(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Yap. Babies born after cny then is considered the next tear zodiac. So for this year, only babies born after 4 feb will be considered as dragon babies

Thanks all! Will wait for 1 more week. My nauseous is really bad today. It comes only after Lunch ard 3pm and lasted till 8pm. I think I m sick rather preggie.
Hello ladies, haven't post here for a while though have been to another thread recently. I have graduated finally after 2 years. Hope more of you will BFP soon!

Quite unbelievable too! I was already registered to get my IVF done by SF Loh (who have recently moved from KKH to TMC). So was actually waiting for my menses to come in Dec, then I have to call the nurse. One day after it was supposed to due, I used a just expired strip to test and there was a faint line, thinking it was expired, I thgt nothing of it. Till the next day, menses still not here, so went to buy ClearBlue (2 in a pack) but didn't test until next morning and it was a clear positive. Didn't believe it cos it was our last cycle before IVF. Went to the clinic and did a test and the doctor told us not to test anymore cos it's confirm a pregnancy. But I tested a week after cos won't be able to see my gynae until 1 month later (Dec holidays period).

Anyway, just want to say that I guess it's true that it happens when least expected cos that cycle we just moved into our new home and I didn't do my BBT cos too tired so we just do as we feel like. Guess probably my hubby TCM in Raffles hospital helps too (my tests all came back normal but hubby had bad quality and quantity).

Now just hope everything is fine!

I have a box of opened but totally unuse preseed (comes in a tube of 40g and 9 applicators - bought from US) to give away. Anyone who is keen, please PM me and I will send it to your address. (Expiring May 2012)

congrats cheri !!

canopy, take care babe!

thanks all for the info.
missy, isnt kirsten in Star learner? u changing CC for her?

Congrats Cheri..

Lynzi, I also confuse cos i thought on CNY , babies born are dragon bb liao..
Happy CNY to all! Finally back to work yesterday after resting for the rest of last week. hehehe..

wow so many BFP!!
still waiting for the day when it's my turn. ..

Cheri: congrats!!!
it's a pleasant surprise isnt it? wishing u a smooth pregnancy journey!

canopy: hmm... u saw a faint line? maybe can test again! good luck to u!

I had a HCG jab last sat to release mature egg. Last scan the egg was 14mm.. but my body still cant detect LH surge so doc gave me a jab... hope she is able to help me achieve pregnancy.. *finger cross*

Ytd i read online that andy lau is expecting triples! (All girls!) so envy hahaa.. if this cycle fail i think i would want her to make more eggs mature and i try myself
no money for IVF ah...

good luck to all!!! happy TTC!
Mei2: I did all my tests in TMC too.. after trying for 6 months.. including HSG scan.. my results are all normal. My usual gynae is not a specialist in fertility. She told me " i cant find your problem so i cant treat u" i know something is wrong with either me or my husband coz my #1 was a breeze. (2nd cycle strike already) so got really pek cek where by all test came back normal and gynae is unable to help me... so i went to seek second opinion with Dr Ann Tan @ Paragon.. she is very ex.. but i hope she can help me to achieve what i want..

.. good luck to u!
Question: if got 2 days of LH surge and second day the line seems darker, which day to bd is better? When I took out the test, the second day seems darker. I'm using clearblue digital.

Thanks in advance and congrats to all who bfP! :D
blissling - yes we r moving to stay with my inlaws for awhile... so change to nearer my inlaws place ...

luvchar - good luck !!! BD BD BD!!! hahahah!

liz - just BD. doesnt matter darker or not. but by right. i read that if u see dark line means going to Ovulate within 24-36hrs... so lets say u have +opk on Day1, and Day 2 darker ... you can choose to BD one Day 1, 3 and 5 ... or Day 2, 4 & 6 ... thats how i see it... others feel free to correct me if im wrong ... =P
Thanks dears! I always do on day 1 and 2 of the LH surge but no luck leh. Thot maybe wrong timing.. Aiya. I think fated one. No 1 I did for continuos 2-3 days before LH surge also strike. Employ same strategy this time also no gd news... Haiz
Morning Ladies

Congrets to Cheri *catchin bb dust

Liz, I try for 1 yr and I tio when the min I gave up.. but also to let you know I use the clearblue ovulation monitor with the test stick... instate of sticking the stick to the monitor to see the ovulation level... for 2 cycle I use the stick and put it under the light and I can see a line very faint line for ovulation... meaning ovulation is coming soon but in my monitor it show no ovulation yet...

When I saw the faint line on the stick but not on the monitor... I BD .. every alt day and on the next mth I tio.

My hub took GNC supplement recommend by a forumer and in less than 3mth of taking that I tio... I think the combine effect. I intro the GNC product to my 2 gf and their hub took also in less than 6mths they tio. Now they say jokingly "all thanks to you le" in a joking tone.

The GNC product is Mega Man... can get hub to try no harm
inside got oyster substance
i wanted to buy mega man.. but hb saw the pill so big.. refused ...

asked him to eat honey n the date he also refused ... -_____-"
missy: sorry to say.. i think ur hubby really is a MCP :x I bought mega men for my hubby and he eat diligently .. and he also agreed to SA.. not like ai mai ai mai attitude..


Egg white? hardboil or half boil kind? i'm taking royal jelly and i read it can help follicle growing too.
Missy, jz make honey drinks to ur hubby i guess he will take de.

I make honey drinks to my hubby for 1mths or less then we strike le! we are taking Yammi house wild honey
Thanks misscandy!

Mega man no effect on my hb. No imprOvement in Sa result. He took vit e and some green oat extract then his Sa improved.
Missy, ask your hubby take, mine also took mega man, manuka honey and korea honey.. Although problem lies with me, but once i manage to ovulate, we strike.. Anyway, the multi-vit and honey is good for overall, so no harm taking also..
missycandy> Lol you should tell your hub never try never know.. anyway also help in body too lol.. if u buy and put on table he also will not eat??

LuvChar> Yes I am taking Royal Jelly too
for the skin and for read that help for fertility. Well after confinement I took back Royal Jelly.. a lot of mucus came out... so I guess it do help.

Honey drink> What kind of honey drink??

Liz> some green oat extract? Something new to me...

Thread> Hmm this a thread for #2 bb or #3 bb... Is it after #1 delivery hub SA may change? Cause I read lots of the hubs are going for the test...
Yap. It is called esativa. My gynae prescribe for hb. I ttc for five years and only managed tO conceived no 1 after taking royal jelly. So it works for me. My cycle is like 45-60 days. After royal jelly became 35.
hmmm the mega man is really big.. he also asked me... say if he take then i must take something similar... and i hate popping pills.. if i eat i sure gag n vomit .... end up we bought another multivit which is slightly smaller in size ... but no oyster ... sigh... lol! then we asked if we can break into half or crush it... easier to eat.. the lady said cannot.. will affect the efficacy lor... sigh... yeh maybe il jus make honey drink lor... bo pian...

eggwhite , must ask lynzi... if im not wrong half boiled.. but hard boiled shld be fine as well... hee

royal jelly? interesting... is it to be taken daily? i dont mind consuming royal jelly ...
Liz, Oh... wah 45-60 days to 35 days?? Thats amazing le. Mine is 35days after delivery a bit siao now i taking ba zhen to adjust back.. my TTC will start in May/June
when bb turn 1.

Missycandy, har cannot crush?? Still want to ask you to crush. Royal jelly everyday in the morning first thing but its a big pill too le.
i think also plus the fact my back still not ok.. so hubby doesnt wan me to suffer also... becos when there is pain... its really bad...
Ya. Royal jelly really works for me. Hoping for second miracle.

Your hb v gu niang leh..
just joking. Royal jelly got liquid form. It is mixed with honey. U can get from gnc. One spoonful in the morning. The pill form doesn't work for me leh.

Re: eggwhites. Any form will do. If really on, u can take immunocal. Usually the ivf ladies take it to boost egg growth. Can buy at og. 100 bucks for 30 packs.
prolapsed disc. had op in 2010. last yr relapse but no op. now pain still there but tolerable. same disc prolapsed again. just conservative treatment. dont wan any surgical intervention unless necessary.

no la. the pill really big. some ppl just have a smaller throat. its just yr body. since he doesnt wan to take i also cannot force him. we all want to be happy. not be unhappy to conceive lor.

HAR? royal jelly is not those jelly one meh? must eat pill form !~?
How is everyone doing here?

I have been busy like a bee, zzz zzz zzz, 2 weeks before CNY, I got fresh blood droplets, order to rest for 2 weeks, 1 week before CNY, my girl kena chicken pox, lucky got clearance on Thur, can celebrate CNY. Now I busy preparing her b'day on mid Feb!!!! and this week I'm down with running nose, sore throat and cough, I need to rest but too much day off in Jan cause my work to pile, dare not rest, been work later till 8+9 since Mon. So tired but cannot rest.

Royal Jelly is fresh, can also take from the capsule form.
Christy (zerochristy): can i take royal jelly after ovulation ??? coz i started taking royal jelly last month and my menses was late for 2 weeks! i not sure if that's the cause of it or just pure coincidence. but i cant feel any mucus coming out or what leh. or is it not working on me? lol!

Re: Husband SA, the tcm i went to say if we have #1, then should not be a problem. but we did coz we just want to rule out any possibility

missy: what honey is he taking? i'm taking manuka on a daily basis to maintain my health. coz very prone to throat ulcers etc. the royal jelly im taking is the pill kind. also as big as the mega men pill.

Liz: hmm immunocal nv heard of that.. in form of pills or?
I dreamt that I test BFP, the dream is so real. But I woke up with light pinkish discharge instead. Looks like AF reporting soon. Today is CD 27, AF should be due these few days. I must have think too much...
Missy, my husband also complaint abt megaman too big he cant swallow it cos he hates pooping pills too. then abt honey & dates he also abit reluctant. then i think i read somewhere abt honey also good for men that's why i bot yammi house wild honey for the whole family & i jz make a cup for him to drink daily.

I also tried abt 11mths then strike so i do suspect his sperms count could be the reason cos i got +opk & my mens quite regular too. scan follicle also saw big egg coming, took jab must we still missed it.

Aft he drank honey for sometimes i cant remember how long then i strike in Oct when we gng to penang for holiday haha. so i thk no harm to try since it's nice to drink & good for us
Donkey, made in Penang!!! cool. more relax. How many weeks are you now? Clear bill for your Oscar?
Congrats to all the mummies who BFP!

Missycandy> can melt the pill and mix with orange juice? U can go Iherb or drugstore US to get the royal jelly.. cheaper than Singapore
Misscandy> you should take care of your back cause preggy must have good back

LuvChar> the royal jelly I took is in capsule form like mega man so big. have to take everyday. I was later too cause as according to the clinic after delivery will siao siao a bit. I took 2 cycle of ba zhen to adjust back. As for 2 cycle now AF accurate already.
ya... so becos of my back, hubby is reluctant to ttc... actually for awhile i was thinking i shld maybe stop at 1... becos now the pain can get quite bad... and i can pop pills if need be ... but if im preggers... no matter how bad the pain, i would have to bear with it til i pop... and hb has seen how painful it has been for me... so he says my health is more important now ...

sigh... so on n off im like ai mai ai mai ... and i also dont wan to push off #2 too long... wait more complications lor... sigh
thanks for d reminder of buying from iherb! haa... i shall go take a look... i think i have voucher from previous time i bought
happy new year to all!
Congrats to all mommies who striked! ^^
Hope the rest of us tio soon!

I think I really no fate for 2nd baby la!
Supposed to BD these few days but down with flu & sore throat.
My #1 too! Haiz! No mood to dance.
vexed now!!

have been seeing stained mucus for the past 4days.. almost 3days after +ve OPK..

not a very dark +ve on OPK, same faint line for 2days.. but BD on 1st day only.. Hub sick after tat..

CD 15: faint +ve OPK, BD
CD 16: faint +ve OPK
CD 19: stained mucus (only when i wipe)
CD 20: stained mucus (only when i wipe)
CD 21: stained mucus (only when i wipe)
CD 22: stained mucus (only when i wipe)

i m on clomid this cycle but only 1 pill in morning n 1 pill in the night..

does clomid induce such spotting?

by the way i took ba zhen after menses, and last nite took black chix soup...

i took clomid yrs ago but i dont have such spotting in the past..

anyone any similar experience?

i doubt i am so lucky to strike w only 1 BD..

to make matter worse, we went for massage 1 day b4 +ve OPK. Hubby did a steam.. all soldiers shld hav been killed.. but he did emptied it the same day..

would there still be remainin dying soldiers in him or he can produce new ones within 24hrs..

missycandy> one hit wonders lol

Off topic: Anyone know where is a good place for baby play gym for 8mths old.. I saw the little gym like quite good.. is there more better one??

Dun want to go around too much trial class... very tired le..
