(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

christy, i am in the mtb jul thread cos mine came out early. i am already 42 days and still no sign of reporting. tested this am and it is negative... argh.. when are u gg to report?

Rin: hello there! my #1 is turning 3 this oct too
nice to meet u !
Morning ladies! Read the article in Mind your Body straits times on conceiving a dragon baby..the doc says that if u have a 28 days cycle, den just BD every other day from day 10 to 18. I shal try dis mth, provided hb is cooperative..he works long hrs so tired smtimes..

Lurchar, mine's turning 3 in apr =)
Ling> Your method is correct. I encouter no peak 1 cycle before. So no worry.. maybe the surge no strong enough

What I did is after using the stick we test and check w the moniotor right... The stick I place it under the light and will see a fading line.. meaning its ovulating soon.. than I bd lor... sometimes the sugre not strong la..

I use under the light method and after 2 cycle tio lol... with the help of Megaman, Royle Jelly, Ba Zhen, Preseed

Pillow4> My cycle is 35 de... Today CD16 and I think I O-ing heheh got mucus discharge but the man is not in coming back today evening due to work in overseas... But as the fact that I had a bb in last June 2011. The nurse ask me to rest my body for 1 yr.. so by right this May 2012 can start....
Hi mommies, i have a 30-33 day cycle. today is CD26.. temp still high ... i really not sure if this month is my month
sian... mixture of feelings ... wanna know the results at the end of the cycle, but wish that the day wont come. :S
i'm on DPO23, tested for first time on DPO20 was negative, very upset and disturbed by the results. my last 2 preg i tested positive on DPO20. in my 2nd preg, mc at 7 weeks so i feel a bit paranoid.

is it abnormal DPO20 still negative. not much symptoms. just tired. cant tell whether its normal tired or otherwise either.

temps have been hovering around 37 degC since 2 weeks ago which shd be a gd sign except for the stupid BFN
oh and i used the "Predictor Early Pregnancy" test kit somemore, supposed to pick up concentration of 15. I used first morning urine. sigh... i wonder if that means either if i am the preg wun last or i have a cyst thats why hi temps (hi progestrone) and BFN.. or ectopic??!!! Arghs.. gonna test this weekend n need to see doc regardless of result..
La mer: DPO20 is very late.. but for my last cycle it was 2 weeks late. Doc say no reason, sometimes it just happens >.< and end up i went to induce..

good luck to u! hope will BFP after BFN!
christy, it has been 42 days since AF last visit me.. tested yesterday am and it is negative.. hai, then y still haven come?

btw, ytd when i do housework, i experience a little cramp. then this am i feel like bubbles or kicking like feeling on left side of my womb. i put my hand to feel it and i can really feel it. even my first preg kicks are not so obvious... now i sneeze can even feel pain on my right side. what is wrong with me?

btw can someone tell me what is the meaning of all the abv that is used here? i blur.. words like BFP, BFN, BD, CD, DP, OPK, HTP..
la mer: nth leh. just say it happens to be late lo. haha..

anyway i went back to my tcm this morning and he felt my pulse.. he say i ovulated and implanted.. i ask him does it means it's pregnant. He say too early to tell. coz now i only CD27.

He ask me to go make my own chicken essence (use chicken breast and double boil.. then drink the juice) ask me to take 1-2 times over the weekend, it boost as estrogen to give me additional support. well, i dunno how true is he but he is very famous for ttc tcm and heard lots of successful cases under himn.. he was able to tell me which ovary ovulated etc. his que was super crazy on weekends and even on weekday. i just hope this month is my month..and the embryo stays there!!!! *cross finger, arm, legs*
pillow4: BFP =Big fat positive BFN = Big fat negative BD= baby dancing CD= Cycle day DPO= Day past ovulation OPK = ovulation stick HPT = Home preg test kit

Hi all ttc #2 mums, I have also been trying for 2 years.. Still no luck. Recently seeing TCM.. I was told that it is likely becoz my basel temperature is too low. That's why hard to conceive. My average Pre-O temperature around 36 degrees. After O, supposed to be around 36.8 -37.0 to have better chance but mine always around 36.4 nia... So now seeing TCM to build up.
Not sure if anyone has same experience as me? So far every month, I will have Opk+, dark lines. But temperature dun surge much...
What are your average temperatures?
hi kidomum, my after o temp is ard 36.7-36.8 kind. before O is 35.9-36.4

so far my temp before and after o has a huge difference..

so the tcm doc say will help u to tiao your body?
Even before O, she says should have been 36.2-36.4, less than 36 is too low according to her. She says womb is cold. I need to stop taking cold drinks, tea and I gotta wear slippers at home to try to keep body warm ..
After O, she says if temperature is less than 36.6, it may be hard to stick on to the lining..
I am now taking prescribed TCM to tiao...also to strengthen the lining.. Just started now 2nd month.. Hopefully can get good news soon.
LuvChar - can let me know which's the sinseh that ya went to and the rates etc? Sounds v shen, thinking of checking if my body's ok to start ttc..

kidomum - i've pcos but conceived naturally within half a year of ttc, don't worry too much.. Aft tt, the pcos cleared by itself..

My boss said that she's got pcos &amp; endo, ttc for long time, tiao body at the chinese sinseh yonchuan at je etc then got preggie aft tt, 2 kids..

Stay positive!
Hi kidomum, I've hyperthyroidism and is always on and off medi. There's a safer kind of medi that you can take wen u ttc but if your thyorid prob is nt under control, it's more dif to concieve and even if u do, there is a higher risk of miscarriage. Do u also have thyroid problem?

BTW, those of u who take basel temp, do u nid a special thermometer or just a normal thermometer can le ar? Me nvr take b4 so a lil kuku...ha
Rin, so far I don't have thyroid problem leh.. Just saw that these are common factors for infertility.

U need to get a basel thermometer. It's like a normal digital thermometer but it can take temperature till 2 decimal places.
Can buy from pharmacy.

Just saw TCM, the physician says it's likely becoz progesterone is not strong enuff to create the temperature hike. Possible to have ovulation but climbing up very slowly.
Gotta take medicine and monitor further

Jus wanna find out, what's the probability of #2 arriving earlier than edd if #1 is actually after edd?

Also, what's the chance for vbac? Any particular thing that one need to note of etc?

Luvchar, tks for the clarification. Now it all makes sense.

Anyway so sian.. I tested this am again and it was BFN! Then hours later, aunty came to visit. And my cycle is 44 days this mth.. Arch sian
bewildered: i go to ban choon chan at marine parade. it's a very traditional medical hall, dont have any q no. system. so you have to sit there and wait for your turn..
think this cycle is another failure... my temperature is declining... but boobs are damn sore..
2 more days to AF due but i tested BFN..
Hi mommies i need help

i just gave birth 7 month ago

had my AF last month and may i know when can i test for the preg?

I not sure because mime first bb was thru ivf
Luvchar, maybe late implantation ... Still have chance ! As long as no red! ;)

Mdmkhoo, if yr menses is regular, you can test as soon as you miss your menses lor...
missy: but temp is going down.. down... down!!!
so far no red yet coz today is only CD 30. my cycle is ard 31-33... *Cross finger arms and legs* lol!
good luck babe !

mdmkhoo, erm ... when was yr last menses ? prior to pregnancy was it regular ? a bit hard to help u. becos yr descriptions quite vague... anyway by rule of thumb, if missing more than 1 mth then can test and see ... if u have always been regular... if not then ... erm ... wait for aF to report lor ...
missy > nope not regular type that is y i did ivf coz got PCOS... and after delivery my AF went MIA and just reported hope to try for natural this few months... i think gonna be BFN again
... i will just wait and see...
Sigh... Still BFN...
Just went to see gynae last Fri for long-missing AF. Was told that I had just missed my O!
Guess I can only wait for this cycle when my AF should appear and hopefully I don't miss agn...
hi jaroline,
did u chart ur temps?

i alr missed my period 2 weeks, when i missed 1 week, i tested BFN so now waiting to test again wen the strips i order arrive.. my temp hovering ard 36.8+ to 37.1+... for 26 days already...

worried its a luteal cyst.. i felt a bit nauseous last fri n this morn.. but could be imagined so i am not giving it too much weight..
i also read luteal cyst could cause all the preg symptoms as well...

because i cant understand why late 1 week still negative.. i thot i may have seen faint positive, v faint but i'm not sure.. somemore i got an early preg test which detects at 25 iu...
gd luck la mer .. ive read some ppl still get neg no matter when.. best to see dr to test blood n scan ...

jaroline, hw u knw u missed yr O ? gynae scan ah ?
missy, my last 2 preg i tested positive 1 week after missed period.. anyway, just paranoid cuz i mc once n not much preg symptoms. but then to be objective, i din have bad ms with #1 either. and real ms only kicked in at abt 8-9 wks. tmr shd b 6 weeks if i cal correctly.. dun dare to run out store to buy hpt cuz scared BFN again... BFN also nd to see gynae to know wth happened..
la mer: good luck to u!
for my #1 i tested BFP at 5 week plus
didnt know if BFP will show up earlier or not coz wasnt as active to pee on a stick as now lol!
actually i tested BFP 3 years ago on valentine's day! I hope i can receive the same gift for this year valentine's day.......
LuvChar, i nvr wanted to test HPT b4 missed period before i am used to the monthly disappointment. for #1, we tried abt 10m.. #2, hmm. also close to that alr i think.. always read abt ppl who strike #1 easily, #2 hard to come by or vice versa.. seems like for us, both #1 and #2 also need time to come..
la mer: #1 was a breeze for me.. 2nd cycle jackpot!

This month is my 16th month into ttc #2
i totally understand your meaning of disappointment. *hug*
mine's a nov 09
wedding anniv in march

i have been trying on off since i got my period back last jan.. but wigth each monthly disappointment, i feel stressed... cuz my hubby travels reguarly for work.. once a mth, gone for abt a 3-5 days at a time.. so u see, can easily miss the fertile period!!!!
la mer: ic... maybe that could be the problem.. hubby and i are very active during fertile period.. but still no good news.....
very disappointed..

only to find out recently from a fertility specialist that my eggs wasnt growing well, and tcm said weak eggs too.. So i started on clomid this cycle with monitoring of follicle size.

hope we can have good news soon!!!! that will be our best valentine's gift !!
i was surprised to become preg last yr too cuz luteal phase was short due to bf-ing.. n sadly i did mc.. afetr mc, luteal phase a bit better but v inconsistent. ranged fr 8 days to 13 days.. siao alr.. before #1, it was consistent 11-12 days..
oh u mentioned wen u missed ur preiod but BFN last time , ur gynae just said sometimes its like tt.. were u charting ur temps? did the gynae give an ultrasound and spot any luteal cyst?

cuz i read only few reasons for missed period, preg (what we are all hoping for!!!), luteal cyst (could cause all the symptoms as preg, high temp, nausea, sore boobs but BFN of course) and no ovulation.. but i am pretty sure i ovulated, because first half was below 36.5, after supposed O date went up to 36.8-ish and then after a week, jump to 37 most of the time.. ki siao liao..

la mer: last cycle i didnt chart. I dun think i ovulated well last month coz my doc told me to "restart" the cycle as she say previous cycle not good.. but i didnt heed her advice to take the progestone pills.. and tot i could try and not ruin any chance. but end up AF nv come. I tested BFN and even went for beta test.. also BFN lol.. i backside itchy lah. should have listen to her lol!

this cycle i start to chart abit since a few days before i ovulated till now.. coz i had the hsg shot to release mature eggs. so now my temp is dropping slowly....
doctor nv told me abt luteal cyst.. she say clomid is responding well for me this cycle lo..

they can differentiate between a cyst and egg?
