any obvious symtons and I'm getting worried...
Thanks tigress!
TTC for more than 1.5 year already... Actually my plan was to have #2 a early bunny, then #3 a late dragon! The bunny dream didn't happen.
kiki: congrats! that's a pleasant surprise!
i also wanted a bunny.. but it never happen too
i also ttc for nearly 1.5 years already. since Nov 2010.

Are you on any medications like clomid etc?

Canopy: good luck to u!!!!
Keeping fingers & legs crossed for you Canopy.

I was trying for bunny too, cos me & hubby both bunny. But no luck. It will be a year of my TTC journey next month. I will be reviewing the results of my fertility test in 2 weeks' time. I hope to have #2 by end of this year, I mean deliver by end of this year, so hopefully can BFP by Apr'12.
Good luck canopy. Why don't test now? Sounds like strike Liao Loh..

Congrats to Kiki!

I just ttc for no 2 for a few mths I feel like giving up Liao. V scared caus I ttc for no 1 fo 5 years. The feeling of failure mth after mth v sian and depressing. I hope to strike dragon then I can 左青龙右白虎. Joking. Can strike can Liao.. Hahaha.. Then my whole family will be the super fierce horoscope excePt me
Thanks! Everyone... Keeping fingers cross that everything will be well. I'm not so young already...

I was on clomid for 1 cycle and then stop as I can't ttc every month as my hb is not living in sg. So don't want to expose my ovaries. But I know I don't ovulate every month one cos during the mid cycle scan only once can measure follicle of more than 10mm. Actually the plan was to start preparing for IUI after the laparoscopy.

#1 we ttc for more than 3 years, then decided to rest for 1-2 months before proceeding with fertility test after the new year. Who knows strike in dec. so the thing is don't get too stress up about ttc. I think my hb will go tell all his friends who are ttc-ing it's all abt luck. So keep on praying!

P.S yes. Man do discuss about their journeys on ttc with their friends one lor. I heard a lot of stories from my hb de.
I have pcos. Tried ivf and what's not. Nothing works. Was going for another round of ivf when I struck. Totally un expected. So hope I will be lucky again. Stress manz!

Wah u ttc for 3 years and u nvr go check? I ttc for 1 year then I went to see doc Liao.
sigh... this cycle gone case ... so sian... ive been sick for 1 week.. and now hubby also sick ... sigh.. ovulation sure affected... no mood to bd also ... sigh... wonder if my af will report next month ... so hard to track now ...

ive been ttcing since jan 2010 ... then saw gynae for help in aug 2010 ... next up will prolly see fertility specialist recommended by my sil ... probably middle of the year ... now in between changing jobs too ...

congrats to all who striked ... more to come !
Thanks ladies for the well wishes, seriously don't think I strike cos no more naeuous feelings, just tired but maybe because I just came back from biz trip.

Missy: take care n rest well.

Liz: I have records of menses came after cd51! So might not strike.
liz: dont give up hope!
my friend has pcos too and she has chromosome thingy.. suffered 4 miscarriasges (baby didnt manage to survive past 7-8 weeks) did test and found out there's some missing no. of chromosome. It's in the genes. but now she has a healthy baby, coming to 1 yr old already!

missy: rest well... dont think so much. which doc that ur sil recommend?
i have got PCOS too..

that's y i know the journey is tough.. but well, we have #1, so it is possible.. is all abt timing... nobody know the exact timing except the internal system.. so leave it to the right timing..

this march, it is gonna marks my 1yr TTC journey for #2 too..
kiki, congrats....

canopyhaze, dun give up hope...no AF means still high chance since u got a faint line in yr testing earlier...shd test again. Good luck.

missycandy, dun think too much, build up yr health 1st n most importantly yr precious back cos u need strong back for a smooth pregnancy too. Really pei fu yr perserverance(correct spelling???) haha.....not many of them left from our batch...all give up already, including me...I think u are the only 1 left...jis you!
Hi All,

Question please to those using Clearblue Fertility Monitor. It's my first cycle using the monitor and it has shown high fertility from CD13-CD24 (so long?) but no peak fertility (so sad!). Any of you experienced this? Any advice?
charlotte, still have me, i havent give up!
Just think the timing is not right, see many sister still strike after 1-3 yrs of ttc..i still waiting for my time.
Misscandy, which specialist r u going to find?
Ling> High fertility is it 2 bar? Did you test your pee at the same time every day in the first thing in the morning?

Those who BFP> I have a tube of Mustela Stratchmark Cream any one keen? Its from my least delivery (June 11) I buy still got 1 more tube unopen. Sell off less 15% off tag price
Hi ladies,

If you are considering to purchase OPK/ HPT, Pre-Seed, Conceive Plus, Clearblue Digital OPK/ HPT, basal thermometersand TTC supplements such as red raspberry tea leaves, royal jelly and bee pollen and CoQ10, do check out http://babydustshop.blogspot.com

Jacelyn Tay (ex Mediacorp Actress) shared one of her success tips in conceiving easily is drinking organic raspberry tea that improves the health of her womb. Do try out this tea which is now available at Baby Dust Shop.

Another partner of Baby Dust Shop is pregnant and we have tons of babydust to sprinkle on all our customers!
hmmm i want to give kirsten a sibling ... and i want to have at least 3 kids ... so im not giving up ...
at times i feel like it ... i really do... but i just cant inside... so just trod on lor... come here n rant.. haa... then start again ...

the doc is dr yeong ct at Tow Yung Clinic at Tanglin
Hi ladies,

can i join in? I am new. just started ttc 2 mths ago. and my first child is coming to 8 mths now. I am still bf-ing but am slowly stopping now. Hoping to catch the dragon tail. However my 'aunt' has been irregular between 40-42 days for the last 2 mths. i used to hv regular 30 day cycle. if like this, how do i know when i ovulate? Still can use the 14-day window to calculate? also while i am bf-ing now can i start to take folic acid, royal jelly and organic raspberry tea? Will it affect the milk produced?
Hi Mummy,

How are you?

I'm Yvonne here. Anyone interested hiring a confinement lady can contact me at this no: 9009 4481.

My mum and aunty are working as confinement lady. They are very experience, friendly and not calculative person.

Please don't be hesitate to contact me for any enquiries.

Thank you.
missy, merry and canopy, jia you!!! Same for the rest.. Charlotte, just bd bd bd as and when la, scarli just nice strike..
Merry, sorry forgot abt u cos u change yr nick is it? thats why never notice its u...haha...u also got perservarance....jia you.

ET, I no jia you cos give up few mths ago already...just come in once a while to KPO n see who strike lor....I dun think so much cos I noe its not easy for me lah after more than 1 year of trying, tired liao.

Hi ladies, new here..just decided to start ttc for #2. My #1 is turning 3 dis yr..I am hyperthyroid so nt ez to conceive..stil on medication but have just requested to change to the safer med..nice to mit all here =)
