(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Wish to sell the following, interested parties pls pm or sms (96753253) me for fast deal.

Preseed: Selling at S$15 (exclude S$1 postage). Expiry date:2012-02 (Sealed box with all the applicators but box is dented definitely not for fussy owner).


dear all TTC mummy, I have some wondof pregnancy and ovulation strips to clear at $4 for 10 including normal postage. MIU 20, expiry date 17th June 2012, only left less than 100 pc for each. PM me if keen.thanks
Hello Morning Ladies... can I join lol

I plan to have #2 if can by Nov... think about it a bit not possible :S such a short period of time lol.

Today nobody ah...
I'm also ttc for no 2. Strike no 1 after 5 years of trying. So ttc for no 2. Damn stress. Hope won't have to wait long. If not can close shop Liao. Tried for past few cycles still no news. Then I have been spotting after af ends. Super sianz.
Liz wah I feel you.. I ttc for 1 yr than I gave up than suddenly I am preggy :S

When u dun expect it... it just come...

I actually gave birth to #1 in June last yr... so fast I want a #2.... miss being preggy, monthly check ups & being the Queen lol
christy, i also miss being preggers... haa... love it when she kicks inside... hee...

liz, wow 5 yrs.. pei fu... me too trying for #2 for quite awhile and super demoralised ... but still trying no matter what ...
maybe u want to consider seeing a gynae to see how they can help you ? good luck babe

sigh. me sian. ah. yesterday saw <font color="ff0000">red</font> thought AF really report. today nth. duh. kns.
Ya Loh. Was Preparing for my 3rd cycle of ivf when I got preg. Was utterly surprised. My son was born nov 2010. Hoping for another miracle. But Haiz... Dunno if I will be soooooo lucky again

Am already seeing a gynae. What abt u? got see gynae since u said u ttc for no 2 for sometime Liao. Jia you!
Yeh I've seen 2... Both not good experience ... So decided to try naturally again but still nth ... Will see another again soon I guess ;) I've been trying since 2010...
Try prof Ng soon chye at GlenE. He's my doc. V nice doc and v experienced in infertility. He is one of the forerunners in ivf. But his nurses are horrible! :p
Since after delivery bb I like no time to BD le... faint like that how to have #2

The first 4 mths aft I deliver I got mid cycle spotting... so I consider it messy cycle than last 2 months ok not so much spotting but after 1 BD got slightly blood very little one for 1 day and not stain type just wipe and saw it.. I guess am weak cause after delivery less than 6mths.

Than I took ba zhen again 2 cycle already and once a month now AF more accurate... and no spotting and no slight blood after BD.

Now waiting for my supply from US.. buying the ovulation test sticks.. than can start project #2 hehehehe

Anyone know by when can have #2 ah.. cause I heard some say have to wait 1 yr after last delivery...

missycandy> ya totally love it only the 1st trimester I very sleepy can just sleep at my office desk.

Liz> I think if we dun prepare for #2 or #3 the bb sure will come... cause when we dun expect it... bb come knocking at your door :D
Just got my +ve on OPK last nite.. Woohoo!

Can feel e womb v heavy leh.. BD can feel abit of pain too..

Praying hard for good news in 2weeks time...
Should wait 1 year bah. But well my friend got preg 3 mths after delivery. For me I was breastfeeding and I had csect so I waited for 1 year before trying
Liz, har should really wait for 1 year ah

Sian... well than I think I go and bu my body for these few months first... and practice bd lol cause hmmm a bit dry and a bit pain in bd after i deliver bb
Hi mummies, Happy new year!! Posting my 1st post in this thread.

I am also ttc. Currently, #1 is 14 months old. Can I check any mummy goes to TMC to "tiao" the body? Any recommendation in the west? Cos i think i belong to the hard to conceive type.
Hi all mummies, I was pretty 'quiet' for the last few weeks cos gave up of ttcing. However, I got my New Year present and tested positive this morning!! This really came as a surprise cos I actually failed to detect my ovulation surge this month and sort of giving up trying. I didn't have any symptoms at all, since today my menses is due, so I just test and prepare to see one single line. But 2 lines appeared and I really could not believe my eyes. I had even made appointment to see gynae on 6 Feb for fertility issue.

Baby dust to all mummies trying! Don't give up and jia you!!
congrats to sophie!
all the best babe!

joyful, jy! BD tonight again if possible!
dont miss any stones unturned!

christy, maybe can try using preseed to ease the pain? hmmm.. act as lubricant ...
This was my 3rd cycle of ttcing, but I start to use pre-seed only in this 3rd cycle. Not sure whether it helps or not in conceiving. Good luck to ttcing mummies and spreading my *baby dust* to all
Misscandy, HUAT for rooster in every aspect!!! Lol! I thought u stop ttc? I think ur heart is not dying yet right, hehe, let jiayou together cos I also ttc since 2010, but after few check up still no news, perhaps we just too stress.. Both us will get pregnant in recent months!
hmmm ya im stopping... but cnt help but hope will tio... anyway im changing job... my boss hopes that i will only get pregs after 1 yr ... so will be 2013 or 2014 ...
Congratz sophie!

Hi all, long time never login, been bz With my new job. Missy &amp; merry, me too, has been ttc since sep 2010, has since stopped as I just started my new in nov last yr. Didn't really try and my period is always in a mess. I have question, hubby n I actually had sex on 21Dec n 28dec, and my menses came on 31dec2011, it lasted for 1week, we had sex again on 08jan12, been sicked for 2wks, now for the past 2 days, been feeling nauseous n vomitted, I just tested thought I saw a fade 2nd line but hubby claims 1 line. Am confused now.
Missy: yes, I used the clearblue. Does the test result vary after a while, this morning when I looked at the test kit which i tested, I can see very fade line, more obvious than last nite. Based on the iPhone calendar, my menus should come around 08feb, and we had sex just before menses n after menses, and not during ovulation, so don't think I Kenna. But my doc friend told me tat she ever encountered peole got pregnant when they had sex during menses. So I confused liao, bought the digital clearblue will try again next week or so if my vomit n nauseous continue. Going biz trip next wk, feel very tired, and sian.
Hmmmm you take care... You never know really strike ;) but Do test again to confirm... I remember I kept my hpt when I tested for #1 ... Kept it til she was 2+ lol just threw away end of last yr while spring cleaning... Can still see the 2 lines very dark and obvious ...

Instructions say not to read after don't know how many minutes but I'm not sure of the reason ... Maybe false negative or positive ...

Anyway, good luck!
canopyhaze, wow...really happy n excited for u, yr effort finally pay off....they say fade line also means positive so shd be preggie....good luck
Missy : I read tat the reading is invalid after 10mins. Will test again next wk.

Charlotte: thanks, don't pin any hope cos always disappointed by the result for the past 1yrs plus. Will see. But got a feeling this time might have kenna.
hi everyone, my lmp was 26 Dec. Up to today no sign of AF and doesn't look like AF coming cos I just have "noraml" yellow/white discharge. Had spotting on 21-22 jan thought AF coming but didn't. i haven't tested, want to wait till early-mid feb then test cos got gynae appt in late feb. but i don't feel any symptoms at all. and no spotting (touchwood) even though i still carry my 2 yr old and move around quite abit.i thought if u BFP u will get spotting if u move around alot? for my first pregnancy i remember i started spotting at 5 wks...so strange. so i don't think i striked. think my AF went haywire but at least i can check at gynae in feb. anyone has the same experience before? like so symptoms and spotting in early pregnancy?
I would just test if I were you ... Even if positive, you can still wait to see gynae to scan... It's actually better to see gynae when you are ard 8-10weeks .. So you won't panic if don't see heartbeat and worry unnecessarily ... Good luck !!! ;)
Morning Ladies

Canopy> You may want to wait upto a week to test again to have a clear +ve on the test kit. Maybe the LH surge (hope I am correct :D) not enough so not clear to indicate the +ve

Well the old saying no AF still got hope *HUAT AH*
Canopy, hope you strike, lots of baby dust for you.. It may be possible that you ovulate earlier this time round.. My friend strike when she did it after she had her menses too.. So pray for you! Keep us update.
Hi Candies, I think u shd just test to see, u never know if u strike, cos for myself, I had no symptoms at all and i couldn't even detect any ovulation surge during fertile period, I kena BFP on the day my period supposed to come! Until now at 5 weeks, i still didn't feel much symptoms (*touch wood*), I hope everything is alright for me cos this pregnancy is so 'quiet' unlike my 1st.

So good luck, when u least expected it, u will get it!

so exciting on a monday morning.. tink we gonna get a few BFPs soon!

candies, if u cant contain ur excitement, so ahead to test.. is just 2 more days to Early Feb anyway..

ever since i got the +ve on OPK last thu &amp; fri.. my nipples have been so sore.. i m praying hard!! chances pretty low cos we only did it on thu.. fri my hubby was sick..
Mrng ladies!

Happy lunar new year to everyone here

Happy to hear some good news after CNY. the rest pls cont'd to try dun give up ya!

Canopyhaze, test again hope to hear ur good news real soon
Hi donkey!!

when will u be able to tell the gender??

i am so excited for u..

btw ur SIL noe abt it yet.. i so scare i might spilled the bean if u haven tell her...
hiii joyful,

Ya she noe abt it dun worry

last scan at 17wk cant see anything in between gynae said shd b a gal nit to cfm in detail scan on 13

so far, 4 of my frens having dragon babies are expecting same gender for their #2 i think mine shd b gal alr..heard this yr hv dragon baby gal is better dunno how true.
missy, you asking about CL on your FB, tot u BFP liao.

canopyhaze, good luck to you! Same as you, my next AF should be due 1st week of Feb. Now it's the waiting game.
morning ladies!
Happy Lunar Chinese New Year

been quite sometime i didnt chat here already

congrat to those who strike!!

I went for the hormone bloodtest on 25th and hubby did his SA too.. goin back gynae on the 18th for the results and will be booking for the HSG when my next AF report. *finally we decide to do some tests instead of trying and nothing happen :p

Good luck to all!! jia you jia you
lol!!! my sil dont wana let ppl knw ma... haa.. then we r trying to bluff my sis in aust.. lol... hee hee...

i also wish i was preggers lor... but now hubby says maybe we shld wait for snake ... dragon too competitive.. esp when want to send to cc ... already now we have problem finding cc for my lil ox ... sigh... cnt imagine dragon! hahaha... maybe il aim for dragon tail !!!

ive decided not to take up the new job offer... im still on the lookout for other jobs though... heee... i have tendered ... so il be jobless by end of feb... dont think will tio so fast ... so have time to find a new job n work for few mths before i strike !

by the way when is cny next yeaR?
mei, where u go for check up? hmmm... im really keen to get hb to do the sperm analysis.. but i havent told him... haa...
missy, my hubby did the SA at KK. What I did was walk in to Polyclinic to get a referral letter to do fertilty test @ KK. So far my hubby did SA, and I did blood test and Sonohysterography. But then it's difficult to get an appointment. I can only review the results mid Feb '12
Hi Gals,
Im trying for no 2 for the last 3monmths. Everytime somethings happens or we do it too early so down in luck. This time, im not waiting, go in for the kill...hehehe!!! OV date is during the 1st week of Feb, hopefully strike.

My sis who has been tryng for 2 yrs after a MC is preggie now. 6 weeks. Hopefully i would be next... Nice to have cousins born in the same yr and 1-2 months apart...hahahah!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Harlow ladies!!
Been some time since i last popped in here.
Good to know we are getting more bfps in this thread..so exciting!!

If u cannot ren then go test.
If u can wait then do the test in another 2 days time.
The HSG would have doubled by then.
A faint line is still a bfp.
Crossing fingers for u babe

Correct me if im wrong but i thought the new zodiac is based on li chun n not the exact day of cny.

Hope u will find a new job soon.
Dont worry lah..people of your profession are in high demand.

To the rest who are trying, jia you!!
May all of u tio this year.
Huat ah!!!</font>
