(2012) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

<font color="0000ff">charlotte - sigh. still MIA. yesterday i told hb im goin to see TCM. then he asked me for what. i said we try more than 1 yr still nth. i need to go tiao my body. he jus roll his eyes at me. *BISH*

Rae - i think its 2 days... if positive 20 n 21, can do on 20, 22 &amp; 24 or, 21 &amp; 23
.. not sure abt the EWCM.</font>
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haha.. you really jiayou eh..

I also told hubby this mth we must jiayou!! but guess what.. he just msged me he's having fever!! arwgh...
It's so difficult to BD with my boy stuck in our bed! Have to wait till he sleep, by then both of us will be dead tired. BD has became a chore.. haiz...
<font color="aa00aa">If got positive opk doesnt mean u will O on that day.
U might only O around 12 to 36 hours later.
Some people can get few days of surge even.
If u get positive opk let's say on cd 15 n 16 then u should bd on cd13 to clear old troops..and bd some more on cd15, 17 n 19.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">If got positive opk doesnt mean u will O on that day.
U might only O around 12 to 36 hours later.
Some people can get few days of surge even.
If u get positive opk let's say on cd 15 n 16 then u should bd on cd13 to clear old troops..and bd some more on cd15, 17 n 19.</font>
I m gg crazy thinking of catching the o... worried missing the golden times man. .

Then I itchy backside ask my hubby to clear his old troops himself yesterday then do tonight but now then realise troops need at least 2 days to replenish. . Think I will miss it again. .. hurhur. ..

My cm gg dry too. . Hurhur. ..
If i'm having a 30 days cycle... i'll take as my luteal phase is abt 14days.. that means i may o on CD16... for myself i'll BD starting from CD10, CD13, CD14, CD16 and CD17... like that should have covered all grounds liao.. cos spermies can last in our body 2-3days mah...
Haha Wa so happening. Actually u lk at Ur whole cycle. In theory u ovulate 14 days before Ur next af. Then fertile period is 2-3 days before n after ovulation day so means Mus BD these 5 days. Tt's in theory but real life dunno true.

Ewcm is gd for sperms to swim. Can take evening primose supplements to make it more abundant. Going to buy from gnc later hee
hahaa... yeah lor.. everything in theory... but what i'm saying is that we have to cover all grounds lah.. =P hahaa.. but best way is to scan and see if the egg is ripe and ready to be released hor... like that at least we know the egg confirm is there mah...

做人辛苦. 作为女人更苦! Have to think abt this.. worry abt that... sigh..

The sperm really take 12 hours to swim? I read somewhere is 6 hours..

If day 20, the old troops are cleared out. Then day 21 still ok to do since it maybe less than 24 hours. ..
<font color="aa00aa">Blissful,
epo only take from cd1 to O only hor.

the swimming up is fast but the survival rate is more important.
Only good ones will survive longer.
Bding too close will affect quantity.</font>
Hi all, i just came back from gynae, after taken antibiotics he said now should be ok already, then i ask him help me see got egg or not, he said dont see any egg! today is my CD18 and i tested OPK+ on CD16 , so i thought as normal i have O-ed on CD17, but today he told me no egg??
Then he asked me to bd this few days, i asked 'but u said no egg?' he answered:'cant see egg doesnt mean no ovulation.' OMG!
Then i show him my OPK strip, he said those cheap stuff not accurate one, dont rely on them.
I just feel that he did not really help me to find the egg then just said no egg.
He asked me to take BBT and go back to him when mense come and maybe take clomid.
I'm thinking should i follow him or just try ourselves for few more months, cos per visit also >$100, and feel he dont help much besides can provide clomid ler..any advise?
Think back, I been following the OPK postitive and BD on the right day but never kena. I think I cannot follow the theory. I know too many things, I get further away from the target.

For no.1, gynae told me I O late and realised that I seem to have B/D 1-2 days later. For my unsuccessful BFP last year, it was 1-2 days after my supposed O day too.
Merry, could it be you already O-ed and thats why there is no egg? Maybe you just BD tonight and see if still can catch the egg or not...

Gosh, OPK strip not accurate? I been using it leh...so far I think still OK. I see EWCM and then +OPK. Didnt track BBT to triple confirm though..
Hi Ladies,

I am BACK!!! Those newcomers, welcome..have MIA quite sometime..

Halo Old babes,
How are you girls??

And All, esp old babes that know my history.
Just update. Today finally, i moved to 3 places.
1) Mami stuffs to Toa Payoh
2) My family stuffs from my home to rental place
3) Whole house stuffs go into Stores warehouse.

so i m running around whole Singapore!!! haha, no la..only ::
Yishun-Jean school at Khatib- Yishun - Toa Payoh-Rental Yishun - Yishun - Jean school at Khatib with Sister in law maid bring Jean to Seranggon so can continue my moving - Yishun - Rental Yishun - Seranggoon - Back to Rental Yishun

So at this moment, i will settle down at Rental Yishun for 2 months...packing, unpacking become part of my life now!!! i hate it..
at the same time, i can start to buy things to bring back Qatar too, cos already empty my luggage hahaha...2 months later when move back to Yishun, i think i have to buy those Pasar Malam big2 bag to store back my cloths/barang2 move back to my home from rental place..

How How how?? BD BD BD BD BD!!!! Good luck!
Airy - hope u settle everything down soon....

I have done everything I cld, the rest shall leave it to fate....going bk to gynae tmr morning for a scan again to see got egg coming out or not but suspect I may have O tonite cos pain comes in just now but manage to BD last 2 mornings so really hope it will work out but dun wan to pin high hope too cos scare big disppointment so I leave to God will....just pray for me
Mrng ladies!

Started my BD sessions last 9..will cont'd to BD alt days.

I used OPK for past 6cycles seems accurate as in saw +opk, BD-ed but cannot catch the eggy.
My gynae told me the same thing abt opk it's not accurate jz tikam tikam. So pretty sian aft i heard tat cos i jz stocked up 30 OPK strips &amp; clearblue smiley face.
Charlotte, u BD-ed past 2days shd b covered all ground alr..even this mrng scan egg still not release take the jab u still can BD for nxt 2days to catch the egg ya..so stays positive
<font color="0000ff">good moaningggggggggg donkey! hee ~ Jy jy !!! i think will be good if BD alt days.. shld be able to catch the egg... hee
u dont wan yr smiley olredi? then sell to me ? =P</font>
<font color="0000ff">let me knw thru FB or PM me.. hee thanks...

sigh now im thinking if i shld see gynae to induce my menses 1st or just see tcm n let them handle my body. lol</font>
how abt taking Baifeng Wan?
or juz see gynae to take the "induce" tablets first and then decide when u wana take...
dat's wat i did previously ;)
<font color="0000ff">Dotz - me only sian to see him again... previously i also saw him... to induce menses twice.. then took 6 mths of clomid.. he asked me go ivf which i refused... then til now still nth... sigh... wait he will tell me to lose weight u duno simi sai leh...
hmm ya...understand what u mean...
dun lose hope...mebe BFP is juz round the corner?! =)
how abt seeing a different gynae to get the tablets?
I'm also contemplating to go to a different gynae just to get a scan hehe..coz i'm too paiseh to go back to my own gynae :p

oh, btw, i juz hear dat clomid can onli take for 6mths and then we shld stop? is this true?
Airy, good to hear that you had sort of settled down. Just dropped Jean at my place if you really needs to go out, BUT I in Clementi and I've dogs at home, small breed. My girl likes to "torture" them and they "enjoyed" it!!!

Missy, my last few cycles regime is pre-O, try to slim down, after O stopped then AF comes, start again!!! I had put on 5-6kg in the last 6 months on my new job!!! life got to be good for me here!!!
<font color="0000ff">ya lo. no la. more than 1 month ago le. take so long to BFP? not possible. lol. ya maybe see someone else.. need to arrange appt... sigh.. but tcm cn also give meds to induce right? hmmm

ya apparently high risk for cancer or duno wad if take more than 6 mths.. lol

who is yr gyane?</font>
hi Ladies,
thanks for all yr well wishes n prayers....just bk from gynae to take the HCG shot, ouch..backside pain so as what donkeymami has gone thru...to BD these few days to see if can catch eggy but not hopeful as really wonder if my O really so late as what doc said...???? but since I am not the expert n he is the specialist then listen to him lor....if this cycle no strike ask me to go bk n take clomid from him..sigh...have to work hard these few days again.(he act advise to BD alternate days for 1 week but dun think my HB can do it, too tired) so tonite cook tonic soup for him to bu sheng
Charlotte : good luck will con't to pray for ypu.
My suggestion is if you are not comfortable with this gynae, then perhaps you can look for a 2nd opinion.
Hope to hear good news from you soon ya!
hullo.. still rem me?

I saw a lot of questions shooting abt.. Who was asking abt sperm and how long it takes to replenish? Sperm takes 90-100days to mature!

EWCM usually comes slightly before +ve OPK. that's because they help nourish and keep the sperm alive before you ovulate. My suggestion is to do it once u see +ve OPK.. and stop doing it once u get a thermal rise in ur BBT.

This is sooooo strange! Clinical studies have shown the MOST accurate way of determining that you are going to ovulate is OPK and NOT BBT. OPK correlated to 97% ovulation when checking with ultrasounds. BBT is only 43%... wonder if those gynaes advocating BBT are very old school? hahaha.. nonetheless no harm doing both.

Sweetie, not sure if anybody replied u. taking a blood test at around CD21/22 is to check that u have ovulated. This is to test for your progesterone level (or ratio of estrogen/ progesterone not too sure). Ur progestrone levels will only increase aft ovulation. if u have very low progesterone, then likely have yet to ovulate.

A little update on me.. i did my IUI yesterday and doc ordered me to be on MC today (hence I can come in) because he thinks my working hours are crazy! he also told me the HCG booster jab of 5000mg shd stay in my body for 5-6 days so last mth when i test +ve 9, 10, 11 days aft jab, is likely that i was preg.. sigh.. he said dun think abt it lor and since he nv confirm the preg, just treat it as the leftover booster jab. haha.. aft this cycle if i m unsuccessful, i am to remove a polyp then try IVF the next cycle.. hb's morphology nv improved at all. only 3% aft wash..

Airy, I miss our late nite chats.. nobody to keep me awake! have been working till 2 every morning!
misscandy, u confirm not pregnant ah

Gynae ask me to go back when AF come on CD2 to check, but i wonder is he going to do vscan when my mense come? So embarrasing, any mummies with this experience? I not sure what he want to check. He said will give clomid also.

OPK more accurate than BBT? Gynae ask me to take BBT, and like very look down on my cheap OPK strips!
Irene: thanks for e inputs. TMC fees has went up this year! and medisave claims have not. Yes, guess i will be seeing Dr Ang.. =)

BabyL: Jiayou!!!
OPK is more "accurate" because it detect the surge before your ovulation and you can B/D to catch the egg while BBT "detect" the surge after you've ovulated.

Piggy, hang in there, jia you.
<font color="0000ff">well the last thing i need to do to confirm is prolly visit gynae n let him scan me. but so far all the hpts ive used show me negative. i stopped testing already. no point testing when it shows me negative. plus im all out of the cheapo strips. left with clearblue which im not keen to use yet. =P</font>
i m back..hee..no more timezone different...and i am dead too...super tired..i cannt dong til 2am..haha..only 1st 3 nites i sleep abt 1am or 2am...after that cannot liao...

No 'Jet Lag' in my dictionary, i m busy til crazy...finally settle down in rental place...

so start to make my appoinment...today take blood for my yearly check up. this friday gynae. next week want go for TCM and Jean eyes check..
slowly do 1 by 1...

at the same time, my house will start renovate tomoro..another round of busy also.


Thanks for offering. sure they can be good frens..as they are same age rite?? maybe 2 vain princess behalf princess at your home.hee..but too bad...my stupid Jean is scare of dog..although she is doggy!!! haiz...
<font color="aa00aa">Piggy,
all the best for your iui!!
Shower heaps of babydust on u!!!!
Your doc is right..u should really rest well this time round.
No more working hard n long hours ok.
Yah dont think of the previous cycle..just move on, do your best in taking care of your body n pray for the best.
Super icky sticky bfp for u!!</font>
Pai seh, facing some internet connection prob in ofc.

Missy, sure let me go hm chk to9 &amp; FB you abt the price i letting go ok.

Piggy, good to heard that u gotto to rest today aft ur IUI procedure as previous cycle u still hv to work till wee hrs. Hope u strike this time no nit to go thru jabs/meds for IVF.

Charlotte, Did dr wong scan ur follicle again this mrng? or jz straight give u the jab? so his instruction is to BD aft 36hrs too? Ya, the jab damn painful. This cycle i'm gonna to BD alternate days too, started last 9 alr.

Airy, dun tired urself catch up sleep whenever u can. take care.

<font color="aa00aa">Airy,
u sound so tired n busy..poor thing.
Yup u definitely need spa..hehe
Too bad im not sahm..if not can drop Jean at my place.
Hope u can get your well deserved rest soon.</font>
