(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

donkeymami, today is my CD12, I am usually a 30day cycle, sigh....cos Dr Wong say I may ovulate already cos my ovary size only 13mm...but in my heart I was wondering I may not be ovualting, u think so? u scan on CD13 n already 20-21mm so big!!! but mine only 13mm so think I got problem....a bit worried my ovary may not be the right size on Monday so meaning I am not ovulating properly lor

Charlotte, dun scared urself go back review again on Mon hopefully can see decent size so tat u can take shot to induce the egg out.

If u really not ovulating properly, can try clomid too. Stays positive.
will Dr Wong ask how long you all have been trying before helping to do the scan ah? how good it is if we can see the egg n make it rupture and make sure we BD at the point of time.. hahaa...
donkeymami, thanks for yr encouragement words, I really need them cos I am thinking of all the negative thoughts now....sigh....only comfort is I saw my family photo still inside Dr Wong clinic office behind his seat, wahaha...

Jaster, Dotz, yes the shot is to let the egg ruptune n come out then BD within 36hours but Dr Wong got advise we can BD this weekend too, no harm trying....yes he asked he how long we been trying 'seriously' I say abt coming to 1 year then asked me how young am I??? haha...I say old liao this year 35 yrs old n he say ok good age! trying to comfort me....
hahaaa.. cos hor.. i've heard like he will ask the couple to try naturally one first de leh... hahaa.. family potrait behind his seat ah.. okok.. next year (if i can huat by then) i go see.. hahaaa.. i got give them one photo liao leh.. but dunno got put up already or not.. developed another one which was taken with Dr Wong but yet to pass to them lor.. so lazy...
Jaster, i went to see DR Wong in my last cycle happens tat charlotte & me under the same gynae for our #1.

I saw good follicle size at CD13 & took HCG shot, BD-ed 34hrs after injection but i still failed so i cannot comment how good we will strike. it's all depends on luck also..BabyL strike her #1 by having her ovary scan & etc.

My main purpose is to make sure i'm ovulatiing regulary every mth. Ya even w/out jab the egg will rupture by itself in normal circumstances.

it's vy common to give HCG shots for those trying for IUI & IVF. Cos this can make sure ur egg will b rupture once its reach the ideal size.
<font color="aa00aa">Mommytq,
after my second mc i did strict 40 days confinement as my bb was 8 weeks when the hb stopped.
Mc in nov then only start back ttc in jan.
Struck in feb.
I must say its really due to tio-ing our bodies well.
And my dh's SA increased significantly after taking all those in 2 mths.
Before that he was rather bochap n tend to skip on certain days.
He said he got serious after feeling how much pain n sadness with our second angel's departure cos he tot after seeing hb at 6weeks, bb should be ok.
He didnt expect it.

How old is your child?
Mine turning 4 this yr end.
I put him in lots of classes from young n i coached him daily at home.
Think it benefitted him cos he knew his alphabets n numbers when he was only 1.5yrs old.
Now he can read simple books n do simple addition..moving on to subtraction.</font>
dun lose heart... jia you!!!

you too jia you wor!!!

that time when i lost Sabrina (hahaa.. that time just got the feeling was a gal gal) her hb stopped at 10 wks lor.. i did only 1 week confinement. i agree with u must tiao our body lor hor..

your boy is so fortunate! hahaa.. and so clever!!!
Lynzi, thanks for sharing. I had my 2nd mc in Jan, 1st mc also very close to the 2nd one. Its been 5 months, thinking if time to try..My TCM has commented my womb very weak. Are you still on tcm when you are preg now ?

My gal turning 4 this yr. Sent her to berries, now looking for phonics class. Your boy development is fast ! My gal can't even make the sound of the alphabets. Tried to teach her but she doesnt listen, think am playing with her and give me funny sounds :S

Charlotte, see what gynae says on monday. Throw away the negative thoughts, enjoy your weekend first ! Why you contemplating to work full time ? Thought you want to spend more time with your girl ?

Btw, anyone know if ok to drink honey during 2ww? Thinking of trying this cycle but am down with cough ! Need sthg to soothe throat..
<font color="aa00aa">Charlotte,
a good egg size is 18mm.
I got egg of 21mm before.

HCG shot is to ensure the egg will rupture.
Sometimes even with good size egg will decide not to rupture last minute.

my first mc only at 5weeks so only did 2 weeks confinement.
The second mc was bad cos wind entered my body.
No choice..did 40 days to ensure body is in good condition to sustain another pregnancy.
Thanks..my boy had training from young.
I started him on flashcards n lots of reading.
U can start with Jovan now in fact.</font>
Jo: I think can. In fact that's what she wants to work with me. But then I hv to monitor my cycles this few mths. My af is very erratic nw. That's y I also din really try these few mths.
U can call them n make an appt.
Do u hv whatsapp? I pm u my mobile number. Then I can send u dr cheng's number.
<font color="aa00aa">Mommytq,
my boy been doing phonics at zoophonics since he was 18mths.
He's lucky as he got good teachers.
Besides going to phonics class, u can also get leapfrog letter factory dvd n let her watch.
Its a good dvd.
Where do u live?</font>
mommytq, am worried abt the financial part, u noe as a SAHM u can't spend as n when u like so have been working PT/temp for abt 1 year plus so thinking of working FT since my gal already 4 years old, shd learn how to be independant....just thinking lah, still considering, have not make up mind yet! btw u were asking me what classes my gal attended rite? she is attending phonics, berries n Art class currently....more classes shd be coming up like music n mental arthi***(sorry forgot the spelling) like maths...

lynzi, is it the size of the egg or the ovary? cos doc told me my ovary is 13mm, no sight of any egg yet, say my ovary got to be at least 16mm-18mm then egg will ruptune n release????
ya agree that phonics is good, I send my gal to phonics for 3mths plus n can see its good...she can make out all the sounds of the alphabets
Lynzi, I stay in Punggol. There are hardly eneichment schools here. Headache... You are right, teachers play a very impt part in kids learning. Which zoophonics school your boy attend ?

Charlotte, which art school your girl goes to ? Global Arts?
Yo mummies I jus went to e young parents fiesta! V gd deals if u wan to subscribe magazine. 45 for a yr w a free gift u choose. Then buy current issue get a goodie bag w lots of stuff!

Ya lor so I always travel when I bring my gal for classes
i am back.....
i am die-ing...i am still hang on here...

gosh, 5 more days i have to stay in this store house...next tues wed i have to move out all my things and move to rental place...

i need a good SPA, i need a good massage!!!!!!!! i need to shout loud, to release all the burden on my shoulder.

and....JEAN is SICK this time!!!!! gosh..........arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...fever 1 day liao...i feed her medicine and get the aunt maid take care for me today...
mommytq, haha...no lah I not that rich just her normal school art lessons, painting n crayons!

Airy, take care n jia you for packing, haha...not for TTC...sayang Jean...so poor gal, get well soon
jia you for your packing! =) n hope ur ger gets well soon..

ehhh... i did flash cards with him.. teach him 1-10... but seriously does he understand ah? hahaaa... no lessons for him to attend now rite? hahaaa..
<font color="aa00aa">Someone asked about taking honey during 2ww for cough?
Yes u can.
Take manuka honey with UMF15 or more.
One teaspoon morning n night.

when i stopped working i was worried about financial too.
Somehow with careful financial planning n being real clear on wants n needs really help the situation.
With your hubby's support, im sure u will pull thru.

oh punggol.
The nearest zoophonics for u will be at serangoon.
My boy goes to the thomson branch.
Besides phonics, he is currently in swimming, right brain class n soon maths enrichment.
Will add speech n drama n music too.
He is in daily school also.

the technique is to do one second flashing for each card.
U can do so many flashcards of different things..alphabets, common baby words, fruits, vege, zoo animals, farm animals, vehicles etc.
I started with my own diy flashcards.
Then i bought the glenn doman english n maths set.
Few months down the road, i enrolled him in shichida for 2 terms n then changed him to little neuro tree.
For Jovan now, academically u can do daily with him.
At this stage, u want to train him more on his gross n fine motor skills n get him used to being around other kids of his age.
Classes u can consider for him are gym n kindermusik.
For gym, i was with gymboree. Baby jumper gym n tumble tots are good too. Can see their websites on the locations then go for trial class to see how Jovan takes to it before u make any decision.</font>
Lynzi, may I know why you don't want to continue with shichida? I'm intending to enroll my dd. Little nuero tree approach also based on right brain?
LYnzi curious to know too! Currently my gal is w shichida though she tried neuro tree before. Actually personally I prefer neuro tree cos for her age I feel little neuro is more suitable n better for language but not sure abt next yr when she turns a yr older whether shichida or neuro tree curriculum better. Impressed Ur boy going for so many classes!
<font color="0000ff">I'm back !!! Fatter, heavier n more tired. Lol. Kirsten was so sticky I almost went crazy!!!!! I steP out of d car, she cried like siao. The moment I turn my back, she also cried like mad -.-" u knw if she were a brand of superglue, she would b d best brand in the market !!!!!! :p

Anyway, will uPdate chart Tmr k? Paiseh heee

Thought my menses came becos felt wet but nth.
sigh next week shall go see tcm ba...

Oh yes, just to share, bought clearblue digital preg test kit in png, freaking cheap!!! Feel like kicking myself for not buying more n looking for d o test strips.. Dammit! I only bought one preg test kit... Arghhh!!! It costs RM25.90 .. That's like less than SGD12!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh... Then can use it n wun feel so heart pain. Lol !!!

Ok need to ko. Tired! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Morning ladies!!
Its sunday..zzzz

welcome back dear!
Oh your Kirs so attached to u.

Tomato, blissfulmother,
i like shichida but i feel there is a lot for parents to do at hm.
If i didnt manage to do it with him then i feel it defeats the purpose.
And at SM, they did so many languages.
So changed to neuro tree as LNT only concentrate on 3 languages..english, mandarin n jap.
And i liked the activities done in LNT..find it more fun n engaging.
And the homework is not too much.
Coupled with my daily coaching, its doable.</font>
Afternoon ladies !

Airy, hope you settle down soon and take care of yourself and gal too !

Missy, welcome back!

Charlotte, simple art class good enough le. Developing their fine motor skills more impt ba

Lynzi, can I know what maths enrichment class your boy is
going to take ?

Seems that am abit late in enrolling for enrichment classes, but better late than nvr :p
<font color="0000ff">merry, buy frm amazOn cheaPer... Locally I duno how much ... Hee .. Or if u don't mind , can look in the wts section n see if anyone selling off? But if u dun mind spending then ok.. Hee my frn helped me buy the 3 DVD set n it comes w alphabet flash cards... </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Airy,
just saw your post.
Hope u will settle the packing soon.
And hope Jean will get well fast.

i got from the bp here.

my boy will be going to home based montessori maths in yishun.
Yup better late than never.
At least u dont wait till she goes to p1.</font>
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Day1 AF</TD><TD>Next AF</TD><TD>Cycle Days</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>#1 Age</TD><TD>#1 Gender</TD><TD>Home </TD></TR><TR><TD>meishan</TD><TD>9-Jun</TD><TD>9-Jul</TD><TD>28-30</TD><TD>Woo Bit Wah (TMC)</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>Tampines </TD></TR><TR><TD>charlotte</TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T(TMC)</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Yew Tee </TD></TR><TR><TD>canopyhaze</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jul</TD><TD>38</TD><TD>Paul Tseng (TMC)</TD><TD>18M</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>Bkt Tmh </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jaster</TD><TD>14-Jun</TD><TD>14-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T(TMC)</TD><TD>3.5M</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>BtBtk/Amk </TD></TR><TR><TD>Star Eliz</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>12-Jul</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Tan (TMC)</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Simei </TD></TR><TR><TD>donkeymami</TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>Wong M T(TMC)</TD><TD>22M</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Bkt Batok </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweetapple</TD><TD>18-Jun</TD><TD>17-Jul</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>Adrian Woodworth</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>Sengkang </TD></TR><TR><TD>MEinME</TD><TD>19-Jun</TD><TD>21-23Jul</TD><TD>32-34</TD><TD>Lee Keen Whye</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Clementi </TD></TR><TR><TD>airy</TD><TD>20-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>Chen Li Han</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Yishun </TD></TR><TR><TD>jomummy</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Prince</TD><TD>AMK </TD></TR><TR><TD>missycandy</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>MIA</TD><TD>messy</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Sembawang </TD></TR><TR><TD>happiness&amp;bliss</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>Teresa Cheng</TD><TD>17M</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Tjg Pgr </TD></TR><TR><TD>mommytq</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>TBC</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>Princess</TD><TD>Punggol </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
morning mummies! a whole new work week again **groan**

jittery coz I'm gng to see gynae for scan later! hope can see big ovary! haa! =p

mummies wif kids @ shichida, may I ask if u all bought any shichida materials? They're so many types available and not to mention, exp! keke...so wld juz like to find out which is good &amp; worth buying
morning mummies!!

mommytq, u can get the leapfrog dvd from metro. they r selling at $24.90 each..

missy, how's ur trip? should b enjoying de food so much! i miss Penang too...

Airy, take care oh..hope she will b ok soon n u can hav more rest!
Dotz, hope u can see yr ovary grow up to 18mm with a big fat egg later, I am going at 12noon to scan too cos my ovary just 13mm last Friday so doc advise me to go again today....worried can't see my ovary grow to good size....

missycandy, shiok hor? go Penang to relax, btw how much for a kid airticket to Penang? thinking of taking my gal go too...
Morning mummies!
Can update list.
Day 1 af 9th june
Next af 8th June.
Cycle 28-30
#1 gender princess 16 mth
Gynae dr lawrence Ang
Stay: admiralty

Mommytq I got leapfrog from bulk purchase by bubuchan. Can't remember price but definitely cheaper than shopping centers even w 20% discount. Can buy set where it consist of letter factory, word caper etc.

It depends on how old Ur child is. But u can ask e teacher for advice
haha thnx Jaster
And Charlotte, same to u too!!!!

Cathay Pacific is hving promo on air tix to HK...onli $359! so tempted to go HK again..but sighz...the scarlet fever is such a dampener
<font color="0000ff"> hi hi hi ! hee ~ penang was Ok~ food was Ok too ! just felt like not enough time !!! maybe because i arrived tuesday late afternoon... then wednesday full day wedding from morning til night... then only left with thurs fri n sat to enjoy n shop... feel like didnt eat enough n shop enough... lol ! argh...!!!

charlotte - i flew jetstar there and took airasia back... becos budget airlines.. so price is same as adult... total is ard $120 ech... if u book much earlier.. which i didnt! it will be much cheaper... because was waiting for hb to confirm n all.. so by the time i booked, rates went up... then timing not suitable... sigh... my advice is to try to book ard 6mths in advance... esp now jetstar having promo...

we stayed at continental hotel which is at the end of penang road... per night is RM118... the room quite nice! can consider!
usually when i go png, will stay along penang road... becos u can find a lot of food there.. plus at the other end of the road, there are a few malls...

oh yes must add on, kirsten didnt eat much... think she too fussy la... lol... luckily she ate hor fun... then give her more milk... but if your kid big n can eat everything then is ok la... hehehe

Just came bk from gynae...sigh....my folicile bigger this time at 16.9mm....ask me go bk on Wed morning to give me a jab to release the egg, ripe already but have not release yet so meaning I have interpret wrongly that my O is CD15-CD16, I may O late...sigh....BD the wrong timing??? so confused....

Dotz, how's yr gynae visit? can see egg?

missycandy, yes agree that must book early if going by budget airlines, the earlier u book n cfm, the cheapest it is....
Charlotte, I'm soooo disappointed and sad now =(
Mine is only 10mm (CD14) and gynae say there's possibility dat I've O liao, or it'll be a very late O 5 days later

Sighz...tink I missed the timing liao....so sian to wait for new cycle new hope =p hehe

so tempted to go back gynae to scan this Fri but gynae nvr tell me to schedule appt, juz tell mi to try working hard this wkend leh....
Charlotte, can I check if you know if the egg ripe already, will it cause +OPK or only before release will have +OPK? Didnt know that egg ripe already may not auto release...

Dotzzz, how long is your cycle usually? I have schedule a health screening next week, before O. Hopefully can ask to check egg size. Sianz, AF reported.... sad.
hi BabyL, my cycle is pretty long, usually 35 days thrabt...but this time round, gyane ask mi to take 2 clomid daily for 5 days (as opposed to 1 clomid previously for my #1)..so duno if the effect is so strong that O came too soon =S
ai yo.. no sad lah! new cycle new hope!!! =)

hugs hugs... u also say new cycle new hope mah... but since there's a possibility that you O late.. then remember to wack also hor!!!

hugshugs!!! yeah.. egg can be released soon... bb coming your way le!!!
Hi Ladies!

Charlotte, the past doesn't matter most impt is this cycle wed take HCG shot to release ur egg then schedule ur BD for nxt 48hrs. Dr Wong told us to BD aft 36hrs i followed but didnt catch the eggy still. so no harm to start early.

DotzZz, so u gynae think u mayb alr O-ed? wat abt urself? do u see fertile CM past few days?

BabyL, new cycle new hope, cheers babe!
Dotzz, oh icic...then you alt BD this wkend. Did you use OPK to check ur O?

Jaster, thanks! Yeah....this time instead of only BD once, I will just BD and BD when I O! Hahaha!
donkeymami, I think i did detect a lil' watery CM ard CD 6 or 7 (just 1 night) but tot it's way too early so didnt tink much abt it...

will fertile CM usu last for more than a day?

no more CM these few days....sighz...so my gyane may be right....didnt use OPK coz I find that it's not very accurate for me leh....

Charlotte &amp; BabyL, Jia You Jia You!!! =))

<font color="0000ff">Afternoon everyone...</font>

Missycandy - can add me to the list.. last AF 29May2011, CD - dunno, Gyne - John Tee, #1 Age - 10 months, #1 Gender - Princess, Home - Sengkang

<font color="0000ff">someone here was asking for my TCM.. It's Nam Hua Acupuncture and Medical Hall.. Dr Koh Lee Hoon... 440 Race Course Road.. Tel: 62919275</font>
