(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

dajie - u are always paranoid as usual.. relax la.. mai gan cheong k... be like me.. BO CHUP... think too much also no good de... understand why u will get paranoid too, but u must learn to relax ya...

jaster - we have our own house.. but my MIL and SIL staying with us.. plus a maid... can do notti things la.. before they moved in and before we had our precious, woohoo... anytime, anywhere, any position man.. but now ar.. old and fat liao.. abit nia here pain, there cramp.. lol... now we're trying to "wean" her off co-sleeping... we dismantled our bed and her cot, so all of us sleep on the floor.. us on our bed, she sleeps on her mattress...

dotzzz - yup.. venue booked.. dh is civil servant, so we booked 3 months in advance... bday cake haven't leh.. but ordering from Pine Gardens.. LOVE THEIR CAKE!!! will order end July when we send out invitations ba.. as of now, guest list is 185 pax, about 40 kiddos = major disaster... so after RSVP, should be 130-150 pax ba...

Jaster, true...being knowledgeable is good but cant act smart in front of gynae, ooops!

Dotz, ya ya...agree!

Mei, ur gal havent 1 yr so still can take time...my gal past 1 yr liao, i muz WORK HARD! Remember my target is to hoot asap? If not for the dragon, I would have hoot long time ago...Lol!
da jie - totally understand.. after Maine turns 1 i'm gonna hoot also... remember i wanna have 2 by 30... and time is running out fast...
December i might be going Taiwan, so... who knows.. Made In Taiwan.. lol...
Mei, wooohooo! Taiwan? Shiok! My colleagues are planning Taiwan trip earlier too....I also wanna go holiday leh... Is Maine going?
Btw, wanna go Batam? Jio Fen, Apple and AW.....Mummies cheapo trip...
Mayb going overseas may help ha cos more relax. I got my #1 a month after coming back from bintan cos think still in happy happy mood but cheeky ppl who counted backwards insisted I got preg during bintan trip... Haiyo where got preg for 11 mths one...
da jie... ya... bringing Maine.. after the short getaway during my ML, i sweared never to leave Maine alone in SG anymore... cos people screw up the schedule i put in place... plus i got separation anxiety.. mwahaha... go batam ar?? with the kids??
Joce, hahaha! Hoot is BD, we chor lor so we say hoot... Heee...

Mei, oh.... Thats nice! Prepare to bring alot of barang barang wor! Sure fun but tiring de! Batam for mummies! 2D1N...
da jie - no Maine... i erm... i dun want.. haha... ya my mum just came back from Korea.. she told me that her tour group also got this couple bring their toddler... one huge luggage full of the child's stuff... sterilizer, blah blah n blah blah...
Chey..... Nvm lah, anyway hard to arrange for all also. Now Indonesia also cant bring baby, got malaria outbreak.
Ya, super alot of barang! Imagine i went HK, 1 luggage for her n 1 luggage for me n dh. So jialat!
Same here! I went Hk 6 days 5 nights one whole luggage for her n I share another same size luggage w my hubby! We even forgo e pram since many of our frens say not pram friendly. Almost died carrying her cos dangerous for her to walk beside e roads
Joce, we brought pram coz we want to let her sleep in the pram instead of carrying. End up most of the time my nephew keeps wanting to sit in it... And poor dh had to carry up n down the stairs. Think he can lose all the weight from lugging up n down! Hahaha!
Morning mummies! TGIF!
taking abt hols..sigh...I've tentatively booked a trip to Bali in a few weeks' time but hb juz asked mi this morn if we can forgo the trip... super sianz =p

ya...HK is super kid-unfrenly leh...was so tired carrying gal ard but seeing how she enjoyed disneyland made it all worthwhile kekek
Hihi morning mummies!!!

Was on leave yesterday n went for shopping with gf!

And yes so happy my AF reported yesterday!! yeah yeah yeah i can start my TTC 2weeks later!!
jo's mummy, jia you wor... =)

sweetie, ai yo.. dun be sad!!! hugs hugs...

Eliz, hope your girl gets well soon!

Charlotte, are you going to Dr Wong in the morn or evening later?
sweetie apple, ops sorry, its bcos i didnt tried for my previous cycle...and my af was late for 1week..so im happy tat it has arrived and i can start to try soon!!

but but but, i dunno when is my O now since my cycle day so long...38days leh...dunno when should BD...kekekek...

Jaster, thanks!! we jia you jia you ya!!

Eliz, hope ur girl will be ok soon so tat she can enjoy her weekends with daddy mummy...

Happiness, r u around?? got something to ask u..
jo's mummy
drink red dates longan tea to nourish the womb. basically u can have a diet like during confinement cos bu xue. basically drink warm stuff.. husband eat oyster. high in zinc gd to charge up soldiers...on the mark...get set...go!!!

mummies jus to share hor ur ovulation day is not the mid cycle leh..it's 14 days before ur next af...so for example if yours is a 30 day cycle then ur af comes on 1st june ur next af should b 31st june right so u count 14 days before 31st june..
Jo, yes....I read online lately that zinc helps to boost or build sperms. My dh used to take GNC multivits with oyster content when we ttc. Good luck!

Btw, today i tested on OPK at DPO10, BFN.... duh!
jo's mummy should start now...so by then soldiers real charge up! jus like ppl who use cream to moisturise face they cant use one day n expect things to happen...haha
letting go Clearblue smiley face ovulation test kit - 5 tests (exp 06/2012) at $40.

Brand new in box, original sealed packaging.

Free reg. mail to ensure delivery or free hm delivery if nearby.

Pls PM me if interested. Thks.

Blessed everyone with bfp!
yumm...i myself like oysters too! keke...do they help with the eggs too? super gd excuse to go for more buffets! hee

do u gals brew the red dates longan tea urself? I've a bad regime of drinking teh every morning to perk myself up. Should I stop?
Hi mummies... TGIF!!!! I'm super zombie now... Reach home at 12.30 last nite, slept at 2.30, woke up since 5.30... Haiz... My dh has to go for surgery... Which means ttc plans have to put on hold for a while le... But who knows since he eng eng cheng cheng sekali miracle happen... Haha...
u know for those underoging ivf, they have been encourage to eat more eggs wor... kumpung eggs in particular.. do u all think it helps with ttc too? =P got some say if u get to get eggs with double egg yolks in there, may get twins!
My hubby brew e Longan red date. V easy jus throw like 6 Longans n 4 red dates into boiling water presto! Nice! U can add more if u wan it to b sweeter.
Caffeine is a stimulant. Not gd for eggs
<font color="aa00aa">Harlow ladies!
Im on 2 days mc..resting at hm.
Not sick but tired..haha

The taking eggs before o is to boost eggs to grow to good size.
BUT cannot take the yolks..only the whites.
I took 4 half boiled egg whites every morning before O,
During af, brewed ginger tea to drink.
After af, took chicken essence once every 3 days.
After o, i brewed LRD n took chicken essence every day alternately.
So let's say today drink LRD, then tomoro take chicken essence.
Totally no cold drinks or cold food at all.
Besides that still took my FA, omega 3, RJ, vit c.

From cd1 till O, i stuffed dh with oysters at least 3 times a week..be it fresh or orh luak.
Dh also took zinc, vit e, FA, vit c, coq10 with selenium, omega 3, arab dates n pure honey daily.</font>
Afternoon ladies !

Lynzi, rest more ! Envious leh, I also want mc.. tired from work.. keke !

Jo's mummy, can understand your excitement to cheong this cycle ! All the best! Guys super ego de... always think their troops the best quality :S Leave us woman to nourish blah blah blah..

Charlotte, besides Berries, what enrichment classes you sending your gal to ? $ aside, you're very fortunate to be able to witness your gal every growth and development.
<font color="aa00aa">Not sure if u ladies been to tcm before..i went to few tcm n they said my womb is cold so must really abstain from cold stuffs. No coffee, tea, bubble tea, cold drinks, ice cream..even fruits n yoghurt cannot take direct from fridge.
Must let it air outside for at least 30 mins then can take.

LRD is longan red date..hehe
i got no choice but to be stringent as i mc twice in 6 months.
Dh also got no choice but to take all those vits n supplements cos after the second mc, my doc suspected that the prob lie in him n not me.

your girl in berries now?
I find it good n my boy enjoys the lesson.
Now he asking for piano lessons but i still havent scout around for him.</font>
Lynzi, how long after did you try after your 2nd mc? Been thinking to try or not to try this cycle...

You started sending your boy to enrichment classes too? hmm.. Need to prep mine soon.
i see i see... thank u! sigh.. so ma fan to brew the tea rite? now i'm drinking the sacred tea frm origins to maintain my milk supply...
mommytq, ya ya very excited and im' SERIOUS i wan to get BFP lor..kekekke...ya agree with u, the man always think there's no prob with their sperm..

lynzi, me too on TCM..the sinseh also advise me not to take cold drinks and cold food. same as u, no cold food directly from fridge, must let it air outside for 30mins...
Happiness, wan to check with u, if i wan to go see Dr. Theresa to get advise for this cycle as I wan to get pregnant,e.g. to scan when will I Ovulate as I after mc, my cycle is like 38days, then she advise me when to bd, this and that, u think can or not?
hi All ladies, real busy day for me, went gynae visit, my last day of PT job but boss ask me go early since everything handover already....but I got the intention to go bk work FT, still considering lei....

Jaster, I went to Dr Wong in the morning 1st person...he did a scan for me but my right ovary only 13mm big, so he advise me to go bk on Monday to scan again, hopefully it will grow up to at least 16mm-18mm in order for the egg to ruptune so no egg insight yet....then he will give me a shot like donkeymami....

mommytq, lynzi, yes have enrol her to Berries at Bukit Batok CC next term to start her chinese lessons, went for trial lesson that day n she really enjoyed herself...hopefully it will improve on her language
Jaster, according to Dr Wong its the ovary size not the egg size....ideal size is 16mm-18mm then the egg will ruptune(correct me if I am wrong) cos no egg insight at all....lucky I am not scare of injections!
Charlotte, wat ur cycle day today? ur mens regular? i went to scan on CD13 (evening) follicle size ard 20-21mm so he gave me HCG shots on the spot.

Eliz, same! i will drink cold water early in the morning once i wake up haha...bad habit!

jo's mummy, dat's wat i intend to do! in fact, my gynae suggested it! hee hee
