(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

la_mer, I din chart my temps... only periodically test with OPK...

missy, ya, gynae scanned...

Haven't seen Jaster in this thread for some time (have been silently reading all these while!), hope she has already graduated!

i hav no idea how they differentiate bet cyst n egg?
oh i conceived #1 on my 2nd n last cycle of clomid too now i rmbr.. i had history of bbt dropping 2 days b4 period for most cycles..

i din use OPK for v long alr since #1 time. i find charting accurate... but the problem is since my mc last yr, i have been waking at night often

baby was supposed to be due.. today. feel emo.
la mer: *hug* will bfp soon!

btw how long can we on clomid? i heard is like max 6 months?

my temp will drop drastically 2 days before AF too.. the problem for me now is that my girl keeps waking up in the night.. so i think it kinda mess up my charting too >.<
Mdmkhoo: hmm i was on 50mg for 2 cycles.. but it didnt worked. gynae found out 50mg is not strong enough for me. so switched to 100mg. so do the 2 cycle count? lol!
hmmm didnt work means the egg dont response to the 50mg leh.
100mg works coz they responded well..

if 50mg counted means i left with 3 more cycles only
Ladies, any1 of u taking royal jelly? Do u take thru your cycle or just from menses til ovulation? I just bought the clearblue digital ovulation kit..super ex..but tot it'll be easier to noe wen i O, cant take temp cos my ger slps wif me n wen I tried to take my temp, she took the thermometer out..buay tahan her..she usu wakes up den wakes me up too..nw stil waiting for my O..CD10 today.

Lamer: Stil gt hope since temp is high! sm ppl no matter test hw times on kit stil -ve wan.. my #1 preg tested +ve a day b4 menses due..I cant wait wan..
pillow4> Have you encounter 42 days before MIA AF? If encounter it should be normal but if noy maube got chance... as long no AF is good news

LuvChar> Chicken essence take can boost the body.. thats new... must go and take already
ban choon chan at marine parade is famous lor.. early 6am got pple already.. last time thinking want to go there but I already kana the jackpot...

Rin> Royle jelly have to take every day one.... only preggry stop taking. I took it till I am 5 weeks preggy.
MdmKhoo: my temp dropped till 36.4 this morning. no hope already. there goes my v day present

next mth my bday.. hope i can get my belated present, accumulated from last year! lol

Christy: that's what the sinseh told me leh.. think i'm gg back to him sometime this week again..
i'm working at marine parade, so i will go que up when i reach office ard 815am. but already have 4-5 queuing already..
the sinseh very long winded.. always tell his grandmother stories... one case can drag till 20-25 mins! so by the time i leave that place, it's like 1030am!!
Happy Valentine Day Ladies...

Luv> jia you... you will have a lil one soon pray for you... new cycle new hope...

Ladies can i ask Can i take Feng Sha Wan? I am Bf-ing and TTC-ing not sure will affect anot... tummy like not well...
dear mummies,
jiayou! it will come when u least expected it
i was bf-ing while ttc-ing...used strips and whole mth came out -ve then went visit gynea for scan and confirmed i was not ovulating...so put me on clomid...saw gynea in dec and supposed start clomid in jan....then i strike in dec when gynea say i wasnt ovulating!

*babydust to all*
mdmkhoo: thanks.... not in a very high spirit now
btw if after 6 months of clomid and no news how? any other alternative?? not sure what will my doc suggest..
Dun worry be happy...

FYI: Other alternative Next he might suggest IUI / IVF...

As i failed my clomid cycle he as me go for another cycle / try IUI i just tell him i cant wait i want go for IVF liao... lolx... this is how i got my #1
Ya... will ask u go ivf... my gynae also said that to me... he said go ivf.. now govt subsidize.. not that ex... i said i dont want.. then he say he doesnt know how else to help me ...
i was on 100mg... sigh .... then i seek 2nd opinion few mths later... he did my bloods... then said cant find problem with me ... said maybe pcos ... also said refer to fertility specialist n do ivf...

so here i am... still trying.. lol!
missy > dun worry miracles do happen... i ever heard ladies trying trying when almost want to give up and suddenly got preggie... it just happen... it just a matter of time... relax... there ladies whom are PCOS n got pregnant...
actually if give me choose i will go straight for ivf. iui to me it's still like the same as natural lo.. hai i dont mind ivf... but my husband ask me not to think so far.. mainly we hope not to spend so much also. govt subsidy is only for ivf done at govt clinics/hopsitals right?

mdmkhoo, you got ur #1 via first trial of ivf? how much was the total cost?
Luv > yup ivf done in GOV hosp then got subsidy... I did it in KKH...

Yup first trial of ivf tio liao...

Hubby Medisave + mime SGD$4K

Cash S$2K (Medicines cannot claim Medisave)

Already after the $6K Grant from GOV...
mdmkhoo: any reputable doctor i can reference? my hb is a civil servant so got further grant right? lol.. i have the civil servant card.

so in total you only paid $2K ?
Luv > think only can use csc outside the ivf clinic e.g. consultation in clinic D if inside ivf clinic all as charge pte rate... you may try to call up n ask the nurse coz thats what other mommies told me...
Been so sick...
First week cough, running nose
Second week Asthma due to the Flu
Third week Dizzy, vomit, headache, running nose
Forth week backache, vomit feeling, headache, giddy
Now... back like got knives stabbing and cramping like mad, vomit like hell...
Waiting for hubby bring me to doc tonight cannot handle alone with my cranky n sticky ger...
Just receive a news that one of my relative preggie..i'm really so sad for myself..
Been tried 2 cycle IUI..currently ttc naturally but no result,dunno what is the problem. crying with no tears in my heart.
I dont want to be categoried in 'infertility group', everyone start asking me why still 1 kid only..
what else can i do ?
Happy V-day ladies! Gt my smiley face on the ovulation kit today! din now i O so early wan leh..today only CD11..

Christy: Tks for the clarification! Wil take it diligently den..=)

I reali agree that it happens wen u least expect it..an ex-colleague of mine went for 2 IVF, even resigned to try for bb, den stil cant den after 5 yrs, gt it naturally le.. in fact my #1 i oso gt in the mth wen we only BD once lor..but maybe it's my own personality too, i wan means wan..haha..it's irritating to c red wen you're ttc..and I reali hate the waiting game..

BB2012: we wil get #2 soon! hopefully! I oso cant stand sm relatives oso kip asking me y 1 kid and pressure for a boy cos my #1 is a ger..but I love girls leh..y ppl today stil so traditional? haiz..
Kom > Wahaha... Trying... Trying... Hope for natural this time...

Now she is teething so a bit cranky

How's your boi? He's so cute wanna meet him again
mdmkhoo: feeling damn vexed.. quite loss i dunno what to do now.. to change doc to kkh for further treatment or to see my current pte doc but she is very ex.. or to do nothing and only eat my tcm...

feeling very tired as im the one to worry so much ttc... i source for doctor, search reviews etc.. my hb there do nth, only pay and pay.. and 2-3 times bd nia.. very hor mia !

Luv > i understand how u feel been thru and hubby like up to you lor up to you lor...

I just hop down to polyclinic and tell the doc i want a referral letter to the infertility clinic.

At lease there i know i try to look for second opinion.... meanwhile i also went to TCM...

At KKH first appt i go lah then i sounds so desperate the doc say want to see hubby i just say ok next appt make liao go home tell hubby doc say very urgent want to see you drag him go lol...

when clomid / ivf appt i will go sometimes only when there is a need for hubby to attend he will follow or if the appt falls on weekends he will follows... At lease at home he jab for me the medicine... ask me to take supplements etc...

I just close one eye lor... coz i know hubby is the type need to have a kick on the butt then will move de... i cant be like so naggy to him if not later he dun want liao all my hard work for the 5 - 6 years seeking medical treatment gone to waste...
Mdm Khoo: I didn't go polyclinic leh.. I just called up for an appt. First appt w kkh is 10 march. W ur dr tan. I see what he says ba.... I don't wanna wait anymore. Meanwhile this cycle decided not to try clomid Liao... Just tcm and my
Own supplement... Sigh
Hi all

I have delivered and have the following extra items for sale:
1) 35 One Step Ovulation test strips (20 miu) (expiry 02/2013)
2) 12 One Step pregnancy test strips (10 miu) (expiry 02/2013)

Selling at $0.40 each. PM me if keen.
My maid just told me that she wants to quit end of this year. This is going to affect my TTC plan since I need to look for another helper. Haiz... anyone have recommendation for Filipino maid?
think my body very heaty... 2 days ago... had some spotting.. then yellow discharge ...
but only one time at night... now ok le... sigh... cham.... haywire cycle also... sian sian sian...
mdmkhoo: yah i went to tcm again.. he made appt for me so next time i no need to q the bloody long que to see him.. he reassured me that he is confident that he's able to tiao back my condition..

well, i just take it with a pinch of salt ... when see how it goes.. 走一步看一步 ba.. really die heart already.. felt like i've pulling off my life support.
Faintz... had a sleepless night need to stay up to look after my daughter... my hubby will dream and do funny things at night... either he will suddenly shout shout scold scold or like quarrel... last night he beat my ger he push her wake her up and beat her leg... she was sleeping soundly and suddenly she cried i beat hubby ask him what is he doing he say she naughty beat her... i slap him and tell him "HELLO SHE IS SLEEPING WHAT TIME ALREADY!" then he realise that he is dreaming...
missy> i called up hubby just now ask him he remember what he had done he tell me he only wake up and sayang my ger pat her to sleep... that part is after i slap him... he forget anything before and he forget i slap him also lol... shld slap him more opps...
this is my 2nd cycle with him... i think it's too early to see results. told him this cycle i decided not to take clomid and he say "then i can give u more herbs to help u. previous cycle you took clomid so i can only assist"

i heard alot of good feeback abt him.. and some successful cases too... his que is freaking scary and sometimes already has 6-7 people in the que before the clinic opens!

one of the sat i went and i was shocked to see abt 20 people in the que before he opens!!!!
Mdm Khoo, does your hubby dream of this frequently? Your child must have be frighten, cant imagine the shock when one is sleeping and get beat up.. haizzz
LuvChar -> Thx for the info.. =) The sinseh can tell whether one is ovulating and if the eggs are big enough etc?

Wanna check out, my cycle is somewhat irregular, maybe 30+ days to 40 days or so? would the ovulation usually be around the same time?

Am using OPK, if am hoping hoping for a boy, even the faintest line on the OPK can try? Or should wait until the next day?

Thanks! =)
mdmkhoo, aiyo ..... ya slap more ... hahahahha! but on a serious note, yr girl quite poor thing lor ... hmmm... maybe might need to seek help if it happens often ...

luvchar , maybe i shld see yr sinseh hor ... but very far ... sobs...

bewildered, if u see faint oPk, it still means negative ... its not like hpt if faint means positive... heh...
Ladies > hubby normally will talk in his sleep but beating my ger is the first time... i am sure he is stress... might be work stress haiz... he did ask me to monitor if happen again need to seek help already...
